December 8, 2024

Communion Pt. Two

Last week when Jason mentioned they would be having communion that Friday night during the Zoom meeting I was not totally surprised, because God has been speaking to my heart that things were changing. One thing that was different for me was that my landlord was gone most of the time leaving me alone in his house to hear God's heart better. Another thing had to do with Donald Trump winning the election a few weeks ago, though that also was a big part of it. Everytime I come to a new country things are different from what I hoped or expected. But, there was a song that kept going through my mind was "We shall behold Him," which I then played every night on my laptop along with several other worship songs, before going to bed for the past two weeks, because I believed He wanted me to sow that into my mind and spirit. God is full of surprises and I believe this next one is going to be a doozy not just for me, but also for the world.  God desires to have communion with all his children in one form or another. Communion is eating and drinking Christ on a daily basis for Him alone. In the days and years to come He is going to take us to another level.where some people will have a face to face meeting with Jesus Christ, I hope to be one of them, even though I have seen Him in dreams many times. We are entering the Kingdom Age, the Age of the Father, a new paragium that will be like nothing we have ever seen before.  The last night that Jesus walked the roads of Jerusalem and shared the Passover Feast with His disciples in a room that was prepared for them. Jesus stated that it was something He had longed for. It all started off with a meal and communion. Jesus reached over and took some unleave bread and broke it, gave thanks and then passed it to His disciples. Then told them "Take, eat this is My body" and then He took a cup of wine and gave it to them, saying "Drink from it all of you, for this is My blood of the covenant which is poured out for the forgiveness of this in remembrance of me." The disciple all drank from it not understanding what all meant, because He told them to and they obeyed. Then Jesus got up from the table and retrieved a basin of water and a towel and began to wash and dry His disciples feet, Again they didn't understand and Peter even began to argue with Him, but eventually he let Jesus proceed as He started to explain, but they still had a difficult time understanding even though He told them that when the Holy Spirit comes they would understand better. But they didn't even know who or what that was. Then Jesus gave a discourse before leaving the room that ended with a high priestly prayer that would become the bedrock of the Christian Faith. After His prayer, He led them to the Garden of Gethsemane where He then prayed again for three hour, on His face before God. There, Jesus surrendered to the cup His Father placed before Him. But still the disciples didn't understand what was happening or why because they all fell asleep even after being warned by Jesus to watch and pray.Then Judas came with guards and soldiers and kissed Jesus before He was bound and led away to the high priest's house, and then to the governor, Pilate, who surrendered Him to the will of the people and eventually to the cross which He had to carry up a distant hill called Golgotha. So many people followed Him including some of His disciples, but they still didn't understand why this was all happening even though Jesus tried to explain several times, but it didn't make any sense to them. There on that rugged cross Jesus forgave mankind all their sins, healed everyone, and then He died and was buried. But His disciples still didn't understand until three days later when the most incredible resurrection event took place and Jesus rose from that grave, and then met Him face to face again in a locked room. Unfortunately, today many Christian, just like the disciple back then, don't fully understand God's plan or intention for their lives, even though they have a Bible that lays it out for them. But it takes more than having one and reading it. It takes a seeking heart, passion and a spirit to receive revelation knowledge that God shares with those who love Him with all their heart and have developed an intimate relationship with Him. However, I believe there will be some situations, when God just steps in and knocks people off their donkey, just like Saul. and opens their eyes to see the Truth and God's real inheritance for them that is avaible to them now. Instead of relying religious beliefs, rapture mindset and stubborn hearts that still seek pleasure of this world. What Jesus Christ did that special weekend nearly 2000 years ago,  opened the door to a paradigm, and a foundation that would become the Church Age on the day of Pentecost and it all began with communion with His disciples. Today we are entering another season, one of resurrection that I believe started when Donald Trump was shot, went down, and then rose up again with a shout "Fight, Fight, Fight." It was a sign and message from a faithful loving God. In this season where we will take a stand against the the true enemy and also see more resurrections and many more miracles than ever before. There are so many sons and daughters today who are still bound and blind by satan's lies and deceptions, and  in sickness and infirmities, mental issues and financial problems and depts, and trapped in spiritual caves who need to be set free by the power of God. Today, we are now seeing a new paradigm that was prophesied through Sheldon,David called the Kingdom Age or the Age of the Father that will change the world forever.  This is happening even now, through Abba Father and His sons and daughters who are one in and with  Him, because they have laid down their self-life, live by His faith and are declaring the Kingdom of Heaven on earth as it is in Heaven, by the power of His Word through our lips. All this to the Glory of God because everything is by Him, for Him and through Christ. Then everyone will truly see and understand because their eyes and ears are open and they will know true freeedom, and have daily communion (eating and drinking Him) and be taught by the Lord God himself. Then the whole world and every nation will give Him praise and glory and honor for all eternity, because we are all one family. And it all began with a few disciples having Communion with God.