December 15, 2024
"In the beginning God said...then a little later the Lord said, " It was not good for man to be alone." I'm going to approach this passage of scripture a little differently from what we are used to hearing about "a mate". After God created man they walked togethed in the cool of the day in the Garden of Eden for who knows how long. What Adan did during that time when God wasn't there the Bible does not say. I'm sure there was a lot of things to see and do and eat as he roamed the garden and named everything God created, including speech. Adam was also alone with no one else like him, but at the end of the day he got to spend time with God, his Father and creator. This was the way it was always meant to be, but in the meantime God had other plans that would help man not be so alone on his journey through life. God always intended for there to be others, not just Adam to enjoy His creation. So it began with a wife for him and then some children to make a family and to populate the earth with many more children.
After our birth most of us were nurtured by our parents, to receive love, comfort and support through some form of touch and communication. As we got older and more independent we developed relationships with others outside our physical family that added to our knowledge and experiences in life. This would often happen through social community and then some form of education and schooling, if not from our parents. As we got older most of us moved away from home by whatever means we could afford, to see what life was more about apart from the sources we first learned at home. In that process we developed acquaintances and friendship with other people of similar interest, in most cases, but not always. Those friendships could last for a long time, but in many cases they didn't last all that long or forever.
In my own life I was raised by Christian parents along with church life, but I still didn't really know God very well, even though I gave my life to Him. I read my Bible, even went to Bible College for four years. In the process I made a number of friends but they had very little influence on my life until I got married, but even then something was still missing--a longing in my soul. Until I turned almost 40 and then Father God stepped into my life, when He said, "It now or never," I told Him how much I need Him, but also that I needed someone to help me along the way, because I didn't want to mess up my life any more than I already had and failed so many times. As I waited on God, prayed and read my Bible alot more. Then a year later, I met Sheldon at an art show in Portland, Oregan. He became the help God knew I needed. And in the years that followed we developed a special friendship that would last forever. We did many things together and I learned so much from his words of wisdom, prophecies and the examples of living out a life that put Christ first.
Even now since I have left America on a mission with God, Sheldon and I stay in touch with each other. And he will always be my special friend, because he showed me what it was to be a true friend was and to others and most of all to God. Since coming to South America God has blessed me with a number of friends who have really helped me and that He also wanted to bless too, and for many generations to come. But those friendships were very short lived, because I moved on, but I till stay in touch with them through emails. But those friendships never really got to develop into a meaningful relationship, but that's okay because God is always with me.
In the Bible the word "friend" implies a covenantal relationship with others and God who spend a lot of time with each other. It is a bond that is meant to be for life and even eternal. The first time we saw this type of friendship was with Abraham, and his three Amorite friends who were called allies that fought with him against the five kings in order to save his nephew Lot and his family. Then he met Melchizedek, and that became an instant bonding for the two men. Later on in the Bible we saw Moses with Joshua by his side, who was like a son to him, that would be the next leader of the Israelites to lead them into the Promised Land forty years later. However, after many more years the children of Israel chose to do what was right in their own eyes, so God raised up judges and prophets who were to rule and show the ways of God. But these prophets were often despised, rejected and loner. Yet God often provided a special friends, male and females, to help them in their time of need and/or support.
Then came the true Promise Land, Jesus Christ in the form of a baby boy, who was nurtured by his parents and raised in the Hebrew traditions that were meant as God's example for all the world. But things were changing right before their eyes. As Jesus grew older he stepped away from all those traditions and became the Way to Father God. And in the process he chose twelve men to be His disciples, then trained them by His teaching and examples and they called Jesus their Lord and Master. However, they were eventually called Apostles. But before Jesus left them He told them that "No greater love as a man than to lay down his life for a friend," then gave them a last command, that they love one another as He loved them and that He no longer called them slaves for a slave does not know the master's wishes, but "I call you friends, if you do what I command you." (John 15:13-17).
Abraham, Moses and Job were also called friends of God. And I can't think of a more wonderful or beautiful expression than to be referred to as a "friend of God." except for maybe, "son". I will never forget the night that I heard God call me "friend" which happen over ten years ago. He even spelled it out to me and said, "You are my friend, F.R.I.E.N.D." Wow, it left me speechless and honored.
Today as always and forever, Jesus Christ is my best friend, who has always been there for my strength and love and everything else that I need. Plus, He is my faithful Friend to all His words and promises, and it's what keeps me going from day to day, and every morning I wake up. It is also my heart's desire for everyone to know Jesus Christ intimately above all others, seeking Him first and to be known as "Friend of God".