“Man can make his plans, but it is the Lord who determines his steps.” (Pro.16:9)
Jesus also didn’t know everything when He was on earth. One day he told his disciples to go ahead to the festival in Jerusalem, that he was not going.. However, a little later he enters the city and goes to the Temple. Why? Because He didn’t know the Father’s plan at the time and then He did. Jesus didn’t lie; there was just a change of plans in order to fulfill the will of His Father. (John 7:8-14)
Then I met Omar, who came to get a hot dog at Rosa's House. He was a 32 year old Christian man who spoke English very well, and was also divorced and had a daughter, the divorce was not his choice. He also had a great love for God and was very interested in what I had to share. Omar wanted to meet again and I also gave him Sheldon’s card. So I went to his church a couple days later and we sat together. After the service, he invited me to go to his house just a couple miles away. But, when we got there I was shocked as he pointed to it. After we went inside, explained that he helps take care of a retreat for missionaries who go there when they are on furlough, However, at this time of year there were no guests staying there. We talked for awhile, then he invited me to be his guest, and I could stay as long as I wanted to and I would not have to sleep in my van. Wow! Maybe this part of the reason for the change in plans. I would also be able to talk more to Omar, and also help Pilar, who had planned to close down her gallery the end of May, because of the slow hot summer and be with her family in San Diego. Pilar has been such a blessing to me. She and her staff have continued to feed me everyday, except Sunday when they are closed.
These past week I also had the opportunity to swim with dolphins that come near the shore where I walk everyday. There were six of them and two of the larger ones came within 6 to 8 feet from me. That was a real treat. Then a little later, while I was still drying off, I saw a loving father holding his little girl in the water as the small waves washed ashore. Her name was Amy Nicole and she was mentally and physically retarded. She was an American, and her Spanish parents had adopted her. She was 5 years old now, but look about three. She was unable to move her skinny arms or legs. I told them who I was and my calling. I also told Amy and her parents that God loved them, and that Amy would be restored as I touched her head, arms and legs.
Then that evening Pilar took me into Guaymas, to her mother's house. When we were there, I got to meet the next door neighbor who was an elder at her Mormon Church. She told me he had bad kidneys, then told him who I was and what I was doing in Mexico. So I prayed for him and the restoration of his kidneys. What an awesome day.
I know this may not seem very exciting to some people; I love action too, but I'm not down here in Mexico to entertain, but to wait on God, getting to know my Father, and serve his people anyway I can. Elijah spent years in the wilderness and with a widow, before we saw most of the power of God and the highlights of his life that impressed many. Yet it is important to remember how he got that way. It was not by striving, but by waiting on God, living in his Rest, and trusting in his plan and timing.