February 16, 2025
Near-death Experiences
During the past month, I have read and listened to many near-death experiences on Youtube, from my laptop. At first I was reluctant, becauseI thought they were smoking a joke. But I was wrong, in fact many were wonderful testimonies of God's love and grace for all His children, regardless of age, sex, religion, or nationality. It was also a great way for me to spend time and learn about other people's lives with issues or problems that cause God's love, grace and forgiveness to step into the lives of perple at the most unexpected moment.
These near-death experiences also proved to me that God was answering our prayers. He was breaking down the barriers that have kept people from truly knowing Him as the Truth, the Life and the Way. The ones I have enjoyed the most are the ones that have beautiful video scenes of the earth from all over the world, mostly sea and landscapes and someone narrating the event that happened. However, some are from the actual person's testimony of their life changing event. These near-death experiences also proved that there was no such thing as an accident. Also much of what was said were things I agreed with from what God has already taught me over the years, and things that God has revealed to Sheldon or prophecied to his friends in groug meetings.
In most of these experiences there is a constant reflection of what happened just after they died. How they left their bodies and then absurved the scene by looking down on their lifeless bodies, and the medical team frantically working on saving them, or the crumpled car wreck around them, and sometimes with loved ones crying nearby and praying. Then they would enter a void or tunnelthat leadd to a distant light or darkness. And then they would meet Jesus. Wow! The description of heaven and Jesus are very similar. And how He feels about them; the love, beauty, warmth and acceptance: not judging that usually makes most feel guilty, because their whole life was often exposed; the good and the bad. and the need to forgive, just as He has forgiven them. Everyone wanted to stay with Jesus and in the beauty that surrounds Him and heaven if He so choses to let them see it.
However, in many situations He also shows them hell, and that is real too, including the smell, the pain and suffering of those living there. All because they rejected His warnings, forgiveness and the love He offered them from the beginning of the birth. But they wanted to do things their own way and enjoy the pleasures of the world, or that they thought it better.or follow the rules of their religion or society. Many sought after things and pleasure that would never satisfy the true longing of the soul. But, the bottle line it was their choice not His.
Another thing that was revealed to many was the future with all kinds of awful disasters. But Jesus said that these events were not judgment, but warnings for people to turn back to God, and also the consequences of the way they lived; a life independent from God's love and authority, and also because they didn't care the things mankind was given the responciblity to care for; not the results of global warming.
God had selected these individuals from many countries and from every religion, occupation and different lifestyles and atheist, plus people covered in tattoos, pet lovers, or those who wore a cross or hung them in their homes. Jesus told some them that even many Christians were deceived by their leaders who didn't really know Him, because they did things they were taught by men. Other christians did things out of habit thinking they were still pleasing God with their going to church, tithing, singing worship songs and yet their hearts were still far from God, and intimate relationship He desired from them. They also saw the sadness in Jesus eyes when He shares these things, but there was still Hope. Jesus showed some people, spots of light all around the world, that was growing, displacing the darkness through their love and prayers; setting people free from all kinds of bondage.
One of the main reason behind many these divine intervention of near-death experiences was to give them a second chance, and to warn others, even if they didn't believe at first of what they saw and heard. Their testimony would plant seeds of truth that someday, Lord willing, change peoples lives for generations to come. Most didn't want to leave Jesus, but He told then it was their time, because they had been chosen before they were even born for such a time as this. Many knew that going back would be difficult, especially for whose families were of different religions. But they now knew the Truth that set them and hopefully others free from all the sins, guilt and fears. And now they had His promise, that He would never leave or forsake them. His love, faith and power would help them to the very end no matter what they faced. He also told them to tell people He was coming soon. Just like He said in the Bible. However, compared to eternity, anytime we have here on earth would be short in comparison.
P.S. I should also warn you that they are counterfit near-life experiences posted, so be careful what you watch. They will be have half truth and ones of totally false testimonies to lead people to believe that every "good" or nice person still goes to heaven. In one artical, a man claimed to have seen Elvis in Heaven and talked with him, however after seeing it there was no mention of God or Jesus or of him actually dying. This Elvis told him, that he did some bad things and some things he regreted. Just like Judas did; and like anyone else who would refuses to follow Jesus Christ and betray Him too. However, I am inclined to believe the real Elvis is in heaven, but this artical was just a total lie, just like those people who accuss President Trump of all kinds of false things and yet many believed those liers. I also saw another article that claimed they saw Marlynn Monroe in Heaven. But, I didn't bother to see that one. All liars will still end up in Hell, along with the Father of Lies. It is important that we make the right choices, before we face death's door, and the soner the better.