October 28, 2014

Living Water

Amigos at the new fountain in San Carlos, who wanted their picture taken with me. The fountain is still unfinished on the outside.
Now there is in Jerusalem by the sheep gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew Bethesda, having five porticoes. In these lay a multitude of those who were sick, blind, lame, and withered, waiting for the moving of the water; for an angel of the Lord went down at a certain season into the pool and stirred up the water, whoever then first , after the stirring up of the water, stepped in was made well from whatever disease with which he was afflicted.” (John 5: 2-4)
There are many people and theologians who struggle with this section of passage where an angel stirs the water and people being healed. But then a lot of things God does don’t fit in with mans religious thinking. Some consider these three verses more of an apocrypha writing, and should not be in the Bible. Yet today we have reports of many bizarre miracles taking place around the world of people being healed by just looking at or touching a crucifix, painting or even a statue of Jesus or the Virgin Mary, or some other spiritual type of manifestation. Yet, in all these situations not everyone is healed who goes there.

These kind of events are all a part of God’s awesome grace, and should not be written off and some kind of trick or hoaxes. The name Bethesda means, house of mercy. In the Old Testament the children of Israel were healed when they just looked at a bronze serpent made by Moses. Why should it be any different today, if God so choose to display His grace in a different or unique way. It still requires faith upon the individual and it also points to a loving God. However, everyone who came to Jesus was healed, and it is no different today.

As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man, be lifted up; that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” 
An ordinary “man, in reading this scripture would make an important discovery. He would notice that look and believe are synonymous terms. 'Looking' on the Old Testament serpent is identical with 'believing' on the New Testament Christ. That is looking and believing are the same thing. And he would understand that, while Israel looked with their external eyes, believing is done with the heart. I think he would conclude that faith is the gaze of a soul upon a saving God.”--A.W. Tozer

I believe we are going to see more unique healings and miracles like these. One night the Lord told Sheldon and I that many people would be healed even when singing the song, Amazing Grace. Plus, there will be “hot spots,” around the world where the presence of God would be so strong that people would be healed just walking into a room, building or driving into a certain town or city where His sons and daughter have interceded with prayers and sacrifices.
I also believe that this is one of the reasons why I am here in San Carlos. Neither do I believe it is a coincidence that they have made major improvements to the city and just finished building a beautiful fountain less than two hundred feet from where I live. This is not the city I would have chosen, there many wealthy people here and they often take advantage of the poor while living a life of leisure and self-indulgence. But then seeing a mighty move of God begin here would certainly be a demonstration of His grace, as myself have experienced this past year.

Every spring, thousands of young people pour into this city to party. But next year is going to be different, and God will be pouring His Holy Spirit over them as His son walks through their midst. God has been preparing the land and water for a mighty move of His Spirit. I believe this new fountain and the city will become “a pool of Bethesda,” as well as other places around Mexico; where lives and hearts will be restored. Hopefully many people will come to the realization of a loving God who wants all His children to come to know Him and drink from the “Living Water” that will satisfy the true longing of their soul.

I am also asking God to pour out a financial blessing and to change the hearts of the wealthy people in order to help billions of people around the world who have so much less. The spirit of poverty must be broken and cast out, there is no place for it in the Kingdom of God.

The pool of Bethesda had five porticoes, FIVE is the number which represents grace. Maybe not everyone will be healed at these places or at that moment, but hopefully all will begin to seek out the giver of Living Water Himself. Amen!

October 21, 2014


In the Book of Hebrews, chapter 11, there is the record of names of men and women of great faith, including few names that that may be a surprise to many Christians. God has His reasons even if not everyone understand why, but they are still heros in God's eyes. A few of those names I would like to comment on, but one in particular:

King David name is mention numerous times throughout the Bible, and he is also known as a man after God’s own heart. He also had many wives and all of their names are mentioned, and he also had ten concubines. David had a true passion for God. Unfortunately, there are some who will only remember David for his sin with Bathsheba.

Next is Samuel, a man dedicated to the Lord from birth by his mother Hannah, who had been barren. He lived a life holy unto the Lord, and his hair was never cut. He judged Israel all of his life He was also a prophet, and there is no records of any sin in his life. Yet, his wife is not even mentioned, but he had two sons who became a blemish on his life, because they took bribes and perverted justice. They chose not to follow in the footsteps of their father, who honored the Lord. Therefore, God had Samuel anoint Saul to be Israel's first king, because the people had rejected God's authority. Later on, Samuel secretly anointed a young Shepard-boy to take Saul's place.

Then there is Samson, a man who was chosen from birth to be also a judge over Israel. He had accepted a Nazirite vow, to be holy and set apart for God's service.

Samson grows up being blessed by God. He knew he would be different, because of the things his parent had taught him. Yet, there is no record of the Lord or an angel ever speaking to Samson and telling him what to do; as an angel did for his parent. However, the time came when Samson wanted to move out of his parents house; to get married and have children. It seem that Samson wanted to feel loved by someone special other than by his parents, and to be loved in return just like any other normal man. Unfortunately, he never realized or understood how much God really loved him.

There is nothing in the scripture that indicate that Samson even understood what his vocation entailed; other than to be a deliverer. Maybe he just wanted to be a farmer and have a family of his own. Neither, is there any indication that he had an angry or violent nature, or rebellious as a child. However, when he finally found a women he wanted to marry, he choose a foreigner and that was not pleasing to his parents or to his people. Yet, as offensive as that was to them, it was still the will of God. (Judges 14: 4)

Samson learns of his super strength just before his wedding. But before the honeymoon is over, trouble was brewing and there was strife. He had made a bet with his wife's countrymen, and they in turn threaten her and her father's life, if she didn't help them. Thus she deceives Samson, and betrays his trust. So Samson had to settle the wager seven days into their marriage, and he does it by killing thirty men for their clothing. Tic-off with his wife, Samson leaves her for a while to cool off, but when he return he finds that his father-n-law has given his new bride to another man. Now Samson gets really angry and set fire to the Philistine's wheat fields. Things go from bad to worst. This was not going the way he had hoped or planned for his marriage. And as a result of his foxy actions, his wife and father-n-law were killed by the Philistines. Then some of Samson's own people turned against him too. It seem he was not meant to have the happy life he had hoped.

Samson ruled as a judge over Israel for twenty years. We don’t have much information as to what that implied or what else he did during all those years, other than killing lots of Philistines, and destroying their harvests. He even removed the enemies gate at Gaza, a prophetic picture. Another time Samson called on the Lord when he was thirsty, after killing a thousand men with a jawbone of an donkey, and God provided the water for him. However, near the end of those 20 years, it's mentioned only once of him going to a prostitute in Gaza. There is nothing to indicate that this happened more often, or that this was a routine life style. (Even Judah had sex with Tamar, just one time, when she disguised herself as a prostitute.)
Unfortunately, Samson is mostly remembered for the “affair” he had with a beautiful women named Delilah, whom he met a little later, and he fell in love. The Bible does not say Delilah was a prostitute, but she did have a thing for money. Most assume that something sexual also happened while he was with her, but the scriptures does not say. If you read carefully, it only says he was enticed and he deceived her several times. He is also the only man recorded in the Bible, to have ever told a women “I love you”. Unfortunately, out of sheer stupidity and being pestered to death, Samson finally give in and revealed the secret he believes, for his strength. And while he slept on her knees, she had his hair cut off, and we all know the consequences that followed.

However, while in prison Samson had lots of time to think about his life, God, and where he went wrong. His enemies had blinded him, but that was when he really began to see. As time went by his hair grew back, and he asks the Lord to restore His strength. God did, and as a result it was his greatest victory.

Was Samson's life all about sex and killing, as some people think? I don't think so; maybe all he wanted was to love and be loved in return, and serve God's people. True, he put too much emphasis on human love, as most people do, rather than to love and honor God above all. Maybe he was a lonely and frustrated man. Or just got tired of fighting and killing, like King David did when he got older. During Samson's life there were no prophets or righteous role models mentioned for him to follow. Maybe these were the only two incidence of bad behavior in Samson's life. We will never know for sure, but I think there is much we can learn here. I'm not trying to make excuses for Samson, he made some bad choices. He had a special calling on his life, but didn't handle it well. Neither did he have the relationship with Yahweh that he could have had.

However, in the end Samson does calls on the Lord to remember him, just like many others have. Sure, he wanted justice, but he was also willing to give his life for the Lord’s cause. He had the faith to believe God would hear and answer his prayer. Samson saw himself as nothing and God as everything. Therefore, he didn't ask God to spare his life, but for strength to serve Him one last time. God saw and heard more than just his words, He also saw a humbled man. Even with his human weakness and carnal desires, Samson was used and loved by God. It was his faith in God that gave him strength, not just his hair. With the help of the Holy Spirit and God’s grace there were many victories throughout Samson's life, and God vindicated him in the end.

Yes, Samson was a foolish and carnal man at times, who was often lead by his flesh. But his name is still listed in the Hall of Faith, while the names of most prophets were not listed. I believe, Samson is listed not due only to his great strength or faith, but because of the wonderful, awesome and incredible grace of God. The Lord knew Samson long before he was born, and yet God still chose him to display His power and authority, despite those weakness. He was human just like us. How many of us would want to have a book written about our lives; with all our sins and failings exposed for the world to read? Certainly not me. Some of us could make Samson look like a saint compared to what we've done. (Jephthah, who is also listed with Samson in the Hall of Faith, was a judge before Samson, and he was the son of a prostitute, and another unique example of God's grace.)

What legacy will we leave behind? I would not necessarily want to be compared to a Samson, but I do understand human desires and weaknesses. My preference is to be known as a man after God's own heart, a son of God. However, there were certain aspects of Samson's life that were important and prophetic and that will be seen and felt in this next move of God.

The Samson Spirit

"I am uniquely devising a plan of attack toward the enemy. I am raising up a Samson, a multi-membered house, one who disregards most all that men (even Christian men) deem holy. These men's holiness is centered in their consecrated lives toward Me, not in externalism and sacrifice. Their authority is felt at the gate, and even their presence, going through the enemies gates, is felt (shaking). Sometimes these people are merely following their natural lust, and I use them to remove the enemies gates. This is My divine plan for Sodom's destruction, and the removal of various other (otherwise) impenetrable principalities. The Spirit of God goes into the midst of the enemy's camp, in the heart of His consecrated ones, and the Lord reeks havoc. His is something which He (God) is doing, and can NOT be achieved by carnal planning.

I will take the body of Christ to a level deeper. This depth will come by tearing and molding. I will remove part of her, and heal that scar, just to reveal My servants nature. I must reveal My ways to people. Who will listen?”-- prophecy by Sheldon David on August 9, 1998

October 14, 2014


The glory of God is reaching across San Carlos.

In San Carlos this past year there has been a lot of construction. Road improvements, more sidewalks, landscaping, and a fountain near my house. A new house is being built next door to me. Things are changing and prosperity is coming back to this city and other places in Mexico, as I have prayed for since coming here two years ago.

I enjoy watching the men working, and how they do things; mostly with hand tools and manual labor. One man calls me a supervisor; I have asked questions and even made some suggestions that were done. Most of the work takes a long time to get done, and often thing have to be redone, because they forgot to do something else first. And other times work is done that or damages or ruins the look of previous work, but now that's someone else’s problem. Water lines and other things are often broken when digging with backhoes, because they don’t check things out first. But it eventually gets done, and that’s life in Mexico, and other places around the world. People in general are pretty much that way too; making mistakes that could have been avoided. I was that way once and sometimes I still do.

New sidewalks, but weeds are still a big problem.
I also enjoyed building and house construction, and have built my own homes and landscaped them. Seeing something good rise from the earth where there was nothing before was a wonderful experience for me. As an artist I also got to create many beautiful paintings that were once just a blank piece of canvas. and I really enjoyed doing that too.

God is the Divine Artists, Designer, Architect, and Builder. He spoke and it happened; creating everything out of nothing, even what we don’t see. One day I was talking to the Lord about my fascination with construction, and seeing these kinds of things being done and how I missed the joy of creating. Then God reminded me that all His sons and daughters have a part in creating. In fact, most everyday of my life, my words and actions are building, creating and establishing various parts of His Kingdom. While most people, including religious people are still building only temporary ones. However, the time will come when the sons of God will see what they have accomplished; all the souls saved and lives restored, because of our intercessory work. But we can still have His joy now in building a relationship with Him, and being content with all we have in Him. There will also be a time when we will enjoy ruling and reigning with Him forever; and that can begin now too!
The Light of Christ' Church is shining over my house.
I'm glad Abba Father reminds me of certain things that I forget or sometimes take for granted. He also says, that the important things, especially the special one, usually take much longer to see accomplish than what we would like or expect. As His voice we often lay the ground work like a foundation for others to build on. It may not be the most noticeable or glamorous work for now, but necessary and important just the same. God is always faithful to all His words and promises, and His timing is always perfect. I love Abba so much, and enjoy working with Him any way possible; speaking His heart, overcoming obstacles, and defeating the enemy. But most of all, just being with Him.
The kingdom of religion is still growing, but much slower than some people had hoped.
Creating a Masterpiece

“Though all God's words of creation have already been spoken, the image of Jesus is still being found in Light, Color, and Dimension throughout the universe, coming into clearer focus within the Body of Christ. Through faith, believer participate in God's nature by living and speaking His words, thereby taking part in God's creative process. Every pure act of faith preformed is one step closer to the finish of God's divine masterpiece; the perfection of Jesus' Glorious Bride & Magnificent Kingdom."
by Sheldon David

October 7, 2014


This is Maria and her grandson.

There are many names mentioned throughout the Bible; names of people, places and things. There are also numerous names for God. Names are important and often have special meaning ascribes to them. Jesus is the name above all names. and every knee shall bow before Him.

People’s names are important too. There are people in the Bible who played very special roles. Yet there were some prophets, priest, and other men of God whose names were never mentioned. Sometimes, I have wondered why Malchus, a slave, who was in the garden of Gethsemane when Jesus was arrested, his name was recorded. Then there is also Rhoda, a servant-girl who reports that Peter is knocking at the door, after he had been released from prison; her name is mentioned too. Yet, there is another women who anoints Jesus feet, but her name is not mentioned. But, Jesus says her actions will be a testimony wherever the Gospel is preached. I believe she is a prophetic picture of Christ's Church who are willing to make great sacrifices, but seek no recognition for themselves. God has always been full of surprises and we may never know the reasons why some names are mentioned and others are not.

As sons of God, whether our names are ever written down for the world to see is not important. It is what we say and do for  Him and His Kingdom. Our lives are important to God no matter what others think, and it's our heart that He's looking at that will make us worth remembering. Besides, our names are written down in the Lambs book of Life, and also linked with His. Can't beat that! Amen!!!

The Lord is good to those who have seen Him.

He doesn't just strike them down to kill them!

No, He care tenderly for those who He entrusted with His secret—

the people of His Gown!

Those are a Real Remnant—

Not a particular “group” of people,

but a heart who has yielded it's own life, and been impaled in the process, for the Master's Call. That 's All! Everything! And the Lord knows their names.”--a prophecy by Sheldon David