June 30, 2010

"Rehab The Harlot"

In a previous article, Honoring Shed Blood, I mentioned that God has referred to America (USA) as "Rehab the Harlot." Some of you may have wondered why? The reason is quite simple: America was founded on Christian principles by godly men, as were many of it's large universities. (Yale, Princeton and Harvard). However, a lot has changed since then and not all for the better.

First of all, I need to let you know that I love my country and it's people and so does God. Yet today, America and those same "schools of learning" are far from God. America has now placed her faith, her love and trust in many other things and gods to serve her own interests. (For anyone to place their trust or affections in any other thing or person other than God is idolatry and adultery. This includes any man-made systems, objects, people, or even in one's own intelligence).

America also has an independent spirit. Therefore most Americans will be celebrate the fourth of July holiday this weekend, in honor of their nation's independence from England. And although it is great to have celebrations, I believe at this time of crises in our nation we really should be humbling ourselves before Almighty God, confessing our sins, and asking for His mercy and forgiveness. Then we should declare our need for totally dependency on Him and then party.

America still belongs to God, despite what people may think. The heavens, the earth and all the nations are the Lords and someday they will wake up and realize it. Then she will forsake her independent spirit and return to her Lord and Master.

However, there are still several things that the Lord finds noteworthy about America. First of all, She is still a generous and caring nation; rendering aid to God's People and helping the poor and needy in times of distress (locally and abroad). Also there is still the freedom for people to worship God, under his amazing grace. And foremost, in her darkest hours there is still a little light and hope coming from a remnant of faithful saints, "the chosen" ones, who have not bowed their knees to the world systems, and have returned home to their Master and Husband, Jesus Christ. If it were not for those few things and the promises to her forefathers, this nation would probably be toast. But I have great hope for America and I prayer for all her leaders that they would hear God's voice and obey. The American people need a revelation of the Heavenly Father in order to bring true lasting hope back into her heart.

In the past couple of years, God has spoken to us of his desire to bless America, to restore her to greatness, and to make her a world leader again. He said there would be new sources of energy and technology to benefit mankind. And God desires to make her the breadbasket to the world, to demonstrate His grace, glory and power to the rest of the world.

That time is coming soon. It will come forth because of God's awesome grace and love. God's favors will also spring forth in other nations as well, even in some of the most unlikely ones. But, even in places where sin is the greatest lives will be changed and we will see a move of His grace. Even though God's judgment will continue on the earth where necessary as discipline, God intends to pour out a greater portion of His grace than ever seen before.

I'm beginning to see it more now, even in my own life. Like the Apostle Paul said, I'm the chiefest of all sinner. (1Tim.1:15). Paul could of been referring to his former life before Christ's visitation, or his own awareness of the sinful flesh nature that he had to keep in subjection to the Holy Spirit. However his focus was not on sin, but the greatness of God love for him and mankind. For by grace, we are all saved through faith and it is in Christ alone that we live and breath and have our being. Everything is by the grace of God.

Men and women have sought to elevate themselves through self-efforts and man-made plans, traditions, rules, regulations, and religion. Christianity is no exception, she too is a part of the seduction of this Great Harlot. But, God is calling to his children to, "Come out from her, my people." (Rev. 18:4).
Many people have chosen the soft bed, the comfortable sheets, and the padded pews of their religion, instead of taking up the cross and joining in the sacrifice and the sufferings of Jesus Christ. Only those who eat and live within the Tree of Life, know and see the danger. Thus, rejecting the stranger's voice that seeks to seduce others to try a different way, rather than Jesus alone.

God gave us an example of this in the book of Hosea, where God accused the children of Israel, God's chosen people, of becoming a whore. The Israelites claimed they loved God, but at the same time their actions showed they wanted and enjoyed paying for the services of other gods.

The Israelites were the Bride of God, but they seemed to always want to be in bed with someone else. And why? Wasn't God good enough? Had he done anything wrong or not kept his promises? He had done nothing to warrant their actions, yet he still loved them and hated her actions at the same time. (That is why God had the Prophet Hosea
marry a prostitute, to demonstrate His great love for Israel.) He had done everything for them and wanted to continued to love and bless them.

Yahweh was angry and felt betrayed. He was a jealous God, yet he still loved her. God had always promised to meet her needs as long as they
faithfully served and obeyed Him. But, for some reason that was never enough for her. She found the things and the ways of other nations more appealing than yielding to the love, protection and the commandments of her Creator and Lord.

Don't you see it? God loves you and I so much and he want us to"turn our eyes upon Jesus, look full into his wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of his Glory and Grace." Then we will know true freedom and the peace and joy that comes only from the Heavenly Father.

God refuses to give up on you—His Church and His Bride—because of his awesome love; and that is why He keeps sending prophets and keeps trying to woo us back to His Grace and Mercy. God knows it is impossible for us to keep all his commandments. That is why Jesus tells us, just
love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and others as self. He is the faithful one and promises to never leave us. He can and will meet all our needs and restore all things, if we trust Him.

We need to get rid of all the stuff that is hindering our vision and our time with the Father. He promises to give us a peace and joy we never knew before. There is more to the Kingdom of God than we could ever imagine. God has some mighty and awesome things planned for those who place their love and trust in him. Don't be the last one in line. Step up and away from the crowd and experience the love of God in a way you never thought possible.

Father, I pray that you forgive America and her people and me too. I also pray that you bless us and instruct us in your ways. Show us your awesome love and mercy in the days ahead. I know there are many things that are not right or pleasing to you, because we have been a stubborn, selfish people and sometimes we have not known any better. There hasn't been a lot of good examples from your people, the church, and for that I'm truly sorry. We too need to repent so that we can see more of your love and power working throughout lives. Then others will believe that you are really real and that you really care. I know you do, but many people have been deceived and led astray. However, that is all about to change and for that I'm very grateful and I know others will be too.

Help us not to look at other people's sins, but to forgive as you forgave us. Let us then find our faith, strength, and wisdom within the Glory of our Heavenly Father's presence. You are the Eternal and Faithful One, and for that we give you thanks and praise and all the glory forever. Amen.

June 24, 2010

Heaven on Earth

Heaven on earth.

No, I'm not talking about a teenage love affair, but a romantic relationship between the physical and the spiritual—between God and man. In the Bible we read that on the first day God brought forth Light, and that light was Jesus. He is the light of the world, and without Him nothing would have been made that was made. Then God, through Jesus, filled the heavens—outer space—and the earth with beautiful things and creatures.

Both heaven (where God dwells) and earth were probably much closer together than they are today. God along with Jesus, also created man in his own image (Gen.1:26), a spiritual being containing both a masculine and a feminine spirit (Gen.1:27). The purpose was for fellowship. Eventually, God clothed him with the dust of the earth and then breathed into him His Spirit-life and man became a living soul, a part of God and a part of heaven. He now had a body to cultivate and steward the ground upon which he walked. Therefore, man was no longer just a spiritual being, similar to God, but also a physical being (Heaven
in earth); the way it was meant to be.

In the beginning, God would step out of heaven and into the Garden of Eden that he had created to walk with man in the cool of the day. That too was heaven on earth. There man had fellowship with the Creator, walking and talking in the Kingdom of Heaven. There was absolutely nothing hidden between them and there was no reason for any secrets. There was no sickness, pain or sorrow, only peace, love and joy. They each respected the other as to who they were, even though man didn't know or understand everything about God; yet he trusted Him.

His heavenly Father also provided everything for him. All that man had to do was name things and take care of God's creation, whatever that meant. God even did the watering and there were no weeds to pull or need to feed the anamals. All man had to do was eat his fruits and veggies, sleep, name some things and spend some time with God. Sounds pretty simple to me, and Adam didn't have any time restrictions either. There was only one restriction, and that was to not eat from one of the trees God had planted in the midst of the Garden: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This was to test man's loyalty to God. Freedom always includes choices. (The other tree God had planted was the The of Life.) The man had no problem with that, after all there was plenty of other things to eat and do.

Then God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. He had made at least two of every species (male and female); but there was only one man. The man probably didn't realize the significance of that, after all there was only one God. We have no idea how much time had passed before God sat the young man down and shared with him His observations. When He told him what he was about to do, the man trusted his Father's judgment completely. So God put him into a deep sleep and reached inside the man's body to remove the feminine spirit, along with some bone and flesh. Then God fashioned them (those parts) into a woman to be a helpmate for man and brought her to the man. When man saw her he probably couldn't believe his eyes, she was so beautiful as was all of God's creations. But the man also understood this one was very special, because she was still a part of him. A part, yet separate; just like God and man. There were no marriage vows, and both the man and his wife were naked and neither were ashamed.

We don't know how long the two of them lived together in the Garden enjoying God and each other's presence, all this fellowship was heavenly. We don't even know if God even came every day in the cool of the evening. The only thing for certain is that one day, when God showed up to talk, they were in another part of the Garden listening to another voice. By the time God called out to man, it was too late and big damage had been done. (Then then Adam called his wife, Eve.) Adam was God's first son; he failed the test of loyalty and

Now the young couple realized something they shouldn't have done, but it was too late. Things had changed and they were afraid—something neither of them had experienced before. They also saw things in a different light. And the light that also had clothed them was gone and they were ashamed of their nakedness. Something or someone would have to pay the price for them to be covered in godly attire again. In the meantime, they covered themselves with fig leaves that were nearby. Their mistake, tragically and
radically, changed history and they never saw the Garden of Eden again—nor did any of their children. Man could no longer stay there in the same garden with the Tree of Life, and it's fruit would never be tasted or eaten by them. Everything on earth changed; life became hard and filled with pain, grief, sorrow and death. There were even some things that changed in Heaven.

Heaven was now pulled back from earth as a result of sin. And God had to step a little further to visit His children and their children's children; until he sent his son Jesus, the Last Adam to redeem mankind from the Fall.

God is still calling out to mankind, "Where are you?" But mankind has become too preoccupied with self-interest and deception. God meant for our eyes to see only what God intended them to see; whereas, now they see much more, making them spiritually blind. As time passed by, much of the beauty had changed and a darkness settled over the earth, including the hearts of men. Oh, for our eyes to see and to experience the way it was in the Garden; now that would be heaven on earth again.

Note: Through the redemption of Jesus Christ, God is calling all His sons and daughters to help bring the Kingdom of Heaven and the ways of the Kingdom to the earth. This is why Jesus breathed on his disciples so they too could pass on the Kingdom of Heaven through their words as they spoke. Just as we can today. As his disciples our words should be line with the His Words and our actions demonstrate his love. It starts with faith filled words and small steps. Jesus prayed to the Father that we would become one with Him, as He and the Father are one. This is the union of Heaven and Earth.

Jesus took the first step by offering Himself up for mankind. He told people that the Kingdom of God was near, that it was even here now.
When we are in Christ we are in heaven, seated with Him at the right hand of the Father.

There will be a physical merging of heaven and earth, the two becoming one again. We do that by faith, partaking of the marriage feast with the Lamb (Rev. 19:9); eating and drinking more of Jesus in intimate communion. That's why we are called the Bride of Christ; and He is preparing a place for us to dwell on earth in and with Him. Oh Lord, that's the way it is meant to be.

It started first in the spiritual realm and then it becomes seen in the physical. Our hearts must be turned toward the Father. Faith is believing in Him, knowing that when we pray, whatever we ask and believe, we shall have it. We need to ask the Father what he wants, and then speak it into existence.

We are His hands, His feet and His voice just as Jesus was. Nothing happens, unless it is first revealed through His prophets and that is why Jesus prophecied certain things, so that they would come to pass along with all the other prophets before and after.
We also are to be the Voice of the Heavenly Father. God will restore all things, according to his plans. Then the new Garden of Eden will cover the new earth and there will also be a new heaven. And once again it will be heaven on earth, a gift from our loving Heavenly Father. All praise and glory to Him forever and ever. Amen!

June 15, 2010

A Father's Remorse

These days hardly an hour goes by that you don't read or hear about someone's tragic event that was totally unexpected, and yet they were somehow at fault. They made a simple but costly mistake. Sometimes we can easily identify with them because it's happened to us, but maybe not with the same tragic ending or result. The harsh reality happens in just a matter of seconds or minutes, yet the damage is done and nothing can be done to change the outcome. You may have just taken your eyes off the road for a second and... or you turned your attention away from your child for just a moment and then the child is taken or harmed. Or you said or did something you really regretted. And now, no matter how many times you wish you could turn back time, the painful consequences remain the same. This happens because of poor choices and/or actions. Often the most compelling stories we hear come from grieving parents, and the tragedy can be life changing for them and many others.

We find many such stories in the Bible, most relating to the mistakes of men, because God places greater responsibility on their shoulders. They are the ones expected to lead and set an example for others to follow, whether single or married. But men still make mistakes, and so do fathers. And they all have to learn to live with the mistakes. Stories such as Jacob deceiving his father, or Joseph's brothers' selling him, or King David's scandal with Bathsheba, or Jephthah offering the Lord the first thing that comes out of his house as a sacrifice. All their choices had serious consequences.

Many of the feelings of these men are seldom told, but you can imagine what they must of felt like—that is, if you had been in the same situation. Someday you would realize that you would eventually need to explain or tell the truth. Others would want to know what happened and why. Once they knew the truth and understood the consequences, it would hopefully change them enough to make sure they wouldn't make the same mistake. But it often doesn't. It seems that each man is destined to learn his own weakness. Men's lives are full of mistakes (women's are too) and we often learn from those mistakes. Hopefully, through the grace of God we live to see another day.

Knowing the truth is seldom learned without making mistakes, and some are very costly. God uses our mistakes to humble us. Sometimes we would like to forget or pretend they never happened. But the truth will eventually surface if we don't confess, even though we would prefer to put it off such confession. We need to be honest and tell others what really happened and the reason why things are the way they are. Confession frees us from mental bondages, and often our confession and confessions are to family members.

Children ask many questions; the most common questions are, "How come?" and "Why?" As parents, we need to tell them the truth. Telling lies usually makes things worse. Depending upon how and what the children are told, and depending upon how they assimilate the information they are given, the confession can affect them for the rest of their lives.

It is interesting that the feelings of most Bible characters are left out of scripture. I believe this is for two important reasons: First, it allows us to ask ourselves the questions and to use our imagination to fill in the blanks, therefore, making it relevant to every generation that reads or hears it. And secondly, we are not to live by feelings, but by faith in the Word of God.

And so it was also, with the most tragic story never told—the fall of Adam and Eve (Genesis
Chp. 3). Very little is said about their emotions other than they were afraid and tried to blame the other person. Yet, the consequences of their actions drastically altered history. However, God was still in control of it all, there were no surprises to him. What I'm about to share now is strictly an opinion (hopefully God-inspired) of what may have transpired after man was forced out of the Garden of Eden:

After Adam and Eve had been removed from the Garden of Eden, they both had a lot of time to think about their mistakes. Probably more than they desired. However, working the field helped take Adam's mind off his mistake, or he maybe he used it to vent his frustrations over his stupidity by hacking at the soil and removing weeds and rocks. But then, hard work was the consequence of his mistake. The same for Eve, who was probably busy learning what to do with fire, fix an occasional warm meal and make clothes for them and their children. This too was all new for her, and she too had plenty of time to think about her catastrophic mistake. They also learned the results of their physical attractions—babies. They had two sons at first, yet no experience on what to do with them—after all, neither Adam or Eve had gone through this stage of growing up for themselves. Father God must have given them some pointers and thoughts on many things, just as any good parent would do. God probably still visited them, but not in the way it had been before and maybe not as often.

Conversation with the family were probably brief, after all there was little to influence their lives at this time. (Most people today would have been bored stiff after a few weeks not to mention years.) Adam was a brilliant man, after all he named all the animals and had God genes, but the fall probably took a tole on his IQ. They all were still fascinated with the wonder of God's creation and were able to laugh and cry from time to time as they learned new things. However, many years had gone by now and the two boy where getting older along with their sister and their curiosity and questions were getting more serious. Adam knew sooner or later he was going to have to tell his sons and daughters what happened in the beginning. Their questions couldn't be put off any longer. He had to give them an answer and it had to be the truth. Finally the day came and Adam gathered the family together. He probably did most of the talking, and maybe Eve shared some things from her point of view, of that fateful day when everything changed.

Adam shared how he had failed his responsibility to obey God and protect his wife. He made foolish choices when he should have known better. He had misplaced his priorities and with the freedom God had given him, he chose to disobey. He was not content to stay within God's guidelines, and pride got the best of him. He also allowed the serpent to deceive their mother; and his love for her also influenced his decisions. He could have still refused to eat the forbidden fruit after Eve had eaten, but he didn't. In the end he failed God, his wife and himself, and as a result everyone and everything would suffer, including his children. Adam wept as he told them the greatest loss. The wonderful relationship he had with Father God, when the two of them would take long walks in cool of the evening. He also missed the beautiful Garden. It was all so wonderful and then it was gone along with the special covering they wore. They could no longer stay there because of his mistake. And finally, he added, they would all continue to suffer hardship because of his stupid and selfish mistake. There, he finally said it. The confession and remorse that had built up over the years had finally come out into the open. With that off his chest and a clear mind again, Adam felt it was time that they should start to worship God as a family.

Everything the two young men just heard was totally foreign to them. But it did explain some things, including their parents' sad moods every now and then. It also raised their curiosity about God and The Serpent. Adam had often talked about God and how wonderful He was, but had said nothing about The Serpent. Who were they really and what was this thing their father called worship?

Cain, the oldest, had spent a lot of his time out in the field with his father. He seemed to take an offense with God and may have felt God was being too hard on all of them, especially his father. After all, it was just a simple mistake. Besides, he felt his father Adam was a "good" man. Cain followed in his father's footsteps over the years. He had learned to work the fields and how to cultivate the soil. And now he had also been given his own portion of the land to work. They were both very close and he was also Adam's firstborn son, which made him special.

Abel, however was the opposite of Cain's personality. He was a gentle and caring man, and that is why he liked being a shepherd. He also saw the grief in his father's eyes over the loss he caused them so many years ago. Yet, Abel wanted to know more about Father God, and the intimate relationship his father Adam had in this wonderful Garden called Eden. He wondered if it was still possible to have that same kind of relationship with God while tending his sheep, even if they weren't in the Garden anymore. There were days he thought he could hear God whispering his name. And so while he was shepherding his flock he would look up into the sky and talk to Father God, hoping He was listening and smiling down on him. And over time God let him know He was listening and they began to have heart to heart conversations.

Then one day Adam got inspired, and told the family they were to offer God a sacrifice as a form of worship. He suggested to his sons that they follow his example and then bring a portion of their labor to offer to God as a burnt offering, as to show God how much they loved Him and appreciated His blessing them and their work.

When the time came to sacrifice, both of the sons brought their offering. Abel brought his best, the first young sheep of his flock, because he loved God; and God was very pleased. However, Cain offered some of the grain and maybe some fruit from his field, but his heart was not right towards God; so God was displeased with his offering. Cain became very angry and God gave him a stern warning. But he chose to ignore it. As a result, Cain became jealous of Abel, and later, while he thought no one was looking, killed him out in the field. Then God confronted Cain with the slaying of his brother Abel, and said, "The voice of your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground." There was no remorse in Cains heart for is actions. So God sent him away from his parents.

That day two father's wept over another great lost, all because of a Cain's selfish choice.

Life's Choices

Life's choices. They will force us to go one of two ways, it is basically impossible to remain neutral in our thoughts or actions afterwards. You will either agree or disagree with God's Word. Choices have to be made. For example, when you hear the Gospel message for salvation. You have to make a decision whether Jesus Christ is or is not going to be your Lord and Savior. The purpose of that decision is to build a relationship with The Father. Your words and actions will verify your decision on a daily bases. You can't remain neutral regardless of what you say. No answer or no action is still a negative decision.
"Choose you this day whom you will serve," (Joshua 24:15). God loves you and he will help you make the right choices if your heart is right. He's not expecting you to be perfect, but to love and trust Him. But, most importantly this is an opportunity to enter back into the spiritual Garden of Eden with the Heavenly Father, into an intimate relationship and friendship.

June 8, 2010

Honoring Shed Blood

This past week the United States of America celebrated Memorial Day, a day in which Americans honored their military men and women who have given their lives in the line of duty for the peace and safety of our country and others. I too would like extend my honor to all of these men and women and their families. As Jesus said, there is no greater love than for one to lay down his life for a friend. (John 15:13)

Over a year ago, the Lord shared His feelings about blood sacrifices and the sufferings of certain individuals and groups of people that changed the course of both Biblical history and American history. He said, "America is held together by a cord of red. A nation of remembrance and God can't forget her."

There were a multitude of Americans in the past who helped establish the United States of America. They did so at great cost to themselves, their families and others. Many were murdered and their possessions were burned. Through the years tens of thousands have shed their blood on the battlefields in order to free their country and their brothers from slavery. They have also fought on foreign soil to help free other nations from the oppression of evil dictators.

Still others have sacrificed their lives on mission fields, sharing the Gospel and helping the poor and the needy. God said, "A bloodline has been laid around America" and God intends to honor and protect America, because of these sacrifices and for being "a safe harbor" for His people.

God has and will continue to bless America more than she deserves, all because of the promises he made. But at the same time, God stated, " I am a Father, I do not give my rights to another to discipline. It is in my hands, not in terrorist's hands, not in China's hands, not in anyone else's hands, only in mine. I am her Father...I will not allow attacks. The blood line has been drawn around this land and who is going to by-pass that. Only God has that authority to discipline this nation... The Father disciplines those he loves and He has chosen to love America, because she is Rehab the harlot, that saw the Father's favor upon another and sought to harbor the spies. Just as America sought to harbor the Jewish people. And I cannot turn away from that. America is about to lead the world again, but first the discipline." The blessings that are coming to America will be far greater, because of the awesome love of the Heavenly Father.

All blessings from God are released through a Covenant Blessing (Gen.12:1-3), and established by blood sacrifice. Those blessings began with the sacrifices made by the Patriarchs. Abraham was willing to leave his family, his land and even offered his greatest possession, his son Isaac, in obedience to God, and so it has been with all (Abraham's & God's) spiritual sons. Unfortunately, we do not see the same kind of passion in America today.

The Lord said, "Love must be sacrificial...Many nations have had martyrs and they are so ripe for an absolute move of My Spirit.
But, the American Christians have mocked suffering... And that is why there has not been a great move of God in America in a long time." Blessings are not based on American Christian's abilities to improve their self-worth or possessions, but on their obedience and their sacrifices to help others. The Prosperity Gospel is deceptive and the grace of God should not be taken for granted.

The Lord said that in the Kingdom of God, "Love will be the administration, and never, ever disassociate the sacrifice, the pain and the blood from the love; it is the same." He continued to say that, "The Father wants to save a people and He wants to see true martyrs and suffering to be seen in this land. He wants humility to be the foundation in which the flag can stand... I'm looking for a man who loves all the way to the point of death, so I can raise him up to a high position. So the love of God is the real issue in the coming days...God is looking at the heart. He's looking at the blood."

To sacrifice our life for the sake of God and helping his children, including the lost and the poor, is the purest form of love and worship. It has been that way from the beginning of time, from the shed blood of Abel, the prophets and all the saints of old, until the last saint has poured out his or her blood. Their shed blood will be honored, because of the shed blood of Jesus, two thousand years ago on the Cross. God's Son, Jesus Christ, made the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of all humanity. It was there that He gave His life, so we might have life. There was no greater sacrifice.

Today, we need to get a fresh vision of Jesus' tortured body
seared into our minds so that we understand exactly what it took for Him to set man free. This is the Gospel's message: love forgives everything and withholds nothing. It would be wise to remember His sacrifice and honor Him above all others.

Note: God also honors and blesses all countries and nations that will bow their knees to Him. America will also bow. It only takes a small percentage of righteous people to begin turning the heart of the Father. He also appreciates every individual who sacrifices for Jesus' sake as well as for their neighbors and their country. They too will be greatly blessed. God is no respecter of persons or nations who choose to honor Him. The earth is the Lord's, and He is worthy of every nation's praises.

Also, to those who have sacrificed and suffered extreme injuries, both physical and mental because of wars and service to their country, I honor you and tell you that your sacrifices were not in vain or unnoticed, even by God. It is God's desire to see people's lives restored—physically, mentally and spiritually—in the days and years ahead,
if we'll only place our trust in Him. Nothing is impossible with God. This means absolutely nothing is impossible. We are about to see the greatest display of God's grace and supernatural powers in ways we have never seen before. So don't give up hope; place your trust in His love and healing power. He won't let you down; just reach out and touch him. His hand is reaching out to save, honor and bless you for your sacrifices.

"For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the afflicted ones with salvation." (Psalms 149:4)

June 2, 2010

Do You Love Me?

"Do you love me more than these?" (John 21:16) I believe this is one of the most important questions ever asked by Jesus. And it was addressed to one of his closest friends, Simon Peter. Jesus didn't ask it of any other disciple. They had just finished breakfast that morning on the shores of Galilee and Peter's stomach was still churning. He was very happy to see Jesus, until He asked this question. "Do you love me, more than these?"

The emphasis on each word has powerful implications. Especially the words love and more. After Jesus resurrection, Peter was probably still trying to forget the shame from having denied Jesus three times. Now he was struggling with how to answer Jesus' questions. After all, Peter had usually been quick to answer Jesus' questions before with bold declarations, including his willingness to die for Him, even if the others were not. Yet there was no bold declaration this time. Just a humble acknowledgment that Jesus was the only one who truly knew how he felt. Peter wouldn't even repeat the same word Jesus had used for love, agape.

Down through the ages, Jesus' question still echos,
"Do you love Me?" How do you answer His question? Jesus even adds a comparisons to it. What it was we don't know, probably the other disciples. I don't believe that is the issue, other than it is foolish for us to try to compare our love to someone else's love. Only God knows each individuals heart, motive and intentions. Sometimes our outward actions are a clue, but not always. Yet, the most important issue is still, do you love Me? How do we know if we really love Jesus? What can we compare our love to? And how do we prove our love to Him?

Just like Peter, we all have made our bold statements of love and devotion, only to coward in our actions and words—days if not hours later. (by choosing to satisfy our flesh or yielding to our doubts and fears rather than Jesus' Spirit) Again, we all have failed many, many times. If you haven't you probably need to check your pulse. Peter was no different than any of us. And I don't believe most of us could state our love with any more certainly than Peter. However to prove out love requires us to do something—love require action, ACTION. Without actions there is no proof of love. 

We all have to live out our love through faith and obedience to Jesus, by following his Holy Spirit's leading. We need to learn to listen to His voice and obey it, but most important we need to build a relationship with the Father. God referred to David, as a man after His own heart, yet he wasn't perfect or always obedient. Our goal is to love God and walk as Jesus walked (actions). (I John 2:5-6). Perfection is seen in the heart of Jesus, who dwell in all of God's sons. God's sons and daughters are doing what pleases Him, which also includes waiting on Him. That is a form of action that many avoid.

This was not a test or a trick questions for Peter, because we are saved by grace alone and Jesus knew that better than anyone. (I don't believe Jesus was trying to hurt or reprimand Peter in any way either.) Jesus' motives are pure, and were meant for help and encouragement him. And most important, Jesus wanted Peter to move forward. This would be accomplish by planting " seeds," into Peter's mind. The fact that Jesus asked him three different times, was to show his effort to erase any doubts of guilt and shame of past mistakes. And that there is plenty to do for Him and the Kingdom or God, which have nothing to do with building a church building or a congregation as some ministers strive for.

Peter had also been forgiven by Jesus from the same cross, along with the rest of humanity. It also wasn't necessary for Jesus to repeat those three words—"It is finished." But I'm sure He did the next time he saw Peter, who still had some doubts and fears. Peter needed to reassure himself by speaking words of faith of his devotion to Christ. Jesus was giving Peter three simple steps of action to help him do just that.

Often, after making a big blunder, satan tries to keep us down, doing nothing for the Kingdom of God and drowning. Just like Peter sinking in the stormy sea. Here again we may feel like we are sinking emotionally from guilt and fears. Yet, Jesus like a true friend was there to help pull him up and to move forward, with some simple pointers. Jesus had faith in Peter, who was a rock that Jesus saw in His spirit. Peter was also the example God used to illustrate His ability to help us (the church) overcome our failures. Something we will all need, if our desire is there.

We have all made our mistakes, just like Peter's. How we handle those mistakes afterwords is very important. Jesus kindly points out that our love for God, must be directed away from self, guilt, shame or pity—by waiting on Him and serving the Body of Christ. This is the outward expression of our true love put into action.

Do You Love Me?

The first step is "tending" to the lambs— go help and give of your time and money to the ones who are weak, lost and defenseless.

Next is to "shepherd" My sheep— to lead people in the direction they should go, feed the Words of Life that will benefit them the most, show them how to avoid dangerous situation, encourage and protect them with the sword of His Word.

And finally to "care" for — when they need healing—pray the prayer of faith; if they need more strength—help share their burden; if they have fallen from grace—forgive and help restore them, just as Jesus did for Peter and each of us.

By following these three steps of action, Jesus enables us to mature in our walk of faith by serving others and abiding in Him. Everything should be done in agape love and his power. Thus the Church and the Bride of Christ will become what the Father has always intended for it to be— His House, His Temple and the Family of God.