Both heaven (where God dwells) and earth were probably much closer together than they are today. God along with Jesus, also created man in his own image (Gen.1:26), a spiritual being containing both a masculine and a feminine spirit (Gen.1:27). The purpose was for fellowship. Eventually, God clothed him with the dust of the earth and then breathed into him His Spirit-life and man became a living soul, a part of God and a part of heaven. He now had a body to cultivate and steward the ground upon which he walked. Therefore, man was no longer just a spiritual being, similar to God, but also a physical being (Heaven in earth); the way it was meant to be.
In the beginning, God would step out of heaven and into the Garden of Eden that he had created to walk with man in the cool of the day. That too was heaven on earth. There man had fellowship with the Creator, walking and talking in the Kingdom of Heaven. There was absolutely nothing hidden between them and there was no reason for any secrets. There was no sickness, pain or sorrow, only peace, love and joy. They each respected the other as to who they were, even though man didn't know or understand everything about God; yet he trusted Him.
His heavenly Father also provided everything for him. All that man had to do was name things and take care of God's creation, whatever that meant. God even did the watering and there were no weeds to pull or need to feed the anamals. All man had to do was eat his fruits and veggies, sleep, name some things and spend some time with God. Sounds pretty simple to me, and Adam didn't have any time restrictions either. There was only one restriction, and that was to not eat from one of the trees God had planted in the midst of the Garden: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This was to test man's loyalty to God. Freedom always includes choices. (The other tree God had planted was the The of Life.) The man had no problem with that, after all there was plenty of other things to eat and do.
Then God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. He had made at least two of every species (male and female); but there was only one man. The man probably didn't realize the significance of that, after all there was only one God. We have no idea how much time had passed before God sat the young man down and shared with him His observations. When He told him what he was about to do, the man trusted his Father's judgment completely. So God put him into a deep sleep and reached inside the man's body to remove the feminine spirit, along with some bone and flesh. Then God fashioned them (those parts) into a woman to be a helpmate for man and brought her to the man. When man saw her he probably couldn't believe his eyes, she was so beautiful as was all of God's creations. But the man also understood this one was very special, because she was still a part of him. A part, yet separate; just like God and man. There were no marriage vows, and both the man and his wife were naked and neither were ashamed.
We don't know how long the two of them lived together in the Garden enjoying God and each other's presence, all this fellowship was heavenly. We don't even know if God even came every day in the cool of the evening. The only thing for certain is that one day, when God showed up to talk, they were in another part of the Garden listening to another voice. By the time God called out to man, it was too late and big damage had been done. (Then then Adam called his wife, Eve.) Adam was God's first son; he failed the test of loyalty and obedience.
Now the young couple realized something they shouldn't have done, but it was too late. Things had changed and they were afraid—something neither of them had experienced before. They also saw things in a different light. And the light that also had clothed them was gone and they were ashamed of their nakedness. Something or someone would have to pay the price for them to be covered in godly attire again. In the meantime, they covered themselves with fig leaves that were nearby. Their mistake, tragically and radically, changed history and they never saw the Garden of Eden again—nor did any of their children. Man could no longer stay there in the same garden with the Tree of Life, and it's fruit would never be tasted or eaten by them. Everything on earth changed; life became hard and filled with pain, grief, sorrow and death. There were even some things that changed in Heaven.
Heaven was now pulled back from earth as a result of sin. And God had to step a little further to visit His children and their children's children; until he sent his son Jesus, the Last Adam to redeem mankind from the Fall.
God is still calling out to mankind, "Where are you?" But mankind has become too preoccupied with self-interest and deception. God meant for our eyes to see only what God intended them to see; whereas, now they see much more, making them spiritually blind. As time passed by, much of the beauty had changed and a darkness settled over the earth, including the hearts of men. Oh, for our eyes to see and to experience the way it was in the Garden; now that would be heaven on earth again.
Note: Through the redemption of Jesus Christ, God is calling all His sons and daughters to help bring the Kingdom of Heaven and the ways of the Kingdom to the earth. This is why Jesus breathed on his disciples so they too could pass on the Kingdom of Heaven through their words as they spoke. Just as we can today. As his disciples our words should be line with the His Words and our actions demonstrate his love. It starts with faith filled words and small steps. Jesus prayed to the Father that we would become one with Him, as He and the Father are one. This is the union of Heaven and Earth.
Jesus took the first step by offering Himself up for mankind. He told people that the Kingdom of God was near, that it was even here now. When we are in Christ we are in heaven, seated with Him at the right hand of the Father.
It started first in the spiritual realm and then it becomes seen in the physical. Our hearts must be turned toward the Father. Faith is believing in Him, knowing that when we pray, whatever we ask and believe, we shall have it. We need to ask the Father what he wants, and then speak it into existence.
We are His hands, His feet and His voice just as Jesus was. Nothing happens, unless it is first revealed through His prophets and that is why Jesus prophecied certain things, so that they would come to pass along with all the other prophets before and after. We also are to be the Voice of the Heavenly Father. God will restore all things, according to his plans. Then the new Garden of Eden will cover the new earth and there will also be a new heaven. And once again it will be heaven on earth, a gift from our loving Heavenly Father. All praise and glory to Him forever and ever. Amen!