December 30, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Year of Jubilee.
Could 2015 be the year of Jubilee for the United States, or even other countries? The Lord has said through His Prophets, that the “Visitation of the Father” coming soon. John Crowder has also made this statement in one of his book, The Modern Mystic:
I find it interesting that the Lord is already laying a corporate foundation of prophetic teachings in the body today that will thrust the next healing revival to new proportions. Sound teaching will be a must accompany the prophetic. The church was not prepared for [William] Branham's anointing, and so that level of power had to be reserved for another generation. Often when spiritual blessings are corporately withdrawn, because of sin, there is a literally a fifty-year jubilee cycle before debts are canceled and they are released into the earth again. That time is now for the power mantles of the Latter Rain evangelists.”
William Branham died in a head-on collision with a drunk driver on December 18,1965. He knew the Lord would be calling him home soon. His wife was in the car with him and had died from her injuries. His son who was in a different car came to his father aid. Branham, in his dying breath, asked if his wife was okay, but she had just died. He told his son, “just lay my hand on her.” When his son did that her pulse returned and she recovered.
I know the Lord has also said their would be a mighty spiritual move in the Nation of Israel in the year 2017 and 2018. This would be 50 years after the Six Day War, when Israel regained control of all Jerusalem and other parts of their land. Could that be their time for Jubilee?
The ground-works are being laid for a mighty move of God. Last month on one of my walks the Lord told me that we would see many people filled with the Holy Spirit. Not because they were seeking God, but because of prayers from friends, family, intercessors, and even those who were sent by God to those countries. Many of these converts will come out of prostitution, drug addiction, and a lives of abuse and crime. These new believers will grow and bear fruit. Plus there would even be many filled from the birth, just like John the Baptist. The fire of God will burn in their hearts and nothing will be able to quench it. The Heavenly Father is calling all of His lost children who have been feeding in the pig pins of life, to return home where He is waiting with open arms of love, joy, forgiveness and blessings. He will clothes them with new shoes, the best robe and ring. This will definitely be a time for celebration, the likes the world has never seen or known. God has and is sharing similar insight like this to others around the world to encourage us not to give up the fight.
It's time to get ready to party and do business for the Kingdom of God. This will be a Happy New Year for all God's children.

December 23, 2014

Christmas In Mexico

A nativity scene with Christmas tree next to the new fountain.

The best gift anyone can give to one another is their love and forgiveness.

The best Gift ever given to us was Jesus Christ. He is and will always be the Ultimate Gift to mankind. Receive that gift and let Him change your life forever, by filling your life with His love, His peace and His joy that the world can't give.

December 16, 2014

For Such a Time as This

At the appointed time Jesus Christ was sent to earth. We are all familiar with the Bible account of Jesus' birth. But did you know you too were also also sent to earth, for such a time as this. It wasn't not an accident nor the plan of your parents, it was designed by God.

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become the children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who where born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” (John 1:12-13)

Our spirit were in Him from the beginning, and just like Adam we walked and talked in the cool of the day with Him. Now it is our turn to live out Christ's nature on earth, just as Jesus did 2000 years ago. Our purpose is similar even though we didn't have a virgin birth. God has a divine plan for each and everyone of His sons and daughters to fulfill, even a “defining moment” as God calls it; where history is enhanced or even altered. Whether our mission is big or small or some where in between, our lives are important to God, and a joy to our Heavenly Father. So maybe it a time for a reality check, and ask yourself and then God, Why am I here? And see if you both have the same answer.

We still must be willing to denying our selves, take up our cross and follow His Spirit to the death of our self-life and even to our natural life, just as Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross at Calvary. Then we too will walk as Jesus walked and talk as He did with resurrection power and life flowing through us, allowing us to rule and reign with Christ Jesus, now and for all eternity.

In the book of Esther we see how she, the bride, was prepared to meet the king and become his wife, so we too are being prepared “for such a time as this.” Once we have accepted the edict of Yahweh's love we have been commissioned to fulfill a role in the Kingdom of God, where one or maybe thousands, even millions of lives are effected; that will bring salvation and restoration to them and for many generations to come. When we realize and understand that we have been birth just as Jesus was, and given His authority, it certainly put things into a whole different perspective on things. Also, a better understanding of what true Sonship is all about.

”O God, may You be exalted over my possessions. Nothing of earth's treasures shall seem dear to me if You are glorified in my life. Be exalted over all my friendships, for I am determined that You shall be above all, though I must stand deserted and alone in the midst of the earth. Be exalted above my comforts. Though it means the loss of bodily comforts and the carrying of heavy crosses...Be exalted over my reputation...above my ambitions, above my likes and dislikes, above my family, my health and even my life itself. Amen” --A.W Tozer

A change is coming and as we step forward into a year by faith. The Heavenly Father is and will be exalted. We will see many signs, wonders and miracles we never expected. Plus, I'm going back to Washington to restore my marriage and family with God's help, after being gone for two and a half years. My desire is to see God's love work through me, even to those I left back home. I believe, my work in Mexico is almost done and it is time to leave. It has been a wonderful experience I will never forget or regret. Making many new friends, including some that I could hardly talk to, and still seeing God's love, grace and faithfulness work through it all. I will miss them dearly and hopefully see many of them in heaven, if not sooner. Next year will be even a greater adventure as we anticipate the “Visitation of the Father.”

December 9, 2014


Last year I saw two large fruit trees in the neighbor back yard, behind my house. One was a tangelo and the other was a grapefruit tree. The neighbors no longer lived there and were trying to sell the empty house. There was a lot of fruit on each tree, and the fruit on the tangelo was ripening and would soon fall to the ground and rot, if no one was going to pick them. The grapefruit would be ripe another month later. After checking with other neighbors to see if it was okay, I regularly, climbed over the fence and picked the fruit, and enjoyed eating a lot for the next few months, plus gave some to other people too.

I never thought I would be still here in this same house a year later, and the trees were full of fruit again, but not as much as the year before, because the water system had been turn off for two weeks last summer, and at other time too and the automatic water system was not able to provide the water needed during those hot days and so some of the branches had died. But there was still a lot of fruit to eat. However, I noticed some tangelos had already fallen off, so I figured some were ready to pick. But when I went over to pick, I noticed a lot of small frying insects around the tree, and a small little hole in some of the ripe tangelos that the bugs were entering the fruit and causing them to rot and fall off to the ground. A week later I went over and there were more insects and damaged fruit. I did not have this problem last year, and was disturbed by this turn of events. I was sure that this was not the only fruit tree in the area with this problem. It was one of the curses, because of mankind’s sin. But what could I do.

I realized I needed to do something, not just complain. If my prayers could turn a hurricane and heal the sick, why not remove this curse. Jesus spoke to a fig tree and cursed it, why shouldn’t we be able to speak to a tree and remove this curse of pestilent, after all they were nail to the cross along with all the other curses and sins. I know there is no diseases and pestilent in the Kingdom of God, so it time to start turning the table around and say NO MORE. So I when out to the tree a couple days later and did just that, but as I was praying I realized that this was just a small thing to God; the most important thing was people, and their lives. All creation came under a curse from Adam's sin. And we are from the earth, and God is the potter of these earthen vessels that now walk it in His amazing grace. Our roots need to tap into that Eternal River that will never run dry so that our leaves can heal the nations. But unfortunately, we have also become very ignorant of the disease and pestilents in our hearts that destroy the fruit He desire to see come from us too. Many people, including Christians still have various amounts of pride, greed, lust, unforgivness, self-worth and are unable to see how they have damaged or destroyed lives. Plus, it also separates or hinders their relationship with God and others. I have asked my Heavenly Father to remove our “hearts of stone” and give us a “heart of flesh”. Then asked Him to remove all the disease and pests in my own heart, and give me a heart like His, so that our life will be BUG FREE in His Kingdom.

By Faith, I do have God’s heart, and that is why I am here and speaking His words across Mexico and the Internet.

December 2, 2014


Most American celebrated Thanksgiving Day last week, but over the years it has lost much of its meaning and become a just another holiday that jump-start people into a month of self-indulges capped off with two bigger holidays. But this article is not about those holidays. In Mexico they don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, and I've learned that finding a turkey in the grocery store is almost impossible until the week before Christmas, for only a week.

Being in Mexico, the Lord has helped me put a whole new perspective on things, and Thanks/giving has become a way of life to me. When I left the United States I left a lot of material things behind that I learned I didn’t need or at least I could live without them. They were not necessary to find true peace and happiness that we all need, nor are they required to fulfill God's will for our life and touch those around us. I have learned to give thanks everyday and be content, but there are still time the enemy tries to disrupt my life and journey with my Heavenly Father. But the enemy can’t succeed, for my life is sealed the blood-covenant of Jesus Christ. And for that I'm very thankful. In fact I’m here to disrupt the enemy’s plans. The best way for me is to declare God's word and heart and stand fast on it. Another way is by giving thanks and loving people and giving food and/or money to those around me. God has a powerful way of multiplying all that into ways beyond human understanding.

One day couple months ago, I had asked God what next six months for me would be like. He indicated that more people would come into my life, that more people would feed me and there would be some other surprises; that all sounded great to me.

It was just about that same time I met Violet, she was coming toward me on one of my morning walks, and she had a big smile on her face and greeted me. She had seen me before and wanted to get to know me, and she could speak English. She was about my age, her parents were from Spain, but she was born in Guaymas, Mexico and was one of triplet girls, the first triplets to be borne by natural birth in that city. Violet lives in San Carlos now, been divorced two years, very friendly and out-going, and has four married sons, and now works at the art gallery for Palir, even though she doesn’t need money. Over the past two months, I have shared Christ’s love for her and Mexico, plus on Tuesdays we watch one of my DVD movies, including faith-based and the Passion. She has invited me to eat dinner every Sunday at her house. She likes to cook and eat healthy food, because she is diabetic. I told her God would heal that problem. I have enjoyed her cooking and having a friend I can talk with. She really likes me, but I let her know, up front, that we can only be friends, nothing more. During this time I have also met one of the sisters, friends and a few family members. They all liked me, know that I'm married and on a mission for God. Some of them have given me food too. Ten days ago her sister, Martha, left for Mexico City for a few months, but before she left, wanted to have me come to her house with Violet for a meal. After the meal, she gave me all the left-overs from the chicken dinner, plus food that was still in her cabinets and refrigerator.

A birthday party with Violet's beautiful family (Violet in the center)

Then last Thursday was not only thanksgiving in the U.S., but it was also Violet’s birthday. She invited me to celebrate it with her, friends and all her family at one of her son’s house in a small city, about twenty miles away. I went with Palir and her husband, who were also invited. I had no gift to give and Violet is well-off as far as personal wealth. I asked God what to bring, He said, "just being there will be the best gift you can give." Okay.

We arrived at the house about 7pm and got to meet her son and his family. They continued preparing food in a large kitchen, while we sat in the living room with some other friends who could speak English. There was American music playing; oldies from the 70’s. Other family members arrive a little later with more food and we were introduced to them. All Violet’s sons can speak English, but only three were there that night, and their wives could not speak English, and their children only a little.

Some crab pastries and pecan nuts were past-out along with coke or water to drink, while the table was set and final preparations for dinner were made.

A bad hurricane hit this area of Mexico, a five years ago, and their house was flooded with 3' of water.

When the food came out I could hardly believe what I saw. Each of our big plates was already served with two kinds of shrimps dishes, a large slice of ham with pineapple in a spicy red sauce, along with mash potatoes, a fresh green salad with sprouts, plus a Waldorf salad. One of the daughter-n-laws used to cater to wedding and it showed that night.
This was one of the best looking and tasting meals I have ever eaten, and I was served seconds. Plus, there was sushi with different dips and fresh french rolls. And for desert, a three layer cream cheese carrot/fruit cake. I was asked to give the blessing on our meal, and I gratefully did. What a blessing this night was.

Palir's husband, Burt. is sitting to the left of the picture. He did bronze sculptures and is an American.

During the meal, I was asked if I wanted to watch the Seattle Seahawk game, on the big screen TV, while we ate, I said, “No thank you, being with you was better than any football game.” I was stuff and blessed by these beautiful people that God allowed me to be with, and to touch their lives in this special way, God was there too. After our fabulous dinner, Violet was about to open her presents that others had brought. I leaned over and told her I didn’t have a present for her. She said, that my being there the best gift I could give, and all the other stuff wouldn’t mean as much as that. Wow, I would like to believe it's because she know who lives inside me; if not she will be very disappointed, because nothing, including Violet will keep me from fulfilling my mission, which I have already told her.

I will never forget that night. Before we left, I made a point to thank and bless each of them and their children, and to tell them that God has a wonderful future in store for them and all of Mexico.

I am truly thankful for the privilege of serving and giving my life for the children of God, but most of all I’m thankful for the Father's love and most precious Gift, Jesus Christ.

Before the night was over I sat down and played catch with this cute little girl.
She really enjoyed that and so did my Heavenly Father.

November 25, 2014

In His Shoes

Last Sunday morning I had just finished breakfast and had opened the front door about a foot, to let in some fresh air. Shortly after, I heard someone at the door. I looked and it was the young woman, who I had seen about a week ago on night when she stopped me on my walk and asked if I wanted to take her to my house. But she spoke no English. I told here, no thank you, and then said that God loved her. I had want to help her somehow, even though she was a prostitute, but I didn't have my wallet on me. So I prayed for her that night and now here she was standing at my door. She was short, but on the plump side. I could manage to understand a little; that she had heard I was a Christian, and that was about all I could understand at first. So I brought her into the house, and we sat on two chairs in an empty dining room. I learned her name is Claudia, single and in her late 20's, she has a child and they live with her mother in Guaymas, who is a widow.
As we sat there, she talked and cried, but I couldn't understand anything other than I could tell she had a very broken in spirit, and had tried to kill herself at one time by cutting her wrist, and she pointed to the scares. I told her God still loved her very much, gave her a hug and then got some fruit and gave her a choice; she chose the banana. I told her I was about to go to church in 30 minutes, so in the meantime I took her to the beach and we listened to some christian Spanish music for about twenty minutes. She sang along with some of the songs while I waited for people to get to the church who might be able to help her and ask how she found my house. She also had a swollen ankle, and limped when she walked. So I put my hand on the swollen area and prayed that God would restore it and her life. However, she didn't want to go in the church when we got there. So I went in and brought out a young Mexican lady who taught the children church and they talked for a bit and she got her name and phone number. She told me that Claudia found out where I lived by asking people, and they told her I was a Christian. She also said that Claudia had been very depressed and they would talk again on the phone. When they were finish talking, I took her back to town to catch a bus, but she said she was hungry and wanted to go back to my house. So we did, and I gave her an apple, water, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, plus a piece of chocolate candy. But then she indicated she was full and didn't finish her apple or sandwich. What she really wanted was to have sex with me, hoping that I would then give her some money. I said, “no sex”. She said, “not even a little sex” and put her hand on my pants, and I said, “no, not even a little sex. And walked her out of the house.

I had already taken out some money out of my wallet earlier and put it in my front pocket that I had plan to give her. So when we got to the gate, I gave it to her. She was surprised, because she thought she had got nothing, but some food for her efforts. However, I asked her not to come back to my house. I hated doing that, but this reminded me of another bad experience I had, and I didn't want to see something like that happen again. But if I see her on the street again, I will gladly help her, because she is a friend to me, and a lost child of God. However, I didn't want to live in fear, so I prayed again after she left. God said, He was watching over me and not to worry. However, she walked just around the block from my house and waited there for a while. Then a little later she started to leave the area, but saw a Mexican man, that I knew, walking down the street. They talked briefly and then walked back to his house.

I believe God lead this young girl to me so that I could touch her life. We can't change them, only God. However, we can love and pray for them that they will eventually know His love and freedom and have their lives fully restored.

Anyway, when I went to save this story, and it ended up going to the documents that disappeared into the computer, when I tried to drag it to another location. I still don't know computers very well and I kind-of lost my cool for a moment, but decided just to trust God. So I ate my lunch and then went to a young man's house who spoke English, his name is Gerando, and knew computers. He is very nice and helped me to retrieve them. He also removed and helped with some other issues on the computer. Then he asked if I had a blog, because he saw it on my toolbar, so I showed him it and then he also became my 100th friend on Facebook. My mistake turned into a blessing. So I gave him some money, even though he didn't want to take it, because we were friends. But I wanted to bless him and sow in some tangible way.

Another interesting thing has happened. For the past couple weeks the buses coming after 9pm have not been regular in San Carlos. And people, near my house, have waited for over two hours after getting off work. So I have used my van on several occasions to drive them to Guaymas. One night I had seven Mexican in my van, the three men could speak English. They laughed and talked with each. One small young man was sitting on the lap of another women which was okay with her. As I drove, I had a big smile on my face; it seem that I also have a bus ministry. Two time they have given me some money, one time after we left. But that's not the reason I do it. I love these people very much. Earlier, while we waited for the bus, one man who was drinking, asked me if I drank beer and I said no. Another man asked if I smoked pot. I said no. The bus had not come again so I drove them all home. The next day one of the men bought me a coke, because he said, “I was a good man”.

Jesus was a friend of sinners, drunkards, prostitutes and tax collector. I guess I'm wearing His shoes too.

God is working in mysterious ways to establish His Kingdom in the lives of Mexico. Sometimes it can be a little nerve racking, at first, but then His peace is always just a breath away.

November 18, 2014

Fools for Christ

Jephthah,was the ninth judge of Israel. He was a valiant warrior and was also the son of a prostitute. He also made a vow to God, that if the Lord were to give him the victory over their enemies, that he would offer anything that came out of his house, as a sacrifice unto the Lord. This appears to be a very foolish vow. Yet God takes what some men call foolish or a slip of the lip, and honors the man, by placing him in the Hebrew's Hall of Faith. The Lord knew Jephthah long before he was even born, and that one day he would be a great man despite a difficult life and childhood. What was Jephthah thinking when he made such a vow? We will never know, but he never dreamed it would be his daughter, but God knew. Yet he loved God so much and was grateful for all He had done for him, that he was willing to give anything to show his love and appreciation. And he showed it by still keeping his word, and offer his only child ,a daughter to the Lord. She was probable the joy of his life, because she also loved the Lord like her father. Jephthah's greatness and humility can also seen in his daughter's final request as she to was willing to give herself completely to the Lord, and forgo any hopes or dreams that she might have. Just as Abraham and Issac also had to do something similar. (Gen22:2-18)

The apostle Paul referred to himself as “a fool for Christ”. (1 Corth. 4: 10) Nothing matter more to him than to know Christ, and to preach the cross on which He die. He counted everything, including his "light" affliction as nothing compared to the glory set before him. That Glory is Jesus Christ, the Pearl of Great Price, the Prize at the end of the race; and Beloved of the Heavenly Father.

“Along the journey, the fire of God's love that begins to burn within, causes us to surrender the things that we lean on for fulfillment. We willingly submit them to His inner cleansing flame.” --John Crowder

As sons and daughters of the God, we have chosen to give up the things that were once precious to us in order to serve Christ, because He has become the most important thing and person in our life. He has become our All in all, everything is found in Him. Nothing can compare with His wonderful and endless love. The Lord always honors those who have made great sacrifices done in faith, even thought the world often considers them naive and foolish.

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”--jim elliot

November 11, 2014

To Be or Not to Be

To Be or Not to Be; that is the question Shakespeare once asked. It is also the privilege and authority God is placing in the mouth's of His sons and daughters. We are His voice on earth to establish "Thy Kingdom come". If we want more of Christ's faith, power and authority seen on earth in the areas God has intrusted to us, then we must speak it into existence. If we don't want to see sickness, disease, poverty etc etc, then we kick that out. Over the past number of years The Heavenly Father has revealed more of His heart and what His desires are for His Bride, the Church. He also desires His sons and daughters to participate in establishing and creating what fits within the Kingdom and it's unlimited perimeters that extend into eternity.

There’s a definition – this belongs in the Kingdom and that does not belong in the Kingdom. Does heart disease (apply other things here) belong in the Kingdom? If not, then kick its sorry ass out of the Kingdom! YOU set up a standard. YOU set up this and say, NO, NO FURTHER! You THROW OUT of the Kingdom and you PUT THIS IN the Kingdom. You want joy and faith and the power of YHWH and the Spirit of healing and prosperity in the Kingdom, but you DON’T want the Spirit of poverty, heart disease, diabetes and excuses in the Kingdom, then YOU define those things, says the Lord.”
(portion of a prophecy from Sheldon David)

As I thought more about this I realized that the Kingdom is in us as well as outside and around us. Therefore by faith, we should make sure that our words and proclamations apply to us as well. This should be obvious, but sometimes we have a tendency to separate ourselves from the reality of the Kingdom, and that we will always be a part Thy Kingdom Life.
Jesus said to his disciples, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Mat. 18:18-20)


November 5, 2014

It is Finished.

This last week I went to the United States for about five day. I needed to get my tourist visa renewed at the border town of Nogales, to stay in Mexico for another six months Then there is another Nogales just across the borderline where I did some banking, and also got a care package from my wife. There was two beautiful shirt, almonds, two pounds of her delicious fudge, and some other things. I spent the night in my van next to a Mac Donald’s, where I could get WiFi, and I cheese burger still for a buck. It was also October 31 and all the children coming in were in costume. I really wonder how long it will take to see this holiday meet its end. After a walk, I went to bed, and got to see the sunrise from my van. I thought of all the mornings I used to see them when I lived in my van. I had mixed feelings about that, but it's still nicer to have a house. Then I went to Tucson to go to Costco and a Dollar Store to stock-up on some things that are not found in Mexico or a lot cheaper, including gasoline. I also bought some things for friends who had given me money for Costco items. Gasoline has gotten more expensive in Mexico, ever since I got there, it has never come down, just keeps getting higher and higher.

While I was in Tucson I stayed at Jerry's house, my landlord, for two nights. He fixed most of my meals except the first night, when his wife fixed a lovely dinner. It was a large beautiful house and there was a guest house add to the side with a large flower and desert garden that was walled-in, and his mother-n-law lives there. Jerry and I went to church the next morning. I had never been to a church quit like it. During the song service there was a worship team singing with colored lighting and strobes swaying. And the lead singer and guitarist was the minister, who was about fifty and Mexican. The church held about a thousand and they had two services. And all the electricity for the buildings were supplied by solar panels roofing that also provided shade to cars in the parking lot. The message was on faith from the book of Hebrews, and I had just been talking to Jerry about faith earlier that morning. This was definitely a grace church, and there were many young people and adults of all ages. Some even brought in their coffee espressos. I believe that wherever I go I'm to pray and so I did; that God would bless this pastor and church. The next morning before leaving Jerry shared some personal things and I prayed with him, that God would help him through some difficult circumstances, and that He was in control and will lead and guide him. Whatever the cost may be, His love will sustain him and after all, Christ is the most important thing.

I stayed back in Nogales again Monday night, did laundry and spent most of my American money I had withdrawn and bought a few more things and topped off my gas tank again. It was getting cold that night and by the next morning it was 36 degrees and ice was on my windshield. Burrrrr.

I had a nice quite drive, and a van with a lot of food. I cleared the border early that morning, without being stopped. But eventually, I felt I was to help some one with a ride. So I cleared the passenger seat and put it back on my bed with the other stuff. Then when I came to the next town I saw a old woman and a young girl needing a ride. So I stopped and help then in and had the girl sit on the ice chest that was between the two front seats. They spoke no English, and the girls name was Martha; she was ten and had two brothers. I gave them some snacks and we listen to my worship music for over an hour. Then I let them out in the next big town and told them God loved them very much. Then on the other side of town I saw another couple at the side of the road. This time it was a mother and her son, but spoke no English. We drove for over an hour and listened to music on a Mexican radio stations this time. I was just about five miles from San Carlos, and they were going another direction. The women had no husband and I told her is Spanish, God loved her and He was her husband, and God would be a father to her son. And He loved them both very much.

It was 85 degrees at 1:30pm, and I was back in San Carlos. I unloaded my van and mover my bed mat back into the house, hung my clothes and fixed lunch. That night I when to see my friends at the taco stand and give them bags of chocolate treats, I had bought at Costco. They thanks me and gave me big hugs and then they fixed me a hotdog, and gave me a Sprite to drink. Then Ana told me through her friend Allissia, that she had another friend whose son had tried to cross the border illegally this last weekend, and was injured in the confrontation and was now in the hospital. She wanted me to pray for him; so I took her and Allissia's hand and prayed. I prayed for forgiveness; regardless of his intention, for healing and complete restoration to the Father who loves him and his mother so much. Then they thanked me again and gave me big hugs and said, I love you. Wow, this is what life is all about. Loving God, and serving others, with His love, whenever He gives us the opportunity. Sometimes we even need to be looking along the roadway.

As I walked back to my house, I was so happy about the day, but then I began to wonder what else I could or should have done or prayed. Then God told me, it doesn't really matter what you say or do sometimes, because I know your heart and you mine and My will. Be assured Israel, it is done like you wanted and more, because it is finished.”

I don't know about others, but I want to keep walking and talking in the “it is finish.” What an awesome privilege God has given all His sons and daughters. Amen!

October 28, 2014

Living Water

Amigos at the new fountain in San Carlos, who wanted their picture taken with me. The fountain is still unfinished on the outside.
Now there is in Jerusalem by the sheep gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew Bethesda, having five porticoes. In these lay a multitude of those who were sick, blind, lame, and withered, waiting for the moving of the water; for an angel of the Lord went down at a certain season into the pool and stirred up the water, whoever then first , after the stirring up of the water, stepped in was made well from whatever disease with which he was afflicted.” (John 5: 2-4)
There are many people and theologians who struggle with this section of passage where an angel stirs the water and people being healed. But then a lot of things God does don’t fit in with mans religious thinking. Some consider these three verses more of an apocrypha writing, and should not be in the Bible. Yet today we have reports of many bizarre miracles taking place around the world of people being healed by just looking at or touching a crucifix, painting or even a statue of Jesus or the Virgin Mary, or some other spiritual type of manifestation. Yet, in all these situations not everyone is healed who goes there.

These kind of events are all a part of God’s awesome grace, and should not be written off and some kind of trick or hoaxes. The name Bethesda means, house of mercy. In the Old Testament the children of Israel were healed when they just looked at a bronze serpent made by Moses. Why should it be any different today, if God so choose to display His grace in a different or unique way. It still requires faith upon the individual and it also points to a loving God. However, everyone who came to Jesus was healed, and it is no different today.

As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man, be lifted up; that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” 
An ordinary “man, in reading this scripture would make an important discovery. He would notice that look and believe are synonymous terms. 'Looking' on the Old Testament serpent is identical with 'believing' on the New Testament Christ. That is looking and believing are the same thing. And he would understand that, while Israel looked with their external eyes, believing is done with the heart. I think he would conclude that faith is the gaze of a soul upon a saving God.”--A.W. Tozer

I believe we are going to see more unique healings and miracles like these. One night the Lord told Sheldon and I that many people would be healed even when singing the song, Amazing Grace. Plus, there will be “hot spots,” around the world where the presence of God would be so strong that people would be healed just walking into a room, building or driving into a certain town or city where His sons and daughter have interceded with prayers and sacrifices.
I also believe that this is one of the reasons why I am here in San Carlos. Neither do I believe it is a coincidence that they have made major improvements to the city and just finished building a beautiful fountain less than two hundred feet from where I live. This is not the city I would have chosen, there many wealthy people here and they often take advantage of the poor while living a life of leisure and self-indulgence. But then seeing a mighty move of God begin here would certainly be a demonstration of His grace, as myself have experienced this past year.

Every spring, thousands of young people pour into this city to party. But next year is going to be different, and God will be pouring His Holy Spirit over them as His son walks through their midst. God has been preparing the land and water for a mighty move of His Spirit. I believe this new fountain and the city will become “a pool of Bethesda,” as well as other places around Mexico; where lives and hearts will be restored. Hopefully many people will come to the realization of a loving God who wants all His children to come to know Him and drink from the “Living Water” that will satisfy the true longing of their soul.

I am also asking God to pour out a financial blessing and to change the hearts of the wealthy people in order to help billions of people around the world who have so much less. The spirit of poverty must be broken and cast out, there is no place for it in the Kingdom of God.

The pool of Bethesda had five porticoes, FIVE is the number which represents grace. Maybe not everyone will be healed at these places or at that moment, but hopefully all will begin to seek out the giver of Living Water Himself. Amen!

October 21, 2014


In the Book of Hebrews, chapter 11, there is the record of names of men and women of great faith, including few names that that may be a surprise to many Christians. God has His reasons even if not everyone understand why, but they are still heros in God's eyes. A few of those names I would like to comment on, but one in particular:

King David name is mention numerous times throughout the Bible, and he is also known as a man after God’s own heart. He also had many wives and all of their names are mentioned, and he also had ten concubines. David had a true passion for God. Unfortunately, there are some who will only remember David for his sin with Bathsheba.

Next is Samuel, a man dedicated to the Lord from birth by his mother Hannah, who had been barren. He lived a life holy unto the Lord, and his hair was never cut. He judged Israel all of his life He was also a prophet, and there is no records of any sin in his life. Yet, his wife is not even mentioned, but he had two sons who became a blemish on his life, because they took bribes and perverted justice. They chose not to follow in the footsteps of their father, who honored the Lord. Therefore, God had Samuel anoint Saul to be Israel's first king, because the people had rejected God's authority. Later on, Samuel secretly anointed a young Shepard-boy to take Saul's place.

Then there is Samson, a man who was chosen from birth to be also a judge over Israel. He had accepted a Nazirite vow, to be holy and set apart for God's service.

Samson grows up being blessed by God. He knew he would be different, because of the things his parent had taught him. Yet, there is no record of the Lord or an angel ever speaking to Samson and telling him what to do; as an angel did for his parent. However, the time came when Samson wanted to move out of his parents house; to get married and have children. It seem that Samson wanted to feel loved by someone special other than by his parents, and to be loved in return just like any other normal man. Unfortunately, he never realized or understood how much God really loved him.

There is nothing in the scripture that indicate that Samson even understood what his vocation entailed; other than to be a deliverer. Maybe he just wanted to be a farmer and have a family of his own. Neither, is there any indication that he had an angry or violent nature, or rebellious as a child. However, when he finally found a women he wanted to marry, he choose a foreigner and that was not pleasing to his parents or to his people. Yet, as offensive as that was to them, it was still the will of God. (Judges 14: 4)

Samson learns of his super strength just before his wedding. But before the honeymoon is over, trouble was brewing and there was strife. He had made a bet with his wife's countrymen, and they in turn threaten her and her father's life, if she didn't help them. Thus she deceives Samson, and betrays his trust. So Samson had to settle the wager seven days into their marriage, and he does it by killing thirty men for their clothing. Tic-off with his wife, Samson leaves her for a while to cool off, but when he return he finds that his father-n-law has given his new bride to another man. Now Samson gets really angry and set fire to the Philistine's wheat fields. Things go from bad to worst. This was not going the way he had hoped or planned for his marriage. And as a result of his foxy actions, his wife and father-n-law were killed by the Philistines. Then some of Samson's own people turned against him too. It seem he was not meant to have the happy life he had hoped.

Samson ruled as a judge over Israel for twenty years. We don’t have much information as to what that implied or what else he did during all those years, other than killing lots of Philistines, and destroying their harvests. He even removed the enemies gate at Gaza, a prophetic picture. Another time Samson called on the Lord when he was thirsty, after killing a thousand men with a jawbone of an donkey, and God provided the water for him. However, near the end of those 20 years, it's mentioned only once of him going to a prostitute in Gaza. There is nothing to indicate that this happened more often, or that this was a routine life style. (Even Judah had sex with Tamar, just one time, when she disguised herself as a prostitute.)
Unfortunately, Samson is mostly remembered for the “affair” he had with a beautiful women named Delilah, whom he met a little later, and he fell in love. The Bible does not say Delilah was a prostitute, but she did have a thing for money. Most assume that something sexual also happened while he was with her, but the scriptures does not say. If you read carefully, it only says he was enticed and he deceived her several times. He is also the only man recorded in the Bible, to have ever told a women “I love you”. Unfortunately, out of sheer stupidity and being pestered to death, Samson finally give in and revealed the secret he believes, for his strength. And while he slept on her knees, she had his hair cut off, and we all know the consequences that followed.

However, while in prison Samson had lots of time to think about his life, God, and where he went wrong. His enemies had blinded him, but that was when he really began to see. As time went by his hair grew back, and he asks the Lord to restore His strength. God did, and as a result it was his greatest victory.

Was Samson's life all about sex and killing, as some people think? I don't think so; maybe all he wanted was to love and be loved in return, and serve God's people. True, he put too much emphasis on human love, as most people do, rather than to love and honor God above all. Maybe he was a lonely and frustrated man. Or just got tired of fighting and killing, like King David did when he got older. During Samson's life there were no prophets or righteous role models mentioned for him to follow. Maybe these were the only two incidence of bad behavior in Samson's life. We will never know for sure, but I think there is much we can learn here. I'm not trying to make excuses for Samson, he made some bad choices. He had a special calling on his life, but didn't handle it well. Neither did he have the relationship with Yahweh that he could have had.

However, in the end Samson does calls on the Lord to remember him, just like many others have. Sure, he wanted justice, but he was also willing to give his life for the Lord’s cause. He had the faith to believe God would hear and answer his prayer. Samson saw himself as nothing and God as everything. Therefore, he didn't ask God to spare his life, but for strength to serve Him one last time. God saw and heard more than just his words, He also saw a humbled man. Even with his human weakness and carnal desires, Samson was used and loved by God. It was his faith in God that gave him strength, not just his hair. With the help of the Holy Spirit and God’s grace there were many victories throughout Samson's life, and God vindicated him in the end.

Yes, Samson was a foolish and carnal man at times, who was often lead by his flesh. But his name is still listed in the Hall of Faith, while the names of most prophets were not listed. I believe, Samson is listed not due only to his great strength or faith, but because of the wonderful, awesome and incredible grace of God. The Lord knew Samson long before he was born, and yet God still chose him to display His power and authority, despite those weakness. He was human just like us. How many of us would want to have a book written about our lives; with all our sins and failings exposed for the world to read? Certainly not me. Some of us could make Samson look like a saint compared to what we've done. (Jephthah, who is also listed with Samson in the Hall of Faith, was a judge before Samson, and he was the son of a prostitute, and another unique example of God's grace.)

What legacy will we leave behind? I would not necessarily want to be compared to a Samson, but I do understand human desires and weaknesses. My preference is to be known as a man after God's own heart, a son of God. However, there were certain aspects of Samson's life that were important and prophetic and that will be seen and felt in this next move of God.

The Samson Spirit

"I am uniquely devising a plan of attack toward the enemy. I am raising up a Samson, a multi-membered house, one who disregards most all that men (even Christian men) deem holy. These men's holiness is centered in their consecrated lives toward Me, not in externalism and sacrifice. Their authority is felt at the gate, and even their presence, going through the enemies gates, is felt (shaking). Sometimes these people are merely following their natural lust, and I use them to remove the enemies gates. This is My divine plan for Sodom's destruction, and the removal of various other (otherwise) impenetrable principalities. The Spirit of God goes into the midst of the enemy's camp, in the heart of His consecrated ones, and the Lord reeks havoc. His is something which He (God) is doing, and can NOT be achieved by carnal planning.

I will take the body of Christ to a level deeper. This depth will come by tearing and molding. I will remove part of her, and heal that scar, just to reveal My servants nature. I must reveal My ways to people. Who will listen?”-- prophecy by Sheldon David on August 9, 1998

October 14, 2014


The glory of God is reaching across San Carlos.

In San Carlos this past year there has been a lot of construction. Road improvements, more sidewalks, landscaping, and a fountain near my house. A new house is being built next door to me. Things are changing and prosperity is coming back to this city and other places in Mexico, as I have prayed for since coming here two years ago.

I enjoy watching the men working, and how they do things; mostly with hand tools and manual labor. One man calls me a supervisor; I have asked questions and even made some suggestions that were done. Most of the work takes a long time to get done, and often thing have to be redone, because they forgot to do something else first. And other times work is done that or damages or ruins the look of previous work, but now that's someone else’s problem. Water lines and other things are often broken when digging with backhoes, because they don’t check things out first. But it eventually gets done, and that’s life in Mexico, and other places around the world. People in general are pretty much that way too; making mistakes that could have been avoided. I was that way once and sometimes I still do.

New sidewalks, but weeds are still a big problem.
I also enjoyed building and house construction, and have built my own homes and landscaped them. Seeing something good rise from the earth where there was nothing before was a wonderful experience for me. As an artist I also got to create many beautiful paintings that were once just a blank piece of canvas. and I really enjoyed doing that too.

God is the Divine Artists, Designer, Architect, and Builder. He spoke and it happened; creating everything out of nothing, even what we don’t see. One day I was talking to the Lord about my fascination with construction, and seeing these kinds of things being done and how I missed the joy of creating. Then God reminded me that all His sons and daughters have a part in creating. In fact, most everyday of my life, my words and actions are building, creating and establishing various parts of His Kingdom. While most people, including religious people are still building only temporary ones. However, the time will come when the sons of God will see what they have accomplished; all the souls saved and lives restored, because of our intercessory work. But we can still have His joy now in building a relationship with Him, and being content with all we have in Him. There will also be a time when we will enjoy ruling and reigning with Him forever; and that can begin now too!
The Light of Christ' Church is shining over my house.
I'm glad Abba Father reminds me of certain things that I forget or sometimes take for granted. He also says, that the important things, especially the special one, usually take much longer to see accomplish than what we would like or expect. As His voice we often lay the ground work like a foundation for others to build on. It may not be the most noticeable or glamorous work for now, but necessary and important just the same. God is always faithful to all His words and promises, and His timing is always perfect. I love Abba so much, and enjoy working with Him any way possible; speaking His heart, overcoming obstacles, and defeating the enemy. But most of all, just being with Him.
The kingdom of religion is still growing, but much slower than some people had hoped.
Creating a Masterpiece

“Though all God's words of creation have already been spoken, the image of Jesus is still being found in Light, Color, and Dimension throughout the universe, coming into clearer focus within the Body of Christ. Through faith, believer participate in God's nature by living and speaking His words, thereby taking part in God's creative process. Every pure act of faith preformed is one step closer to the finish of God's divine masterpiece; the perfection of Jesus' Glorious Bride & Magnificent Kingdom."
by Sheldon David

October 7, 2014


This is Maria and her grandson.

There are many names mentioned throughout the Bible; names of people, places and things. There are also numerous names for God. Names are important and often have special meaning ascribes to them. Jesus is the name above all names. and every knee shall bow before Him.

People’s names are important too. There are people in the Bible who played very special roles. Yet there were some prophets, priest, and other men of God whose names were never mentioned. Sometimes, I have wondered why Malchus, a slave, who was in the garden of Gethsemane when Jesus was arrested, his name was recorded. Then there is also Rhoda, a servant-girl who reports that Peter is knocking at the door, after he had been released from prison; her name is mentioned too. Yet, there is another women who anoints Jesus feet, but her name is not mentioned. But, Jesus says her actions will be a testimony wherever the Gospel is preached. I believe she is a prophetic picture of Christ's Church who are willing to make great sacrifices, but seek no recognition for themselves. God has always been full of surprises and we may never know the reasons why some names are mentioned and others are not.

As sons of God, whether our names are ever written down for the world to see is not important. It is what we say and do for  Him and His Kingdom. Our lives are important to God no matter what others think, and it's our heart that He's looking at that will make us worth remembering. Besides, our names are written down in the Lambs book of Life, and also linked with His. Can't beat that! Amen!!!

The Lord is good to those who have seen Him.

He doesn't just strike them down to kill them!

No, He care tenderly for those who He entrusted with His secret—

the people of His Gown!

Those are a Real Remnant—

Not a particular “group” of people,

but a heart who has yielded it's own life, and been impaled in the process, for the Master's Call. That 's All! Everything! And the Lord knows their names.”--a prophecy by Sheldon David

September 23, 2014


This is just two blocks from my house.

On my last article I shared a small part of a prophecy from Sheldon. It was an incredible prophecy and I would like to share just a little more from it:

“I am exalting that which concerns you, [Sons of God]. I’ve heard your cries and prayers. I know where you’re at and I carry the burden. I bear the yoke with you. You’re not in this alone. I fix that which is broken and clean that which is soiled and restore that which has been disgraced or dismantled and I make all things NEW. As I said, you are the New Heavens and you are the New Earth. You are the New Creation and the New Jerusalem that has come out of heaven from God, dressed and prepared for the Master.” (Bracket mine.)

Also in that same article I also made a statement that you may have surprised, but I believe it is still the heart of Father. I referred to His Kingdom as “Our Kingdom.” The reason for this is simple; Jesus is the Kingdom of God, He is our Lord, and our Husband, and as such is His desire to share all He has with us as the Eternal Father, because it's been given to us to rule with Him. He is still the Sovereign Lord and King over heaven and earth, and those evil creeps now under our feet. God is forever the lover of our soul.

In the book of Esther, we see a picture of our spiritual marriage to the King and overcoming our common enemy. Queen Esther, represent the Church. The King also saw his Queen as an equal. Whatever, the Queen said, in words or letter was fulfill with the Kings full authority in dealing with her enemies and their spoils.

Today the Heavenly Father is also giving His Sons, and Bride, authority to speak for Him. The Lord says,
“We'll come together and administrate My Kingdom Authority. You will cast those things out that do not belong within the walls of the Kingdom. You will set up standards and command the angels of YHWH, in order to accomplish His will.” (another portion from Sheldon's prophecy.)

There is no competition in the Kingdom of God. We have been chosen and united with Christ, we our One with the Eternal Father. Yet, as always, we stand in His presence, only because of His wonderful love and amazing grace.

In the book of Songs of Solomon, we have another picture of the Bride and Groom, where the bride in the beginning referred to the Bridegroom as belonging to her. “I am my beloved and he is mine.” She says this two different times. But later, as she has matured in wisdom and understanding (knowledge), she says, “I am my beloved and I am His.” That’s the true picture of her relationship. Her husband is no longer seen as a possession, but as the True Lover. Together we rule and reign with Him as the New Jerusalem for all eternity. Amen!

During this past month there has been three hurricanes on the west coast of Mexico. The first brushed along lower Baja California, and had little effect on our area. The next one on September 15th was a much bigger hurricane with winds of 125mph, making a direct hit on the Baja peninsula causing even greater damage, including our area. Both times I was not aware of them until after the fact, but the second one I could see how it was affecting our area. It was a category 4 the down graded to a 3 when it hit San Lucas, but still did a lot of damage.

In San Carlos there are many businesses and homes built close to the ocean, and with little protection from large waves which are rare, (normal waves are 2-3feet), except when there are hurricanes or tropical storms. It rained for a day and a half, but not very hard. However, five years ago when a hurricane that past through San Carlos, and it dump 36” of rain before leaving the area. Anyway, this time the rain was not as bad, just a couple inches. But a number of homes, hotels and restaurants were damaged by the high water and 8 foot waves breaking windows and filling them with sand and seawater. Winds gust of 70-80mph was also a factor, causing flying objects. Later that same afternoon, I watch from a nearby house for over an hour as these huge wave hit the beach houses that had stonewalls to protect them, but not high enough for some houses and a couple didn't even have a seawall.

While I watched the storm, I meet a man from the community church who has three homes on the canal that lead to the canal where we stood and empties storm water to the ocean. All three of his houses had three feet of water in them from the hurricane that hit 5 years ago. Together we watched and talked. He felt this was just another sign of God's judgment and that there would be still more to come before the Lords soon return. I didn't get into that, but I did share my testimony and why I was in Mexico. I also told him we were going to see a mighty move of God very soon in Mexico and around the world; the visitation of the Father.

Later that night I took a walk when it wasn't raining hard, but still very windy, just to be a part of the power of God's creation, and even a buffer in His judgments. I prayed for mercy, just as Abraham did, and for the safety of His children. Over that two day event we lost power almost a dozen times, sometimes for several hours, other areas were without power much longer. The man told me that there was still another hurricane following the hurricane we were experiencing. The next day, I got on line and saw that in deed there was another big hurricane coming up the southern coastline of Mexico. I asked for God's mercy and felt lead to commanded the storm to turn away from making landfall. A few days later, I checked the weather satellite video, I saw that the large hurricane had turned away from land and was dissipating out at sea. Praise God.

As God's sons, we are not just to sit or stand around and watch these disasters happen, but act according to God's heart. It is God's desire for us to demonstrate His love, power, and mercy in every situation; bringing His Kingdom to earth.

This are my special friends, Mario, his wife Anna and her father, who God has healed after prayer.


September 2, 2014

God Complex

What an awesome month this has been, and it keeps getting better. I have also had some personal struggles, but God helped me through them. Now let me give you some other highlight.

First, on August Aug. 10th about noon we had a small earthquake 5.6. A couple quick jolts that shook the house and then some small tremors. The was no serious damage to the house or town. However, some things fell off peoples shelves, and it crack the waterline coming to my house and a small amount of water is now leaking and will need to be repaired by the city, but they are in no hurry to fix it.

We have also had a lot of thunderstorms this past month. Sometimes during the day, but most during the night after midnight for our area. It's impossible for me to sleep through them. One night there was another one just after 2am. So after that storm had past, I asked God what the thunder and lightning was all about. And He told me that they were announcing that He was coming, the Eternal Father. The earth is trembling and the weather is excited, and the time is right. He's coming to reveal Himself and His power to mankind, to clothe His sons in His glory, and to set His children free. It's time to wake-up, and to celibate!

On the 13th I was drive through Guaymas late at night, taking a friend home. I knew the speed limit, because I just past a speed sign. There was a police pick-up truck in front of me, who was driving slower, so I past him on the inside lane. I then got back in the left lane. A minute later I saw blue flashing light behind me. Great, now what! I had lost my driver’s license the month before, so got out my tourist visa to show the officer, who spoke no English. He accused me of speeding. I said no, I was doing 60klm (about 40mph) and he said I was doing 80. He apparently saw my Washington plate on my van and knew I was an American. I knew this was a common problems with tourist, and what he really wanted was money. He threatened to take me back to the police station. So while my wallet was still out I show him that all I had was three fifty pesos bills and offered him one. But he wanted more, so I offered all three. He still wanted more, but I said it was all I had. He finally accepted them and told me not to speed anymore. I thank him and left. 150 pesos is only about $13. Earlier that day, I was going to put in another 500 pesos bill, but I decided not to and I’m glad I didn’t. But I was still a little upset. The next morning I was still thinks about what happen, and realized what God wanted me to do. Pray, and forgive the man, and for all the officers who abuse their power. Plus, make a declaration for integrity and honesty in the justice system in Mexico and around the world. And that’s what I did.

Aug. 19-The Lord reminded me that we are going where no man gone before. As sons and daughters of God we are stepping into another world. We are above the world systems and answer to no one—but God, and speak for Him.

Aug.21—I had dream. In it, a friend and I were out in the countryside and he was on a small farm vehicle that had a rototiller on it. He began digging up a section of ground when he uncover some metal in the dirt. After a closer look, we realized it was part of a small airplane that had crashed, and had been covered by soil over the years. My friend went to get police to help determine who died in the plane. I waited nearby, then decided to take another look at the remains, but when I got closer, I now saw two young men, dressed in casual clothes, lying on top of the crash site. When I touched the body, it moved, and I realized he wasn't dead. I asked who they were and then the other man moved. He was the pilot and they had crashed in 1986. They still looked about thirty and told me their names. Then said my name was Israel. When my friend returned, we used his cellphone to call family and tell them of the miracle we had just witnessed. They had come back to life just because I was there and they had not aged, and it was now 2014. Wow!

In the days ahead, we are going to see bizarre miracles like this. Remember, Ezekiel raised up an army from dry bones, and a dead man came back to life after being thrown into the tomb of Elisha. The power of Father on His sons and daughter will capture the hearts and souls of men, for the Glory of God.

On August 25, I got a prophecy from Sheldon that the Lord gave him the month before, and it greatly encouraged me. It also confirmed some things that I had said this month, and that the Lord had shared with me. But this prophecy, was the most powerful words I have ever read. It revealed more of God's heart, who we are in Christ and our mission as His son and daughters. I would like to share just a small portion of it. One of the biggest problems that many of us face is that we are,afraid of expressing the TRUE Christ Who lives inside you. It’s not been a God complex – it’s been a human complex. The “God thing” is the most secure part of you – the part that knows who He is and who she is, and will take it and establish it and will put the sword in the ground and say THIS FAR and NO FARTHER!, because this territory is YHWH’s and this YHWH is in us — the Sons of God.”

In this prophecy the Lord also that satan tries to get us to believe God has not meant everything He said in the Bible or spoken to us. Neither can we allow satan to intimidate us.The Lord also said that we have been given full authority over satan and we must take back what has been stolen, Stick our sword in the ground and say, “enough is enough” and establish what we will allow in OUR Kingdom, and remove what does not belong, such as sickness, disease, poverty etc. ect. The Father has given us His ring, just as Jesus spoke in the parable of the Prodigal Son, and with that spiritual ring we have now been given His full authority. Amen!

On Aug 24th—I had another spiritual dream. I don't remember all of it, but the very last part. I was talking to a minister and he said to me, “the biggest problem with the church today is that we,” and I said it with him, “ignore God.”--End of dream and then I woke up. As I laid there thinking about that statement I realized how true it was. “The Lord says, 'These people come near me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of Me is made up only of rules taught by men.' (Isa. 29:13). When God tells us to do something and we don't do it; we are ignoring Him. The same applies when the Lords says who we are we are in Christ, and then don't live like it. What we are really doing is ignoring Him, by yielding to another voice. Many call this “apathy” or even “compromise,” and it has become an acceptable in the church today. But it is NOT acceptable with God. We are no longer looking at the Pearl of Great Price, but to self and our fleshly interest that are more acceptable and pleasing to us.
But praise God for His infinite grace and mercy, He wants to give His children another chance to return to the Holy One of Israel and enter into His rest.

He is our LIFE—the very beat of our heart. And we must get to know His heart by resting our heads there. We are One with Him. He gave us His name and we are to be His Voice, eyes, feet and hands. We must see and hear and understand all that He is and intends for us by walking in His faith. We can no longer to afford to ignore God, or the signs of the times.

On August 25, I went to get a taco that night. While I was eating with the owners when their daughter called from the hospital, because she was having pain down below and she was just two months along in her pregnancy. So Mario, her father who speaks English, said they were going to see her, but asked if I would pray. I said sure, but satan tried to stop me by putting doubts and fears in my mind. I chose to ignore them, and prayed. Declaring full restoration for the mother and protection for the unborn child, and peace of mind. Then as I left to walk back home, I declared, there are no miscarriages in the Kingdom of God.

At the end of the week, I went back to get a hot dog and see how their daughter was doing, even though I already knew. They told me everyone was fine and thanked me, again. However, as I was finishing my hotdog, Mario told me that there was another mother who was seven month pregnant, and their appeared to be a serious problem with the unborn baby, and wanted to know what to do. He then showed me several sonogram photos of the baby. What I saw did not even look human, but a mass of lump and bumps of flesh. I was shocked and I had never seen anything like it before.
O God, then satan tried tell me to abort the child. But, I chose to ignore him, because I knew who is in control, and who I was and who gives life, and who takes it way. So I laid my hand on the photos and prayed by faith, not by sight, and guard my words. I said, God can heal a person outside the womb and You can certainly restore ones inside the womb; despite what we saw--nothing is impossible this God. I prayed peace over the parent I told satan this child belongs to God, and you can't take it. And the child would grow to know the love and power of Her Heavenly Father, and be a bless to others. When I finished praying, Mario said that I made him cry and he used a napkin to wipe his eyes. As I walked back home, I felt God pleasure and He lead to pray more in the spirit. When I was finish, I declared no more satan,  the are no birth defects in the Kingdom of God.

The people will come, to see, to hear and to touched the robe of God's Sons and Daughters. This is our mission and our mandate. This world will eventually understand that the Father really does cares and loves His children. Much more than we will ever know.