February 9, 2025
The Faithfulness of God Pt. 2
When I started to walk out of the airport in Auckland, New Zealand I had no idea as to what I needed or what to do, but trust God to open a door with someone to help me. But when I was leaving Chile a married couple took interest in me after I had asked for help filling out a form to get through immigration. When I got on the plane and sat down the wife told me that if I needed any help to come back to where they would be sitting. But I did not go, but after the long flight and I started to get off the airplane and her husband handed me his business card with his personal phone number written on it. And said if I need help to call him. So I waited at the exit area trying to decide what to do, but I had no phone and they would be busy getting back home wherever that was. So I went over to a taxi area and asked someone to take me to a a travel agency so I could find an apartment to rent, but they would only drop me off at the sidewalk and I would have to pull all my luggage by myself to get to the location in a mall and I was told over the taxi man's phone that the cheapest apartment for three month was $8,000. I was in shock so I went back to the exit area and waited until noon. Then I decided to go to the hotel next to the airport that I knew would be very expensive and it was, but it was beautiful. However, it was also $165 a night. So I paid for one night hoping to find something cheaper the next day. I had not slept for two days and after fixing myself a peanut butter and jam sandwich from the food I had packed in my luggage. Then I took my first real shower with hot water in over 5 months, and then went to bed and slept and slept and slept. Finally the next morning I had another PB&J sandwich and went back to the airport to look for help, I found an airport Help Booth and used their phone to call the number on the card because I didn't know what else to do. But all I got was an answering machine, so I left a message. I had to check out of my hotel room by 11 oclock So I got a hot chicken sandwich at the airport and went back to my hotel and paid for another day. That night I watched a Friday zoom meeting and shared a little about my situation, Howerer, it was really Saturday here in New Zealand. Twenty-one hours difference from Vancouver time. I didn't like paying so much money for a room, but it was really God's money anyway and I just had to accept it. Besides, He said it was prophetic. Ok I'll go along with that. The next day I called again and still got an answering machine and went back after paying for another day. Finally after three days I decided it was time to leave, because I felt it was what I was supposed to do. Close one door and wait for God to open another one. So I made another call from the business card, because I felt there was a reason God had him give me his card. So I sat in the waiting area at 11am and prayed over the people coming to New Zealand. I was not afraid or worried, because God is faithful even if I had to stay in the airport and be "The Terminal Man" like Tom Hanks in the movie. That afternoon a pretty young Chinese lady sat down next to me and I was surprised, as to why? So I asked her if she spoke English and she did. So for the next half hour I share Christ with her and His love and my ministry in South America. I told her that this was a divine appointment and that God would reveal himself to her and bless her and her family for many generations to come. After our talk she thanked me and said our goodbyes. She had been waiting for her father to arrive and he didn't speak english. I felt this was one of the reasons God had me wait here so long. It was now after 8pm and the Help Booth that I had called from had closed, but a little later a man showed up so I went over and asked if he would make a call for me, and he did. But this time I actually got a voice from Rod who gave me his card and I told him that I was still at the airport and that I could really use his help. So he agreed to meet me at 9pm at the unloading area that the man at the booth suggested, because it was not near the exit area. So this man also helped me by pushing my heavy cart with three suitcases. Then another person came over, and replaced him and then a man with a mini stuttle car picked me up and drove me to the unloading area where my luggage was waiting and so was my new friend, Rod, who had just arrived, and then helped load my stuff into his car. On the way out the man from the Help Booth who arranged our meeting, called Rod's phone just to see that I had made it out ok. Wow, this was all so amazing, and now I had a place to spend the night that was not in the airport.
When we got to his house they had planned to have a waffle for dinner and I ate with them as I shared some of my ministry in South America and the miracles. I slept on their living room floor on a blow-up bed. The next day Rod had off from work, so he took me and his daughter to a Bank of America affiliate, but they could not help me. So then he bought us a sushi lunch and went back to his house and he looked for a cheaper place for me to stay and found an apartment/hotel for $50 a night for a week. At the end of the week we came to the conclusion that I need to go to Australia soon, where things would hopefully be cheaper and I could resolve my banking issues. I was able to stay for just one more night where I was already, because it had been booked again with more tourists. That evening, we went out and got a phone for me so I could get my visa for Australia which had to be done online and with a phone too, and then applied for it. But we also had to wait for a confirmation in 1-3 days.
An hour after Rod left, the fire alarm went off in our 12 story complex and we all had to walk down the stairway to get out, I was glad I was on just the third floor. When we all got out to the streetlevel with just the clothes on our backs there where two fire trucks waiting and firemen deployed to solve the issue. There was no fire to be seen from outside the building, and after half an hour we were all allowed to reenter after the alarm was turned off. Which was a relief, but still another adventure or an attack of the enemy to create fear in people's lives, but I was not concerned as I cursed those fears off peoples lives.
Rod came back the next evening again to helped me cancel my first booking to Australia and then rebook another flight, after we got my tourist visa notice approved on my laptop. He found a flight for just $200 and it departed at 3:30pm in two days, which was great timing for both of us. All this took a lot of time and I was humbled by all the help I was getting from Rod, and very grateful too. He was also able to book me for two nights in a nice apartment in Australia when I got there. the next morning, Rod picked me up to go to another place to stay, close by his house so he could take me to the airport the following day and drop me off. Getting into these apartments was an adventure all of its own. The next morning he arrived at 10am.to pick me up. When he got there I gave him money to give to an orphanage or to poor people that he and his wife could decide on. I also had given him some money for all his help. But the blessing I gave him would be a far greater reward, which I also told him. At the airport he got my luggage out and we gave each other a big hug. I really love that man, what a blessing he was.
Now I was off to the airport booking area all on my own, just God and me, and that was all I really needed this time. But there were still some issues but God resolved them all in His time and way and now I was heading for the plane going to Australia, after just spending two weeks in New Zealand. However, God told me that I had accomplished all that I really needed to do there in that short time. He also proved He is a faithful God to all His children.