July 27, 2013

The Simple Life

Sunrise at the beach
These past few months have been life changing for me; not because I’ve been in San Carlos, but because I have gotten to know Abba Father a little better. My life is becoming a prayer and much simpler. As I follow the Holy Spirit’s leading and sometimes even my flesh, I find that God is using both of these ways to touch lives and break down the gates of the enemy. The Lord is telling me that lives are changing as I walk the beaches, claiming the land for the Kingdom of God, and even when sit in a pew listening to “good preachin” Sunday mornings. My life has not been in vain, despite what I or others might think or feel sometimes. Even during my quiet time and slow days the Holy Spirit is working through me, and the angelic forces are active in restoring the heart of Mexico.
"Those who hopefully wait for Me will not be put to shame." (Isaiah 49:23b)
Children playing in the sandy beach

The beach has become one of my mission fields for now at least. I even went to a wedding that was taking place on the beach one day and got to meet the bride and groom afterwards. I gave them the gift of God’s love. Often when I walk the shores people will stop and talk to me or offer me a coke or beer. I don’t drink beer, never even liked the smell of it. But I do appreciate their thoughts of  kindness and generosity. 
A wedding on the beach.
Some friends singing together at the beach next to my van.

Two beautiful young ladies who I got to bless. You can my van in the background.
A couple times I have even had coffee with Jesus at the beach. He worked at a place on the beach and had asked me to join him. He served my coffee in a small empty coffee jar. He even added a little milk and sugar for me.

Life can be very simple and I am learning to love and enjoy it that way. Living in a van is definitely a simple way of living, but it does have its limitation. I have lived in it for over a year now; something I would have never dreamed of doing and being a prophet in Mexico.

However, there have been some challenging times and inconveniences living this way. I’m not looking for pity; this has been an awesome experience and adventure, plus I have God's peace and joy now. I'm just share some of the things I have had to deal with. There have also been flies, mosquitoes, and biting ants, plus all the dirt and sand that get blown or tracked into the van and into my bedding. It is also very hot, mid 90’s and very humid, often 100%, and with the salty air many things are rusting, even things that have been in storage compartments. 

Finally one night last week, I came to a breaking point. I had gone to bed during a thunderstorm and woke up about 2:30am with my top sheet, not just damp as it often was, it was wet. I took it off and put on a dry “T” shirt from the storage bin under my bed and just slept in it. As I laid there, I told God, “I don’t know how much longer I can endure of this kind of weather.” I even thought of going somewhere else, but where? was the problem at this time of year. I told him, “You said my future was for my good and that I would prosper. Well this was not “good.” Then I felt the Lord telling me to ask Juanita if I could rent a bedroom with A/C in one of her empty apartments. I could live with that, and then I fell back to sleep. When I woke about 6am that morning it was 85 degrees and there were water droplets hanging from the rear view mirror and other places in the van. It was time for a change. So by faith I declared I had a room at Juanita's and then spent the day at the beach. (Sometimes I feel like God's "beach bum" in a bathing suit.)

It was Friday, and went to Juanita’s house that evening to teach her son English and have dinner with them. While I was there, I asked her if I could rent a small bedroom with A/C, in one of her empty apartment, were I could sleep on my mat; until she found a regular renter. She said, "Yes." I told her I could only afford 500 pesos (that's $42.50) a week and still have some money left to help the poor, and that was acceptable to her. This lovely widow has not only fed me, but now she has given me a place to live. What a tremendous blessing she has been. After watching a movie together, her son showed me where I was to stay, and gave me the key to apartment #3. This apartment was completely furnished, including a TV, coffee maker, a microwave, and Internet access. There was also a king size bed in the bedroom ready to sleep in. He said I could sleep there that night, and I did. Wow, a real bed! Now I even have a bathroom too with a large tile shower. God is sooooo good.
My new home, but I still spend my days at the beach

We should all seek to find the simple life that Christ would have for us. Too many things and activities can hinder that relationship.

“The Lord loves those who walk simply.” (Proverbs12:22)

“Unto the simple God gives the understanding of His law." (Psalms 119:130)

 “The Lord cares for the simple. I was reduced to extremity and He saved me." (Psalms 116:6)

July 20, 2013

Without Honor

“Eyes have not seen, nor hear heard, of the blessings which await God’s prophets. That which is misunderstood on earth, will be understood in the heavenly realms--Forever. The Lord granted a blessing. After the breaking comes the morning. Fulfillment after destruction. The Lord says, keep blessing; and keep on Loving.”  (Prophecy by Sheldon David in 1997)

Last week I met a Spanish man with some friends at a hot dog stand. He was able to speak English and so the two of us sat at a small table and talked for a while. I knew he was a minister and was staying in town with friends of mine, along with his beautiful wife and baby. However, I didn’t know what he may have already heard about me from his friends, so I told him of my calling and what I had been doing in Mexico, and that God speaks to me. He tells me what I'm to say, and that I also know some of His heart and ways of the Kingdom of God that He has shared with me over the years.

I made the commented; what if you were to wake up a week from now and learn that much of what you believed was a lie. How would you feel? He made no comment. I told him I had been raised in church my whole life. However, I have been taught by God and a special friend the last 25 years that much of what I had believed was a lie, including what I learned in Bible College.

Then this minister started asking me some questions and some of them seemed strange in the way they were asked. Such as, how did you know you were called to be a prophet? What church do you belong to? What does God’s voice sound like? And when will the Lord return? I told then there are all kinds of prophets; giving a number of examples from the Bible, including Abraham and Jacob, and even some today. He had never even heard of Kim Clement. I also shared some of my experiences with Sheldon David. I told him, true prophets of God don’t make predictions; they are to speak the heart of Father God and what He says, His ways and what has been revealed to them in visions. They are often used to bring correction to His children and the church, but most of all He wants to encourages us and to know how much He loves us. I stated that much of the church today is out of step with the example Jesus set, and that organized religion is not a part of the Kingdom of God, but is on the broad path; not the narrow way that Jesus was. A prophet’s life is also often one of much hardship and great sacrifices. One day, I was asked by God if I would be willing to leave everything, including my family, hopes and dreams to know Him better. I did, and was sent to Mexico even though I did not speak the language, and live in a van. I stated that not many people or ministers would be willing to do that, as we both looked at his wife and child. He agreed. 

As I sat there listening to some of his questions, I felt a little like Jesus must have when He was often questioned by the scribes and Pharisees, asking him what authority did do those things, and to give them a sign, as to prove who he really was. I understood this minister’s heart and I knew he loved God and I love him too. But, he has been deceived by the religious system. However,  I figured I have given him enough to think about, and maybe we could meet again and talk some more. So I stood and extended my hand and told him why I did that.

The next day I went to where the minister was staying and offered a couple of booklets that Sheldon had written. One was on Bible covenants and the other was some prophecies that Sheldon written back in 1997 and 1998. I thought he might like to read them and that they might explain better some things I said the night before. But when I handed them to him, he had this strange look like I was handing him the Book of Mormons. Yet, he did say he enjoyed reading books.

That afternoon, much to my surprise, he came to the same beach where I was camping and parked about 70 feet from me with his friends and family in their extended van. They all got out and walked to the beach as I watched. They all saw me, but no one came over to talk to me. Over an hour later, they all returned and got in the van. As they left, he honked his horn as a way of saying “hi” or “goodbye". About a week later I went to see him again to picked up the booklets and see what he thought. They were setting on a shelf by the door and he handed them to me. He made a brief greeting, but no comment on the booklets and I didn’t ask. But, I still handed him one of Sheldon’s card; if he wanted to learn more. I also told him that if he wanted to talk more or had any questions he could find me at the beach where he saw me. I still have not seen him, which was no surprise. Jesus spoke of the lack of honor regarding God's prophets.

Then Jesus told them, "A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family." (Mark 6:4) This verse also applies to the church today, but that is changing as God restores all things.

I’ve been here over nine months now and of all the ministers I have met and many other Christians, not one has ever come back to talk to me, except the Lopez’s family in order to learn more as to why God would send an American, who does not speak Spanish, to Mexico or what they could learn from one sent by God.

However, I have also been extremely blessed and honor by some others in Mexico, especially Pilar, Rosa and now the Reiz' family. Today, I am posting this blog article from a very nice furnished apartment with A/C, thanks to Juanita Reiz. Therefore, last night I got to sleep in a cool room on a king size bed. I'm only paying 5oo pesos, on a week to week bases, as I requested. That $42.50 a week. What a blessing and relief from the heat and humidity. God is so good. More about this apartment next week.

 The Deliverer
“My Power has gone out to all the earth. My powerful edge is arising! He is My Messenger. A salvation, a deliverer to my people, says the Lord. Who will thwart his plan? He will represent Me, and will succeed in the deliverance of this WORD. And in that WORD is a seed (the power) of destruction. My messenger will spread the news quickly. He will remind people of My ways. Not only in the Word, as easy to simply read the words, but will be a messenger of the Word, a living testament of My ways and words. And the lies will be exposed, because Truth reigns in this messenger. This Man is a many-member house. Not a single man, but a messenger in which inhabits the house, or tent of human vessels, who will walk in this “deliverers” anointing, says the Lord.”

"The violence which I am sending is arising. Actually, it is ascending. This is not to be easily understood… There is a great fight a clashing of kingdoms. That clashing will begin (or be at least most noticeable to you) in the realm of religion. Religion is once again starting to feel threatened by Me…”

“His word will simply support the truth of whom he serves. This “deliverer” will precede the “Deliverer.” The first is a Samson-type—strong, forceful, consecrated as holy (yet not in a religious traditional sense) and very human (even sinful-looking to some). The second Deliverer is a multi-membered man…”

“As I previously said, there will be a great clash. Those who are truly My people need not care about what men can do to them. (Why not rattle their cages if they’re already in bondage?) The religious government of the day will be the main means to the death of My Truly Righteous People. This has also been the Way, and remains to this day. They will think they are doing me a service, yet they continue in the carnality of their worldly ways and governments. (They believe that I am just like them.)…”

“The army that the enemy is assembling in Babylon is a retarded one (Babylon means “confusion”). That army is externally trying to fight the errors of the day, many times calling something evil externally, without truly dealing with the lies of their own hearts… But the Lord says, there is a true army. But these people do not fight with weapons of this Kosmos, they use powerful weapons which were obtain in My Presence, such as: Humility, suffering, a gentle answer, Truth, and a consistently righteous walk before Me. This is a person with authority, says the Lord—approved by Me."
(Portions of a prophecy by Sheldon David on August 5, 1998)

Note: This type of article is not one I would prefer to write more on, but it is still the truth, and it has also been a part of my experiences, even down here.

July 13, 2013

Answered Prayers

Philippi, is a middle-age man, who on several occasions I had helped with food and money. The first time we met was by Pilar’s, art gallery. He could speak a little English, and indicated that he had no beans of tortillas for his two children.  We talked a little more, and then he asked me if I also had an extra pair of jeans, after he saw the inside of my van. So I gave him some money and a pair of jeans that were given to me just a couple days before, but I didn’t really need them. Now, I knew why. The third time he need 10 pesos so I gave it and then he invited me to come to his house for a meal, to show his appreciation for all the times I have helped him. So we set an appointment to meet at the beach the next morning at 8 AM. So I could drive us to his house in Guaymas, but he never showed up.

A few weeks later, I heard someone calling me, I turned around and saw Philippi limping towards me on the beach. He greeted me with a big hug and then he told me he had a bad accident and had hurt his knee and that’s why he was unable to keep our appointment. He also had not been able to work much after the accident, and the leg and especially the knee area was still very painful, even to touch. So I leaned down and gently put my hand on his knee, and prayed for healing, declaring restoration to his whole leg, his soul and spirit, and also for his family. He thanked me and we talked some more. Then he indicated that he needed to go home and started to leave. When he was about sixty feet way, I realized that he never even asked me for any money. So I called him back to my van, where I was headed, and gave him some. He thanked me again. I was sure he could use it.

The next afternoon, Saturday, I saw Philippi coming to me again down by the water. He had a big smile on his face. After hugging me, he told me that after I had prayed for his leg that God healed it. There was no more limping and it didn’t hurt anymore. He told me that he was going to take his whole family to church the next day. “Good,” I said, and I trust God to lead them to the right one. Monday I saw him again, and he told me that he and his wife and two boys, ages eight and twelve, had been baptized in water. Wow! He still wants me to come to his house. I told him maybe someday.
Philippi's house sits on the edge of a hill and has a nice view
Two days later, Philippi shows up again and he gave me a big bag of fresh fruit. Then he asked me to come to his house again. I had nothing to do, and I felt I could not say no. He told me, that he always hitch-hicks back and forth to San Carlos to look for work, because there were not so many working men to compete with. When we got to his house in Guaymas there was another man standing on the narrow dirt road across from his house, he asked me for some food, so I gave him the bag of fruit that was given to me. There were some other friends with his family standing outside Philippi's house and we all went in together. After being there a short time, Alma, a friend of theirs, for some reason decided read a chapter out of Psalms and one out of Proverbs, from a Spanish Bible. I was not sure why she did it, but it couldn't hurt.
Philippi's son who was sick and a niece standing next to him  The nieces mother on sofa and Alma is to the right.
Then they indicated that his youngest boy was not well and had a very high fever, I felt his face and he was very hot, as he laid still next to his mother. So I put my hand on his forehead and rebuke the fever, then told them their boy would be fine. In less than an hour, the boy was up, laughing and playing with the other children. God is so good!

That same Saturday that I had prayed for Philippi’s leg, I went over to Rosa house that evening to get a hot dog from Marilin. Rosa was there also eating a hot dog. She told me that her youngest son, who was gay, said to her that he didn’t want to live that way anymore. I had prayed with Rosa and her son when we first met. She never stopped loving her son and neither had God. The next morning, I got to sit behind both of them in church. I laid hands on him and prayed that that spirit of Sodomy would never return and that he would be use greatly used for the Kingdom of God.

“Therefore, I say unto you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you receive them and they will be granted you.” (Mark 11:24).

July 6, 2013

Expressions of Love

“The Father’s love is great for you,
Desperate is His Passion for you;
Come into that passion
And know His desperate heart.
Though everything has been lost,
One greater has been found--
All because of love.” Sheldon David

One morning, as I was walking along the beach feeling the cool water lap at my feet, I was having some quite time with my Father.I was thinking of how much he means to me. Everywhere I looked I saw expressions of his love. The sunlight he gives us was dancing off the textures of the surf, while the morning mist disappearing. The birds were diving in for their morning meal. Beautiful sunsets, sounds, scenery, clouds and the rain to quench our thirst. All expression of his love and so much more. Then I passed a young man who was deep in thought as he listed to music on his ear phones as he walked by with his eyes closed. I didn’t say anything to him, but I prayed for him just the same.

Then a little later I passed an older man, he was an American out for his usual morning walk with just a swim suit on. I said, “Morning,” and he replied the same and kept on walking. As I thought about this, I realized how much we as a society have changed. Often in this fast passed and hectic world, we don't even take the time to notice all the beauty that surrounds us, including people we see or meet. Our greetings and goodbyes have often gotten shorter. Instead of saying “Good morning, how are you?” We shorten it. The same goes for our salutations when sending a letter or email to friends and loved ones. I not saying our feelings have necessarily have changed, but the way we often expressed it.

How often do we do the same thing to God? With all our appointments, activities, and daily schedules with work, family and friends; we seldom take-out enough intimate time for the One who loves us the most. Time is a gift, it is special and it can never be replaced. So when we give our time to God as a sacrifice, it becomes very special to Him and the greatest expression of love.

This past month I have decided to spend more time getting to know my Father. Sure I could do other things, keep traveling and help poor people in other cities too, but I’m not here just for that. Besides spending more time with Him, which I have come to really enjoy. I have also done more reading along with the Bible. I brought some special books that I have read before, but felt I was to read them again as I prepare my heart in this season of waiting on God.

The best way we can express our love to our Heavenly Father, will not be by reading books or doing a lot religious activity. But by the amount of special time spend just waiting in His presence, listening to hear his voice and trusting Abba Father with a heart of graditude. This is the truest expression of our love for Him.

 Many years ago I had a dream of Sheldon. In the dream he was hanging lots of clocks on the walls in a large room, from floor to ceiling. The clocks were of all kinds, sizes, and shapes. They were also set at different times. I asked Sheldon what what he was doing and why? He replied, “Time spend with God is not wasted time.” End of dream.

“Americans want results—productivity. God just wants us to get plastered in His love…Prayer is much more about listening and basking in God’s presence, than it is about talking and asking...”

“We cannot depend on others to affect this journey for us. This is a solitary escape, where we must press in and learn to linger where the Lord is for us. It requires a lot of waiting and patience, but the reward is great. Our outward performance will be far greater in due season, because it will be supercharged. Yet just being in with the Lord is an end in itself. The goal is to be with Jesus, not to do for Jesus.” John Crowder.
Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, You worry and bother about many things: but only one is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:42) He also, set the best example; as he often spent time alone in prayer before his day began and even in the evening. We are expected to follow him in all areas of life too, as well as bearing our cross; not just when it’s convenient.

“Be still, (cease striving) and know that I am God.” (Psalms 46:10)

“You have worried yourself in the multiplicity of you ways, and have not said, Let us rest in peace.” (Isaiah 57 :10)