Clothes and more clothes, plus a lot of other stuff. |
A week and a half ago, I went to a hug flea market in downtown Guaymas to touch more people's lives, and while I was out helping the poor and claiming new territory, someone was helping themselves to my laptop computer and a bunch of bananas. (A very hungry thief.) I had left the windows on the van open a couple inches to keep it cooler along with the side tilt-outs. (Later that evening, I noticed that the thief had managed to pull the computer out the side opening without breaking the glass, because they broke the bracket that held the window in place. I was able to snap the bracket back in place even with the small broken piece missing.) At first I could not believe that it happened, and so I searched the van, but it was gone. I quickly forgave the thief, and tried to hold on to my Peace. However, it was still a gut-punch and it took some time for me to accept what I thought would never happen. Yet God allowed it, and I may never know the reason why. But, I still trust God with everything, including my life. I was grateful they didn't take more that was still within their reach.
It was just a little after noon when I left Mexico, after I let a few friends know what happened. I told them, I would return in 7 to 10 days, Lord willing. It was a six hour drive to Tucson, and the temperature in Northern Mexico was 95 degrees, but much cooler by the time I reached the United States.
While I was in the Tucson, I called my wife, and we were able to talk for a week most evening, which was nice for a change. I also called Sheldon. The last time I talked to them was just before I left the US. While in Tucson, I also bought a less expensive laptop that was a little bigger than the Mac. Then I bought some food at a Costco and a Dollar Store. Thank God for Costco, but they tend to make you want more than you really need, just like many other businesses. Then I had an oil change and had the tires rotated on the van. When I reentered Mexico, I got another 180 day tourist visa. Yes, I came back. Satan has tried to discourage me so many times on this adventure. But God wants me here. So I'm staying, despite the challenging circumstances and loneliness I feel at times with no one to talk to most of the time. But God and I are building a great relationship, and that's what really counts. Amen! Plus, I believe great things are about to happen.
So now I'm learning how to work with my new computer, which has always been a challenge for me. But Best Buy was very helpful by making it easier for me to do the two things--my blog and email.
Satan is a thief and a deceiver, and he sometimes uses foolish people, like Judas who stole from Jesus and then betrayed Him. Whereas, Jesus helped everyone, even those who were responsible for having Him crucified. Then there the example of Job life. Satan used various means to steal everything from him, yet Job never knew the reason why. However, God restored it all, twice as much. (I'm expecting restoration too.) Job also forgave and prayed for his friends. Whereas, Jesus forgave us all two thousand years ago, a day that look like the end, but in reality, it was just a new beginning.
Claiming the Land / Walls Coming Down
A few weeks ago, The Lord spoke to me about claiming the land, and about walls coming down. He also told me that everywhere I walked He was giving to me. Then He wanted me to read the first seven chapters in the Book of Joshua. It was there in the first chapter that Lord told Joshua the same things, and to be strong and courageous. It was also the time for Passover (This too is the Passover Season.) and the people needed to sanctify themselves and be prepared to see the mighty Hand of God, work for them through their faith and obedience.
The children of Israel all crossed the Jordan River on dry ground and they saw the walls of Jericho come down. All was destroyed, except for the house of Rehab, who was a harlot that believed in the God of Israel. Today God is still reaching out, even to the prostitutes who need to be set free.
God also told Joshua, "Just as I have been with Moses, so I will be with you." Wow, how that verse spoke to my heart.
Where I camp in Guaymas, by the bay, there is this housing complex across the street, that had
This is where the men took down the wall one rock at a time. |
This was the work done by using a backhoe. |
a big beautiful rock wall, over 300 feet long and 10 feet height. It was part of this gated community for luxury townhouses that separated them from the poor people, including those across the street. After being here a couple month I notice construction work starting at one end of the wall. When I checked it out, they told me the wall was leaning, because it had a poor foundation. Now it was in danger of falling towards the walkway and the busy city street. So men with chisels and hammer were taking down the wall one rock at a time, making it a very long, hard and slow process. They also tried to secure the wall in other spots, but it was too heavy and kept leaning more until three weeks later the whole wall was condemned. Then they brought in a backhoe to speed-up the process where it could reach this large rock wall. As I watched this happening, I said to myself, "The whole walls coming down." Then I remembered what the Lord had told me about the walls coming down. The Lord was giving me a physical picture of what is about to take place in the spiritual and the natural realm. All these barriers (walls) that have hindered people from entering the Kingdom of God are coming down. Walls between the rich and the poor, the young and the old. The walls of religion, hatred, racism, sickness and disease and so much more. They're all coming down so that the Kingdom of God can be built, one rock at a time. These redeemed soul, made up of burnt stones will form the beautiful Holy Temple, the New Jerusalem with Jesus Christ at its Center.
(I had more photos to show, but they gone now, in fact almost 2,000 on them are gone that were on the computer. Oh well, that's the past too. Also, special thanks to Sheldon David for posting my up-date last week.)