This past week the United States of America celebrated Memorial Day, a day in which Americans honored their military men and women who have given their lives in the line of duty for the peace and safety of our country and others. I too would like extend my honor to all of these men and women and their families. As Jesus said, there is no greater love than for one to lay down his life for a friend. (John 15:13)
Over a year ago, the Lord shared His feelings about blood sacrifices and the sufferings of certain individuals and groups of people that changed the course of both Biblical history and American history. He said, "America is held together by a cord of red. A nation of remembrance and God can't forget her."
There were a multitude of Americans in the past who helped establish the United States of America. They did so at great cost to themselves, their families and others. Many were murdered and their possessions were burned. Through the years tens of thousands have shed their blood on the battlefields in order to free their country and their brothers from slavery. They have also fought on foreign soil to help free other nations from the oppression of evil dictators.
Still others have sacrificed their lives on mission fields, sharing the Gospel and helping the poor and the needy. God said, "A bloodline has been laid around America" and God intends to honor and protect America, because of these sacrifices and for being "a safe harbor" for His people.
God has and will continue to bless America more than she deserves, all because of the promises he made. But at the same time, God stated, " I am a Father, I do not give my rights to another to discipline. It is in my hands, not in terrorist's hands, not in China's hands, not in anyone else's hands, only in mine. I am her Father...I will not allow attacks. The blood line has been drawn around this land and who is going to by-pass that. Only God has that authority to discipline this nation... The Father disciplines those he loves and He has chosen to love America, because she is Rehab the harlot, that saw the Father's favor upon another and sought to harbor the spies. Just as America sought to harbor the Jewish people. And I cannot turn away from that. America is about to lead the world again, but first the discipline." The blessings that are coming to America will be far greater, because of the awesome love of the Heavenly Father.
All blessings from God are released through a Covenant Blessing (Gen.12:1-3), and established by blood sacrifice. Those blessings began with the sacrifices made by the Patriarchs. Abraham was willing to leave his family, his land and even offered his greatest possession, his son Isaac, in obedience to God, and so it has been with all (Abraham's & God's) spiritual sons. Unfortunately, we do not see the same kind of passion in America today.
The Lord said, "Love must be sacrificial...Many nations have had martyrs and they are so ripe for an absolute move of My Spirit. But, the American Christians have mocked suffering... And that is why there has not been a great move of God in America in a long time." Blessings are not based on American Christian's abilities to improve their self-worth or possessions, but on their obedience and their sacrifices to help others. The Prosperity Gospel is deceptive and the grace of God should not be taken for granted.
The Lord said that in the Kingdom of God, "Love will be the administration, and never, ever disassociate the sacrifice, the pain and the blood from the love; it is the same." He continued to say that, "The Father wants to save a people and He wants to see true martyrs and suffering to be seen in this land. He wants humility to be the foundation in which the flag can stand... I'm looking for a man who loves all the way to the point of death, so I can raise him up to a high position. So the love of God is the real issue in the coming days...God is looking at the heart. He's looking at the blood."
To sacrifice our life for the sake of God and helping his children, including the lost and the poor, is the purest form of love and worship. It has been that way from the beginning of time, from the shed blood of Abel, the prophets and all the saints of old, until the last saint has poured out his or her blood. Their shed blood will be honored, because of the shed blood of Jesus, two thousand years ago on the Cross. God's Son, Jesus Christ, made the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of all humanity. It was there that He gave His life, so we might have life. There was no greater sacrifice.
Today, we need to get a fresh vision of Jesus' tortured body seared into our minds so that we understand exactly what it took for Him to set man free. This is the Gospel's message: love forgives everything and withholds nothing. It would be wise to remember His sacrifice and honor Him above all others.
Note: God also honors and blesses all countries and nations that will bow their knees to Him. America will also bow. It only takes a small percentage of righteous people to begin turning the heart of the Father. He also appreciates every individual who sacrifices for Jesus' sake as well as for their neighbors and their country. They too will be greatly blessed. God is no respecter of persons or nations who choose to honor Him. The earth is the Lord's, and He is worthy of every nation's praises.
Also, to those who have sacrificed and suffered extreme injuries, both physical and mental because of wars and service to their country, I honor you and tell you that your sacrifices were not in vain or unnoticed, even by God. It is God's desire to see people's lives restored—physically, mentally and spiritually—in the days and years ahead, if we'll only place our trust in Him. Nothing is impossible with God. This means absolutely nothing is impossible. We are about to see the greatest display of God's grace and supernatural powers in ways we have never seen before. So don't give up hope; place your trust in His love and healing power. He won't let you down; just reach out and touch him. His hand is reaching out to save, honor and bless you for your sacrifices.
"For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the afflicted ones with salvation." (Psalms 149:4)