July 6, 2013

Expressions of Love

“The Father’s love is great for you,
Desperate is His Passion for you;
Come into that passion
And know His desperate heart.
Though everything has been lost,
One greater has been found--
All because of love.” Sheldon David

One morning, as I was walking along the beach feeling the cool water lap at my feet, I was having some quite time with my Father.I was thinking of how much he means to me. Everywhere I looked I saw expressions of his love. The sunlight he gives us was dancing off the textures of the surf, while the morning mist disappearing. The birds were diving in for their morning meal. Beautiful sunsets, sounds, scenery, clouds and the rain to quench our thirst. All expression of his love and so much more. Then I passed a young man who was deep in thought as he listed to music on his ear phones as he walked by with his eyes closed. I didn’t say anything to him, but I prayed for him just the same.

Then a little later I passed an older man, he was an American out for his usual morning walk with just a swim suit on. I said, “Morning,” and he replied the same and kept on walking. As I thought about this, I realized how much we as a society have changed. Often in this fast passed and hectic world, we don't even take the time to notice all the beauty that surrounds us, including people we see or meet. Our greetings and goodbyes have often gotten shorter. Instead of saying “Good morning, how are you?” We shorten it. The same goes for our salutations when sending a letter or email to friends and loved ones. I not saying our feelings have necessarily have changed, but the way we often expressed it.

How often do we do the same thing to God? With all our appointments, activities, and daily schedules with work, family and friends; we seldom take-out enough intimate time for the One who loves us the most. Time is a gift, it is special and it can never be replaced. So when we give our time to God as a sacrifice, it becomes very special to Him and the greatest expression of love.

This past month I have decided to spend more time getting to know my Father. Sure I could do other things, keep traveling and help poor people in other cities too, but I’m not here just for that. Besides spending more time with Him, which I have come to really enjoy. I have also done more reading along with the Bible. I brought some special books that I have read before, but felt I was to read them again as I prepare my heart in this season of waiting on God.

The best way we can express our love to our Heavenly Father, will not be by reading books or doing a lot religious activity. But by the amount of special time spend just waiting in His presence, listening to hear his voice and trusting Abba Father with a heart of graditude. This is the truest expression of our love for Him.

 Many years ago I had a dream of Sheldon. In the dream he was hanging lots of clocks on the walls in a large room, from floor to ceiling. The clocks were of all kinds, sizes, and shapes. They were also set at different times. I asked Sheldon what what he was doing and why? He replied, “Time spend with God is not wasted time.” End of dream.

“Americans want results—productivity. God just wants us to get plastered in His love…Prayer is much more about listening and basking in God’s presence, than it is about talking and asking...”

“We cannot depend on others to affect this journey for us. This is a solitary escape, where we must press in and learn to linger where the Lord is for us. It requires a lot of waiting and patience, but the reward is great. Our outward performance will be far greater in due season, because it will be supercharged. Yet just being in with the Lord is an end in itself. The goal is to be with Jesus, not to do for Jesus.” John Crowder.
Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, You worry and bother about many things: but only one is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:42) He also, set the best example; as he often spent time alone in prayer before his day began and even in the evening. We are expected to follow him in all areas of life too, as well as bearing our cross; not just when it’s convenient.

“Be still, (cease striving) and know that I am God.” (Psalms 46:10)

“You have worried yourself in the multiplicity of you ways, and have not said, Let us rest in peace.” (Isaiah 57 :10)