Sunrise at the beach |
These past
few months have been life changing for me; not because I’ve been in San Carlos,
but because I have gotten to know Abba Father a little better. My life is becoming a
prayer and much simpler. As I follow the Holy Spirit’s leading and sometimes even my
flesh, I find that God is using both of these ways to touch lives and break down the gates
of the enemy. The Lord is telling me that
lives are changing as I walk the beaches, claiming the land for the Kingdom of God, and even when sit in a pew listening
to “good preachin” Sunday mornings. My life has not been in vain, despite
what I or others might think or feel sometimes. Even during my quiet time and slow days the Holy Spirit is working through me, and the angelic forces are active in restoring the heart of Mexico.
"Those who hopefully wait for Me will not be put to shame." (Isaiah 49:23b)
Children playing in the sandy beach |
The beach
has become one of my mission fields for now at least. I even went to a wedding that was taking
place on the beach one day and got to meet the bride and groom afterwards. I gave them
the gift of God’s love. Often when I walk the shores people will stop and talk to
me or offer me a coke or beer. I don’t drink beer, never even liked the smell
of it. But I do appreciate their thoughts of kindness and generosity.
A wedding on the beach. |
Some friends singing together at the beach next to my van. |
Two beautiful young ladies who I got to bless. You can my van in the background. |
A couple
times I have even had coffee with Jesus at the beach. He worked at a place on
the beach and had asked me to join him. He served my coffee in a small
empty coffee jar. He even added a little milk and sugar for me.
Life can be
very simple and I am learning to love and enjoy it that way. Living in a van is
definitely a simple way of living, but it does have its limitation. I have lived
in it for over a year now; something I would have never dreamed of doing and being a prophet in Mexico.
However, there have been some
challenging times and inconveniences living this way. I’m not looking for pity; this has been
an awesome experience and adventure, plus I have God's peace and joy now. I'm just share some
of the things I have had to deal with. There have also been flies, mosquitoes, and biting
ants, plus all the dirt and sand that get blown or tracked into the van and into my
bedding. It is also very hot, mid 90’s and very humid, often 100%, and with the
salty air many things are rusting, even things that have been in storage compartments.
Finally one night last
week, I came to a breaking point. I had gone to bed during a thunderstorm and
woke up about 2:30am with my top sheet, not just damp as it often was, it was
wet. I took it off and put on a dry “T” shirt from the storage bin under my
bed and just slept in it. As I laid there, I told God, “I don’t know how much
longer I can endure of this kind of weather.” I even thought of going somewhere
else, but where? was the problem at this time of year. I told him, “You said my
future was for my good and that I would prosper. Well this was not “good.” Then I
felt the Lord telling me to ask Juanita if I could rent a bedroom with A/C
in one of her empty apartments. I could live with that, and then I fell back to
sleep. When I woke about 6am that morning it was 85 degrees and there were water
droplets hanging from the rear view mirror and other places in the van. It was
time for a change. So by faith I declared I had a room at Juanita's and then spent the day at the beach. (Sometimes I feel like God's "beach bum" in a bathing suit.)
It was Friday, and went to
Juanita’s house that evening to teach her son English and have dinner with them. While I was there, I
asked her if I could rent a small bedroom with A/C, in one of her empty
apartment, were I could sleep on my mat; until she found a regular renter. She said, "Yes." I told her I could only
afford 500 pesos (that's $42.50) a week and still have some money left to help the poor, and that was acceptable to her. This lovely widow has not only fed me, but now she has given me a place to live. What a tremendous blessing she has been. After watching a movie together, her son showed me where I was to stay, and gave me the key to apartment #3. This apartment was completely furnished, including a TV, coffee maker, a microwave, and Internet access. There was also a king size bed in the bedroom ready to sleep in. He said I could sleep there that night, and I did. Wow, a real bed! Now I even have a bathroom too with a large tile shower. God is sooooo good.
My new home, but I still spend my days at the beach |
We should
all seek to find the simple life that Christ would have for us. Too many things and activities can hinder that relationship.
“The Lord
loves those who walk simply.” (Proverbs12:22)
“Unto the
simple God gives the understanding of His law." (Psalms 119:130)
“The Lord
cares for the simple. I was reduced to extremity and He saved me." (Psalms