March 2, 2025

Taking it Back

Last weekend on Jason's Friday Meet, Sheldon prophesied, "We're taking it all back," and the very next day, President Trump said in a meeting, "We're going to get our money back," regarding the Ukrainian mining issue. Wow, that is an incredible confirmation. However, that statement from Trump I believe was also prophetic even though he probably doesn't know it, regardless of what happens with the Ukrainian deal, those words go beyond that war. In Sheldon's prophecy he was speaking from the spiritual realm, and Trump was speaking from the natural world. Those kinds of things often go hand-in-hand. However, it first must come from the spiritual world. Therefore, we see God fulfilling His plans to bring heaven on earth through the prophets of God. Every person from the beginning of time has had things stolen from them, by mean and evil people and sometimes even by friends. This happens in almost every aspect of life, where people have lost friends, money, health, hope and dreams, sometimes even by their own foolishness. Today, we see people having all kinds of health issues, often because of poor eating habits or other issues that are beyond their control, even young children and babies. Then there's the loss of loved ones through accidents, disasters, or health issues. People dying long before their time that was never a part of God's plan, even from suicide, all because the thief stold their hope for a better life. Throughout my life of 77 years, it has been no different than many others, as I have lost three relatives because of suicides. I have seen health issues affect my friends, and every member of my family, including me. I have lost large sums of money through poor business practices and investments, and also because of fraud. Plus I have lost friends and family because of things beyond my control. All these losses were never a part of God's intention for His Children. However, Jesus Christ has always met my needs in every situation, despite those losses. Yet they have sometimes tested my faith and trust in Him, especially since I have been on this mission with God. But I never gave in or compromised to those lies or symptoms from those situations. Because I believe and walk in, "It is Finished. "However, in all these situations, satan is really the true thief, because Jesus said, "that satan has come to steal, kill and destroy," And that is just what he has doing. And it all started in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Since then satan has stolen from everyone on earth, and especially from the children of God, because he hates them the most, because they are a threat to him. But that's going to change from now on, because we are taking it all back. That is what God wants us to do and declare, as He has told Sheldon to declare it, and we believe it will and is happening now. President Trump is God.s son and he wants to see every American get what rightfully belongs to them, that has been stolen by evil people through deception and have no desire to see people prosper beyond their plans. Every single lie will be exposed. and every dollar, plus interest returned, was the echo by Jason later that night, that was stolen by the devil, including every child with the light of God in them. We are demanding it to be restored, because this is the command from the Commander and Chief, Himself, Jesus Christ, to the Sons of God. It all belongs to God in the first place. "The silver and gold is Mine," says the Lord, and everything else and He intends for His children to have it, as their rightful inheritance from God. These were just some of the commands given by God to Sheldon for the sons and daughters of God to move forward into battle against the true thief, satan and his demons, along with those who foolishly follow him. Plus all those Goliaths that have challenged the minds and freedom of all His children. There are things that have been stolen from every person on this planet, and they don't even realize it, because they think that's just the way things are in life. But that is also a lie spread by satan and often promoted by religious teachers and preachers that have deceived so many people for thousands of years, because they don't know the Truth Himself, Jesus Christ. Where in the Bible does it say, God wanted his children sick, poor and live in poverty as a part of life's experience. Where does it say his children should be fearful and with no hope or love? Yet we see people committing suicides that should never happen. Many take drugs to feel better, or drinking alcohol to forget a life of pain and suffering; whether physically, mentally or emotionally. People are falling into traps and ditches, in times of trouble and disasters, because they look to people and government leaders to help them when they should be looking to Jesus Christ for the answer, who freely offers His love and forgiveness to those who believe, repent and obey Him. He is the answer for every need, and hope that a person could want or need. I know this for a fact and they can know it too. We just need to let go of our pride, worldly mindset  and our selfish desires. God tells us when we seek Him with all our heart, we will never have to deal with worrying about the future or the thief again, because God has our back and will never leave or forsake us. Even though satan might try from time to time to mess with our minds. But, he can not succeed, because he has no true power. God has given us the power and authority over him and our future with the promise of victory. We have His faithful covenant promise to Abraham. The scripture also says, "by His wounds we are healed" and that includes restoration in every area of our life.(Isaiah 53) You can trust Jesus Christ, when all others will fail you. Jesus also said, "I have come to give you life and have it more abundantly." Some of these thoughts are also inspired by Sheldon's talks and prayers.

February 23, 2025

Record Breakers

Truly, truly I say to you, whoever believes in me; the works that I do, he will do also; and greater than these he will do, because I go to the Father. Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. If ye love me, keep my commandments. (John 14: 12-15) John 17:20-21, Holds the clue as to who we are and what we are to do. One night over ten years ago, the Lord said to Sheldon and I as we were in one of our Friday meetings, "Records are meant to be broken." I thought that was a rather interesting statement, since God didn't really elaborate on it, that I can remember. However, as the years have gone by I have seen the truth in His words. In the past few years we have seen records broken in the weather all around the world, from record high of 130 degrees in Iran, to record low of -50 in cities of North Dakota. Record rain falls around the world have caused serious flooding.and loss of life and damage or loss to food sources. The Gobi Desert had large lakes for the first time, because of rainfall records. Then record heat waves have cause droughts and fires that has done the same thing, including record wildfires, forest fires that have destroyed millions of acres of land and destroying thousands of homes and business in every country around the world, and the cost of these weather related events has also set records, not to mention the lives and suffering for families. New records are being set in the cost of houses, renting and living expenses, and food cost have also broken records, including the cost of eggs and that's no joke. In the natural world we see records broken almost everyday. And often they are recorded in the Genesis Book of records. Last year, I watched certain events of the 2024 Paris Olympic highlights, and I saw many records being broken in different events. Some just by a fraction of an inch or a second and yet in another event I watched a Christian lady runner win by over twenty feet. In another situation a young man broke a world record and then again later in the same day. It was amazing to see that people keep getting faster and stronger every few years Another time I watched a video of a young 5 year old Asian girl in a swimming event, and she beat the next contestant by over 10 feet. It just blew me away at how fast she was. In another area, records are being broken by theives, stealing more and more all the time. Just recently some hackers even stole $1.4 billion in cryptocurrency. But that is nothing compared to multi-billions stolen from the American people by the Biden administration and other agencies. And to the record breaking of the national debt in America of 35 trillion dollars continues to eat away at the very fabric of our democracy. But things are changing from now on, and that change is for the good of all mankind, praise God. I have seen God do some incredible things with young people especially children who have been gifted with certain abilities.They are often called suvants or prodigies. I was an artist once, and over 15 years ago I saw a young girl that had a visitation from God, and from that time on she painted awesome pictures far beyond others abilities and some of the paintings were prophetic. She even painted a large picture of Jesus that she talked to almost every day. Then last month, I saw again, a young 5 year old girl painting prophetic pictures using all types of items to apply the paint to the surfaces she painted on. She would use brushes or a leaf or even the hair from her head to paint. She was only 4 years old when she started painting, after having an encounter with Jesus. There are other children that have been gifted in various areas with skills far beyond their age, some in math and equations in solving things. Other children, in games such as chess or physical ability, even in music and playing musical instruments, God is using children to change the world. Even ones that have physical disabilities, such as blindness, deafness, autism or even cripples, God love and grace is being poured into them and changing lives. But the biggest change is coming in the spiritual world, through the sons and daughters of God that will be record breakers also. God has called upon these chosen ones, like Sheldon, to create a better world and to bring heaven to earth again through their declaration and the support of legions of a mighty angelic force to fulfill the will of God. The Goliath giants are falling down in record numbers. Those giants that have kept people bound in fear, regarding their health, finances, families and religious beliefs and many other areas. They have also kept God's children from receiving their full inheritance. Today, people are being set free in record numbers from all kinds of addictions. Plus every evil cartial is and will be wiped off the face of the earth. Minds and bodies are being restored in record numbers. We will see a record number of miracles and the raising of the dead, all because these Golithe have defied the living God, and they are all coming down by righteous stones slung by prophets and striking them where it counts. Then their ugly heads will be cut off, in record numbers never to taunt the children of God again. Amen!

February 16, 2025

Near-death Experiences

During the past month, I have read and listened to many near-death experiences on Youtube, from my laptop. At first I was reluctant, becauseI thought they were smoking a joke. But I was wrong, in fact many were wonderful testimonies of God's love and grace for all His children, regardless of age, sex, religion, or nationality. It was also a great way for me to spend time and learn about other people's lives with issues or problems that cause God's love, grace and forgiveness to step into the lives of perple at the most unexpected moment. These near-death experiences also proved to me that God was answering our prayers. He was breaking down the barriers that have kept people from truly knowing Him as the Truth, the Life and the Way. The ones I have enjoyed the most are the ones that have beautiful video scenes of the earth from all over the world, mostly sea and landscapes and someone narrating the event that happened. However, some are from the actual person's testimony of their life changing event. These near-death experiences also proved that there was no such thing as an accident. Also much of what was said were things I agreed with from what God has already taught me over the years, and things that God has revealed to Sheldon or prophecied to his friends in groug meetings. In most of these experiences there is a constant reflection of what happened just after they died. How they left their bodies and then absurved the scene by looking down on their lifeless bodies, and the medical team frantically working on saving them, or the crumpled car wreck around them, and sometimes with loved ones crying nearby and praying. Then they would enter a void or tunnelthat leadd to a distant light or darkness. And then they would meet Jesus. Wow! The description of heaven and Jesus are very similar. And how He feels about them; the love, beauty, warmth and acceptance: not judging that usually makes most feel guilty, because their whole life was often exposed; the good and the bad. and the need to forgive, just as He has forgiven them. Everyone wanted to stay with Jesus and in the beauty that surrounds Him and heaven if He so choses to let them see it. However, in many situations He also shows them hell, and that is real too, including the smell, the pain and suffering of those living there. All because they rejected His warnings, forgiveness and the love He offered them from the beginning of the birth. But they wanted to do things their own way and enjoy the pleasures of the world, or that they thought it better.or follow the rules of their religion or society. Many sought after things and pleasure that would never satisfy the true longing of the soul. But, the bottle line it was their choice not His. Another thing that was revealed to many was the future with all kinds of awful disasters. But Jesus said that these events were not judgment, but warnings for people to turn back to God, and also the consequences of the way they lived; a life independent from God's love and authority, and also because they didn't care the things mankind was given the responciblity to care for; not the results of global warming. God had selected these individuals from many countries and from every religion, occupation and different lifestyles and atheist, plus people covered in tattoos, pet lovers, or those who wore a cross or hung them in their homes. Jesus told some them that even many Christians were deceived by their leaders who didn't really know Him, because they did things they were taught by men. Other christians did things out of habit thinking they were still pleasing God with their going to church, tithing, singing worship songs and yet their hearts were still far from God, and intimate relationship He desired from them. They also saw the sadness in Jesus eyes when He shares these things, but there was still Hope. Jesus showed some people, spots of light all around the world, that was growing, displacing the darkness through their love and prayers; setting people free from all kinds of bondage. One of the main reason behind many these divine intervention of near-death experiences was to give them a second chance, and to warn others, even if they didn't believe at first of what they saw and heard. Their testimony would plant seeds of truth that someday, Lord willing, change peoples lives for generations to come. Most didn't want to leave Jesus, but He told then it was their time, because they had been chosen before they were even born for such a time as this. Many knew that going back would be difficult, especially for whose families were of different religions. But they now knew the Truth that set them and hopefully others free from all the sins, guilt and fears. And now they had His promise, that He would never leave or forsake them. His love, faith and power would help them to the very end no matter what they faced. He also told them to tell people He was coming soon. Just like He said in the Bible. However, compared to eternity, anytime we have here on earth would be short in comparison. P.S. I should also warn you that they are counterfit near-life experiences posted, so be careful what you watch. They will be have half truth and ones of totally false testimonies to lead people to believe that every "good" or nice person still goes to heaven. In one artical, a man claimed to have seen Elvis in Heaven and talked with him, however after seeing it there was no mention of God or Jesus or of him actually dying. This Elvis told him, that he did some bad things and some things he regreted. Just like Judas did; and like anyone else who would refuses to follow Jesus Christ and betray Him too. However, I am inclined to believe the real Elvis is in heaven, but this artical was just a total lie, just like those people who accuss President Trump of all kinds of false things and yet many believed those liers. I also saw another article that claimed they saw Marlynn Monroe in Heaven. But, I didn't bother to see that one. All liars will still end up in Hell, along with the Father of Lies. It is important that we make the right choices, before we face death's door, and the soner the better.

February 9, 2025

The Faithfulness of God Pt. 2

When I started to walk out of the airport in Auckland, New Zealand I had no idea as to what I needed or what to do, but trust God to open a door with someone to help me. But when I was leaving Chile a married couple took interest in me after I had asked for help filling out a form to get through immigration. When I got on the plane and sat down the wife told me that if I needed any help to come back to where they would be sitting. But I did not go, but after the long flight and I started to get off the airplane and her husband handed me his business card with his personal phone number written on it. And said if I need help to call him. So I waited at the exit area trying to decide what to do, but I had no phone and they would be busy getting back home wherever that was. So I went over to a taxi area and asked someone to take me to a a travel agency so I could find an apartment to rent, but they would only drop me off at the sidewalk and I would have to pull all my luggage by myself to get to the location in a mall and I was told over the taxi man's phone that the cheapest apartment for three month was $8,000. I was in shock so I went back to the exit area and waited until noon. Then I decided to go to the hotel next to the airport that I knew would be very expensive and it was, but it was beautiful. However, it was also $165 a night. So I paid for one night hoping to find something cheaper the next day. I had not slept for two days and after fixing myself a peanut butter and jam sandwich from the food I had packed in my luggage. Then I took my first real shower with hot water in over 5 months, and then went to bed and slept and slept and slept. Finally the next morning I had another PB&J sandwich and went back to the airport to look for help, I found an airport Help Booth and used their phone to call the number on the card because I didn't know what else to do. But all I got was an answering machine, so I left a message. I had to check out of my hotel room by 11 oclock So I got a hot chicken sandwich at the airport and went back to my hotel and paid for another day. That night I watched a Friday zoom meeting and shared a little about my situation, Howerer, it was really Saturday here in New Zealand. Twenty-one hours difference from Vancouver time. I didn't like paying so much money for a room, but it was really God's money anyway and I just had to accept it. Besides, He said it was prophetic. Ok I'll go along with that. The next day I called again and still got an answering machine and went back after paying for another day. Finally after three days I decided it was time to leave, because I felt it was what I was supposed to do. Close one door and wait for God to open another one. So I made another call from the business card, because I felt there was a reason God had him give me his card. So I sat in the waiting area at 11am and prayed over the people coming to New Zealand. I was not afraid or worried, because God is faithful even if I had to stay in the airport and be "The Terminal Man" like Tom Hanks in the movie. That afternoon a pretty young Chinese lady sat down next to me and I was surprised, as to why? So I asked her if she spoke English and she did. So for the next half hour I share Christ with her and His love and my ministry in South America. I told her that this was a divine appointment and that God would reveal himself to her and bless her and her family for many generations to come. After our talk she thanked me and said our goodbyes. She had been waiting for her father to arrive and he didn't speak english. I felt this was one of the reasons God had me wait here so long. It was now after 8pm and the Help Booth that I had called from had closed, but a little later a man showed up so I went over and asked if he would make a call for me, and he did. But this time I actually got a voice from Rod who gave me his card and I told him that I was still at the airport and that I could really use his help. So he agreed to meet me at 9pm at the unloading area that the man at the booth suggested, because it was not near the exit area. So this man also helped me by pushing my heavy cart with three suitcases. Then another person came over, and replaced him and then a man with a mini stuttle car picked me up and drove me to the unloading area where my luggage was waiting and so was my new friend, Rod, who had just arrived, and then helped load my stuff into his car. On the way out the man from the Help Booth who arranged our meeting, called Rod's phone just to see that I had made it out ok. Wow, this was all so amazing, and now I had a place to spend the night that was not in the airport. When we got to his house they had planned to have a waffle for dinner and I ate with them as I shared some of my ministry in South America and the miracles. I slept on their living room floor on a blow-up bed. The next day Rod had off from work, so he took me and his daughter to a Bank of America affiliate, but they could not help me. So then he bought us a sushi lunch and went back to his house and he looked for a cheaper place for me to stay and found an apartment/hotel for $50 a night for a week. At the end of the week we came to the conclusion that I need to go to Australia soon, where things would hopefully be cheaper and I could resolve my banking issues. I was able to stay for just one more night where I was already, because it had been booked again with more tourists. That evening, we went out and got a phone for me so I could get my visa for Australia which had to be done online and with a phone too, and then applied for it. But we also had to wait for a confirmation in 1-3 days.  An hour after Rod left, the fire alarm went off in our 12 story complex and we all had to walk down the stairway to get out, I was glad I was on just the third floor. When we all got out to the streetlevel with just the clothes on our backs there where two fire trucks waiting and firemen deployed to solve the issue. There was no fire to be seen from outside the building, and after half an hour we were all allowed to reenter after the alarm was turned off. Which was a relief, but still another adventure or an attack of the enemy to create fear in people's lives, but I was not concerned as I cursed those fears off peoples lives. Rod came back the next evening again to helped me cancel my first booking to Australia and then rebook another flight, after we got my tourist visa notice approved on my laptop. He found a flight for just $200 and it departed at 3:30pm in two days, which was great timing for both of us. All this took a lot of time and I was humbled by all the help I was getting from Rod, and very grateful too. He was also able to book me for two nights in a nice apartment in Australia when I got there. the next morning, Rod picked me up to go to another place to stay, close by his house so he could take me to the airport the following day and drop me off. Getting into these apartments was an adventure all of its own. The next morning he arrived at pick me up. When he got there I gave him money to give to an orphanage or to poor people that he and his wife could decide on. I also had given him some money for all his help. But the blessing I gave him would be a far greater reward, which I also told him. At the airport he got my luggage out and we gave each other a big hug. I really love that man, what a blessing he was. Now I was off to the airport booking area all on my own, just God and me, and that was all I really needed this time. But there were still some issues but God resolved them all in His time and way and now I was heading for the plane going to Australia, after just spending two weeks in New Zealand. However, God told me that I had accomplished all that I really needed to do there in that short time. He also proved He is a faithful God to all His children.

February 2, 2025

The Faifulness of God Pt. 1

Over my life I have seen the faithfulness of God, but even more so since I have left the USA on a mission with God. I saw it often in the year and a half I spent in South America. And now, I was heading to New Zealand, and it seems that my time at airports still has its challenges and this time was no different. Marco, my landlord, was driving me to the airport and when we were just 5 minutes from his apartment I realised that I had left my light jacket hanging on the bedpost. so we were able to make a quick turnaround and get it and were back on the road again, and we still had plenty of time to get to the airport. However, after going to the flight check-in area, I was told I had to have an exit ticket from New Zealand. I could not believe that I was having to deal with this again, just like I did back in Bolivia. However, Carlos was still with me, because I wanted his help in case I needed it and it looked like I did again. So I asked him if he could book me a flight to Australia after New Zealand on his phone. He was able to do that and found one for $220 and so we booked it and he paid with his credit card and then I paid him in American money which was all that I had left on me, without going back to an ATM machine which charges a herendius fees, if you have to use them in airports. All this took time and my flight will be leaving very soon and I still have to go through immigration before finding the gate and boarding the plane. However, Carlos wanted to print out my ticket from his phone at a place that could do that while I stood waiting and praying. Then said our goodbyes and gave big hugs, I really loved that man for all his help and being a friend. As I went through screening and emptying my pockets and whatever to get through as I put my keys back in my front pocket, but I apparently missed my pocket, because after I walked about 50 feet away a lady came up behind me and handed me the keys that I had dropped that went to my luggage security locks. I thanked her, and then God told me, "I'm watching your back" and I was glad He was. A little later as I pulled my carry-on and a heavy laptop case with my Bible and Sheldon's book I stopped at a bench to rest and then move on but I have left my laptop case leaning against the wall, and didn't realise it until I got to the x ray area where a sign said that it would not hurt your laptops and that's when I realised I didn't have it with me. I was very wery from all that was happening and my mine was focused on getting to the plane. So I tried to remember where I had left it. At first I thought it was on the plane, but then God reminded me and I went back, praying it would still be there with one of the staff following me from security. It was still there even with a lot of people standing around it, I thanked God!  By the time I was just about to the boarding Gate, I heard my name called over the PA system and I waved to them. I was the last one to board the plane before they closed the door. I now had a six hour flight to Saniago before I headed across the Pacific Ocean on a 12 hour flight of which I could not sleep, so I watched four movies, One was Chariots of Fire. I had a nice leftover meal before I left for the airport in Lima, and I also got meals on both flights to New Zealand, so I wasn't starving. I arrive at Auckland Airport at 5:20am and my next step into a new country, where I have no one to meet me or a place to stay, But God was with me and that is the most important thing, because He is a Faithful God.

January 19, 2025

Second Chance Pt. 2

We are living in a society which is accustomed to hearing the words, "Second Chance". It is often a request by a person or a group of people that has done something poorly or wrong and are seeking mercy instead of justice. Something it heard in schools when a student has made a failing grade on a test, or someone who has broken the law and wants to avoid certain punishment or a person who was in a race and didn't get the first prize or blue ribbon. There are often many times in life's situations where we would all like to get a second chance also to correct a wrong and hope for a better outcome the next time. This desire is nothing really new, because we can go back through history and see where people have wanted a second chance and did, but there are also those who didn't and had to suffer the consequences, including some on prison's death row. In the Bible we see when God created the world and everything in it that He established certain laws and regulations that were not meant to be broken or there would be consequences for breaking them. Adam and Eve certainly would have liked to have had a second chance, but they were still shown some grace instead of immediate death for their disobedience. The same grace was extended to Cain for killing his brother Abel. Even Esau wanted a second chance to receive the blessing that he skipped for a bowl of soup, but he was still denied even though he cried many tears. Throughout history mankind has failed to learn from the mistakes of others. But then there were also times where God gave people a 'second chance'. In fact, there were times when God wanted to wipe the slate clean and start all over, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord and so God gave one family of eight, a second chance to start over and replenishing the earth population. But unfortunately the flood didn't wash sin off the face of the earth or from men's hearts. So God continued to give His children a second chance because of their constant inclination to sin and disobey His laws. It is so very sad to see how quickly people turned away from the hand and heart of a faithful, loving God. Even the Children of Israel after their triumph exodus from the land of Egypt were so quick to turn back on God and worship a golden idol, and do things their own way. In that situation God wanted to wipe them all out too and start over with Moses to carry on the line of God's chosen people. But Moses pleaded with God for a second chance to continue the journey to the Promised Land. This pattern continued throughout the old testament with God sending judges and prophets to plead and intercede for a fallen race, and for a second chance to live When Jesus Christ came on the scene things were no different, man's religion had taken over the world, even in the promised land. Jesus agonized over the city of Jerusalem, and in the Garden of Getheninani for a lost world. Even from the cross He cried, "Father forgive them for they no not what they do," Then gave all His blood in a final act to bring healing, restoration, and redemption and declaring, "It is Finished" Thus, He bridged the gap between mankind and our Heavenly Father.and gave us all a second chance. Today, religion is still one of the greatest sins on the face of the earth. It has led to all the other forms of evil actions and defilement that thrives in the heart of mankind. Some religions may seem better than others, but they are all man-made, self centered, and corrupted. Seeking only to please themselves and God rather than dying to their self-will and let Christ live His life through them by His grace. Jesus said, "I am the Truth, the Life and the Way," and there are no other exceptions to that declaration. There is only one road that leads to Christ and it passes through the cross we are meant to carry. This past month I have watched a number of near death experiences on Youtube, which I have not done before. However, I have heard of some, but I thought I would check them out this time for myself, and I believe it was what God wanted me to do. Because, much of what I heard, only confirmed what I already knew. Plus, they also revealed that God has been answering our prayers for many years. Including mine. God is infiltrating and breaking every religion throughout the world through visions and out of body experiences, and by His prophets declarations. In these articles on Youtube, certain individuals have died in many different ways, which only confirms there is no such thing as an accident. God is in control of every situation, regardless of peoples' age or religious beliefs. By these divine acts, God has been planting seeds that are now growing and bearing fruit around the world and especially through the internet. But, I have also seen that the enemy is also throwing in conterfits or mixtures of situations that are influenced by their religious beliefs, and evil principalities so one must have some discernment when watching them. And seek only the truth in each story with the help of the Holy Spirit. With that said, I would like share one episode to prove my point for this Blog post. The mans name was Caleb, he was Amish, married and had two children. He was 42 years old. After dying and spending some time with Jesus, he was told how his religious faith had been based on traditions, rules and regulations and trying to do and be good. But they all lacked an intimate relationship that is found only in God's love, faith and grace. When Calieb asked Jesus, why me? Jesus told him, 'To give you a second chance." And to share the trough to others. This past month I have also heard God speak through Sheldon, that He intend to pull out all the stops and break every chain to see people set free from the religious beliefs, that have kept them bound for so many years from knowing the truth and their full inheritance that is available to them now, not when the get to heaven. The Father also wants to see full restoration of the Body of Christ. And He intends to bring down every form of sickness and disease so that all His children can experience the full freedom of being "in" Christ and the abundant life To that I say, yes and amen. It is God desires in this new golden Age of the Kingdom of God, to give everyone a second chance.

January 12, 2025

The Slums of Lima

Last Tuesday I got to go to a place that I have wanted to go to since I got here in Peru. It is called the Slums of Lima. I had checked it out online to learn more about it. The city of Lima has a population of over 10 million people, of which 40% live below the poverty line. However, there is also a section of the city where the very poor live that has a population of about 400,000 people and they are separated by a very high six mile long wall that divides the rich from the poor and on the top of the wall in some sections it was also covered with razor wire. This wall is known as the "Wall of Shame", and in this section of the city there are no paved roads, no sewer system or runny water. So their water has to be trucked to them and stored in large black barrels, where the poor can fill their container. Then carry back to their very old rundown brick houses which was once where the city of Lima first began. But then the wealthier moved away, leaving the poor to fend for themselves and continued to expand despite their hardships.  After being here for over two month God finally made it possible for me to go with Carlos. He is my roommate and landlord and very kind and helpful. However, he has been gone most of the time so I have also been waiting on God for His timing. Carlos was back again and we were able to leave at 9 in the morning with a friend who had a car to take us. As we got closer to the area, in about half an hour, the surrounding city became poorer as we drove. And then got some direction from the local police as to how to get inside. The roads in the area were very narrow, steep and on the hillsides were their very old houses, mostly without glass in the openings. We arrive up at a high area next to the big wall, and I could see could also see the poor homes below. There were houses on both side from where we parked. I got out and walked over to that "Wall of Shame" and placed my stretched arms on it and cursed it and beat it with my fists seven times. And declare it coming down by the power of God, and to never rise again. Just like the walls of Jericho and the Berlin Wall. There are no walls that separate the children of God in His Kingdom.  The day before we left, we went shopping and got 12 packages of dry rice, and lintels, and split peas to give to the poor along with some money I had for twelve families. However, Carlos was concerned that when people saw us passing out food, they would come running and we would have to leave in a hurry for safety sake. But, I told him God and His angels would protect us. And I had already asked God to prepare the way for He knew who He wanted to help.  As I walked back to Carlos and told him I didn't see any children, just a young couple high up on the hillside hanging out their laundry on a line. So he walked over to an open doorway on the other side and talked to an older lady and told her that we wanted to help twelve families with children. She came out and started calling out over a low wall to the houses below and also got on her phone to call others. Soon there were children and mothers coming to where we stood waiting. Then I looked out over the poor broken community below, and prayed. The sky was hazy, covered in a thick smog, my prayer was for their freedom and prosperity and to know the love of their Heavenly Father better. As the families came, I told Carlos on his phone what I wanted him to say to the people when they all got there. Then we went inside an empty room next to us, that could have been a classroom. It was clean and had chairs along the walls, and all the children sat on the floor in the center and the mothers lined the walls. I blessed them in Spanish and told them that God loved them and so did I. Then I passed out the bags of food that we put into 12 white plastic bags and also gave them money (12 bills) that I took from in my right coat pocket. As I did, I clasped their hands and gave them a kiss from God on the cheek or the top of their heads. Some hair was still wet from being washed that morning. When I was all through passing out the twelve bags and money, a young man came up to me and gestured that he wanted me to give him something, but I had already given out all the food and the money I had, but I reached into my pocket again and there was still another bill. I believe God had put it there to meet that request. Then I had Carlos tell them what I wanted him to say from his phone and read it to them. I said, "God loves Lima and He also loves them, and He has not forgotten them and He intends to bless them and their children for many generations to come. They all called out their thanks and blessings and then came up to me and gave me thanks again along with big hugs, including the all children. When we went outside and they wanted to take a group picture with me on Carlos's phone. Wow, what can I say, I knelt down in front of them and when I got up I told them that they were "my new family" and they laughed and liked that very much and so did I. Then I asked Carlos to send me the picture to my email and so he did. This is what life is all about and why I am here in Peru. I was on cloud nine as we drove back and my heart was full. I gave them a little money and some food and asked God to bless it. I was reminded of the passage where Jesus had just finished talking to the Samaritan woman, at the well, and He told His disciples, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent me...for in this case, one sows and another reaps." (John 4:32-37). That day, I saw God's protection, blessing and provision, He is good and faithful. I thank Carlose and his friend, I know it also had an impact on both their lives.  That night as I watched Jason's Zoom meeting the Lord shared with me that He would fulfill the words I spoke because I shared His heart, and just like a speck of leaven in a batch of doe it would leaven the whole loaf. So this small community would impact that whole community and eventually all of Peru. That's the power of God's love and promises.

January 5, 2025

Second Chance Pt.1

I hate figs. No not really, but some people don't like to eat them. However, I like to eat them in Fignutan cookies or fresh off the tree. When I lived in Mexico for two years, I rented a house that had a fig tree out in the front yard and I would enjoy eating them right off the tree after I wiped the dust off them. And I am sure many other people enjoy eating that fruit in cookies or in jam or some other dessert. However, in the Bible I can't find anything said, good, about the fig tree. Other than in the beginning God made everything, including all fruit trees and said it was good and made to eat. There were also two other trees God planted in the Garden of Eden, the tree of Life and the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, we don't know what either of those trees were as far as a fruit go, but the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge did appeal to the eyes of Eve when the serpent tempted her.with them. And she ate it and then gave it to Adam to eat and then all hell broke loose from its confinement and made a mess of everything from then on, except another plan God still had in mind. And I am so glad for that and so are all His children. God hates mandade religions and He hates divorce, but not as much as those man-made religions which in a since also led to divorce and most everything else that is evil. In the Bible Jesus tells the story of a landowner ( luke 13:6=9), who came out to see His vineyard garden and in the middle there was a loan fig tree that had for three years not bore any fruit,and so he told the Gardener to cut it down, why let it take up space. But the gardener pleaded to give the tree one one years and he would fertilize it and break up the soil around it and see what happens to it. We don't know what happen to that fig tree after that. This is a very interesting parable and it seems to show thir maybe a willingness for the owner to give the fig tree a second chance. I believe God is doing the same thing today. Man made religion has mad a mess of everything and have led millions of people astray from God's original plan for His Church, the Body of Christ. What I hear from Sheldon's prophetic words lately, is that the our Father is going to do everything in His power to see that people are set free from those religious bonds all around the world. Through His power and the authority given to His sons and daughters. Those chains that have kept them from knowing the Truth, the Life and the Way are going to be broken once and for all. The scripture says, "For freedom sake Christ came to set us free." (Galatians. 5:1). Jesus Christ and all of heaven is interseeding to see people set. To receive their rightful inheritance, waiting for them. If they will open their eyes, and minds and acknowledge their sins to receive His forgiveness, they will find themselves in the loving embrace of Abba Father. I declare their hearts and ears are open to receive the Truth, because our Father is a God of second chances.

December 29, 2024


There are many times throughout the Bible where God has told His children to "remember" what he said or had done. The children of Israel were often told to do things to remind them to remember what He had done. There were feasts and Holy Festivals to remind them. and were also commanded to tell their children the reasons behind them. Plus, there were altars, one in the middle of the Red Sea and also on the shore to remind them to remember what he had done there. The same was said by Jesus on the passover meal on His last night with His disciples. He said, "Do this in remembrance of me." And so we do this to remember His sacrifice and what He also told them, that whatsoever we asked He and the Father would do it. Jesus said we are one with Him and the Father. Plus, the scripture also says, "By His stripes we are heals." All those words are promises we are to remember. This past week Jason felt God was telling him that He wanted us, His children, to remember all His promises. That God intends to fulfill everyone, even the ones we have forgotten, because He has never forgotten His promises. But what about those who can't remember things. This is so wonderful for all of us, including some who have friends, family or loved ones who have lost their memory due to sickness and disease or injuries. Just because they can't remember, does not mean that God doesn't. And I believe because of that we are going to see the power of God and His faithfulness to all those who are a part of His family and.for generations to come. Miracles are coming, many millions of miracles around the world. And not just for those who have lost their memory. If God has said something to us it's as good as a promise, because God always keeps His word and it will not return void. His word is His bond and is living and active creating what is not seen into that which is seen for the fulfilment of His Kingdom here on earth, when He said, "It is finished," and it was. There is hardly a week that goes by that I remind myself of those things He has personally said to me or from the Bible. From the time I get up to start my day or when I go to sleep at night He is always on my mind. I am in His care and He loves me more than I can understand or imagine. And because because He promises, I will declar restore to all who are in need, because I too remember That it is His hearts desire. Therefore, I will see what He has promised, because He always remember. and He also wants us to do the same. REMEMBER.!!!

December 25, 2024

Christmas Time

I wrote this many years ago when I was in Mexico, but it is still worth repeting. -->Well it’s Christmas time again, and most of the world is very busy doing their last minute shopping preparing for the biggest Holiday of the year, even in Peru, except for the poor people. So why do people celebrate Christmas? Well, many people would probably say, because it’s the day they celebrate Jesus birthday. Others would say it a great day to celebrate whatever you believe, as many others religions now do during this particular holiday season, but call it a different name. Most see Christmas as a time to be with friends and family along with a lot of good traditions, including Santa Claus and candy canes and lots of delicious home cooking, plus giving presents or helping others, including oneself. After all they feel they deserve something too. Do you?
If you ask Christians why they celebrate the 25th of December, Christmas Day, they would say, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” It all seems to be tied somehow to the nativity story in the Bible. But if you ask them, if they really believed it was Jesus’ birthday they would probably say, “No, but it could have been.” Plus, it a great excuse for having fun and singing songs for nearly a month along with all the Christmas music playing in stores starting the day after Thanksgiving, along with colored light and all kinds of decorations on display or to purchase for around houses, buildings or on street post and even the town squares city park. It’s a time they get together with friends and family they haven’t see in a week or two or longer. 

I used to celebrate Christmas too, big time. But as I got to know Jesus better I found it harder to really see Christ all the religious activity. Then there was the deception, greed and self indulgence that I saw taking place even in church with very little thought about God or the poor on this man-made holiday with all its tradition. It grieved me until I finally repented of the whole mess many years ago.
As sons of Light to the world, where in the Bible does it tell us to honored or celebrated Jesus birthday? Obviously someone came up with the idea a long time ago and this religious idea has spread though out world with the help of sermons, songs, novels and movies until it has become the largest man-made religious holiday that most of world celebrates, being reinforced with billions of greeting cards. But it’s still not one of God’s Holy Days. 
Many non-Christians have also added their own twist to the whole mess, including songs of white Christmas, flying reindeers and live snowmen and much more. Billions of dollars are spent each year on advertizing to keep this Holiday alive and well, so they can still make more money. So when did this all begin and why? 

Christmas means, Christ mass, it was started around eleventh century and is roots are found in pagan worship and the festival of winter solstice and their gods. The Christian became jealous of their celebration so the decided to have their own, by making the 25th the birthday of Jesus and add some of their traditions. Pagans at that time were the only ones to celebrate birthdays, and that was the beginning of Christmas. 

Today, many ministers realize this is true, but still chose to ignore or really don’t care about how it was started. They choose to compromise the truth in favor of doing what everyone has come to love and enjoy, because it makes everyone feel good and brings people into church this time of year. Many think there is really nothing wrong with celebrating Christmas. But then Eve didn't think it was wrong until she ate the fruit from the forbidden tree, just because it looked good. She also believed the serpent’s lies rather than obeying God. There are many others lies that Christians still believe. However, most Christians today wouldn't even consider not celebrating Christmas; it's just unthinkable, even ungodly. Plus, a minister could lose their license, or be removed from his church for even suggesting such a thing as no Christmas. Your friends and family would probably start ignoring you, thinking you've lost your mind. And so this religious holiday lives on. All because religious leader refuse to admit they are wrong or the courage to tell the truth. 

The simple love of the Heavenly Father and His Holy Days found in Christ just doesn’t seem to be enough for many people, but that will change. In the Kingdom of God there is no such day as Christmas or Easter, just passionate lovers of Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Yet for those whose hearts are still tied to the Kosmos and its pleasures still enjoy talking and looking at a baby in a manger. Yet, when our focus is turned toward the exalted Lord Jesus Christ, all those others things lose their power and allure; and then Abba Father gets all the praise and glory.