October 27, 2024

Authority: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Part II

Oscar headed his car towards a spot where the tourist driver said was a site of interest that he wanted to see, but just before we got there all of a sudden I was in need of a bathroom and it looked like none would be there. I needed to find a private area soon. I told the man at the site, I need a bano, but he said, there wasn't one. So I headed toward a small remote wall of salt blocks about 300 feet away from the tourist site and people's view, where I could change and clean myself up, because I could not stop what was happening to me no matter how hard I tried, before I got there. I cried out to God, "Why?" Where were my angels when I needed them? The enemy,satan, had struck me again for what I had just shared back with the group of young Columbians. The salt blocks are made of very sharp cristal that could cut into your hand or feet, even your clothing if you were not careful, and I was already weak from lack of sleep and the altitude. I can't describe how painful, difficult and awkward this was getting out of my pants. I finally got out of my underwear and cleaned myself as best as I could. I left my underwear there along with the toilet paper I had with me. and walked back to the car and Oscar waiting for me, a totally humbled and humiliated man. When I got there Oscar helped clean some of the soiled spots on my jeans so that it would not get on the carseat. Bless his heart. and then we washed our hands with some drinking water and some hand sanitizer I had with me. Then we headed across the salt lake in a different direction in which we came, because Oscar thought we could save some time and miles. However, there was no waren path and the salt crystal would cut into his already worn tires. So I convinced him to turn around and go back the way we came for the long drive back home. We eventually stopped to eat something, even though I didn't feel hungry, but I knew Oscar was. We also need gas, however when we pulled into a gas station we we told they were out of gasoline, but a tanker would be arriving in about two hours. So we parked his car to be first in line when it came. As we walked through the small city I had opprotunities to meet and bless more people and pray for them. Then we saw another gas station that was out of gas, with a long line of cars waithing for the tanker truck also. After we ate, the gasoline finally came and we filled Oscar's car. A little later, we stopped and pick up a couple of middle aged men. They were very friendly and with us for the next couple hours. While we drove we listened to some worship music and I heard them talking about Christians. One of the men eventually even drove for an hour so Oscar could get some more sleep. As we drove, I could see a storm was in front of us, and by the time we got to the city where the two men were getting off, the storm had dumped 2-3 inches of hail and the ground was all white, but the hail was slowly melting. It was quite a site to see. Once the men were gone, we still had a three and a half hour drive and Oscar was hungry again. So we found a little restaurant I was able to use their bathroom and eat. However, it their bathroom there was no water to flush my mess and the seat was also cracked. From what I have learned so far in most public restrooms in Bolivia, they have no seats to sit on, and often no water, plus you pay a small fee and then you get some toilet paper that you dispose of in a trash can next to the very dirty toilet. But, bless Oscar he asked the manager of the restaurant for a pail of water to flush the toilet. Then we ate our chicken and rice meal before heading out and got some more gas too. Along the drive there are many toll booths and checkpoints and many speed bumps that you have to keep an eye out for, plus a lot of potholes in the road to avoid. Oscar is a very good man and I love him, but he has a bad habit when it comes to driving. He drives way too fast for a small taxi. Plus, he often cuts people and cars off when in traffic, to save time. Thank God for His angels protection around this taxi, because he has no car insurance and does not own the car, his brother does and he pays him a fee. As we drive it is often a very jerky for passengers or me riding shotgun. And my bathroom situation did not end back at the the restrant. As we continued back I became more uncomfortable, and Oscar stopped a number of times to take a short nap because he was having trouble staying awake. By the time we got to my apartment I was glad to get out, and have a real bathroom again. However, I still wanted to thank Oscar for the trip. It was now 2am and I was ready to sleep as long as I was able to considering my situation, but that was about to change again by morning, when I started throwing up several times the meals I had eaten the night before, long with the other issue. For another few days, I was very weak. However, my strength was slowly coming back and have regained some of my lost sleep. I continue to thanked God for His faithfulness throught this trial and other issues I have had to deal with in my life and other difficult situations here in South Ameriaca. He is always there and living in me even through every trial no matter how painful or ugly they may be, wheather they're physical, emotional or even relational ones. I for one, will continue trust Him. Even Jesus humbles Himself to become a man and suffered many things during His life and ministry, even to the point of death on the cross. The reason I am sharing this article is that no one is exempt from the trials and testings of life, which Jesus himself said we would face. Look at the life of the Apostle Paul. I'm sure he could have gone into much more detail about his ordeals, that would make most of ours trials pail in comparison. But the love of God motivates all God's sons onward toward the Prize. Paul still had God's authority, just as Jesus did, yet they suffered in many harsh, ugly and painful situations. Yet, they didn't draw on their authority to change God's plan.  We today as God's son and daughters have been given even more authority to bring His Kingdom to Earth, and we see more of this power in the days to come, if we continue to endure and do our part. The past will become meaningless compared to the glory that lies ahead.