This is Rosa, who has helped me meet so many people, including Marilin, whose working in the background |
This is Dennis, he's from Holland and now in Mexico to learn Spanish. God has great plans for him. |
Marilin works weekend night in front of Rosa's house selling hot dogs with her youngest daughter to help. |
One evening I asked Marilin how much she made working at the restaurant cooking. She said, 750 pesos a week, that's $63.75 for 48 hours and six days a week. Try feeding and clothing three young girls for that, when she has to pay the same price for food, gas and electricity as the rich people do.
Two lovely Christian ladies who've been greatly abused, but God is restoring their lives. |
Passing of the Sword
When I came to the Mexican border last year, I asked about
bring a sword across. I told them that I did not use it as a weapon, but that
it was symbolic, and it was given to me by God. The sword represented His
authority and that I was a minister sent my Him to help the poor. I also said
that I also had spiritual books with me, a Bible and I wrote articles about my
journey. They said that it would probably be okay.
I had also did a
web search earlier in Vancouver, Washington and we could not find anything illegal
about a straight sword at the time. Therefore, when I drove across the border the next day and
the officials asked if I had any guns or ammunition, I said no and that was it. So
I was allowed to enter. However, when I had to return to the United States later
that day for more ID, I saw another sign that gave more detailed as to what was
not allowed. And it included any weapon that could do serious body harm. When I crossed the Mexicans did a simple search and did not see the sword. Thank God.
When I had to go
back the US again to get a new laptop six months later, and again a month later to get new
ID, I decided to leave my sword with a friend. It was a good thing, because
both times my van was searched more thoroughly and it could have been found.
The fine and penalty could be $10,000 and 5 years in a Mexican jail or prison.
I found out later, there is no law against having a sword, but you can’t travel
with one. As I head further south there
will be more searches, and I don't need anymore unnecessary problems. Therefore I decided to give the sword to someone who I believe was to have it next.
That person was Ricardo, I met him when Angelita Lopez brought her
family and two friends to see me in La Manga. That night when we went back to
their house in Guaymas, he felt led to give me a small Spanish Bible, to give
to someone else. God’s Word, the Bible or spoken, is liken to a double edge
sword (Heb. 4:12). Ricardo is 23 years old and loves God. That same night he told me
he wanted to be a missionary.
Now fives months later, he been
given a sword from a prophet. I told him what the sword represented, that it was very sharp and how to care for it. Then I prayed for the family and anointed them with oil, and they also prayed for me. Ana Gabriela interpreted the things I said and my prayer.
One very happy man, God has blessed him. |
I didn’t know the calling on my life until I
was in my mid-forties. I have done important things with this sword for
the Kingdom of God, now it was time to pass it on. Ricardo is young and has much to learn and remember as the Holy Spirit teaches and guides him. There will also be many changes, trials and
challenges that will help prepare him to be the man of God, husband and father God has planned for him. As a son of God, he too will walk in power and authority to help change more lives in Mexico, or wherever the Heavenly Father send
him. But he will never forget the day he was given the Sword of the
Lord. And someday in the distant future, he too will pass it on to another person or to the next
generation, until the Kingdom of God is established on earth as it is in Heaven.
"For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the
principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this
darkness, against the spiritual [hosts] of wickedness in the heavenly
[places]." (Eph. 6:12)
An update: Last month I told you about praying for a
man who had a tumor between his legs. Well one evening, when I was at Rosa’s house visiting, I had her read what I had written about her on my blog and the previous
article. When she read about the man I prayed for, she said she knew him. He had worked for her in the past, and his name was Ramon. He lived a couple
hundred feet from her house. She informed me that he had no interest in God,
but that recently changed. Apparently a few days after I had prayed for him, he accepted Jesus Christ
into his heart. (Later, I was told by his family and Rosa, that it was also the
last time he was able to walk the streets, because the cancer had spread so rapidly to other areas. Now a little over a
month later, Rosa said, that he had been unconscious for two days, and was not expected to live much
longer. A couple days later he went to be with Jesus, where there is no more sickness or pain. (Things don’t always turn out the way we hope or pray,
because our Heavenly Father knows best.) However, I'm very happy for Ramon, because God restored his heart as well as his body. Amen!
Ramon had rejected God many times until one day the Lord sent a
prophet to pray for him, that opened the door to true restoration. Just like the
thief on the cross next to Jesus, he had rejected God and Jesus many times, but
when he was at death’s door, he saw Him fact to face, and heard His words, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” It
gave him hope to reach out and say, “Lord, remember me.” God gave both thieves that day a second chance, but only one took it. and apparently so did Ramon, just as many others have. (Some people don't believe God honors last minute prayers, but God knows their heart and who will hear His voice.
After I heard Ramon had died, I felt God wanted me to go to his
house and pray for his wife and family, and so I did. There
were many people there, and they were happy to know he was with Jesus now, but it was also a time of sorrow too and to remember, plus how quickly life can change. They are Catholic, and that will change in time too. As I
looked at Ramon’s body, and touch his open casket, that was there for friends and family to see one last time; I remembered what Jesus did for the widow whose son had died.
However, that day was not my time to raise the dead, but someday I will.
A few days later as I
was walking the beach, the Lord told me Ramon’s life was a prophecy. That many
others who had no interest in God will be saved, because someone took the time
to help and pray.