March 11, 2011

Freedom to Love

God has given us more freedom than I've ever known. He's been telling us to be the man or women He created us to be. The Lord said, "Just be who you are and stop pretending to be something your not in order to please others or even Me." God doesn't want us to strive. Jesus never strived to please God, nor did He bow to the circumstances around Him. He just did what came natural to Him, because God's love was already inside of Him, just as He is with us, even if we haven't realized it yet. 

God never ceases to amaze me on how much He loves us. He is the Wonder of wonders. His love and grace is the foundation in His Kingdom, and our freedom was won on a cross long ago, by the shed blood of Jesus. And that's worth singing about.

The Lord also said that He wants to see people set free, even if they don't walk with Him. He just wants them free from their pain and sufferings. Hopefully in time they will realize where they need to go. 
This is what God's love is all about—freedom. And He wants everyone to experience that true freedom. Freedom from every form of bondage. Whether it be in the area of health, financial, social, religious, satanic or any other area that restricts us from experiencing the fullest of life. "I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly." (John 10:10) He want us free to love and to be loved by Him.

The same night the Lord said, "He's not anything like what men perceive Him to be. He doesn't hate anyone and He's not anger with the Body of Christ. I don't have a problem with them, except for the way many treat others. I have the answer for them. The love of God is the answer. Judgment will come and is already on the earth in diverse ways. But wrath and damnation are not the next move coming to the earth as some men are saying. Grace, mercy and the love of the Father are coming to the earth." 

God wants everyone to be free whether rich or poor, black or white,  male or female, short or tall, fat or skinny, straight or gay. It doesn't matter if they are cross dressers, or had sex changes—God still loves them as much as He love us and we should love then too. Even if they are dirty smelling drunks and homeless, drug addict, prostitutes, gang lords, or covered in tattoos so that they look like a lizard, or have studs and rings handing all over their body, or if they have killed someone, even their own children. Is that really any different than an abortion? Or hating someone? Sin is sin and we are all guilty, even our prejudices toward others. They and we have all been victims of a broken Adamic world and we all need God's grace and to be loved. Free to chose the way we would desire to live—at least free in our body, soul and spirit. 

However, with that freedom comes responsibility. There are also consequences for bad choices. But, hopefully people will find that true freedom can only be found in the love and ways of the Heavenly Father.

"It is for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore do not be subject again to the yoke of slavery." 
(Galatians 5:1)

A final word for today: The gods of this world are shaking and falling, for the Lord Yahweh is about to appear. Only in His arms you will find true peace, shelter, and freedom. For the Heavenly Father has not forsaken His children. God's love does not changed, it is eternal. Out of chaos and ashes you will see My glory. Come to me, all you who are weary and I will give you My rest; for your redemption draws near. My glory is coming, My glory is coming upon you, says the Lord.

My heart and prayers go out to those who are suffering around the world. Look to the Light and not the darkness. God is restoring all things, in the meantime take refuge in His unquestionable love for you. He knows all your pains, losses and sufferings, and He will dry every tear. He will stay with you in you greatest hour of need and even when you don't—you can trust Him. Lean on Him and He will guide you.