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Two lovely ladies, Marilin and Marsol; Mar, Spanish for beach and sol means sun |
Three days later I met her coming out of her house about 9 am. She invited me to go with her and meet some friends. (Why not, I believed God brought this women to me for a reason.) So I said, okay and we left in her car.
Rosa is 40 years old, lives alone, and has two sons. She had just signed her divorce papers the week before. Her husband chose to live with a younger women who had his child. Anyway, after seeing a couple of friends, Rosa took me to another women's home that had a similar story as hers, and she was also a Christian. Her name is Marilin, however she spoke no English and was 36, raising three beautiful young girls ages about 10, 15, and the oldest is 18 years old. She has been a Christian for about fifteen years and her daughters have also accepted Jesus Christ. Marilin works at a very nice restaurant as a cook, but she says the pay is very poor. She was still hurting from a divorce that still has not been finalized, because the husband had made some very ugly accusation in the divorce papers in order to keep three houses he owns, including the one she still lives in.
When I heard her says that her husband had been abandon them for a younger women. I reached across the table and took her hand an prayed for her. She cried, as I prayed that God would heal her wounded soul and broken spirit, and that He was her faithful and loving Husband, and that He would never abandon her or her children and that he would always provide a way to meet their needs. Then we talked a little more and she invited me to come back by myself that evening to eat and visit some more. Okay?
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A beautiful family and friends |
Rosa told me that she also wanted to meet me again, on Monday at 5pm to walk on the beach, which I told her I enjoyed doing. She also mentioned that the same day I met her, and the day I met Marilin they were both depressed, but that had changed after talking with me. Praise God! Anyway, when I came to her house, she said she had something else to do first. I told her I loved spontaneity, because that's often God leading. We went to a grocery store, in her car, where we picked up a young man named Lewis, but everyone calls him Willy, and he spoke only a little English. Then his sister came out and met us too, but she didn't come with us. So we then drove to Willy's house a few miles away. It was on about a half acre of flat ground, cover with large fruit trees, flowers and different kinds of vegetables, plus it had a small house in the middle of property. Afters showing us all the beautiful plants, because Rosa also loved gardening, we sat down and talked. That's when I learned the horrible story of how Willy's father was shot four times by his wife, for being unfaithful. He was shot just three feet behind where I sat. Then his mother went inside the house and shot herself in the head, from under her chin. When I heard this, I felt God wanted me to pray for him and break a curse off his family and the land. So I took their hands and prayed, breaking that curse.
Then I talked more about God's love for Willy and for Rosa, and I asked Willy if he had every asked Jesus into his heart. He said, "no." I asked him if he would like to and he said , "Yes." I asked him to repeat a prayer after me, as Rosa interpreted, and he repeated it.
It was a simple non-religious prayer, and that evening a new name was written in heaven, and Willy has been set free. He was already feeling better. However, he did have one question. He had read somewhere in his Bible that it said, a man was not to look upon a woman, and he didn't know how that was possible. So I explained what it meant, however I told him that he shouldn't look at things like Playboy or stuff like that on the Internet. He said, he had no desire for that kind of thing. Then I said, that having sex was meant to be for the wife God has planned for the him. I also suggested to start reading the New Testament beginning with the book of John and the Psalms also. And to pray to God as you would talk to a friend, and He will led, guide your life and protect you.
None of Willy's other family members are willing to set foot on the property, that he has now accepted as his own. I told him that would change as they see the change in his life.
After that Rosa and I left, we finally went to the beach at sunset. But we just sat down on the sand, and then she began to tell me the sad story of the demise of her marriage and that one of her sons was gay. I then put my arm around her shoulder and prayed for her that God would heal her wounds and broken spirit and that He would be the Husband she needed to love her, and a Father to both hers sons, plus much more.
Just think, this all started one night when I stopped to get a hot dog. Then the next day I learn more about Willy's family through Pilar and her staff. It turns out that two of Willy's father brothers were also shot and killed for being unfaithful, and two other men in the same family line were murdered too. There was differently a curse that needed to be broken. I also felt that there was more that God wanted me to says and do about this, because when I got back to Mexico, and went to the beach that same day, and there was this man wearing a shirt that said, "No women has ever shot her husband while he was doing the dishes."
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Not sure why he wanted to cover his face. |