Art Show
Pilar and Rosia |
day, Pilar invited me to come to her annual Art Show, and told me there would
be lots of food and wine too. I told her I would be glad to come. It would be
another opportunity to meet people and to have some good food also. The art show
started at 4pm. However She said I could come early and get my weekly shower if
I wanted. So after I had my shower, I went down stairs and met several-featured
artist who had come early and a guest musician, who played the electric piano,
guitar and sang. He was diffidently a lady’s man and he also spoke English. I
talked with him for a bit and learned that he had been in Washington. Then I
check with Pilar to see if the was anything I could do. But everything was done
except they need help with bringing in all the food that had just arrived.
could not believe all the food that had been prepared. There was a verity of
fruit, ordure’s, stuffed olives, half hardboiled eggs, crackers and cheese
balls, chips, dips, pizza, wines, soft drinks and a lot more.
lot of people showed up. However, most of them were American, and it seemed they
came mostly for the food, wine, and music and to visit. But some art was
selling too, which I was glad to see. I had to force myself to make contact,
because no Americans were greeting me. There were only a few Spanish families
and they came later. Which gave me the opportunity to present Christ and made
the whole evening really worthwhile.
Guest at the art show |
was this one young Spanish girl that caught my eye for some reason, besides being
very pretty. After a while we met and she spoke English. She learned to speak
English from watching American movies and other American friends. So we talked for a bit. Then a little later,
she came back and introduced me to the boyfriend, who also spoke English. He
was my height, which is very rare, and she was also tall. They made a great
looking couple. He told me that they had been going together for over four
years, and she was now 22 years old and he was 25, and he worked as and
engineer. I shared with them why I was in Mexico, but did not mention that I
was a prophet. (However, the week before I pulled up Sheldon’s site on Pilar’s
laptop at the gallery to let her read the article that I wrote about her. So
now she knows, but has made no comment on it, which is fine by me.)
Ana de la Torre and her boyfriend Alejandro Andrade |
Anyway, I
shared Christ for over half an hour, with this young couple, and touched
briefly on a number of topics such as worship, prayer, ministry and marriage. I
also told they that someday God would use them to heal other people and help
turn the heart of Mexico. I gave them one of Sheldon’s cards, and also
encouraged her to order the book, Jesus Calling. I asked her if she would also order
five for me—two in English and three in Spanish. They agreed to do that for me
and I would pay them for the ones I ordered. Then she introduced me to her
lovely mother, who was now standing next’s to us, but she didn’t speak any
English. Then the daughter told me that her father had disappeared over three
years ago with out a trace. I was heart broken, for both of them, so I took the
mother and daughter outside. Then I laid hands on the mother and prayed for
her, that God would heal her broken soul and that Jesus Christ would become the
loving and gentle husband she needed to know. And to restore the love, peace
and joy she so disparately needed. The mother was very moved and brought to
tears as the daughter interpreted what I prayed. I also asked if they would
like to meet again and they said, yes. After they left, I help Pilar with some things
and got to talk to one of the other artist a little longer.
reading something that she written about her work I knew she was a “New Age”
thinker, such as the DNA of humanity helping one another. She was born in
England, raised in South Africa and now lives in Arizona and San Carlos. I told
her I knew where she was coming from in her beliefs. However, I said, that God
sent me to Mexico to present another “New Age,” one of God’s Grace and the
visitation of the Heavenly Father. Plus the DNA that would flow through the veins
of Mexican people would be that Jesus Christ. Surprisingly, she said she didn’t
have a problem with that and I also said that we would see many miracles very
The artist from England |
I had mentioned about miracles coming to Pilar’s staff before the show, the
other women artist, who was listening in, responded with a Hallelujah. It turn
out the name of her gallery in Idaho, is called The Trinity Gallery. So even
when I’m in Mexico I’m still touching lives in the USA.
The Drive—Something about Maria

weeks ago I took Maria home, she had just come from a health clinic with one of
her daughters. I believed she was worried, because she had no money to pay for
the prescription that she showed me. I told her God would take care of her
daughter. When we got to her house this time I asked if it was okay for me to
go through it. While she sat on the front porch, I went in. Inside, I saw no place
to prepare food, table or chairs, stove or refrigerator or cabinets or a bathroom.
However, there were beds in each room and some clothes hanging. I went back
outside and sat down beside her, put my arm around her. I told her that everything
would me okay, because God was watching out for her. But she was still worried
about many things, neither could she understand what I just told her. But she
sensed my compassion and was happy for that. I don’t know what she thinks or
how she feel, but I know God does and He loves her and her family. That’s why
He brought us together.
don’t know how she feed and clothes the children and I don’t think she has any
kind of job that I could tell, nor has she ever propositioned me. I was low on
money that day, but I still gave her some. I told her, I was sorry it was so little,
but she thanked me anyway.
I had more money I decided to do something different. I went to the grocery
store and bought a bunch of food, fresh fruit and vegetables and took them to
her house on a Saturday morning. But when I got to their house there were only
three of her children. So I gave each of them a hug and asked if they were
hungry. They nodded, yes. So I opened the door of the van and got out the bags
of groceries, and left three very happy children.
days later, I woke-up when someone was tapping on my window again. However,
this time it was Marias’s son. I was very surprised; He was with two of his
sisters and his mother who stood a little further from the van waiting. I told
them to give me a moment to get dressed and then I greeted each one of them
with a hug. She indicated she needs a ride to someplace, which I didn’t
understand. So we all got in, it was now 7:15am and we were on our way for
whatever God had planned. In about three miles, I came to the spot where I
usually drop her off, but she indicated it was further, but I didn’t know how
far. I told God I believed he brought them to me for some special reason that
morning, so I trusting Him. She seemed happy, bu some how she knew I would take
them, yet a little concerned as to how far I would really drive them. I jokingly
questioned, Mazatlan, or Acapulco and she would say, no, but I kept wondering just
how much further.
I drove, the three kids sat in back on my bed watching everything go by. Then they
asked if they could have a bag of chips that was open, and I said yes. Fifty
miles later, and past several little towns, we finally arrived at the spot
where she wanted to get out. I was still on the main highway heading south. Yet
there was a spot that she pointed to, where I could turn around and go back. After
I let them out, she called someone on her cell phone to come and get them. While
she did that, her son indicated he wanted a coke. So I gave them each a hug and
told them I love them in Spanish. Then gave Maria money to buy them all
something to drink after the kids ate two-thirds of a bag of Jalapeno Chips.
I drove back—alone, the enemy, satan, tried to frustrate me. I just went threw
over two hundred pesos in gas, plus food and money and gave them my love. And
what did I have to show for it—nothing. Nothing, but some happy smiling faces,
however, one of them was my Heavenly Father’s. What can I say, it was a good
thing He had me put some gas in the evening before, just for this little
adventure. It also gave me a preview what I would see when I leave
here. Until then I will keep touching people’s lives, like these and the young
mongoloid girl I saw getting into a car, when I stop to get another bag of
Baseball Game

night I was wondering what to eat, usually it was just a can of soup, but that
night God suggested a real hamburger. He reminded me of some meat I saw the day
before at the store across the street. So I when over and got some, and fried
it up on my camp stove and add a thick slice of tomatoes along with multi-grain
bread—it was great. I also had some chips and then a can of lintel soup. Now, I
was full, however, it was still early, but dark. Then I notice two different
groups of stadium light on in the distance near the school where I had prayed
and prophesied. So I thought we would check them out. One area of lights was
for public baseball and the other was for school activities—seven soccer
fields, one football, and four courts for basketball. However, I decided to go
back to where we saw men warming up to play baseball. It was a Tuesday night
and not many people were sitting in the metal bleacher that would hold about a
hundred and fifty people. So God and I sat in the middle on the top row, five
rows up. It was great, as my Heavenly Father and I sat and watched the game. I
didn’t get to many opportunities do that with my natural father, when I was a
kid growing up.
players were all very good. There were young men and a few old ones. Each
player also had a uniform, but none of them matched, yet it had their name on
it and the style of their uniform was that of some professional leagues. I
thought that might be confusing as to whom to throw the ball to when everyone
is running around. It seemed to be the problem one time, but it didn’t really
matter. They all seem to know each other and they were there just having fun.
Just like in the movie, Field of Dreams, and that night my Father and I were
doing the same thing—having fun. As we walked back to the van after the game, I
thanked my Father for a wonderful night of great food and watching a ballgame
together. Wow! I think we will do
this more often, plus it’s a great way to meet other people and tell them God loves them.
I watched the ballgame, I realized how much it was like the Kingdom of Heaven.
Each player was different looking, and they wore different uniform, yet they
were a team. Each one had a different position to play on the field, and some
saw more action than others. Yet each one was important in order to play the
game right. Each one got a chance at bat, to see how effectively they could hit
the ball. Sometimes they didn’t get a hit or score, but they did there best and
that was what really mattered.
Some had played in the game much longer and others had more skill or
gifted that other. Yet they were there to help each other, and they where a
team. Just
like we are in Christ.
In the end it didn’t really matter who wins, because
there is no competition in Christ—we're living the abundant life in the
Presence of the Father, and all a part of one happy family, the Family of God.