March 21, 2011

Things are Changing

"The earth is changing, an eminence amount of change, and the sons of God will simply rise up to what I made them to be. Simply living out the passion in their lives. If it were were not for the sons of God the earth would simply gravitate toward religion. For within the mouths of the sons of God are the keys for hope and a future. The prophets that prophesy through human history, even many who spoke in my name shall wear mud on their faces. It's the Face of Christ that is revealed in the coming decade. It will reveal the sons of God, the Body of Christ.

Every religion on the face of the earth, it doesn't matter which, seek to conform people, to their thoughts and minds, and make them more like it; to prove religious relevance, to prove such mindset relevant. The Catholic church will keep promoting it's celibacy bondage. Evangelicals will keep promoting "God hates fags." The Pentecostals will keep promoting "The Rapture."

The sons of God are not men and women with a cause. They have the Heart of Christ. They have the heart of the Father and that is all that they seek to promote—the heart of God."

(A portion of a prophecy from David on Feb. 4, 2011) 

Dear friends, you have noticed that I have been sharing some prophecies with you over this past year and more of them recently. That because the Lord has be saying more to us and I want to share some of them with you. You may have also noticed that they're a little bit different than other prophecies you may have heard. That's because they are. 

Sheldon and I get together on Friday evening to pray and worship. (These meetings usually start about 6:30 PM and last until well after midnight.) During this time God visits us and speaks through Sheldon, just like other prophets. The presence of God is very real and you can sense it. However, when God speaks it's different—it's what He calls "conversational prophecy," meaning God talks to us and sometimes answers questions we have been pondering—just like friends. It is fascinating to watch and hear. God also shares His heart about things dealing with the past, present and future of our lives, the Church and world events. He also talks to us about the Kingdom of God, the Bible and the prophetic meaning behind His word and the stories that are written in it, along with the lives of certain men and women, especially Abraham, David and Jesus. The Lord also share things that He is about to do and we are to declare them to the Body of Christ so they can be encourage. Lately He has been re-enforcing who we are and what we have in Christ. But every ministry starts with small beginnings, just as it did with Jesus, and God will bring the increase in His time.

During these times together we have also receive His blessings, rebukes, instructions, encouragements and most of all His incredible love. Some of that I have also shared with you. God's love is the same for everyone, regardless of their calling. In fact, God wants to speak to all His children, sons and daughters. We need to believe that!

Sheldon David is a very blessed man. He is also a very humble and busy man. David is also God's artist, as well as a prophet and lately he has been busy painting prophetic pictures, because that is what God wants him to do. (They are unique and awesome.) Therefore, David hasn't written much on his blog site lately. God also has plans for him to write more books that will change peoples lives for generations to come. As sons of God we are portals for the power of God to flow through in order to being His will to earth, just as it was and is for other prophets of God. Each one of us has a specific purpose and that includes you.

In the meantime David spend more time painting (which he really enjoys), and I write. I'm sharing more of God's heart, often using my personal life's experiences. I also share portions of these prophecies, which Sheldon records and give me CD copies. However, this is not the only time David prophecy. He does it at church, on the phone with other ministers and often when he is alone with God. The Lord also want others to know what on His heart and mind as well.

Sometimes we have wondered what our readers think. Some may think we're crazy or full of BS, and chose not to follow are articles and that's OK. It doesn't really matter what they think. More important is that we say and do what God wants. To are regular followers, we trust and pray that your lives are touched by God's heart. And hope you have been inspired to be a part of this wonderful, exciting and often challenging journey of following Jesus. That you too are seeing and experiencing the awesome love of the Father, and know that Christ is the pearl worth sacrificing everything for. There is an incredible future ahead for all those who are in Christ Jesus.

We have also wondered why God chose us, just as other men and women have wondered the same thing. We're really not better than anyone else, our past would prove that. However God said, It was His choice. Sure we have made sacrifices, but there are others who have made greater ones, which only goes to prove that it is God's choice rather than ours. We are all chosen vessel used by God to help complete the Body and Bride of Christ and to fulfill His will for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Note: God is raising up more prophets and ministers out of the most unlikely places. Characters and rebels who appearances are and will shock many, like Todd Bently. As Sheldon put it, "These people will really jerk the shorts on many religious people and ministers." Things are changing and God grace is going to be overwhelming in the years to come. The Lord will use whomever He wishes, and I say, amen to that.