First of all, I need to let you know that I love my country and it's people and so does God. Yet today, America and those same "schools of learning" are far from God. America has now placed her faith, her love and trust in many other things and gods to serve her own interests. (For anyone to place their trust or affections in any other thing or person other than God is idolatry and adultery. This includes any man-made systems, objects, people, or even in one's own intelligence).
America still belongs to God, despite what people may think. The heavens, the earth and all the nations are the Lords and someday they will wake up and realize it. Then she will forsake her independent spirit and return to her Lord and Master.
However, there are still several things that the Lord finds noteworthy about America. First of all, She is still a generous and caring nation; rendering aid to God's People and helping the poor and needy in times of distress (locally and abroad). Also there is still the freedom for people to worship God, under his amazing grace. And foremost, in her darkest hours there is still a little light and hope coming from a remnant of faithful saints, "the chosen" ones, who have not bowed their knees to the world systems, and have returned home to their Master and Husband, Jesus Christ. If it were not for those few things and the promises to her forefathers, this nation would probably be toast. But I have great hope for America and I prayer for all her leaders that they would hear God's voice and obey. The American people need a revelation of the Heavenly Father in order to bring true lasting hope back into her heart.
In the past couple of years, God has spoken to us of his desire to bless America, to restore her to greatness, and to make her a world leader again. He said there would be new sources of energy and technology to benefit mankind. And God desires to make her the breadbasket to the world, to demonstrate His grace, glory and power to the rest of the world.
That time is coming soon. It will come forth because of God's awesome grace and love. God's favors will also spring forth in other nations as well, even in some of the most unlikely ones. But, even in places where sin is the greatest lives will be changed and we will see a move of His grace. Even though God's judgment will continue on the earth where necessary as discipline, God intends to pour out a greater portion of His grace than ever seen before.
I'm beginning to see it more now, even in my own life. Like the Apostle Paul said, I'm the chiefest of all sinner. (1Tim.1:15). Paul could of been referring to his former life before Christ's visitation, or his own awareness of the sinful flesh nature that he had to keep in subjection to the Holy Spirit. However his focus was not on sin, but the greatness of God love for him and mankind. For by grace, we are all saved through faith and it is in Christ alone that we live and breath and have our being. Everything is by the grace of God.
Men and women have sought to elevate themselves through self-efforts and man-made plans, traditions, rules, regulations, and religion. Christianity is no exception, she too is a part of the seduction of this Great Harlot. But, God is calling to his children to, "Come out from her, my people." (Rev. 18:4). Many people have chosen the soft bed, the comfortable sheets, and the padded pews of their religion, instead of taking up the cross and joining in the sacrifice and the sufferings of Jesus Christ. Only those who eat and live within the Tree of Life, know and see the danger. Thus, rejecting the stranger's voice that seeks to seduce others to try a different way, rather than Jesus alone.
God gave us an example of this in the book of Hosea, where God accused the children of Israel, God's chosen people, of becoming a whore. The Israelites claimed they loved God, but at the same time their actions showed they wanted and enjoyed paying for the services of other gods.
The Israelites were the Bride of God, but they seemed to always want to be in bed with someone else. And why? Wasn't God good enough? Had he done anything wrong or not kept his promises? He had done nothing to warrant their actions, yet he still loved them and hated her actions at the same time. (That is why God had the Prophet Hosea marry a prostitute, to demonstrate His great love for Israel.) He had done everything for them and wanted to continued to love and bless them.
Yahweh was angry and felt betrayed. He was a jealous God, yet he still loved her. God had always promised to meet her needs as long as they faithfully served and obeyed Him. But, for some reason that was never enough for her. She found the things and the ways of other nations more appealing than yielding to the love, protection and the commandments of her Creator and Lord.
Don't you see it? God loves you and I so much and he want us to"turn our eyes upon Jesus, look full into his wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of his Glory and Grace." Then we will know true freedom and the peace and joy that comes only from the Heavenly Father.
God refuses to give up on you—His Church and His Bride—because of his awesome love; and that is why He keeps sending prophets and keeps trying to woo us back to His Grace and Mercy. God knows it is impossible for us to keep all his commandments. That is why Jesus tells us, just love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and others as self. He is the faithful one and promises to never leave us. He can and will meet all our needs and restore all things, if we trust Him.
We need to get rid of all the stuff that is hindering our vision and our time with the Father. He promises to give us a peace and joy we never knew before. There is more to the Kingdom of God than we could ever imagine. God has some mighty and awesome things planned for those who place their love and trust in him. Don't be the last one in line. Step up and away from the crowd and experience the love of God in a way you never thought possible.
Father, I pray that you forgive America and her people and me too. I also pray that you bless us and instruct us in your ways. Show us your awesome love and mercy in the days ahead. I know there are many things that are not right or pleasing to you, because we have been a stubborn, selfish people and sometimes we have not known any better. There hasn't been a lot of good examples from your people, the church, and for that I'm truly sorry. We too need to repent so that we can see more of your love and power working throughout lives. Then others will believe that you are really real and that you really care. I know you do, but many people have been deceived and led astray. However, that is all about to change and for that I'm very grateful and I know others will be too.
Help us not to look at other people's sins, but to forgive as you forgave us. Let us then find our faith, strength, and wisdom within the Glory of our Heavenly Father's presence. You are the Eternal and Faithful One, and for that we give you thanks and praise and all the glory forever. Amen.