March 15, 2011

Taking Down Goliath

Most of us are familiar with the story of David and Goliath from either reading about it or hearing it as a child. As you remember the Philistine's army had gathered against the Israelites who were waiting on the opposite mountain. The Philistine's sent their champion, Goliath, out into the valley between them, and from there he taunted the army of Israel for forty days. Now Goliath was a giant of a man, bigger than life, and he was heavily armed and protected with body armor and shield. Every morning and evening he challenged Israel to sent out a man to fight him, and whoever lost their people would become the servants of the other man's country. But no soldier was willing to accept the challenge, because the King and his army were afraid and shaking in their sandals.

That is until a young boy named David showed up. He was only seventeen and he had brought food for his three older brothers, who had been drafted into Saul's army. But when David heard Goliath's challenge, he was incensed that someone would taunt the army of God. David told his brothers that he would go out and fight the giant, but they only laughed and mocked him. But some other soldiers heard David and brought him to the king. Then he explained his qualifications to King Saul and why he would fight the big mouth bully. Yet no one really believed the boy could win, but what choice did they have. All they could do is hope and pray that David would win, as they watched him go down to meet the giant. Now, their fate lied in the hands of a brave young boy and their God.

Several months earlier, David had been anointed by the prophet Samuel. The old prophet told David that he was God's choice to be the next King of Israel. Therefore, David already knew his future and that he wouldn't die that day. It was a well kept secret, that even his own family thought it was absurd. So David went out and faced the giant with just his slingshot and no armor. Goliath was insulted by the young man's appearance and laughed in disdain and cursed him. However, David responded to the giant threats and curses, by declaring that He come in the name of the Lord, and that he would feed the big wind-bag to the birds. And you know the rest of the story. 

These are the words David said to Goliath, "You come to me with a sword, a spear and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts' the God of the army of Israel, whom you have taunted. This day the Lord will deliver you up into my hands, and I will strike you down and remove your head from you. And I will give the dead bodies of the army of the Philistines this day to the birds of the sky and the wild beast of earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel." (1Samuel 17:45-46) Wow. David was not only a man after God's own heart, he was also a man of great faith with a prophetic spirit on him.

Today there are still giants roaming our land and around the world boasting threats and curses. However, they are more subtle and often invisible to the natural eye. But they are real just the same, at least in the minds of though who believe in them, and those who serve them and give heed or credence to their powers. You just mention their name and people turn pale and filled with fear, especially when they have unknowing opened doors to their domain. 

Yet, mankind has been very creative in trying to fight these giants. They too have a large arsenal of weapons. And it's usually very expensive to have someone else fight your battle for you, they're known as mercenaries. The church has had some success in winning a few battles and skirmishes, but in most part they have demonstrated very little power against these giants. And so the war still goes on. But thank God, He is raising up Davids to go out and fight the enemy and destroy these giants of sickness and disease that are decimating and wounding people worldwide and the Body of Christ.

These sickness and diseases are recognized by the medical system and have been elevated to giants in their minds and to most of the world. The doctor's prognosis usually brings terror and fear into people minds, when they are given a report of either aids, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, mental disorders or some other dreaded illness or life threatening situation. Some are declared incurable or unfixable. Others will be very costly and/or painful to try and destroy those giants, and repair the damage they have done. 

There are also other giants that have been crushing peoples hopes and dreams, such as poverty, pride, injustice, prejudice and ignorance, depression and fears. However, it is not impossible to kill them, for what is impossible for man is possible with God. He is the God of possibilities. And defeating these menaces can be done with just a word, or a flick of His finger, or the fist of God if necessary. 

Last Wednesday we received a call from our prayer chain about one of our sisters in Christ, who was told that she had cancer spreading throughout her body and that she had little time left, without a miracle. I could sense fear and murmurs in the camp, so I decided enough is enough. The Lord had given me a sword and I was ready to do battle. So that night I took my swords, my Bible and a real two handed sword with a razor-sharp edge and went to the Wednesday night prayer meeting to do battle in our little church. 

That evening, I shared the story you just read and then I asked Sheldon David to join hands with me in holding up the sword as we declared by faith that we were killing Goliath. Then I asked Sheldon to pray and together with the others standing behind us in unity, we were taking back what the enemy had stolen. And then brought down the sword and hacked off the heads of these Goliaths. 

As you know this was all prophets and symbolic, but still very real. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against dark spiritual forces. Their threats and attacks can only hurt you if you don't know the authority you have been given or that you're not walking in obedience to God's will. The Lord wants to see us all healed and set free even more than we do. To often people and even many ministers focus on the problems instead of the answer. That night after our prayer, the pastor then took a couple pages of prayer request and crunched them into a ball and tossed it aside and said, "Well I guess that takes care of that." It was an awesome night and we had won a great victory with God's help.

When we pray in agreement with the will of God, angelic force are sent into action. The world would scoff at this, but Elijah spoke and it didn't rain, until he spoke for it to come again. God is willing to listen and answer even the smallest child's prayer of faith to see that none of His promises fall to the ground or return void. 

Our prayers of saints extends beyond time and space. The power of prophet's words today, are also just as powerful as they were in Bible time. They also effect the lives beyond them self, their family, other people and for many generations to come. Two nights later the Lord confirmed, that what we did Wednesday's night was exactly what He wanted us to do—to set people free.

Now is the time to stand up and fight and to retrieve that which has been stolen. As sons of God you have been given power to bring restoration to yourself, your household and beyond. When you pray whatever you desire, believe that you have received and you shall have it. (Mark 11:23) Don't give up, no matter how long it takes. Just believe it has been accomplished. Abraham waited for twenty-five years to see the fulfillment of God's promise. That's why he is called the Father of our Faith. Wait upon the Lord and He will fulfill all your needs and will bless you beyond your wildest dreams. God desires to see more of His sons and daughters become giant slayer.