June 1, 2015

Power in the Blood

Hi again, it' have been four months since I have left Mexico, plus not posted anything on my blog. But God is still good and faithful. Amen! I made the trip back to Vancouver in two and a half days, and the gas was half the price as when I when I left almost three years ago. I spent a couple days with Sheldon before meeting my wife again at his house for a "Glory Meeting." planned for the next day, Feb. 6th. She was still beautiful and had changed very little. However, I was a lot browner with a Mexican tan. We were both a little nerves, but after spending some time together she realized I was different, from the man I was when I left.

We drove back to Cle Elum to start building a new relationship based on Christ love. The first couple weeks was a little ruff emotionally for both of us, but time, prayer and lots of effort for each of us has helped healed some areas and we our still working on others, most importantly, communication, especially for me. It has been strange for me not ministering as I was in Mexico. But God has indicated that I have one main purpose for now and that is to show my wife how much I love her in ways that are important to her, and not just what I might want or desire. This has been a very challenging time for me and I sure it has been for Roberta. For example, for two and a half years we didn't have to consider another person preference. However, we do have many common interests, plus we do enjoy eating together and having someone to talk to and share our thoughts and feelings. But we also allow each other time to be alone too. Roberta still has an incredible love and compassion to minister to people, especially at her job and at church. The first Friday in March we also went back to Sheldon's of another Glory Meeting. We had a wonderful time also and God spoke through a number of people even me,

Roberta and I also attend to a church that we both enjoy and it has a wonder pastor who yields to the Holy Spirit by allowing others to share what God would have them say through scriptures, dreams, visions or prophecies. I really enjoy their worship time and the songs we sing. Roberta also invites me to go with her to events that she takes clients from work to and it gives me opportunity to minister to them and others at this events usually through prayer, sometimes I give a word of encouragement to individuals or lay hands on people and children to blessing them. But most of all I pray that God will soften hearts to receive His love and for this next generation of young people. I don't get to do this as often as I would like, but I believe that will change. In the meantime I stay busying working on the house and yard and fixing things, and planting lots of flowers. However, I also have to deal with lots of weeds and things that eat the flowers I plant, plus living in a fallen world. I'm try to learn how to apply the authority God has given us, but it seems to be a never ending battle.

One morning, last week, as I laid in bed I was feeling discouraged and made the statement or question to God, “Where's the power in the blood.” It was a very unusual statement for me to say. However, I didn't want to keep thinking negative and so I decided to put on some worship music. I had a disk that Sheldon had made for me many years ago entitled, Hymns in the CD player that was set to play random. The very first song that played that morning was The Blood, by Andrae Crouch. This anointed song had a divine appointment for me that day and I will never forget the gentle reminder from my Heavenly Father through this song: (these are the main lines that are repeated several times.)

The blood that Jesus shed for me, way back on Calvary it will never loose it's power.

Oh the blood that gives me strength from day to day it shall never loose its power.

Oh it reaches the highest mountain and it flows to the lowest valley.

The blood that quenches all my doubles and fears plus dries all my tears.

This song greatly lifted my spirit that day.

However, I was also reminded of a prophecy from Sheldon that the Lord spoke to us one night about the “Power of the Blood” that I would like to share again, because the words I believe apply to all God's sons and daughters.

"I am exalting you. I have loved you with an eternal love. I know how love works in the movies. I know how it works pretty much across the earth. In the United States it looks a little different than in some other nations. And those nations look different than other nations. But the love of God doesn't look like any of that.  

My Love is eternal. I loved you before you were born. I love you when you were happy and I love you when you were crappy. And I'll love til the end. My love is based on Abraham. A men I swore alliance to through Christ. The Man who became the fullness of all—became the Great Sacrifice.

My love for you is eternal. My love is joyful... I know there has been a lot of discomfort in your journey, but we will laugh again. We rejoice together. But there are a lot of men and women who have conquered, who have done the will of God. A lot has been achieved throughout the centuries, by targeted men and targeted women who have given their lives away for someone greater. 

You know I chose you, I chose you...because I loved you from the foundations of the earth. I loved you before you were born and I love you now, and I love you forever. It's this driving love, passion and zeal. But mostly His covenant—this blood, this blood, this blood, blood, blood, blood, blood, this blood is the bases of our love. Get it down, understand that, this blood is the bases of our love. The blood of Christ is the bases of our love. The foundation of our love is based on Christ's blood. It's not based on emotions, or some unconditional concept, but it is based on the blood of Jesus Christ. He became the atonement, He became satisfaction. The Father toward the Son toward you. He loved you, because of the blood of Jesus. He loves you, because of the blood of sacrifice, because of covenant. 

You have received blessings and favor from Yahweh... I have watch over you throughout your lives, from the day you were conceived to today. I have watched over you and loved you in the difficult times, in your struggles, and the struggles with sin. None of this have been able to separate us from the love of God. It only draws us deeper. Where you are weak that's where I'm strong. It's the power of covenant. Every time you need me I'm there, every time you don't need me I'm there. I'm simply there, watching over your lives. I watch over the Word. 

See when I say to a man that I am your shield and your exceedingly great reward, I'm your resurrection and life. I'm the rewarder of the diligent seeker—I am that I am. What did you expect to hear. Something you can write down it you blog entry, something you can detail in five minutes or less.

Abraham looked up to the stars. And if a man can count 50 billion, as Israel said earlier, lights in the sky. Then man hasn't even begun to count the stars. My vision goes forever—how about yours? My promises goes forever. Let me bless you forever. Let me pour out My love and promises to you forever—I am that I am. I am rewarding you—my diligent seekers.

(a portion of a prophecy by David on Feb. 25, 2011)

Note:  A message of the never ending love of God, based on the blood covenant and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. And the power of that blood is just as unmeasurable.