Philippi, is
a middle-age man, who on several occasions I had helped with food and money. The
first time we met was by Pilar’s, art gallery. He could speak a little English,
and indicated that he had no beans of tortillas for his two children. We talked a little more, and then he asked me
if I also had an extra pair of jeans, after he saw the inside of my van. So I
gave him some money and a pair of jeans that were given to me just a couple
days before, but I didn’t really need them. Now, I knew why. The third time he
need 10 pesos so I gave it and then he invited me to come to his house for a
meal, to show his appreciation for all the times I have helped him. So we set
an appointment to meet at the beach the next morning at 8 AM. So I could drive
us to his house in Guaymas, but he never showed up.
A few weeks
later, I heard someone calling me, I turned around and saw Philippi limping
towards me on the beach. He greeted me with a big hug and then he told me he
had a bad accident and had hurt his knee and that’s why he was unable to keep
our appointment. He also had not been able to work much after the accident, and
the leg and especially the knee area was still very painful, even to touch. So
I leaned down and gently put my hand on his knee, and prayed for healing,
declaring restoration to his whole leg, his soul and spirit, and also for his
family. He thanked me and we talked some more. Then he indicated that he needed
to go home and started to leave. When he was about sixty feet way, I realized
that he never even asked me for any money. So I called him back to my van,
where I was headed, and gave him some. He thanked me again. I was sure he could
use it.
The next
afternoon, Saturday, I saw Philippi coming to me again down by the water. He
had a big smile on his face. After hugging me, he told me that after I had
prayed for his leg that God healed it. There was no more limping and it didn’t
hurt anymore. He told me that he was going to take his whole family to church
the next day. “Good,” I said, and I trust God to lead them to the right one.
Monday I saw him again, and he told me that he and his wife and two boys, ages
eight and twelve, had been baptized in water. Wow! He still wants me to come to
his house. I told him maybe someday.
Philippi's house sits on the edge of a hill and has a nice view |
Two days
later, Philippi shows up again and he gave me a big bag of fresh fruit. Then he
asked me to come to his house again. I had nothing to do, and I felt I could
not say no. He told me, that he always hitch-hicks back and forth to San Carlos
to look for work, because there were not so many working men to compete with.
When we got to his house in Guaymas there was another man standing on the narrow dirt
road across from his house, he asked me for some food, so I gave him the bag of fruit that was given
to me. There were some other friends with his family standing outside Philippi's house and we
all went in together. After being there a short time, Alma, a friend of theirs,
for some reason decided read a chapter out of Psalms and one out of Proverbs, from
a Spanish Bible. I was not sure why she did it, but it couldn't hurt.
Philippi's son who was sick and a niece standing next to him The nieces mother on sofa and Alma is to the right. |
Then they
indicated that his youngest boy was not well and had a very high fever, I felt his face
and he was very hot, as he laid still next to his mother. So I put my hand on his forehead
and rebuke the fever, then told them their boy would be fine. In less than an
hour, the boy was up, laughing and playing with the other children. God is so
That same Saturday
that I had prayed for Philippi’s leg, I went over to Rosa house that evening to
get a hot dog from Marilin. Rosa was there also eating a hot dog. She told me
that her youngest son, who was gay, said to her that he didn’t want to live
that way anymore. I had prayed with Rosa and her son when we first met. She
never stopped loving her son and neither had God. The next morning, I got to
sit behind both of them in church. I laid hands on him and prayed that that
spirit of Sodomy would never return and that he would be use greatly used for
the Kingdom of God.
“Therefore, I say unto you, all
things for which you pray and ask, believe that you receive them and they will
be granted you.”
(Mark 11:24).