"Abraham didn't just have the title, the Father of Faith. Faith was his modem. It was the way his spiritual life worked and so it does with you. There are some things that are similar and some things that are different. We don't focus on the circumstances so much, because you live in the 21st century world. The dirt look the same, the trees look pretty much the same and the water looks the same, human look primarily the same, some differences. But faith has not changed.
The secret to faith is not trying to work it independently. It's simply tapping into the will of God. The already established will of the Father. And in the place then a person can operate in faith. I mean faith works when a person works in the already established faith. To receive healing some other way doesn't really work very well. You believe you've receive it, you claim it, you accept the finish work of Jesus. You eat properly, sleep OK, you get some sunshine and fresh air, and you should be healthy—common sense.
A person who seeks to be financially blessed. They need to sow and reap by faith. They need to sow and reap. They need to yield up their first fruit to the Lord. A person simply taps into the already established word of God. (Your are blessed) And so I explain the will of the Father for you, your lives and the Body of Christ. Operate your faith where I want you to, not at the level where you were.
Why people mess up in their health is, because they're doing the exact opposite of what I'm doing. They're going to doctors when that not what I'm saying. They're taking pills when I'm saying otherwise. And it's not working for them, because they are doing what they want to do. They're doing what they know to do, instead of doing what the word of God has shown them to do. The already established plan of the Father.
You read the Word of God and then you act on it and set others free. You pray the way the Word of God tells you. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are or what the devil says. People who do otherwise are following blind guides. I'm showing you who you are and where you're going. So you can operate in the faith that is connected to that, it doesn't matter what other people say. You will prosper if you simply do what the word of God says. Everything will work out sweet for your lives, when you follow what I have shown you."
(portion of a prophecy spoken on Jan. 28, 2011)
"Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness." (Matthew 9:35) And He hasn't changed since. We can count on Him every time. It is never God's will for any child of God to die of a sickness or disease. Never! It is only something man has come to expected and accepted. That mindset has been re-enforced by the lies of the enemy and unbelief.
It is very difficult for Christians to accept the truth, because of old habits that much of what the world is born into. I too was born in a hospital. My parents took my brother and I to doctors whenever we were sick. When I got married and had our daughter, we followed the practice of what had become common especially with the aid of health insurance. My wife and I were both raised in church and went to Bible colleges, the instructors and ministers talked about faith in God, but their practices or beliefs seem to be that you went to doctors first and if they couldn't help you then you turn to Jesus. Unless you didn't have the money or insurance to pay the medical system first. Those two things, money and insurance, have become a crutch to what most people call faith.
I eventually became bothered by these habits, especially when I heard stories of miraculous headings. I wanted to believe that God was the same today as He was in the Bible. Then I met Sheldon, a young man of God who believed what the Bible said and lived it. I decided to do the same. Sheldon gave me the book Healing the Sick, by T.L. Osborn. Then I also started to change what I ate. Then we learned to live debt free in a Christian seminar at the time when when we were about to lose our first house, because we had borrowed so much for so many things. We learn to live with less and to be thankful for what we had.
In the long run we experienced miracles of God's blessings. Then in 1993 I read a book called Born in Zion, by Carol Balizet, that was the big turning point for me. The author was a former nurse and now she was involved in home birth ministry. She shared many personal stories and miracles that proved to me beyond a doubt that we can live without the medical system. Simply by trusting and obeying God's will.
Since then God has taken my faith to even greater levels, which is what He desires for all His children and sons and daughters—to trust Him more and more in every aspect of our lives. Even in those life threatening situation, which I had once. How else do you expect to personally experience and see miracles? We're not to live by sight or feelings, but by faith in God's word and what He tells us to do.
Faith operates best when there are no back-up plans or alternatives.
Wouldn't you rather trust in Jesus than the false securities and systems of men? I've learn to avoid those forms of protections, because they took my faith and dependency away from God. Don't listen to what other people say, or their fears, or their personal experiences. Trust in God, just like the three Hebrew children did in the firery furnace experience. They believed in God no matter what it would cost them. That's the wonderful thing about the Abraham Covenant, God is obligated to keep His word to you. Beside He love us and wants us healed and free from all forms of bondage more than we do. That why the ropes were burned off the three men and yet there was no harm to them or their clothes. They were free and protected, even in the mist of the fire.
If you haven't made Christ your healer and protector, you can begin today. Just take simple steps of faith and place your trust in Him with all your heart. Don't lean on your own understanding, but in all you ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) You may be a little nerves or fearful at first, however, just be honest and tell God. But you're still going to trust Him, right? And you'll be glad you did. We should also to learn to walk in divine health, because there is no sickness in Christ. Neither is there any sickness or disease in the Kingdom of God. Satan may try to attack your health, but you resist and cast it off by faith.
Remember, God wants to build your faith in Him, so don't hesitate. The enemy, friends and even family will try to convince you that you are acting foolish. I've heard all the excuses before too. So ignore them. And if you fail along the way just admit it and try again. God understands your fears and He still loves you, and He will help you overcome those fears. Just keep your eyes on Jesus and trust in His words regardless of your past experiences or failings. Many ministers have set poor examples in this areas, but Christ is our example and He healed them all.
Note: Peter would of never known that he could walk on water, if he had not gotten out of the boat when the Lord said, "Come." Today the Lord is still saying to His disciples, come unto me and I will heal thee (your spirit, soul and body), completely. Trust in Me, alone!