At the end of some days are beautiful sunsets, but it's also just the beginning for others. |
Wow, what a couple months it has been; first my dad had died on March 12th. He was 91 years old, and live a long and full life was ready to meet the
Lord. However, the last few years he was bed ridden, because of Parkinson disease. Now there will be no more suffering for him, and he will see our Lord and
Savior face to face. Even in death, doors have opened for him and
others to a new way of life. “There is an appointed time for everything.
“There is a time for every event (delight) under heaven--A time to give birth
and a time to die…A time to weep and a time to rejoice; A time to mourn and a
time to dance.” (Ecclesiastes 3: 1- 4) My father will be missed, but we also rejoice with him, knowing that he is finally home.
Then a couple
weeks ago on a Wednesday afternoon, something tragic happened in San Carlos at
about 5pm. A Spanish woman was crossing the main street and was hit by a car
and killed instantly. This took place just about two hundred feet from my
house. The body was thrown over 120 feet from the point of impact. There are no
crosswalks in San Carlos, and she had just got off the bus and was crossing the
street to go to work. She apparently did not see the car coming from the other
direction, and the driver of the car apparently didn’t see her before it was
too late. It turned out that the young driver had been texting on her cell phone
and was speeding. I was at the Palir’s Art Gallery, a block away helping her
close the store when one of her friends came by and told us what had just happened.
When I
arrived at the scene, the body was still on the road, but covered with a small
white tarp. People were lining the street watching, and crying; then I was one
of them too. You don’t know how badly I wanted to go over to the body and raise
it from the dead. I even waited on God to hear what He would have me do, as I
sat on the bus stop bench. However, He was not giving me the okay, and I also
knew it wasn’t my time. But, it would have been something to see happen. So I
decided to go around and prayed for people, men and women who were crying; one
of them was her boyfriend whom I knew and others were co-workers and friends.
There appeared to be no family members at the scene that I could tell, because
she was from Guaymas.
The boding
was left on the road for about an hour and a yellow caution tape put around the
scene, until a small pick-up truck with a canopy came to get it. There was a
sign on the side of the truck indicating its business. During this time all
traffic had been diverted to share the two lanes that went the other direction
with a median between lanes; while police and investigators were busy taking
photographs and questioning people, witnesses and friends. Many people,
including the police, accept my presence there, even though I was the only American. They understood what I was doing as I walked around and ministered to
grieving people.
After it was
all over, I headed home grieved and with many thought’s going through my head.
I didn’t feel much like eating, but eventually I did, just to help keep my mind
off of the pain and helplessness I felt. I was also very angry at what the
enemy was still allowed to do, but also knew God was still in control and that
there were reasons beyond my understanding. Good could still come of it as God dealt
with the mortality of people’s lives and healing for their broken souls in this
time of loss. There was also the possibly of some insurance money that could
help. But money cannot replace the loss of that loved one nor comfort the pain
in her only child and grieving family.
The car that
had hit her was white and fairly new, but the front-center and hood were now badly
damaged and it was towed away. The driver of the car, sat in a police car, but
then her father came and took her away from the police at the scene. He was a
very rich and powerful man in Mexico and a law to himself. I also prayed for
his daughter’s peace of mind and their family too. Many people’s feeling that
there is “no justice,” but I know there is, just often not the way we might
want to see things done. People still have to live with the guilt, shame and
consequences the rest of their lives unless they repent.
I was
surprised as to how little blood there was on the ground and I did not see any
on the car. That night, I went out and poured anointing oil around the blood
stain spot where she had laid, an area of about 18 inches round. Then I prayed again, breaking the curse
that allowed satan to steal, kill and destroy lives. I know Jesus did that, but
I felt it was what God wanted me to do and say also. I hope that this young mother is with our Lord. However, I asked Him to bring life
out of this situation; to restore her child and family.
Later I
learned from the boyfriend, Michael, who came by the art gallery when I was
there, that he and a doctor, had tried to revive the young woman, but there was
no pulse. Nearly every bone in her body had been broken from the impact of the
car and her hitting the street. Anyway, I was able to share some encouraging
words to him.
I also
learned from Palir that the driver of the car was a 17 year old girl, and the
dead woman was a 26 year old, a single mom and a mother of two children who
lived with her old mother, but later learn from others that her youngest child
had died earlier and now there was just a cute little six year old girl to be
raised by an old grandmother. She also had an older brother and a sister, but they
didn’t live there anymore.
The victim’s
name was Paola and now there is a small cross at the side of the road where she
died. She had worked at a small restaurant near my house and that was where she
was struck by the car. I had seen her from time to time on my walks and talked
with her one time briefly. I also met her at the last art show at the art
gallery a month ago. I told God, the next time I see a dead body; I wanted to
do more than just pray.
prayer is still a very powerful tool, because I asked God to reveal Himself to
that young orphan child; be the Father she never had—to love, cherish and
nurture her, and that she would come love and know Abba Father with all her
heart, and that He would also make Himself known to all her descendants. A few
nights later when I was walking, the Lord said He would be honored that
request, because I cared and because I asked Him too. Not a day goes by now
that when I pass that spot on the road that I am reminded not only of her
death, but also of God’s promise, and that life can come from death. I believe
this tragic event is a major turning point for me and Mexico. The Bible says,
“The prayers of a righteous man availeth much.” So do the words of a prophet. We
are heading for awesome days and times and there will be much to dance and
rejoice about. Are you stepping into His dance and embrace?
On April 1st,
the restaurant where Paola worked, all the employees are donating their pay,
plus the owner will give all the money from the meal served that day to be put
into a trust for Paola’s daughter. I intend to sow into that young girl future
that way also and more. I also
learned from a report in the newspaper, that the owner of the car was asking
the victim’s family to pay for the damages to his car. It is hard to believe
that some people can be so cruel. But I also prayed that God would someday soften his
heart. I also forgave him, because God has ways of reaching some people we would rather hate. Are we not, all a part of His
wonderful and amazing grace?