Amigos at the new fountain in San Carlos, who wanted their picture taken with me. The fountain is still unfinished on the outside. |
there is in Jerusalem by the sheep gate a pool, which is called in
Hebrew Bethesda, having five porticoes. In these lay a multitude of
those who were sick, blind, lame, and withered, waiting for the
moving of the water; for an angel of the Lord went down at a certain
season into the pool and stirred up the water, whoever then first ,
after the stirring up of the water, stepped in was made well from
whatever disease with which he was afflicted.”
(John 5: 2-4)
are many people and theologians who struggle with this section of
passage where an angel stirs the water and people being healed. But
then a lot of things God does don’t fit in with mans religious
thinking. Some consider these three verses more of an apocrypha
writing, and should not be in the Bible. Yet today we have reports of many bizarre miracles taking place around
the world of people being healed by just looking at or touching a
crucifix, painting or even a statue of Jesus or the Virgin Mary, or some other spiritual type of
manifestation. Yet, in all these situations not everyone is healed who goes there.
kind of events are all a part of God’s awesome grace, and should not be
written off and some kind of trick or hoaxes. The name Bethesda means, house of mercy. In the Old Testament
the children of Israel were healed when they just looked at a bronze
serpent made by Moses. Why should it be any different today, if God
so choose to display His grace in a different or unique way. It still
requires faith upon the individual and it also points to a loving
God. However, everyone who came to Jesus was healed, and it is
no different today.
Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son
of man, be lifted up; that whoever believes in Him should not perish,
but have eternal life.”
An ordinary “man, in reading
this scripture would make an important discovery. He would notice that look
and believe are synonymous terms. 'Looking' on the Old
Testament serpent is identical with 'believing' on the New Testament
Christ. That is looking and believing are the same
thing. And he would understand that, while Israel looked with their
external eyes, believing is done with the heart. I think he would
conclude that faith is the gaze of a soul upon a saving
God.”--A.W. Tozer
I believe we are going to see more unique healings and miracles like these. One night the Lord told Sheldon and I that many people would be healed even when singing the song, Amazing Grace. Plus, there will be “hot spots,” around the world where the presence of God would be so strong that people would be healed just walking into a room, building or driving into a certain town or city where His sons and daughter have interceded with prayers and sacrifices.
also believe that this is one of the reasons why I am here in San Carlos.
Neither do I believe it is a coincidence that they have made major
improvements to the city and just finished building a beautiful
fountain less than two hundred feet from where I live. This is not
the city I would have chosen, there many wealthy people here and they
often take advantage of the poor while living a life of leisure and
self-indulgence. But then seeing a mighty move of God begin here
would certainly be a demonstration of His grace, as myself have
experienced this past year.
spring, thousands of young people pour into this city to party. But
next year is going to be different, and God will be pouring His Holy
Spirit over them as His son walks through their midst. God has been
preparing the land and water for a mighty move of His Spirit. I
believe this new fountain and the city will become “a pool of
Bethesda,” as well as other places around Mexico; where lives and
hearts will be restored. Hopefully many people will come to the
realization of a loving God who wants all His children to come to
know Him and drink from the “Living Water” that will satisfy the
true longing of their soul.
am also asking God to pour out a financial blessing and to change the
hearts of the wealthy people in order to help billions of people
around the world who have so much less. The spirit of poverty must be
broken and cast out, there is no place for it in the Kingdom of God.
pool of Bethesda had five porticoes, FIVE is the number which
represents grace. Maybe not everyone will be healed at these places
or at that moment, but hopefully all will begin to seek out the giver
of Living Water Himself. Amen!