The poor people decorate trees with colorful beer and pop cans |
the beginning of this month someone at the small church in La Manga, placed a
small ceramic nativity scene at the base of a large statue of St. Mary. It’s sets
next to candles people light when they came to pray for others. All the usual
figures in the nativity scene were there, except for one. The little manger
with baby Jesus in it was missing. A small child may have taken it home, and no
one has replaced it with another baby Jesus.
A small picture of St. Mary put in baby Jesus place |
However, I find it all rather amusing
and even prophetic just the same, since Jesus Christ; King of kings and Lord of
lords is no longer a baby nor has He ever been a part of the religious
tradition. But religious people will still continue to celebrate Christmas, even
without Jesus Christ being there.
(A Catholic priest came to the church on the
afternoon of the 19th and held a service for a small group of people
who came. What was interesting or should I say sad, was he pulled up to the
church in a new Ford Escape, but before he went into the church which was
unlocked to put on his priestly attire, he locked the doors to his new car.)
a couple weeks ago, I went to the Community church again, in San Carlos, with
all it nice cars parked out in front. They sang some Christmas songs and the
pastor spoke on; “Who Jesus was before He came to earth to be just like us,” (Wow,
that’s what many people think.) Anyway, on the way out I noticed something I
had not seen before. It was an architects drawing for a new sanctuary that was probably
three times larger and had a balcony that would be added attached to the already
existing one. Right now, they have only one service on Sunday and a women’s
prayer group during the week. What a waste of money and resources and they still
want to expand. God help us, the church is so blind to God’s ways and the needs
of others.
Christmas celebrated at school with American people from Arizona |
there was a group of American tourist from some rotary club in Arizona that
came to the La Manga School. The teachers and parents had been told they would
bring toys and lots of food to celebrate Christmas with the children.
Apparently this was something that had been planned for quit a while, because
the children had learned songs, dances, and had costumes to fit the occasion. There
were lots of photos taken of the children dancing and sitting or standing with
a man dressed as Santa Claus.
Fernado is the young school teach watching the children celebrate Christmas; along with a couple of his older students. |
However, what they gave was one toy per child, a
large sugar cookie, a cup of warm Coco-cola, and a one-pound bag of dried
beans. I was not impressed, and neither was Juan. Yet when the American left in
the new air conditioned tourist bus and their big clean late-model cars to go
back to their hotel and have a nice dinner; they were probably very proud of their
achievements that they will be able to right off their taxes come next April.
Russell's gift |
a couple days later, Russell came to Juan’s house with a sofa and love seat
that he said he was bringing to give them. However, when he got there and pulled
it out I was shocked. Then he told Juan he could do with it whatever he wanted;
let the dogs have it or take it to the dump area. I was so upset and sadden by
what I had seen that one of the men notice my sad countenance, but I couldn’t
tell him why, because he was also a friend of Russell. Later that day, I ended up giving money to three different
families, and then I felt a little better seeing the expression joy on their
faces. The last family was to a young mother who was walking with four small
children and she was pregnant. As I continued to watch them walking, I saw that
they were heading out of La Manga on foot. I was about to get in my van an
offer them a ride when someone else in a white pick-up heading the same direction
stopped and all five climbed in the back and rode Mexican style to wherever
they were going..
in general are so spoiled and so are many Christians. They have or build big
houses, plus have two or more cars, and if they have any money left over they
spent it on things to fill them or add to them. And at Christmas time, they
will still spend more money on themselves or their family rather than helping
others who are really in far greater need than they are.
too was like that, but thank God I’ve changed and I am glad I did. I also pray
that they will change also. Today, I’m much happier, helping others who have so
little, than I ever was before, and God still meets all my needs.
when people get over all their emotions attached to themselves, Christmas, Easter
or any other man-made holiday or their possession and get a true revelation of
the Jesus Christ, they will find themselves embracing the Heart of the Father
and His festivals of Love, Peace and Joy in the Kingdom of heaven on earth. They
will also be expressing His is Goodwill toward others who have much, much less
than they do.
said, “If you see your fellow man without a coat and you have two coats, you
should give them one of yours.”
few days ago I saw a man with his family visiting Juan’s family, he was without
a coat while the others were bundled-up in coats and scarfs, or sweatshirts
with hoods and long pants in the lower temperatures. So I went to my van and
got one of my two coats to loan him. However, I knew that if he accepted it I
would probably never wear it again. He accepted it and thanked me, however,
when he got ready to leave he offered my coat back to me. I said, ‘No, it’s
your. He started to refuse and I said, “You like it don’t you.” He looked at it
and said, “Yes.” Plus, it actually fit him well, so I replied, “Then its yours.”
He thanked me again with a big smile and surprised look on his face.
Rrojelio is wearing his new coat from me |
Back in Biblical time a coat represented much more than just a piece of
clothing, it was a man’s security and often his covering at night when he slept.
Getting one from a prophet was another thing also. Only God and time will tell
how this mans life will change, as you notice him in the picture wearing the
coat and standing next to his son who was wearing a big silver cross around his
This year, I have been invited to participate in a family festival on the 24th
of December, and I will gladly do it, because of the awesome grace of God that wants
to be there, just as He has been for many others during carnal and religious festivals,
even though many are ignorant of the truth or chose to ignore it. I have
learned that true Love, sometimes requires us to do things we may not like
doing or even agree with; but then our Heavenly Father does it all the time. May
you find the Prince of Peace and Joy in your giving this coming year and
always. God Bless You.
Sunset over a calm sea with fog coming in |