July 27, 2010

Extending The Golden Scepter

In the book of Esther is found a wonderful story of God's amazing grace. The children of Israel had been taken captive by the Babylonians and the Persians. The city of Jerusalem and the Temple of the Lord had been destroyed, along with many lives as punishment for sin because Israel had disobeyed and forsaken the Lord God. Yet, God had not forsaken them. He had spared a remnant to carry on his will and plan. As a loving Father it was always in His heart to bless his children, even if they disobeyed. And so God was gracious again and allowed them to grow, flourish and prosper in a foreign land. All they had to do was to learn to adjust to their new surroundings, obey the king and be kind to the people who didn't know their God. They also needed to remember to worship the Lord their God, the best they could. They were now foreigners, servants and outcasts with no place to worship. The Persians had their own gods and temples, and many times Israel was forced to serve them.

Out of the outcasts, God had a few faithful ones which God intended to use to bring hope, favor and restoration back to the people of Israel, also to bless other nations that surrounded them. One of these people was Mordecai the Jew, who had been exiled to the citadel in Susa. The other was his niece Hadassah, who he had raised after her parent's death. Mordecai loved Hadassah as if she were his own daughter; and she grew up to be beautiful young woman in very way. He also gave her the name Esther, which means "a star," which indicates a future of promise and blessings.

Then one day the King of Persia made a decree to search his kingdom for beautiful young virgins. They were to be brought to the palace and groomed as a potential wife. The king would then choose one of them as a replacement his former wife and queen, who had rebelled and dishonored him in public. Her conduct was unacceptable and would create contempt in marriages throughout the land, and this could not be allowed in his kingdom. The queen was removed and her position would be given to someone more worthy. So the search began throughout the land.

Eventually, Esther was one of the young women taken by the king's men. She was not happy about her situation nor her new surroundings that she found herself in—even though the palace itself was beautiful beyond description. But what could she do? she was just a woman in a strange land, who had to go along with the practice of the taking of young virgins for the court's harem. Many of the virgins were excited about the prospect of being a queen and living in the palace with all of its luxurious benefits and servants. However, Esther placed her hopes, her future and her trust in God, also in the encouraging words from her uncle Mordecai, who felt for some reason that this situation was God's will. So she obeyed Mordecai, as she had always done; she also set a good example for others to follow. Mordecai had instructed her in the important things in life, and he loved her very much. So she trusted his judgment completely.

The time came for Esther to make her appearance before the King. When the King saw her, he knew she was the one. There was something special about her. He just didn't know how special. Sure she was beautiful, but there was also something in the way she moved, talked and dressed that made her no ordinary woman. Then there was her eyes. Yes, it was her eyes. They were like blue sapphire, full of compassion and strength. And much to Esther's surprise, she saw that she too could love the King. So Esther became the new Queen.

Then one day the King was deceived by one of his advisers—a man who hated Mordecai the Jew—into passing a decree, a law that would kill a certain group of people, including the king's wife (a fact the man was unaware of). Esther had not told the King that she was a Jew, as her uncle had requested. Mordecai warned Queen Esther that she needed to do something about the decree, because she had not heard anything about the threat as of yet. He also stated that her exaltation as queen may have been, "for such a time as this."

Esther had to do something she had never done before; come before the king without being requested, which could mean death. So she prepared herself along with other Jewish supporters, by prayer and fasting food and water for three days. Then she would go to face the king, which was not permissible without first being summoned. And if she perished she perished. What choice did she really have? her people's lives were hanging in the balance as well as her own. She had prayed to the Lord God for strength and wisdom for what she was about to say and do—that is, if she lived. And now the moment of truth was at hand.

Walking with her head held high, she chose to face eminent death if her husband the King disapproved of her boldness (or insolence). They were all surprised to see the queen coming, knowing she had not been summoned. They also knew of the possible dire consequences. And so was the King when he finally saw his beautiful wife standing and waiting at the entrance to the court doors. However, she found favor (grace) in the eyes of the King, as he extended his golden scepter for her to come forward. A quiet joy and then a hush filled the room as she came before the King and touched the golden scepter. Then the King asked, "What's the matter with you woman, ain't you got no brains in that pretty little head of yours?" No, no that's not what he said. He was filled with compassion and knew something was definitely wrong for her to do what she had done. So the King asked what was troubling her?

(To know the rest of the story, I encourage you to read the story in the Bible. It has a happy and victorious ending, which you'll want to know and maybe experience for yourself.)

Note: For the first time the king detected fear in his bride's beautiful eyes as she stood in the doorway. He realized how foolish the man-made law was that had restricted everyone from seeking his attention. His wife should always be able to come before him, if necessary and with respect for her husband. God even gives us grace when we break his laws. Freedom is about love not rules and regulation. The only law that really matters is the law of love and grace. You can't have one without the other. Extending the golden scepter grants us the power to speak and act with the King of King's authority.

Esther had done all she could. What was needed and what she possessed was faith in a loving, merciful and gracious God. And that is exactly what she found; grace and favor in the eyes of her husband/king, also in the eyes of her God. People will always find grace when they come before Him with a humble, honest and seeking heart. Furthermore, God's people also receive grace when others are willing to lay down their lives for them, just as Jesus did for us and the rest of the world. Today, we all need God's grace more than ever. And His awesome grace will continue to be poured out for a thousand generations.

The book of Esther is a beautiful picture of the Bride of Christ and of the end time Church living in the world but not of the world. The Bride is made up of the faithful sons and daughters of God, who are kings and priests in His Kingdom. They are the ones who are willing to intercede and lay down their lives for their brothers, also for a lost world. Yet, it is only by the grace of God that he extends His Golden Scepter to us. For we are not worthy in and of ourselves; it is a gift of love. Now we are given the opportunity to rule and reign with him, and to extend our scepter (power) to a world that needs God's amazing Grace.

P.S. I have some further insight on the Book of Esther in my article Life and Death—found by clicking HERE.

Note: The Bride of Christ need not fear coming before her king for she is one with Him. They share the same thrown, which means He has given us His scepter to rule over His kingdom. We are His hand extended to give mercy and mercy or judgment.

July 24, 2010

The Great Deception?

Jesus said that in the last days there would be a falling away because of little faith. He warned us not to be mislead by people saying, "I am the Christ." (Mt.24:5) Today many ministers freely declare that Jesus is the Christ, but then they start adding their own thoughts, beliefs and many man-made laws and traditions. Yet, the Gospel was meant to be simple. Today the gospel message and the church looks very little like Jesus or the Early Church. And the end result is that, "Most peoples love will grow cold." (Mt. 23:12).

The greatest tragedy that has taken place in many churches for years, is that after a new soul finds faith in Christ, they start looking at other Christians as role models instead of Jesus. Jesus was and is to be our role model; He is the Truth, the Life and THE WAY. He is also our source of strength, wisdom and power. Jesus is our everything. Yet, it seems easier for new converts to follow the "in crowd." Many new or young Christians sense a new freedom and joy and desire to be part of something wonderful. They also want to know how to "fit in" with the Body of Christ. So they are given lots of literature and pamphlets, or they are encouraged to attend some classes on what their new commitment entails. They are also encouraged to come to other services that they will also enjoy. Seldom are they told to just listen and obey God. Some guidelines are helpful, but much of the stuff given or seen is tied to a lot of religious thinking and organizational rules.

Today, many churches are becoming popular because they have great worship music and anointed preaching—which is good. However, they are also being introduced to a lot of other things, including the latest popular selling Christian books that are being read by many of their members. And that may not be so good.

The early church grew not because it was popular or that they had access to great literature. But because of the power of the Holy Spirit, prayer and the demonstration of agape love—with signs and wonders following. There was also persecution, which meant people had to be serious about their faith when choosing to follow Christ. However, today there is less pressure in many western churches. There is also less power, even though there's more Christian literature than ever. What's the problem?

The truth and the Bible is being ignored more and more, as people spend more time with what is popular fiction and romance novels or the latest craze in Christian circles. Also the quality of some great Christian authors has also changed towards basic entertainment. There are also many other items available at your local Christian book stores or through the Internet. I have a few things myself (mostly worship music and some good books) and they're nice to give as gifts too. But how much does the other stuff really benefit anyone? Have people substituted a personal faith for a display of faith and literary knowledge? Have you noticed that church is the weakest it has ever been; could this be one of the reasons?

There is little value in many of those items, even though they may satisfy a person's entertainment or decor thinking. That's the wonderful part about God's grace; he loves us and wants to enjoy our relationship with Him. Yet, many people have gone to church their whole life and have still missed God's intended plan or calling for them. Some have even become bored as they sit in pews week after week, year after year. God has so much more in mind for those with seeking hearts. Church-life was never meant to be boring.

Church-life was never meant to be boring.

We serve a powerful and creative God, and most of us don't even have a clue or realize how awesome he really is—including me, but I'm beginning to. God is willing to meet us at any level that we're willing to venture into. There are a lot of doors yet to be opened by faith, and Jesus offers us the keys. But most of all, I want HIM who holds the keys.

Jesus stated that He was the door, he that enters through the door will find life. (John 10:9) Jesus also said that in the last days there would be little faith. It's not that there would be fewer Christians. In fact, there are more Christians today than ever before, but unfortunately fewer people really put into practice the teachings of Jesus, or place faith in His power. Loving and trusting God with all your heart should be the foundation for every child of God. Yet, few have press on into the maturity of sonship, because it gets too hard or difficult. Sonship is only gained through obedience and Christ's sufferings.
"Although He was a Son, he learned obedience from the things He suffered. And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal life." (Heb. 5:8)
Many people who pursue a deeper walk with God, are considered a fanatic. And why? Maybe it's because those who follow Jesus will be persecuted. (John 15:18-21)

Jesus didn't seek to be popular and neither did his disciples. Therefore, we should be cautious about feeding on the most popular books and/or ministries. The books we read or the minister we listen to should points us toward growing in faith, an intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father and his wonderful grace—choosing spiritual maturity over entertainment. It's fine to read some light stuff once in a while. However, I recommended to read as God leads, but we should all know that we are what we eat—and read or listen to.

Remember, we will all have to give an accounting for the way we spend our time. It would be wise to choose authors and ministers who have paid a price for their faith. We should read the Bible more often, asking The Author (God) to reveal more insight on His Word and how we can apply it to our lives. Think of the Bible as fresh baked bread. Each section has a different taste and texture and you want to savor each bite as you chew your way through it. Jesus is the Bread of Life and you can find Him throughout the whole Bible. He is the beginning and the end.

Next, I would recommend reading books by Madame Jeanne Guyon and Gene Edwards. I believe that their relationship with Christ and the anointing on their writings reveals the heart of God for his Church and Bride. They also paid a price for what they wrote and what they did. The passion for Jesus and the power of the early church is a must have if we are to move forward in the Kingdom of God. There are also others books recommended through Seed Sower Publishing worth reading. Sheldon and I also have other great books listed in our "favorite books" section.

You may also want to read, The New Mystics by John Crowder. It gives an sample of what many Christians have been missing and what is about to happen. These books have lasting value in the Kingdom of God, and they will greatly benefit anyone who takes the time to read them. Deception comes in many forms; I encourage you to choose your books wisely and see if you find God's heart and pleasure in reading them.

July 14, 2010

House of Prayer

Back in 1992 was the first time the Lord gave me give a prophetic word for a congregation. It was nothing I had anticipated. I was sitting with my family in the church meeting and we had just finished singing a song about "a house of prayer," led by the song leader. Then the Pastor stood up and said, "That would be nice, but we don't have time for that..." My spirit was so grieved by what he had said that I immediately began to sob uncontrollably and out loud. Then the Lord spoke this message through me, "When will you wake up! When will you wake up! I don't care about your music, your videos, your programs or your messages. My house shall be called a house of prayer. All I ask is that you obey me. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and will open the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with Me." After I had finished, the Pastor said, "If anyone feels that message is for you, then you should act on it." God help us, the blind leading the blind.

A few weeks after that, I was at the same church's board meeting (though I was not on the board). I asked if I could share a testimony and then suggested that they build the new addition they wanted by faith, instead of borrowing for it. It was a lesson I personally had learned and I saw God's faithfulness. I believed they would see it too if the people were willing to make the necessary sacrifices. My input fell on deaf hears. A week later the pastor came to our house and told us that my family was no longer welcomed at the church. Prior to all this our family was considered a blessing to the church, even by the same pastor. Another board member even wonder if I was "an angel or a God send." Yet, after we left that church, the pastor also warned other ministers about me. I was considered a rogue and a false prophet, because of my interest in the prophetic ministry.

They didn't want to wait or pray for finances, so they borrowed. They got their bank loan and built the addition for more classrooms, but the church itself has not grown in the eighteen years since.

Today many churches are in similar situations
(large buildings, only half full). A few have flourished with a simple Gospel message. However, few have taken to heart Jesus' words, "My house shall be called a house of prayer." After He said it, Jesus turned over the money changers' tables in the Temple. Money has always been an issue in many churches, because most minister believe their church is the Storehouse of God, which it is not. They are still trying to operate in a Levitical type of priesthood, which Jesus Christ came to do away with it.

Jesus set the best example, as did the early apostles. Today people have become accustomed to modern church concepts, which in turn have weakened the church of Christ. Even television ministries have helped lead many to Jesus, but they have also lead people into a lot of religious traditions. This is not the way church was meant to be. The Church was meant to meet in homes and occasionally maybe a gathering place, not the other way around. Nor is "the church" a building, but a body of believers.

Do you see anywhere in Jesus' teachings or in the Book of Acts that looks like what you see today? Be honest. (None of the Apostles were ever paid to minister or dominate a platform for years, nor did they have a clock to control the leading of the Holy Spirit or celebrate man-made holidays.) Church was about people praying, and sharing with one another what the Spirit of Christ was doing in their lives, encouraging one another and sometimes eating together. And 100% of their life belong to God, not 10%. But most important, it was about prayer. Every event and turn of events in their lives was preceded by prayer, worship and/or fasting. The intercession of certain prayer saints also had a powerful influence.

God listens to sincere heart-cries. The Heavenly Father also wants to share His heart. How will we know, if we don't wait on Him or listen to His voice?

The other night when we were in prayer God said, "People ask me to do many things for them, but very few people ask, what's important to God or ask what they could do for Him or His Kingdom." That's pretty sad, don't you think. As sons and daughter of God, we need to change the way we think and pray. Maybe it's time to learn how to pray and just wait on him, without thinking or speaking; just adore Him and listen for his voice.

To see the Church thrive again, it will have to get back to prayer and the grace and power of the Heavenly Father. The bonds of religious thinking need to be broken. All the sons and daughters of God will follow Jesus Christ outside the box (and boxes) and into the streets to meet the lost, hurting and hungry that Jesus so readily identified with. Then they will invite people into homes as to become one of The Family.

We are to heal the sick, cast out demons and to raise the dead. That will only happen by falling on our faces before God, waiting on Him in prayer and repentance for a lost generation. True love will shine forth through praying sons and daughters. They will endure to the end for the sake of another generation. Then the House of Prayer will be restored again in the hearts of men. We can begin today by showing God the Father how much we love and need Him.

July 6, 2010


This week will be the first anniversary of my Blog site. I am doing something I had never dreamed or thought possible. Yet, it was all a part in God's plan for my life. I have always had a desire to share the Gospel message, since I became a Christian, but had never dreamed this would be one of the ways I would reach the world for God. My Blog sites all started because of God and a special friend, Sheldon David.

Last June, Sheldon and I went for a walk and he shared with me his idea of starting a blog site. In wondering what to name it, he joked about calling it, Christianity-is-a-whore.com, and we both laughed. However, he really felt God had impressed on him the name, Cloak of Zeal. Later, back at his house, we prayed about it and laid hands on his computer. That night he started his Blog site,
Cloak of Zeal. A few weeks later I felt impressed that I was to start one too. The name "My Witness" came from a reference God called me, when we were at the beach on the Oregon coast on August 29, 2008 for a "Divine Appointment."

Through God's infinite wisdom and design, Sheldon has had a unique and special part in my life. In 1988, I had been asking God to bring someone into my life that would help me in my walk with Him. I had not found anyone that had the passion I felt for the Lord, that I could trust. Yet, I was still spiritually struggling and I needed stability. A few months later I met Sheldon at an art show where we were both selling our paintings. When I came to his display, I noticed his unique style of work with scripture verses boldly painted over the scenes he had painted. He also had his business card displayed on each painting with the name "Jesus Christ" boldly printed across the whole card and his name in small lower case letters at the bottom of the card. I thought to myself, now there's a man with an unashamed passion for God. We met and talked for a while about our art and our relationship with God. That was the beginning of our friendship. (Although he reminded me at that time, that we had actually met thirteen years earlier. He was 16 and one of the students in a four day painting class of mine.)

We visited and communicated off and on over the next few years, because of the distance we live from each other. However, God eventually helped me realized, he was the man God had planned to help me. As spiritual father, even though he was 12 years younger than I,
Sheldon has helped guide me in the ways of God, that my natural father was never able to do.

Since then we have regularly met or communicated by mail or phone. The anointing on Sheldon's life made me realize he was someone special to God. Therefore, I wanted to know him and God better, because of that relationship with Jesus Christ. He was the first man I knew, who really believed what God's Word said and lived it out on a daily basis. And I wanted to be the same way. Sheldon David is a man of God and he became my best friend.

As a spiritual father to me, we spent a lot of time together talking. He taught me how to pray, worship, give and sacrifice by his words and examples. But, most of all he demonstrated true love, faith and a passion for God. He also inspired me to read the Bible more and to read many spiritual books. He has helped me so many ways over the years that I could never repay. Yet, God has enabled me to help and bless him at times in return.

Over the years, Sheldon and I have both grown closer to God and to each other. Our spiritual callings to the Body of Christ are different, yet we have shared some similar experiences, interests and backgrounds. But his passion for God is fueled by God himself. I, on the other, hand was married when we met and he chose to remain single, making knowing and pleasing God his only desire.

Although Sheldon's relationship to the Father seems almost exclusive, it's not meant to be. His gifting, knowledge of the Word and of the Heavenly Father is awesome to behold and the envy of many who know him. But, it has come from his passion and sacrifice that others are not willing to pay, yet it will become an inspiration for thousands and eventually millions of others in the years and generations to come. He humbly admits that he has only begun to scratch the surface of knowing God and His abilities, yet it surpasses anyone I know.

Our passion for God has isolated us from most of the world at this time, but it has also been by God's divine plan and timing. Sheldon and I are not "buddies," but friends who seek to enjoy life by getting to know the Father better. Our lives have also experienced the cross in many ways, that too has helped build a bond between us.

During our relations as brothers in Christ, we have camped in the Redwoods, spending the Tabernacle Season there several times. We have also given each other our clothes, books, money, food, cars, and special possessions. Many things were done at great sacrifice, because of our love for God and serving each other. As friends we have prayed for each other and often shared our secrets over the years, but most of all we have given each other our respect and honor. I have also given most of my tithe to him, for the past fifteen years, because I honor him as a man of God in the order of Melchizedek. It is also wise to honer a prophet.

Since knowing the Lord, we have never asked anyone for money, and God has faithfully provided for both of us. We have also given up everything to know the Heavenly Father. Now the Father says, He trusts us and that everything He has is ours; that's a humbling statement.

We have spent a lot of time together walking beaches, parks, shopping malls, and city streets for the Kingdom of God. We have also prayed and worshiped together for hours at a time. Sheldon has taught me many things over the years, plus corrected me, and sometimes even a rebuked just like a good friend. But most of all he has encouraged and blessed me. (I have also enjoyed eating some of his awesome stir fry meals.) His example speaks louder than words and I will never forget them. To me, his passion and his love for God and the Body of Christ is unmatched.

I have had the privilege and honor to live with him for five months when I left everything two years ago, in June of 2008, and moved to Vancouver, Washington. Since then we have regularly met for Bible studies during the week and worship and prayer on Friday evenings, Sundays for "church." Plus, on Tuesdays for the past year. He helps edit most of my blog articles and counseled me, for which I am truly grateful. I've enjoyed our times of worship and the prophetic gift on his life. It is a privilege hearing God thoughts, feelings and plans for us, His Church and the world. Sheldon is in inspiration to me and many others. He is definitely a man after God's own heart. I know God has great plans for Him and hope to see and hear more of them in the years to come. I know he will be a blessing to many others and for generations to come. And I am proud to call him, "My friend."

Everything I am and have I owe to Jesus Christ, the Heavenly Father and Sheldon David; and I am also very thankful for my wife and all her support and prayers. At times it has been very hard for her to live with a man who walks to the beat of a different drum. I'm a different man than the one she married, but then she too is a different women—both of us have changed for the better.

At the end of Jesus' ministry he told his disciples that He no longer considered them servants, but friends. Because Jesus shared his thoughts with his disciples,"spiritual brothers," and now He called them his friends. "Friend" is a covenantal word. It should not be used casually, because there are many responsibilities that go with a true friend. Most of all, it means you would be willing to lay down your life for them. Therefore, we should choose our friends wisely.

In a recent prayer meeting with Sheldon, the Lord spoke of the importance of friends, and He said that we were His friends, and that He has an obligation to us. Wow, what an honor.

Someone once said, "Friends are a gift from God." Another person said, "Consider yourself blessed if you have one true friend." I am indeed a BLESSED man— thanks to God!

July 2, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Americans have good reasons to celebrate, and it's not only because of winning their independence but because there is a wonderful and loving God who cares and is watching over them, as well as the rest of the world. It is also God who gives the victories in times of wars. Despite people's foolishness, God has a plan to win back the hearts of people and nation's and that will be exciting to see. If you think fireworks are breathtaking, just wait until you see what God can do. Even though there may be certain disappointments with fireworks, there will be no disappointment with the awesome power of God. Neither can anything match His wonderful peace, love and joy that only He can put into people's hearts.

Most everyone loves fireworks. Whether it is the 4th of July, New Year's Eve or some other special event, people around the world enjoy parties and seeing the night sky light up with a spectacular fireworks display. Celebrations, feasts and festivals were designed by God, and he loves to see his people enjoying themselves. However, in most celebrations these days, God is the farthest thing from people's minds. But, that is about to change, because God is going to put on one of his own shows that no one will ever forget!

The Heavenly Father is going to display His love and power in ways never seen before. All because of His grace and mercy; so keep looking up, for your redemption is drawing near. We're going to celebrate the restoration of all things, even our hopes and dreams. You may even get a glimpse of heaven or beyond. Or see Jesus face to face. Get ready for the event of the century. The Father has gifts, blessings and surprises for everyone who loves him. We are going to celebrate, sing praises, and dance all night long. There will be multitudes of people healed, and we will see the miraculous taking place in heaven and on earth, as the Father pours out His love and compassion for a lost and hurting world.

All of God's children are coming home, not one will remain lost. And that will be the best reason to celebrate. People will one day wake up, realizing their need, and start heading back home. Their hearts and minds will be changed by the embrace of the Father. Then the angelic hosts and saints of heaven will join the celebrating, as we feast at His table for all eternity.

P.S. I'm looking forward to meeting you and celebrating together.
"All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will worship before you."

(Psalm 22:27)

True freedom was not won

by carrying a gun,

but by carrying a cross.