October 14, 2014


The glory of God is reaching across San Carlos.

In San Carlos this past year there has been a lot of construction. Road improvements, more sidewalks, landscaping, and a fountain near my house. A new house is being built next door to me. Things are changing and prosperity is coming back to this city and other places in Mexico, as I have prayed for since coming here two years ago.

I enjoy watching the men working, and how they do things; mostly with hand tools and manual labor. One man calls me a supervisor; I have asked questions and even made some suggestions that were done. Most of the work takes a long time to get done, and often thing have to be redone, because they forgot to do something else first. And other times work is done that or damages or ruins the look of previous work, but now that's someone else’s problem. Water lines and other things are often broken when digging with backhoes, because they don’t check things out first. But it eventually gets done, and that’s life in Mexico, and other places around the world. People in general are pretty much that way too; making mistakes that could have been avoided. I was that way once and sometimes I still do.

New sidewalks, but weeds are still a big problem.
I also enjoyed building and house construction, and have built my own homes and landscaped them. Seeing something good rise from the earth where there was nothing before was a wonderful experience for me. As an artist I also got to create many beautiful paintings that were once just a blank piece of canvas. and I really enjoyed doing that too.

God is the Divine Artists, Designer, Architect, and Builder. He spoke and it happened; creating everything out of nothing, even what we don’t see. One day I was talking to the Lord about my fascination with construction, and seeing these kinds of things being done and how I missed the joy of creating. Then God reminded me that all His sons and daughters have a part in creating. In fact, most everyday of my life, my words and actions are building, creating and establishing various parts of His Kingdom. While most people, including religious people are still building only temporary ones. However, the time will come when the sons of God will see what they have accomplished; all the souls saved and lives restored, because of our intercessory work. But we can still have His joy now in building a relationship with Him, and being content with all we have in Him. There will also be a time when we will enjoy ruling and reigning with Him forever; and that can begin now too!
The Light of Christ' Church is shining over my house.
I'm glad Abba Father reminds me of certain things that I forget or sometimes take for granted. He also says, that the important things, especially the special one, usually take much longer to see accomplish than what we would like or expect. As His voice we often lay the ground work like a foundation for others to build on. It may not be the most noticeable or glamorous work for now, but necessary and important just the same. God is always faithful to all His words and promises, and His timing is always perfect. I love Abba so much, and enjoy working with Him any way possible; speaking His heart, overcoming obstacles, and defeating the enemy. But most of all, just being with Him.
The kingdom of religion is still growing, but much slower than some people had hoped.
Creating a Masterpiece

“Though all God's words of creation have already been spoken, the image of Jesus is still being found in Light, Color, and Dimension throughout the universe, coming into clearer focus within the Body of Christ. Through faith, believer participate in God's nature by living and speaking His words, thereby taking part in God's creative process. Every pure act of faith preformed is one step closer to the finish of God's divine masterpiece; the perfection of Jesus' Glorious Bride & Magnificent Kingdom."
by Sheldon David