January 12, 2025

The Slums of Lima

Last Tuesday I got to go to a place that I have wanted to go to since I got here in Peru. It is called the Slums of Lima. I had checked it out online to learn more about it. The city of Lima has a population of over 10 million people, of which 40% live below the poverty line. However, there is also a section of the city where the very poor live that has a population of about 400,000 people and they are separated by a very high six mile long wall that divides the rich from the poor and on the top of the wall in some sections it was also covered with razor wire. This wall is known as the "Wall of Shame", and in this section of the city there are no paved roads, no sewer system or runny water. So their water has to be trucked to them and stored in large black barrels, where the poor can fill their container. Then carry back to their very old rundown brick houses which was once where the city of Lima first began. But then the wealthier moved away, leaving the poor to fend for themselves and continued to expand despite their hardships.  After being here for over two month God finally made it possible for me to go with Carlos. He is my roommate and landlord and very kind and helpful. However, he has been gone most of the time so I have also been waiting on God for His timing. Carlos was back again and we were able to leave at 9 in the morning with a friend who had a car to take us. As we got closer to the area, in about half an hour, the surrounding city became poorer as we drove. And then got some direction from the local police as to how to get inside. The roads in the area were very narrow, steep and on the hillsides were their very old houses, mostly without glass in the openings. We arrive up at a high area next to the big wall, and I could see could also see the poor homes below. There were houses on both side from where we parked. I got out and walked over to that "Wall of Shame" and placed my stretched arms on it and cursed it and beat it with my fists seven times. And declare it coming down by the power of God, and to never rise again. Just like the walls of Jericho and the Berlin Wall. There are no walls that separate the children of God in His Kingdom.  The day before we left, we went shopping and got 12 packages of dry rice, and lintels, and split peas to give to the poor along with some money I had for twelve families. However, Carlos was concerned that when people saw us passing out food, they would come running and we would have to leave in a hurry for safety sake. But, I told him God and His angels would protect us. And I had already asked God to prepare the way for He knew who He wanted to help.  As I walked back to Carlos and told him I didn't see any children, just a young couple high up on the hillside hanging out their laundry on a line. So he walked over to an open doorway on the other side and talked to an older lady and told her that we wanted to help twelve families with children. She came out and started calling out over a low wall to the houses below and also got on her phone to call others. Soon there were children and mothers coming to where we stood waiting. Then I looked out over the poor broken community below, and prayed. The sky was hazy, covered in a thick smog, my prayer was for their freedom and prosperity and to know the love of their Heavenly Father better. As the families came, I told Carlos on his phone what I wanted him to say to the people when they all got there. Then we went inside an empty room next to us, that could have been a classroom. It was clean and had chairs along the walls, and all the children sat on the floor in the center and the mothers lined the walls. I blessed them in Spanish and told them that God loved them and so did I. Then I passed out the bags of food that we put into 12 white plastic bags and also gave them money (12 bills) that I took from in my right coat pocket. As I did, I clasped their hands and gave them a kiss from God on the cheek or the top of their heads. Some hair was still wet from being washed that morning. When I was all through passing out the twelve bags and money, a young man came up to me and gestured that he wanted me to give him something, but I had already given out all the food and the money I had, but I reached into my pocket again and there was still another bill. I believe God had put it there to meet that request. Then I had Carlos tell them what I wanted him to say from his phone and read it to them. I said, "God loves Lima and He also loves them, and He has not forgotten them and He intends to bless them and their children for many generations to come. They all called out their thanks and blessings and then came up to me and gave me thanks again along with big hugs, including the all children. When we went outside and they wanted to take a group picture with me on Carlos's phone. Wow, what can I say, I knelt down in front of them and when I got up I told them that they were "my new family" and they laughed and liked that very much and so did I. Then I asked Carlos to send me the picture to my email and so he did. This is what life is all about and why I am here in Peru. I was on cloud nine as we drove back and my heart was full. I gave them a little money and some food and asked God to bless it. I was reminded of the passage where Jesus had just finished talking to the Samaritan woman, at the well, and He told His disciples, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent me...for in this case, one sows and another reaps." (John 4:32-37). That day, I saw God's protection, blessing and provision, He is good and faithful. I thank Carlose and his friend, I know it also had an impact on both their lives.  That night as I watched Jason's Zoom meeting the Lord shared with me that He would fulfill the words I spoke because I shared His heart, and just like a speck of leaven in a batch of doe it would leaven the whole loaf. So this small community would impact that whole community and eventually all of Peru. That's the power of God's love and promises.

January 5, 2025

Second Chance Pt.1

I hate figs. No not really, but some people don't like to eat them. However, I like to eat them in Fignutan cookies or fresh off the tree. When I lived in Mexico for two years, I rented a house that had a fig tree out in the front yard and I would enjoy eating them right off the tree after I wiped the dust off them. And I am sure many other people enjoy eating that fruit in cookies or in jam or some other dessert. However, in the Bible I can't find anything said, good, about the fig tree. Other than in the beginning God made everything, including all fruit trees and said it was good and made to eat. There were also two other trees God planted in the Garden of Eden, the tree of Life and the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, we don't know what either of those trees were as far as a fruit go, but the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge did appeal to the eyes of Eve when the serpent tempted her.with them. And she ate it and then gave it to Adam to eat and then all hell broke loose from its confinement and made a mess of everything from then on, except another plan God still had in mind. And I am so glad for that and so are all His children. God hates mandade religions and He hates divorce, but not as much as those man-made religions which in a since also led to divorce and most everything else that is evil. In the Bible Jesus tells the story of a landowner ( luke 13:6=9), who came out to see His vineyard garden and in the middle there was a loan fig tree that had for three years not bore any fruit,and so he told the Gardener to cut it down, why let it take up space. But the gardener pleaded to give the tree one one years and he would fertilize it and break up the soil around it and see what happens to it. We don't know what happen to that fig tree after that. This is a very interesting parable and it seems to show thir maybe a willingness for the owner to give the fig tree a second chance. I believe God is doing the same thing today. Man made religion has mad a mess of everything and have led millions of people astray from God's original plan for His Church, the Body of Christ. What I hear from Sheldon's prophetic words lately, is that the our Father is going to do everything in His power to see that people are set free from those religious bonds all around the world. Through His power and the authority given to His sons and daughters. Those chains that have kept them from knowing the Truth, the Life and the Way are going to be broken once and for all. The scripture says, "For freedom sake Christ came to set us free." (Galatians. 5:1). Jesus Christ and all of heaven is interseeding to see people set. To receive their rightful inheritance, waiting for them. If they will open their eyes, and minds and acknowledge their sins to receive His forgiveness, they will find themselves in the loving embrace of Abba Father. I declare their hearts and ears are open to receive the Truth, because our Father is a God of second chances.

December 29, 2024


There are many times throughout the Bible where God has told His children to "remember" what he said or had done. The children of Israel were often told to do things to remind them to remember what He had done. There were feasts and Holy Festivals to remind them. and were also commanded to tell their children the reasons behind them. Plus, there were altars, one in the middle of the Red Sea and also on the shore to remind them to remember what he had done there. The same was said by Jesus on the passover meal on His last night with His disciples. He said, "Do this in remembrance of me." And so we do this to remember His sacrifice and what He also told them, that whatsoever we asked He and the Father would do it. Jesus said we are one with Him and the Father. Plus, the scripture also says, "By His stripes we are heals." All those words are promises we are to remember. This past week Jason felt God was telling him that He wanted us, His children, to remember all His promises. That God intends to fulfill everyone, even the ones we have forgotten, because He has never forgotten His promises. But what about those who can't remember things. This is so wonderful for all of us, including some who have friends, family or loved ones who have lost their memory due to sickness and disease or injuries. Just because they can't remember, does not mean that God doesn't. And I believe because of that we are going to see the power of God and His faithfulness to all those who are a part of His family and.for generations to come. Miracles are coming, many millions of miracles around the world. And not just for those who have lost their memory. If God has said something to us it's as good as a promise, because God always keeps His word and it will not return void. His word is His bond and is living and active creating what is not seen into that which is seen for the fulfilment of His Kingdom here on earth, when He said, "It is finished," and it was. There is hardly a week that goes by that I remind myself of those things He has personally said to me or from the Bible. From the time I get up to start my day or when I go to sleep at night He is always on my mind. I am in His care and He loves me more than I can understand or imagine. And because because He promises, I will declar restore to all who are in need, because I too remember That it is His hearts desire. Therefore, I will see what He has promised, because He always remember. and He also wants us to do the same. REMEMBER.!!!

December 25, 2024

Christmas Time

I wrote this many years ago when I was in Mexico, but it is still worth repeting. -->Well it’s Christmas time again, and most of the world is very busy doing their last minute shopping preparing for the biggest Holiday of the year, even in Peru, except for the poor people. So why do people celebrate Christmas? Well, many people would probably say, because it’s the day they celebrate Jesus birthday. Others would say it a great day to celebrate whatever you believe, as many others religions now do during this particular holiday season, but call it a different name. Most see Christmas as a time to be with friends and family along with a lot of good traditions, including Santa Claus and candy canes and lots of delicious home cooking, plus giving presents or helping others, including oneself. After all they feel they deserve something too. Do you?
If you ask Christians why they celebrate the 25th of December, Christmas Day, they would say, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” It all seems to be tied somehow to the nativity story in the Bible. But if you ask them, if they really believed it was Jesus’ birthday they would probably say, “No, but it could have been.” Plus, it a great excuse for having fun and singing songs for nearly a month along with all the Christmas music playing in stores starting the day after Thanksgiving, along with colored light and all kinds of decorations on display or to purchase for around houses, buildings or on street post and even the town squares city park. It’s a time they get together with friends and family they haven’t see in a week or two or longer. 

I used to celebrate Christmas too, big time. But as I got to know Jesus better I found it harder to really see Christ all the religious activity. Then there was the deception, greed and self indulgence that I saw taking place even in church with very little thought about God or the poor on this man-made holiday with all its tradition. It grieved me until I finally repented of the whole mess many years ago.
As sons of Light to the world, where in the Bible does it tell us to honored or celebrated Jesus birthday? Obviously someone came up with the idea a long time ago and this religious idea has spread though out world with the help of sermons, songs, novels and movies until it has become the largest man-made religious holiday that most of world celebrates, being reinforced with billions of greeting cards. But it’s still not one of God’s Holy Days. 
Many non-Christians have also added their own twist to the whole mess, including songs of white Christmas, flying reindeers and live snowmen and much more. Billions of dollars are spent each year on advertizing to keep this Holiday alive and well, so they can still make more money. So when did this all begin and why? 

Christmas means, Christ mass, it was started around eleventh century and is roots are found in pagan worship and the festival of winter solstice and their gods. The Christian became jealous of their celebration so the decided to have their own, by making the 25th the birthday of Jesus and add some of their traditions. Pagans at that time were the only ones to celebrate birthdays, and that was the beginning of Christmas. 

Today, many ministers realize this is true, but still chose to ignore or really don’t care about how it was started. They choose to compromise the truth in favor of doing what everyone has come to love and enjoy, because it makes everyone feel good and brings people into church this time of year. Many think there is really nothing wrong with celebrating Christmas. But then Eve didn't think it was wrong until she ate the fruit from the forbidden tree, just because it looked good. She also believed the serpent’s lies rather than obeying God. There are many others lies that Christians still believe. However, most Christians today wouldn't even consider not celebrating Christmas; it's just unthinkable, even ungodly. Plus, a minister could lose their license, or be removed from his church for even suggesting such a thing as no Christmas. Your friends and family would probably start ignoring you, thinking you've lost your mind. And so this religious holiday lives on. All because religious leader refuse to admit they are wrong or the courage to tell the truth. 

The simple love of the Heavenly Father and His Holy Days found in Christ just doesn’t seem to be enough for many people, but that will change. In the Kingdom of God there is no such day as Christmas or Easter, just passionate lovers of Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Yet for those whose hearts are still tied to the Kosmos and its pleasures still enjoy talking and looking at a baby in a manger. Yet, when our focus is turned toward the exalted Lord Jesus Christ, all those others things lose their power and allure; and then Abba Father gets all the praise and glory.

December 22, 2024

Light of the World

Last week I woke up one morning and went to turn on the light, because there were no windows in my room, but nothing happened, I flipped the switch again but there was still no light. So I checked the bulb to see if it was loose or burned out, but nothing happened so I opened the door and went to the kitchen where there are windows and tried the light switch there but still no light. I realized then that the power to the area was down. This was no big deal, but the first time it had happened here in Lima, Peru. In other countries where I have been it would often happen, but usually only for a short time before it came back on or in a few hours. So I decided to go to my dark room and leave the door open to let the morning light from the kitchen window to give me some light in my room. I also wanted something to eat that would limit my use of the refrigerator. Then I sat down to my laptop only to find out that the internet was down also. Bummers, okay this wasn't a disaster or the end of the world, I would just wait it out and read my Bible in the kitchen. Besides this was nothing compared to what so many others around the world have suffered with not only the loss of power, but also their homes, cars and and sometimes where they worked, because of some disaster that struck their neighborhood or city. So I decided to take a long walk to declare more area for the Kingdom of God. When I got back to my apartment the electricity was back on and I had lights. But this article is not about the problems caused by weather conditions, fires, or earthquakes.or other such things that so many people have suffered through. However,I know the answer to all those problems. In the beginning God said, "Let the be Light" and in that moment He created His son Jesus. And then with Jesus they created the rest of the world and all that is in it, plus the whole universe. And His words are still creating, even through His words from His sons and daughters to bring forth the finished work of the cross, when Jesus cried out "It Is Finished" and it was. In God's realm there is no time only for us earthling. However, God has given His sons and daughters the authority over everything by making us One with Him in Christ. And therein lies the problem that most Christian don't understand. Many ministers today are talking about bad days ahead, or the rapture, or trying to be a better and loving person, and to forgive, but totally forget who God made you to be in Him. They often focus on the problem of this world when God intended for Him and us to be the answer.Jesus said, "I am the light of the world." (John 1:9) and there is no darkness in Him, only light. Then He told the people, "You are the light of the world," ( Mt.5:14). We are the light of the world also, just as Jesus Christ is, and that is hard for many to understand. He said, "I Am the Light of the world". But what does that mean and how do we do that? The scripture says,"Now you are Light in the Lord," (Eph.5:8) "Walk as children of Light for the fruit of the Light consist in all righteousness and truth trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. Do not participate in unfruitful deed of darkness, but instead even expose them...But we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another," (1 John 7) Those scripture give us a starting point, of how we should live. The authority we have and the inheritance waiting for us, is at our fingertips, not someday in the future when we get to Heaven. We are on this earth for just a short time, so in the meantime make the most of it by walking in the Light and be the Light, so let and your LIGHT shine. That Light force dwelling in us should compel us by His love to bring forth more light is the lives of others that are still lost and in darkness Spend intimate time waiting in the presence of Chrrist and leet His light fill every corn of your heart and then let it spill out to other."Let your light shine so the others will see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.(Mt.5:16) Here are some more scriptures that show us how we are to live. Letting Your Light Shine Ephesians 5:8 For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light Matthew 5:14-16 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. John 8:12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” 1 Peter 2:9-12 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation. Matthew 5:14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Luke 8:16 “No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light. John 1:9 The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. Isaiah 55:11 So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. John 1:1-51 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. ... Isaiah 60:1-3 Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Psalm 127:1-5 A Song of Ascents. Of Solomon. Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep. Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate. 1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 3:6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. Matthew 5:1-48 Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. ... 2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 1 Peter 4:1-19 Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God. For the time that is past suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do, living in sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry. With respect to this they are surprised when you do not join them in the same flood of debauchery, and they malign you; but they will give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. ...

December 15, 2024


"In the beginning God said...then a little later the Lord said, " It was not good for man to be alone." I'm going to approach this passage of scripture a little differently from what we are used to hearing about "a mate". After God created man they walked togethed in the cool of the day in the Garden of Eden for who knows how long. What Adan did during that time when God wasn't there the Bible does not say. I'm sure there was a lot of things to see and do and eat as he roamed the garden and named everything God created, including speech. Adam was also alone with no one else like him, but at the end of the day he got to spend time with God, his Father and creator. This was the way it was always meant to be, but in the meantime God had other plans that would help man not be so alone on his journey through life. God always intended for there to be others, not just Adam to enjoy His creation. So it began with a wife for him and then some children to make a family and to populate the earth with many more children. After our birth most of us were nurtured by our parents, to receive love, comfort and support through some form of touch and communication. As we got older and more independent we developed relationships with others outside our physical family that added to our knowledge and experiences in life. This would often happen through social community and then some form of education and schooling, if not from our parents. As we got older most of us moved away from home by whatever means we could afford, to see what life was more about apart from the sources we first learned at home. In that process we developed acquaintances and friendship with other people of similar interest, in most cases, but not always. Those friendships could last for a long time, but in many cases they didn't last all that long or forever. In my own life I was raised by Christian parents along with church life, but I still didn't really know God very well, even though I gave my life to Him. I read my Bible, even went to Bible College for four years. In the process I made a number of friends but they had very little influence on my life until I got married, but even then something was still missing--a longing in my soul. Until I turned almost 40 and then Father God stepped into my life, when He said, "It now or never," I told Him how much I need Him, but also that I needed someone to help me along the way, because I didn't want to mess up my life any more than I already had and failed so many times. As I waited on God, prayed and read my Bible alot more. Then a year later, I met Sheldon at an art show in Portland, Oregan. He became the help God knew I needed. And in the years that followed we developed a special friendship that would last forever. We did many things together and I learned so much from his words of wisdom, prophecies and the examples of living out a life that put Christ first.  Even now since I have left America on a mission with God, Sheldon and I stay in touch with each other.  And he will always be my special friend, because he showed me what it was to be a true friend was and to others and most of all to God. Since coming to South America God has blessed me with a number of friends who have really helped me and that He also wanted to bless too, and for many generations to come. But those friendships were very short lived, because I moved on, but I till stay in touch with them through emails. But those friendships never really got to develop into a meaningful relationship, but that's okay because God is always with me. In the Bible the word "friend" implies a covenantal relationship with others and God who spend a lot of time with each other. It is a bond that is meant to be for life and even eternal. The first time we saw this type of friendship was with Abraham, and his three Amorite friends who were called allies that fought with him against the five kings in order to save his nephew Lot and his family. Then he met Melchizedek, and that became an instant bonding for the two men. Later on in the Bible we saw Moses with Joshua by his side, who was like a son to him, that would be the next leader of the Israelites to lead them into the Promised Land forty years later. However, after many more years the children of Israel chose to do what was right in their own eyes, so God raised up judges and prophets who were to rule and show the ways of God. But these prophets were often despised, rejected and loner. Yet God often provided a special friends, male and females, to help them in their time of need and/or support. Then came the true Promise Land, Jesus Christ in the form of a baby boy, who was nurtured by his parents and raised in the Hebrew traditions that were meant as God's example for all the world. But things were changing right before their eyes. As Jesus grew older he stepped away from all those traditions and became the Way to Father God. And in the process he chose twelve men to be His disciples, then trained them by His teaching and examples and they called Jesus their Lord and Master. However, they were eventually called Apostles. But before Jesus left them He told them that "No greater love as a man than to lay down his life for a friend," then gave them a last command, that they love one another as He loved them and that He no longer called them slaves for a slave does not know the master's wishes, but "I call you friends, if you do what I command you." (John 15:13-17). Abraham, Moses and Job were also called friends of God. And I can't think of a more wonderful or beautiful expression than to be referred to as a "friend of God." except for maybe, "son". I will never forget the night that I heard God call me "friend" which happen over ten years ago. He even spelled it out to me and said, "You are my friend, F.R.I.E.N.D."  Wow, it left me speechless and honored. Today as always and forever, Jesus Christ is my best friend, who has always been there for my strength and love and everything else that I need. Plus, He is my faithful Friend to all His words and promises, and it's what keeps me going from day to day, and every morning I wake up. It is also my heart's desire for everyone to know Jesus Christ intimately above all others, seeking Him first and to be known as "Friend of God".

December 8, 2024

Communion Pt. Two

Last week when Jason mentioned they would be having communion that Friday night during the Zoom meeting I was not totally surprised, because God has been speaking to my heart that things were changing. One thing that was different for me was that my landlord was gone most of the time leaving me alone in his house to hear God's heart better. Another thing had to do with Donald Trump winning the election a few weeks ago, though that also was a big part of it. Everytime I come to a new country things are different from what I hoped or expected. But, there was a song that kept going through my mind was "We shall behold Him," which I then played every night on my laptop along with several other worship songs, before going to bed for the past two weeks, because I believed He wanted me to sow that into my mind and spirit. God is full of surprises and I believe this next one is going to be a doozy not just for me, but also for the world.  God desires to have communion with all his children in one form or another. Communion is eating and drinking Christ on a daily basis for Him alone. In the days and years to come He is going to take us to another level.where some people will have a face to face meeting with Jesus Christ, I hope to be one of them, even though I have seen Him in dreams many times. We are entering the Kingdom Age, the Age of the Father, a new paragium that will be like nothing we have ever seen before.  The last night that Jesus walked the roads of Jerusalem and shared the Passover Feast with His disciples in a room that was prepared for them. Jesus stated that it was something He had longed for. It all started off with a meal and communion. Jesus reached over and took some unleave bread and broke it, gave thanks and then passed it to His disciples. Then told them "Take, eat this is My body" and then He took a cup of wine and gave it to them, saying "Drink from it all of you, for this is My blood of the covenant which is poured out for the forgiveness of sins...do this in remembrance of me." The disciple all drank from it not understanding what all meant, because He told them to and they obeyed. Then Jesus got up from the table and retrieved a basin of water and a towel and began to wash and dry His disciples feet, Again they didn't understand and Peter even began to argue with Him, but eventually he let Jesus proceed as He started to explain, but they still had a difficult time understanding even though He told them that when the Holy Spirit comes they would understand better. But they didn't even know who or what that was. Then Jesus gave a discourse before leaving the room that ended with a high priestly prayer that would become the bedrock of the Christian Faith. After His prayer, He led them to the Garden of Gethsemane where He then prayed again for three hour, on His face before God. There, Jesus surrendered to the cup His Father placed before Him. But still the disciples didn't understand what was happening or why because they all fell asleep even after being warned by Jesus to watch and pray.Then Judas came with guards and soldiers and kissed Jesus before He was bound and led away to the high priest's house, and then to the governor, Pilate, who surrendered Him to the will of the people and eventually to the cross which He had to carry up a distant hill called Golgotha. So many people followed Him including some of His disciples, but they still didn't understand why this was all happening even though Jesus tried to explain several times, but it didn't make any sense to them. There on that rugged cross Jesus forgave mankind all their sins, healed everyone, and then He died and was buried. But His disciples still didn't understand until three days later when the most incredible resurrection event took place and Jesus rose from that grave, and then met Him face to face again in a locked room. Unfortunately, today many Christian, just like the disciple back then, don't fully understand God's plan or intention for their lives, even though they have a Bible that lays it out for them. But it takes more than having one and reading it. It takes a seeking heart, passion and a spirit to receive revelation knowledge that God shares with those who love Him with all their heart and have developed an intimate relationship with Him. However, I believe there will be some situations, when God just steps in and knocks people off their donkey, just like Saul. and opens their eyes to see the Truth and God's real inheritance for them that is avaible to them now. Instead of relying religious beliefs, rapture mindset and stubborn hearts that still seek pleasure of this world. What Jesus Christ did that special weekend nearly 2000 years ago,  opened the door to a paradigm, and a foundation that would become the Church Age on the day of Pentecost and it all began with communion with His disciples. Today we are entering another season, one of resurrection that I believe started when Donald Trump was shot, went down, and then rose up again with a shout "Fight, Fight, Fight." It was a sign and message from a faithful loving God. In this season where we will take a stand against the the true enemy and also see more resurrections and many more miracles than ever before. There are so many sons and daughters today who are still bound and blind by satan's lies and deceptions, and  in sickness and infirmities, mental issues and financial problems and depts, and trapped in spiritual caves who need to be set free by the power of God. Today, we are now seeing a new paradigm that was prophesied through Sheldon,David called the Kingdom Age or the Age of the Father that will change the world forever.  This is happening even now, through Abba Father and His sons and daughters who are one in and with  Him, because they have laid down their self-life, live by His faith and are declaring the Kingdom of Heaven on earth as it is in Heaven, by the power of His Word through our lips. All this to the Glory of God because everything is by Him, for Him and through Christ. Then everyone will truly see and understand because their eyes and ears are open and they will know true freeedom, and have daily communion (eating and drinking Him) and be taught by the Lord God himself. Then the whole world and every nation will give Him praise and glory and honor for all eternity, because we are all one family. And it all began with a few disciples having Communion with God.

December 1, 2024

Communion, Part 1

Last Friday night I had communion with my friends on Zoom back in Vancouver, Washington. It was the first time I had done this since leaving America to serve the Body of Christ around the world. The last time I had communion was over a year ago the day I left America with a few other brothers in Christ, Sheldon, Jason and Ed. I had asked Sheldon if we could do this the day before leaving, and he said he would pray about it, and that was fine by me. The reason I asked was it would probably be my last time to have communion with them, or anyone else for a long time. The next morning when Ed arrived to get my van that I was giving him, since Jason would be driving me to the airport. While Ed was there at Sheldon's house, all four of us had communion together. It was a very special time to me, because communion should be something very special to all Christians. Since coming to South America, I have gone to a number of churches here, two Catholics and two Mormon ones. The first one was a Catholic one that I attended every week for six month, and they serve communion every Sunday. But I never participated even though it was offered to me. The reason for that is that communion is to be shared by those who have the same faith that I have, because it is a Holy covenant to be shared with those who have the same belief that was established by Jesus Christ. Millions of Christian around the world have communion in their churchs according to their teachings, some once a week and others on the third Sunday of the month, some have it with wine and others with grape juice and the Mormans use water, and there were many different forms of bread or crackers. However, most if not all of them don't follow the example Jesus and His apostles set and that is very important, because we are warned of certain dangers by the Apostle Paul, when we do not follow their example set by God. Though it seems that many ministers don't agree with them and have sadly established their own traditions that have become more or less a habit than having a real heart to follow Jesus Christ, or lead by His Holy Spirit, who set the example to love Father God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Who in the end was willing to lay down His life for all mankind on a Roman cross to save us from our sins and open the door to the Father's heart, love and embrace for all eternity. When Christian share communion in their church, they are bringing themselves into a covenant with everyone else regardless of what they believe or do, including all their sins, even sexual ones, in that church denomination or organization. Which in truth, are all man-made and were never established by God, even though they believe they are. Why? Because they don't take the time to read that historical background, or have the heart to search out the truth for themselves in a prayer before God on their knees. It is just easier for them to follow other people's examples, because they believe they must be right in their faith and actions and all the degrees from biblical education and instations. Besides, not that many people (millions and billions) can't be wrong, can they? But then so were many democrats in this last election. But the times are changing and we are entering a new age, the golden age, and the Age of the Father.

November 24, 2024

I Don't Have Time

Often in this busy world there are people in high places, like bosses or managers who will have their secretary tell others by saying they are,"Out to Lunch" or "I am too busy" but not really, just to avoid seeing that person or taking the phone call. It might require time or a responsibility that they don't want to deal with now or forever, depending on the situation. However there are many other lines that people could say, but the underlying message is still the same. Don't bother me, I'm too busy to be bothered with that at this time. In the Christian world this can still be seen by so-called believers when dealing with friends or strangers. But even worse when God comes calling on them. Unfortunately, many Christians follow the example of other, rather than the example of Jesus Christ. In the Bible, did you notice that Jesus was never too busy to help someone or put them off till later when it would be more convenient for Him, unless there was a better reason, like raising Lazarus from the dead. Many Christian, like others in the world, are so busy with the things that are more important to them. Their lives are centered around their plans, instead of Christ. It could be family, friends, a career or work, pleasure, or even their goal and ambitions of whatever that might be. Do they ever consider what is more important to God or what He may want them to do or be, when He comes calling on them. The sights and sounds of this world often drown out His voice. Even if they do hear it, they are often too busy or worrying about things they think might happen or are more important to them. Another problem may have fo do with their souce of beliefs from bad teachers or ministers who think they know than God's heart and ways leading their flock to believe how they should think and act into empty ditches. God has a plan for all His children that is usually much different. Yet the world systems (the cosmos) has another one that will seduce most people into believing their way is better. Often we can see God trying to get people's attention through so called "accidents", health issues or even disasters involving the weather, fires, the economy, or even social or political issues, but seldom realize His purpose behind it all. Yet people keep turning to the wrong source for help. If they had been praying and listening to hear God voice, when He came calling on them and obey they would probably not be in the situation that they are in now. However, God is a God of second chances. So I would encourage everyone to open your heart and ears to hear Him calling on you. Don't keep putting Him off. Our Heaven Father love you more that you realize and has a much better plan for you than you could ever believe. For example, take my life. I wanted to be an artist, and I was for 25 years. However, when I was about 40 years old, God came calling on me. I had a choice and I realize how foolish I had been thinking only of my wants and desires. But I chose to follow Him and His voice, with all my heart. Along the way, I still had difficult choices to make, even though many people tried to discourage me by telling me how stupid or foolish I was, but I still made the right choices with God's help. It took courage, patience and a lot of faith, but look where I am today at 77 years old. Instead of playing golf or sitting in a rocking chair, I'm traveling around the world. I can not imagine doing anything more wonderful and rewarding as working with Him and loving His children. I believe God has something much better for all us. Because He promises us, "Aboundant Life." Don't you want that too? So don't put Him off any longer by saying "I don't have time", when that time might be a lot shorter than you think.

November 17, 2024

Odds and Ins

Wow! What an incredible time we live in. Who would have believed what we saw play out in the election for President these past couple weeks? I know many democrats are still in shock and melt down. Looking for answers, plus pointing fingers at others to blame rather than taking a good look in the mirror at themselves. What were the odds that Donold Trump would be President again according to the left-wing establishment who predicted victories along with their lies, including the media broadcasts bias projection? However the true answer is found in the scriptures in 2 Thessalonians 2:11-13 "They are lost in sin because they did not love the truth that would save them. For this reason, God will allow them to follow false teaching so they will believe a lie. They will all be guilty as they stand before God because they wanted to do what was evil and wrong." Unfortunately, this passage could also apply to many Christian who place their faith in the teachings of Christianity and their leaders, not to mention their love for the things of this world and its pleasures.I'm just going to leave it at that and let you know that I have prayed and declared that their eyes and ears are opening to receive the Truth and His forgiveness. And in the end many will find their way back home into the Father's arms and loving embrace. God is also calling all His broken, lost and orphaned children home who have had His mark on their lives from the very beginning of time.As for the ins, President Trump is draining the swamp clearing out with the old and "in" with the new picks for his administration. During the election process this past year, I have learned more about Trump that has made me admire and love the man more that God has chosen to lead us "in" to the Golden Age. Plus, He has put "in" my heart a greater love for the souls in Lima Peru, to see mpre restoration these past couple weeks since my landlord, Carlos, is gone to visit a friend. So I have the house to myself. but spend most of my time in my room, or go out to buy some food at the small mini markets and shops throughout the gated community that has two small parks a couple blocks from each other, with  beautiful flowers and trees. Plus nice landscaping along the sidewalks with all kinds of tropical plants and flowers. The house and apartments are all attached to each other and are made of bricks and stucco and a couple stores high or more and each unit is a different color and style. with a garage or a cas port with iron gates. Most of the mine markets or shops are nothing more than a small room which has an iron gate that keeps you out, and you kust point to what you want or ask for it if they have it just out of your sight. I also just go out for walks to let the presence of God touch people's lives along the way or greet them with a blessing. I am at peace as I wait on God and watch and see what He has instored for me in the few months that I have here. I believe great things are going to happen, just like in the election of Donald Trump. As for me, I have great expectations and faith for the fulfillment of my mission and God's promises to me, It is a Joy serving Christ and His Body. I was also pleased to see on the news, President Milie of Argentina with Trump this past week. He is a strong supporter of Trump and has followed "in" being a similar example of policies for his country and has already done great things for Argentina in his first year, including improving their economy, by lowering inflation by 50%. I would like to believe that my prayers and being there for three months had something to do with his success and the blessing of that nation. God is always faithful. He is the beginning and the end of all things, including the odds and ins.