April 27, 2013
Blessings, Healing and Restoration
This past month Pilar has been real blessing. I can't say enough about her. The day of the theft, April 2sd, she took me to the police station in Guaymas that morning to file a police report. Then she paid for a copy of the report in case I needed to show anyone that my identification had been stolen, and that I was waiting for more funds and time to replace the items. She also gave me money for food and gas that same day. Then four days later Pastor Rich gave me more money that was almost as much as was stolen.) God was faithful in meeting all my needs.
Pilar continued to bless me by fixing meals and buying me food almost every day. (Her staff and others also brought me food.) Plus, I still got showers and I was able to do my laundry there this month. She always talks with me and asks me how my day or night has gone, and still refuses to take any money even though I have tried. She has also driven me around town and to special events. Last month while I was in the US to replace the first laptop, her husband came to visit her. He knew about me, but when he saw the painting I had given her and my sword to keep while I was gone, he told her, "You do whatever this man tells you." I haven't had to tell her anything, other than to trust God with all her heart and spend time with Him, and He will meet her needs. I have also prayed for her several time when she was overwhelmed and in need of spiritual support. I have even read the Jesus Calling book to her and her staff each morning. Then one day I did give her some strong advice and scriptures about co-signing on a loan with her sister for a car. She took it and was glad she didn't sign.
One evening after work, Pilar took Rosie and I to a big Catholic event in Guamas, celebrating the restoration of an old historical church. There were thousands of people there, and hundreds of priest and bishops, along with the mayor and the Governor and his wife. I asked God why I was there and He told me that He wanted to expose me to more people. While I was there I gave a big hug to a little old grandmother, that was sitting next to me and told her God love her in Spanish. After the meeting she as Pilar if I was a priest, Pilar said, "No, he's a prophet." The little woman was surprised and amazed.
As we walked back to the car, Pilar said, "Here we are walking together, a Mormon, a Catholic and a prophet and we don't fight." Amazing isn't it, but I expect God to greatly bless her and see her family in heaven someday.
Everyday I walked the streets and shore of San Carlos. Then one afternoon when I was walking I saw a concrete foundation with the star of David carved on it. I felt God wanted me to sit there and wait, so I did. A few minutes later a small Mexican man came by and stopped, but he didn't speak English so I just ignored him, because I was tired. Then I watched him go across the street to the hot dog stand and asked some questions and then he walked away.
The man was probably hungry and I just ignored him. I told God I didn't want to be that way with people who were in need of help. So I went after the man, and asked if he was hungry and he nodded yes. So I gave him some money and he thanked me. But then he wanted to show me something. As he moved his hands, I saw a large bulge in his pants, just below his belt next to his pocket. But then he unzipped his pants to reveal a large tumor growth the size of a grapefruit next to his privates area. Now I know why God brought him to me. I immediately put my hand on his shoulder and prayed for him and rebuked the growth and declared him restored. I told him God has healed him and then I gave him more money. I'm glad I changed my mind.and helped him. We never know how some people are hurting unless we make an effort.
Then a month ago, I met a young man in Guaymas. He could speak English and so we talked for a bit. Then he explained that he had been in prison for five years and that he has been on parole the past six months. But he had to report in every month in a town just north of there, but he didn't have enough money to buy a bus ticket. So I gave him some money to help out, and he thanked me and then I left him.
However, I came back a little later and saw him sitting on the side of the road with a can of beer next to him. I asked, "What happen, I thought you had to catch a bus." He said. "You know where it says in the Bible, "'I do the things I should not and the things I want to, I don't do." I told him that I understood that very well. And then he cry as he told me more of how he has had to fight the desires for alcohol. I prayed for him, breaking the power of addiction, and set him free. I gave him more money this time to pay for the whole bus fare, and then watched him catch a ride to the bus station in town.
A month later I was walking down the sidewalk in San Carlos and a man came up to me with a big smile. I recognized him, but I could remember from where. His name was Jose, and he told me how we met and what I had done for him. Then he told me that after he kept his appointment, he came home and told his wife what I had done. She asked if I was a tall, skinny white man, and he said "yes." She then told him that I was the same man who gave her an apple and some money one day when she was out picking up pull tabs. Wow!
Jose went on to tell me that he was now working selling candy and cookies from his back pack, and he hasn't has a drink since that day. He carries Bible everywhere and witnesses to people about God and His love for them. Then he showed me his Bible and gave me one of his cookies. We talked a little more and then I offered him some money (70 pesos) but he refused to take it. He thanked me again and then I prayed a powerful prayer with him and asked God to fill him with the Holy Spirit and to make him a great Evangelist for the Kingdom of God.What an awesome privilege it was to be a part of this man's restoration.
Note: I'm in Tucson again, getting a battery for the laptop computer. This last month has been awesome and keeps getting better, and it all started with the theft of my wallet. More to tell later, plus howI got to lead my first soul to Christ in Mexico. More on that in my article "Freeing Willy"
Pilar continued to bless me by fixing meals and buying me food almost every day. (Her staff and others also brought me food.) Plus, I still got showers and I was able to do my laundry there this month. She always talks with me and asks me how my day or night has gone, and still refuses to take any money even though I have tried. She has also driven me around town and to special events. Last month while I was in the US to replace the first laptop, her husband came to visit her. He knew about me, but when he saw the painting I had given her and my sword to keep while I was gone, he told her, "You do whatever this man tells you." I haven't had to tell her anything, other than to trust God with all her heart and spend time with Him, and He will meet her needs. I have also prayed for her several time when she was overwhelmed and in need of spiritual support. I have even read the Jesus Calling book to her and her staff each morning. Then one day I did give her some strong advice and scriptures about co-signing on a loan with her sister for a car. She took it and was glad she didn't sign.
One evening after work, Pilar took Rosie and I to a big Catholic event in Guamas, celebrating the restoration of an old historical church. There were thousands of people there, and hundreds of priest and bishops, along with the mayor and the Governor and his wife. I asked God why I was there and He told me that He wanted to expose me to more people. While I was there I gave a big hug to a little old grandmother, that was sitting next to me and told her God love her in Spanish. After the meeting she as Pilar if I was a priest, Pilar said, "No, he's a prophet." The little woman was surprised and amazed.
As we walked back to the car, Pilar said, "Here we are walking together, a Mormon, a Catholic and a prophet and we don't fight." Amazing isn't it, but I expect God to greatly bless her and see her family in heaven someday.
Everyday I walked the streets and shore of San Carlos. Then one afternoon when I was walking I saw a concrete foundation with the star of David carved on it. I felt God wanted me to sit there and wait, so I did. A few minutes later a small Mexican man came by and stopped, but he didn't speak English so I just ignored him, because I was tired. Then I watched him go across the street to the hot dog stand and asked some questions and then he walked away.
The man was probably hungry and I just ignored him. I told God I didn't want to be that way with people who were in need of help. So I went after the man, and asked if he was hungry and he nodded yes. So I gave him some money and he thanked me. But then he wanted to show me something. As he moved his hands, I saw a large bulge in his pants, just below his belt next to his pocket. But then he unzipped his pants to reveal a large tumor growth the size of a grapefruit next to his privates area. Now I know why God brought him to me. I immediately put my hand on his shoulder and prayed for him and rebuked the growth and declared him restored. I told him God has healed him and then I gave him more money. I'm glad I changed my mind.and helped him. We never know how some people are hurting unless we make an effort.
Then a month ago, I met a young man in Guaymas. He could speak English and so we talked for a bit. Then he explained that he had been in prison for five years and that he has been on parole the past six months. But he had to report in every month in a town just north of there, but he didn't have enough money to buy a bus ticket. So I gave him some money to help out, and he thanked me and then I left him.
However, I came back a little later and saw him sitting on the side of the road with a can of beer next to him. I asked, "What happen, I thought you had to catch a bus." He said. "You know where it says in the Bible, "'I do the things I should not and the things I want to, I don't do." I told him that I understood that very well. And then he cry as he told me more of how he has had to fight the desires for alcohol. I prayed for him, breaking the power of addiction, and set him free. I gave him more money this time to pay for the whole bus fare, and then watched him catch a ride to the bus station in town.
A month later I was walking down the sidewalk in San Carlos and a man came up to me with a big smile. I recognized him, but I could remember from where. His name was Jose, and he told me how we met and what I had done for him. Then he told me that after he kept his appointment, he came home and told his wife what I had done. She asked if I was a tall, skinny white man, and he said "yes." She then told him that I was the same man who gave her an apple and some money one day when she was out picking up pull tabs. Wow!
Jose went on to tell me that he was now working selling candy and cookies from his back pack, and he hasn't has a drink since that day. He carries Bible everywhere and witnesses to people about God and His love for them. Then he showed me his Bible and gave me one of his cookies. We talked a little more and then I offered him some money (70 pesos) but he refused to take it. He thanked me again and then I prayed a powerful prayer with him and asked God to fill him with the Holy Spirit and to make him a great Evangelist for the Kingdom of God.What an awesome privilege it was to be a part of this man's restoration.
Note: I'm in Tucson again, getting a battery for the laptop computer. This last month has been awesome and keeps getting better, and it all started with the theft of my wallet. More to tell later, plus howI got to lead my first soul to Christ in Mexico. More on that in my article "Freeing Willy"