April 20, 2013
Moving On
I'm sure many of you are wondering about what happened to me in Guaymas, and I could write a very long article about it. But I don't want to focus or dwell on the bad things that happen. I forgave them and I'm moving on to better things and the next step in my life with my Father. People will always have some advice to give and I know they mean well, and I understand their concern. However, I am wiser now, and although the lose of things is upsetting, it's not the end of the world. The important things I need will be replaced in a week or two when I return to the US, There was some inconvenience, and a sore body for a couple weeks, But I'm fine now, plus God is restoring things. We're moving on to fulfill all that He has planned. And good has already come out of this bad experience. I saw God move on people's hearts to help me, that I would have never expected, And He has give more that I could have ever imagined. One of them was a pastor, I knew for a short time. I just happen to meet him again one evening when I was out walking by a gas station, just four days after the theft. We talked for a bit and I shared why I was in Mexico, and what had just happen to me. He was surprised and said let me help you. Then open up his wallet to give me some money, but he paused for a moment and then he give me all the money he had in it..I believe he heard God's voice. Then ten days later I went to his church again to give him one of Sheldon's cards. I told him that I was giving it to him as a token of my appreciation, and that when we met in heaven I hope he will be very grateful for it. Then he offer me an extra laptop he had and invited me to have lunch with him and his wife. I said yes to both offers.
At the restaurant I shared some thing about God, my life, and about the Kingdom of God while we ate. Then I followed him to their house to get the computer. While at is house I wrote last week, "Surprise" article, because the computer needs a new battery. So it will only work on an AC.outlet. I need to get more money for a new battery. I showed him our blogs and said they would change a lot of his thoughts about the Kingdom of God. I also thanked him very much for his help. The other person who was very helpful was Pilar and I will say more about her in my next article.
I also made new friends that I will share later on also. But the worst thing out the theft experience or any bad experience a person might have, is the fear that satan tries to plant in our minds to keep us from moving forward in Christ. And that's just not going to happen with me, although there has been a number of battles I've had to fight. But the victory is found in the Peace that only Christ Jesus can give.
I would like to trust people, just as I want them to trust me. Some our only friendly just to try and take advantage of you, just like Judas did with a kiss. But that's the nature of things in a fallen world that we live in. Sure I could could have done things differently and maybe even avoided this trial. The apostle Paul also could have possibly avoided some of his beatings, whippings and stonings, if he had just left town a day or two earlier. But he chose not to run or let fear motivate him, in order to reach maybe one more soul for the Kingdom of God. And that's the choice I made. He probably also had his money stolen at the time too, but he never mentioned it. Probably, because it wasn't important..He knew that suffering was a part of the calling of everyone who follows Christ, and for those who blazes new trails for the Kingdom.
Final note: The day after my wallet was stolen the Lord started talking to me about money going from the rich to the poor, like the Bible says. I liked the idea, but didn't know how that would all happen. However, remember God showing me the wall coming down in Guaymas as a prophetic picture. Well this very kind pastor's first mane is RICH, and it is the name he prefers to be called by his church. He is also leaving the church the end of next month to be closer to their family in Minnesota ...