Riding into La Manga |
I left the state of Washington, I had wondered how well I would eat on this
adventure with God. As I traveled through the United States, I camped and ate
simple meals; cereal, bread with peanut butter and honey, and fruit in the
Morning and a can of soup at night with some bread. Some days I was able to
grab a burger and fries at a fast food place when I was close to town or on the
move. But I rarely ate at restaurants.
since I have come to Mexico, God has provided in numerous way for me to have
food. Fist there was Juan’s and Manuela where I often eat at least one meal and
sometimes twice a day. Lately fishing has not been good and Juan has had a
lingering cold that effect him diving so I’ve helped with food or money,
because we are family. However, I have had the opportunity to not only eat ate
the Buffet with people from the Community Church, but they had a pot-luck on
Thursday and on Sunday someone invited me to their home after church for
another pot-luck dinner with some friends. I have indeed been blessed and I’m
not loosing any weight.

the American scuba instructor called me and asked if I would be willing to help
a young Spanish friend, who was a single mom that had lost her job a couple
weeks ago. Under the circumstances he first suggested and the amount of money
they wanted, I was reluctant, but I said I might be willing to help some.
However, the next day when we were to meet at 1pm, it turn out that his home
was just three houses away from where I had been invited to eat the pot-luck after
church; the timing was just right.
I went to Russell’s house, a fifth wheel trailer, he told me the girl had not
arrived at the bus stop yet, so we had a little time to talk first. I told him
I wanted to do things differently than what they had suggested. I said that I
would like to go for a little picnic on the beach where we could all talk and
he could translate, and get to know the young lady, and share Christ and His
love for her. If she was not interested, I would give her 200 pesos for her
trouble and leave, or if she felt comfortable after our picnic I could drive
her home. Russell said, that sounded fair enough and then we went to the bus
stop to meet Rota. He then explained to her what I had suggested, because she understood
only a little English. She agreed and she went in his truck and followed me to
the beach.
the beach we sat on the sand as she sat on Russell’s coat. We ate Nacho chips,
apples and granola bars. Russell also brought beer and they both smoked.
However, it turn out to be and awesome time as we talked about many things and
then I told her God loves her and that He wanted to bless her in every area of
her life. He also wanted her to talk to Him and He wants to talk to her so she
could know Him better. To do this, she need to ask Him into her heart so He
could be her husband and He would take good care of her, because He loves her
so much. He would never hurt her like others have. I asked her if she had a
Bible. She said, yes, so I encouraged her to read the Gospel of John as another
way to know Jesus better too. When I was through, she said she liked what I was
saying. She wanted to talk some more, but we had already been there about two
hours and I said, “I believe I’ve said the most important things for now, and I would like to give her time to think about what I’ve said already. Then maybe we could meet another
time.” She told Russell that she felt comfortable having me take her home.
Again I thanked Russell for translating for me. He was so moved by what I said and the
way I said it, that he said to me, “my house is your house.” A little later,
Russell also told me that Rota told to him, “that this was better than getting
I drove Rota back home, she turned on the van radio and listen to Mexican music
with a big smile on her face. Then she leaned back and said, “This has been a
very good day.” I was also glad the way things turned out and so was my Father.
However, before I got to her house, she got a call from a friend whose child
had cancer. I told her I would pray for the child and God would make the little
one well. Then she asked to have me drop her off at a bus stop to go to her
friend, but she would like to see me again. Before she got on the bus, I gave
her more money than what I told Russell and she thanked me again.
More beautiful people |
also share an incident with Russell that happen earlier that week and I had him
share it with Rita: One night I was on my way home from a church pot-luck and I
saw a young woman walking by the side of the road where there were no houses
so I thought I would offer her a ride. However, the passenger seat and floor
where full of stuff, but I stop anyway. I got out and asked if she wanted a
ride and if she spoke any English. She said, yes, and pointed down the road and
to the right. I showed her that the front seat was full and offered her, if she
was willing, to get in the side door and sit on my bed. I knew this was asking
for a lot from her, but she got in and sat on the bed and I closed the door and
then went around and got in the drivers seat and drove away. I also turned on
and overhead light so she would not be afraid of being in the dark with a stranger.
After a few miles she said, “Aqui,” which means here in Spanish. So I stop and
turn right on a right on a dirt street and she said, “Aqui,” again. So I stop
at an old rundown house and let her out. She thanked me and went to the house
as I turned the van around and I past her house again, I could see her at the
front door gesturing excitedly to someone inside, that an American stranger
gave her I ride home in his van. I had I big smile on my face and totally blown
away by what had just happened. I saw God working in a way to where people
could trust this man, a son, sent by God to Mexico.

told me, that it was just unheard of for a young lady in Mexico to do that kind
of thing. Yet, with God anything is possible. Amen!
The future of Mexico is beautiful