October 15, 2024

A Special Trips

I got to spend another day with Oscar, and with his niece this time, who is about 15 and had a great laugh. A few days ago we tried to go to Lake Titicaca, which means gray puma,a large mountain cat that roams the shoreline. Titicaca is the largest high alpine lake in the world, but the roads were blocked about half way there, so it didn't happen. However, the roads were open again, so we left at 9am yesterday. It was over a 100 miles away and took about 5 hours because of a lot of traffic going through the city to get there. As we went through the city the main road was lined with hundreds of food stands with very large bags of potatoes and onions and other vegetables. There were also about a hundred small round 16'metal trays that had small chunks of wood burning on them or would be burned later. Oscar informed me that these burnings were offered by witches as a sacrifice to the gods of the earth for a good harvest. They also lived along the road in metal sheds. I told Oscar that I would pray for them that God would open their eyes to the truth that it is the Lord God who blessed the harvest, and all of this was communicated over his cellphone. Then a voice came over the phone that stated she had been listening to our conversation and said she agreed with what I said. Wow! I asked God to bless her. Then we continue on our journey. The lake, Titicaca was huge and a beautiful two colors of emerald blue and green like the seas around many of the tropical islands. It was over a hundred miles long and it borders Peru on the other side and central to the Andes mountain range in South America. We had to take a small narrow three car ferry to cross about 2 mile the narrowest part of the lake to go to where Oscar wanted to eat. It turned out to be the small city of Casablanca, same name as the Capital city in Morocco in North Africa. This small town overlooked a bay full of boats. We were all hungry and ordered lasagna at a restaurant with outside dining and enjoyed the view while we waited and ate. The meal was very good and filling, and I paid for it, which I wanted to do to show my appreciation to Ocsar. Then we stopped at a very old, but beautiful Catholic church that is now a museum, I think, because of the police that guarded it. As we started to enter the church we noticed a poor hagged old woman sleeping on the concrete just as you entered the doorway. So I gently woke her and gave her some money, and told her God loved her. She was now a very happy old and toothless woman, but still one of God's children in need of His love and provision. Then we went in and prayed. My prayer was that those who came here would come to know the Truth and be set free. I also declared that this church would not be standing in the Kingdom of God as it is today. Afterwards, we headed back for the long drive yet it was now sunset and even more beautiful, with evening shadows and some thunderclouds and some rain showers in the distance. Back in the city it was bumper to bumper traffic and it seemed like every other car was a silver or gray extended taxi van taking people home. We didn't get back to my apartment until 8:45pm. It was an end to an awesome day and I thanked God for the wonderful friends He has given me. Another time we went to visit poor people who were sick at the local hospital which was very old and far from the standards you would expect to see in America. However the staff was very friendly and helpful in taking me to see different patients that I could pray for and also give them some money to help with their medication expenses. I saw almost a dozen patients young and old, male and female and it was one of my most rewarding experiences as I also got to declare their healing and restorations also. A few days later Oscar took me to The Summit which was the divide in a pass in the Andes Mountain range, in Bolivia, which also runs the length of western South America. It was about 20,000 feet in elevation and yet there was no snow there, which I found amazing, but it had been a very warm winter here. However, in the distance I could still see higher peaks with glaciers on them. From my standpoint I could see both east and west of Bolivia and the very steep roads that lead down the deep reviens on both sides of the country. At the summit there were still small fires burning that had been made by witches, making their offerings to the gods of the earth. So I dealt with these "high place" altar and offerings and brought down that evil influence off this country. I also prophesied over the future of Bolivia for the Kingdom of God and His children. Then we went and ate at a restaurant on the other side, from La Paz, that specializes in fresh trout meals. After our delicious meal we continued going down the other side of the mountain range and the foliage was so different, it was like a jungle, lush and green with tall trees of various kinds, including banana trees, and it was also a lot warmer as we descended down to about 2,000 feet and 90 degrees. Then we had to drive back up to La Paz which is at 14,000 feet in elevation and a lot cooler. It was a long, but beautiful drive, and we even picked up a few paying customs that I got to bless, as we were also in a taxi. But the best part of the day was getting to spend more time with Oscar, who God brought into my life for the Kingdom of God.

October 6, 2024


A week ago Daniel introduced me to some young friends who wanted to meet me. They turned out to be three young people, one male and two pretty young ladies and they all were in their early twenties and they were also mormons from the name tags I saw on their shirts. Then one of the girls handed me a small pretty sunflower wrapted in dedorative plastic. and I thanked her and blessed all of them. A few days later Daniel asked me if I wanted to go to a meeting for a couple hours while he went for an interview, I said sure, because I like meeting people. It turned out to be the same two young ladies and one spoke very good English. Then Daniel left me with them and she asked me how I liked Bolivia, I told her I loved La Paz and the people. Then I shared a little of my experience in South America. After about fifteen minutes an older couple showed up who looked like they were American. He looked very distinguished with gray hair and glasses, and the lady was a very attractive blond. And they were maybe in their mid fifties and they both spoke english. Wow this is getting better, then I noticed their name tags, and he was an Elder. They asked me where I was from and they told me they were from Utah. Okay, this was getting very interesting. Then she started to hand me the Book of Mormons, and I told them that I had already read it and that I had gone to Bible school for four years and studied many other religions while I was there. However, I did not graduate because I was six credits short. But, after four years, I had come to the conclusion that all they taught me was about God, but not how to know Him. I continues to explain that I had came to relize that it was God who make us a minister and not the degree of an educational system. Then I went on to share more of my life, including my name change, the home prophetic fellowship I was a part of and also watched on Zoom in Vancouver, and Sheldon, who was a great influence on my life. I then also shared the call of God on my life, as a prophet to the nations. I also shared a number of miracles that happen in Mexico and here in South America including breaking the drought in Chile and the year before in California, like Elijah did in the Bible. I also shared some of the maricale that God did for me in having a taxi driver return my coat that I had left in his car with my Passport in it. And also of the taxi driver named , Angel, who helped provide all my needs in one day being together. However, this Mormon couple was also very passionate about their faith and they asked me what I thought about it. I share that religions divide people and often causing them to believe they are better than others or to even hate others, Yet it is God's desire for us to love one another and to one body in His family in the Kingdom of God. However, they saw it that way too, but through the growth of the Mormon Church. I told them that the Mormon church did many wonderful things, and that I personally had come to know about some of them in my past. However, all those accomplishments come through human endeavor, where I chose to walk and live by faith and trust God to provide for all my needs including my health, authority and power, prosperity, I did not rely on the banking systems where people use credit to get what they want. Nor did I rely on the medical system. Jesus Christ is my life and everything I need. They also told me that they had apostles and prophets in their religion and because of their persistence, I guess they wanted to add one more to join them. I also shared that we, as human beans, know so little about God and His ways yet most think they know Him well enough. At the end of about an hour taking, they had one one the young lady who spoke English say a closing prayer and when she was through asked if I could say a prayer and they agreed. It was short, simple but powerful prayer. I asked God to give us all  a greater revelation of who Jesus Christ really is, plus His love for all of us and His plans for our lives and for future generations. When I was through, Daniel came in and joined us and I thanked everyone and blessed them before leaving them, knowing that God will answers my prayers and their lives would change, because the power of God is greater than any manmade religion. Then Danial and I went out to have hamburgers and fries, to top off a wonderful evening. God is so Good.