February 23, 2025

Record Breakers

Truly, truly I say to you, whoever believes in me; the works that I do, he will do also; and greater than these he will do, because I go to the Father. Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. If ye love me, keep my commandments. (John 14: 12-15) John 17:20-21, Holds the clue as to who we are and what we are to do. One night over ten years ago, the Lord said to Sheldon and I as we were in one of our Friday meetings, "Records are meant to be broken." I thought that was a rather interesting statement, since God didn't really elaborate on it, that I can remember. However, as the years have gone by I have seen the truth in His words. In the past few years we have seen records broken in the weather all around the world, from record high of 130 degrees in Iran, to record low of -50 in cities of North Dakota. Record rain falls around the world have caused serious flooding.and loss of life and damage or loss to food sources. The Gobi Desert had large lakes for the first time, because of rainfall records. Then record heat waves have cause droughts and fires that has done the same thing, including record wildfires, forest fires that have destroyed millions of acres of land and destroying thousands of homes and business in every country around the world, and the cost of these weather related events has also set records, not to mention the lives and suffering for families. New records are being set in the cost of houses, renting and living expenses, and food cost have also broken records, including the cost of eggs and that's no joke. In the natural world we see records broken almost everyday. And often they are recorded in the Genesis Book of records. Last year, I watched certain events of the 2024 Paris Olympic highlights, and I saw many records being broken in different events. Some just by a fraction of an inch or a second and yet in another event I watched a Christian lady runner win by over twenty feet. In another situation a young man broke a world record and then again later in the same day. It was amazing to see that people keep getting faster and stronger every few years Another time I watched a video of a young 5 year old Asian girl in a swimming event, and she beat the next contestant by over 10 feet. It just blew me away at how fast she was. In another area, records are being broken by theives, stealing more and more all the time. Just recently some hackers even stole $1.4 billion in cryptocurrency. But that is nothing compared to multi-billions stolen from the American people by the Biden administration and other agencies. And to the record breaking of the national debt in America of 35 trillion dollars continues to eat away at the very fabric of our democracy. But things are changing from now on, and that change is for the good of all mankind, praise God. I have seen God do some incredible things with young people especially children who have been gifted with certain abilities.They are often called suvants or prodigies. I was an artist once, and over 15 years ago I saw a young girl that had a visitation from God, and from that time on she painted awesome pictures far beyond others abilities and some of the paintings were prophetic. She even painted a large picture of Jesus that she talked to almost every day. Then last month, I saw again, a young 5 year old girl painting prophetic pictures using all types of items to apply the paint to the surfaces she painted on. She would use brushes or a leaf or even the hair from her head to paint. She was only 4 years old when she started painting, after having an encounter with Jesus. There are other children that have been gifted in various areas with skills far beyond their age, some in math and equations in solving things. Other children, in games such as chess or physical ability, even in music and playing musical instruments, God is using children to change the world. Even ones that have physical disabilities, such as blindness, deafness, autism or even cripples, God love and grace is being poured into them and changing lives. But the biggest change is coming in the spiritual world, through the sons and daughters of God that will be record breakers also. God has called upon these chosen ones, like Sheldon, to create a better world and to bring heaven to earth again through their declaration and the support of legions of a mighty angelic force to fulfill the will of God. The Goliath giants are falling down in record numbers. Those giants that have kept people bound in fear, regarding their health, finances, families and religious beliefs and many other areas. They have also kept God's children from receiving their full inheritance. Today, people are being set free in record numbers from all kinds of addictions. Plus every evil cartial is and will be wiped off the face of the earth. Minds and bodies are being restored in record numbers. We will see a record number of miracles and the raising of the dead, all because these Golithe have defied the living God, and they are all coming down by righteous stones slung by prophets and striking them where it counts. Then their ugly heads will be cut off, in record numbers never to taunt the children of God again. Amen!