December 13, 2015

The Shaking has Begun

Winter has begun in the northwest, and in Cle Elum we have already had snow several times and I have got to use the new snow thrower to remove the white stuff off the long driveway. They didn't have any of that in Mexico where I spent two and a half years, but it's still good to be back home and with my wife. I like seeing the snow though, because it reminds me of the verse, “ though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made white as snow.“ God's love and grace covers over all our mistakes and makes everything beautiful again.
Last week we went to Vancouver, to Sheldon's house for another Glory Meeting. These meeting are so powerful, because of the presence of God being there, along with many sons and daughters. What goes on there is changing the world and the way we live. Our prayers and words are powerful tools when used in accordance with God's heart and will.
Here are some passages that God is speaking to is sons today:
“I am the Lord your God, who up holds your right hand. Who says to you, “Do not fear, I will help you.” Behold I have made you a new, sharp threshing sledge and a double edge sword. You will thresh the mountains and pulverize them. And will made the hills like chaff. You will willow them and the wind will carry them away. And the storms will scatter them: but you will rejoice in the Lord, you will share in the glory in the Holy one of Israel.”
“Be hold I have put my words in your mouth. See I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.” (Jer. 1:9-10)
“As for the promise I have made to you when you came out of Egypt, My spirit is abiding in your midst; do not fear! For thus says the Lord of host. “ Once more I will shake the heavens and the earth, and the seas also and the dry land. I will shake all the nations, and they will come with the wealth of all the nations, and will fill this house with glory...The silver is mine and the gold is mine, declares the Lord of hosts. The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former... and this place I will give my peace.” (Haggai 2:5-9)
As you can see from these verses, God tends for us to go to war, a ”call to arms” to be ready for action. When He speaks we must act in words and in our actions to see that this world is restored and heaven is in it's rightful place here on earth. That requires the mountains of world systems to be brought down, idols destroyed and the kingdoms of this world overturned. Plus, planting seeds of truth, the building up the Body of Christ to take this message of God's love and passion to the next generation. To declare angelic armies to protect God's servants, and destroy the powers of darkness and evil principalities that seek to steal, kill and destroy lives and God's plan. But the enemy will not prevail even thou they have lied and deceive d, and say there is “no victory” as I heard satan say in one of my dreams. But it is a lies from the pit of hell. God has already told us the outcome of His plans in the book of Revelation, but apparently satan can't read. Praise God, our Master and Husband is the Faithful One to fulfill all he has promised, and restoration is a fact not an idea of wishful thinking.
The prophets are declaring what they are hearing from The Father, and the sons of God are seconding it with their “Amens”.
A shaking is happening. Do you feel it? If not, you soon will and see it happen before your eyes; government are being over thrown in the war room of the saints; the Democratic party is history, new leaders such as Donald Trump are being put in place. False gods such as Allah are coming down. Disasters are being adverted or postpone. Mindsets and chains are being broken off the Muslims and other religions, including Catholicism and Christianity; for they that have all bound God's children far to long. A lost world will see a new light coming from America and Israel as they unify under God's power and authority that will help dispel the darkness around the world. People will experience true peace, joy and freedom that only our Heavenly Father can give. Eyes are being opened and the deaf are hearing-- lives, minds and body are being restored. The financial system are changing, but not necessarily the way we would expect, and a spirit of confusion is being sent into the enemies camp to hinder their plans. All this and more is happening through prayer for the glory of God, which He also gave to us in Christ before the world began. All creations has been waiting for this to happen, even those we don't even know exist.
My question is, are you ready? Are you ready to do what's necessary, to let go of all that would hinder, to be passionate for our Lord, to get down and dirty in the trenches of warfare, plus act quickly when necessary to foil the enemies plans toward your house, your city, your country? Do not be afraid, all is well when we know the voice of the Commander and Chief and obey His voice.
“God is turning everything over...the shaking has begun, it has begun.” -- portions from Sheldon David

October 31, 2015

Hurricane Patricia

I have been back in the United States for nine months now, and things still keep getting better. God’s love and power is so awesome and personal, and it continues to restore in all aspect in this world, His Kingdom and my life and marriage too. A month ago after leaving a wonderful Glory Meeting in Vancouver, my wife and I stopped by a mall strip in Troutdale, just east of Portland, to look for a book at a Christian supplies store. But they were no longer in business. However, there was a woman’s clothing store nearby that my wife wanted to go in. There was also a Zales jewelry store next door so I went in just to look, no plan in mine, just look. However, as I looked a Spanish woman came over and offered to help me. Roberta and I have been talking about renewing our marriage covenant next year, and she did not have a wedding ring anymore, because the diamond in her ring had crack and fell out many years ago, which was kind of prophesy of the direction our marriage at that time.

Anyway, things have changed since then as you know from reading my past blogs. So here I am looking at rings and I found one that I liked, and wonder if Roberta would like it too. So I went back next door to get her to come and look, but I didn’t tell her which one. She picked the very same ring, however she had mentioned before that she really was not interested in a traditional clear diamond as before. So we kept looking and came across another ring that was similar, but had a London Blue diamond in the center with other smaller diamonds by it and on the sides too. We both liked it and I agree to by it for her.

I had told the Spanish lady briefly of my time in Mexico and the loved had for the Mexican people. While I dealt with the store manager and finish the paperwork, Roberta continued to talk with the lady. She turned out to be a Christian and a mother of six children. The next thing I heard was Roberta praying for her, and I stopped and listed more closely and said “Amen” when she had finished. The manager smiled in agreement. She as amazed the a total stranger would pray and bless her and give her a special hope for the future.

As we drove back home, Roberta had a new ring on her finger and a big smile on her face. God had used us to minister together and now she also had a beautiful promise ring that she also really liked on her finger, while the other diamond ring was being sent out to be sized. She would have it at some later date to be decided. That’s right she got two rings. Amazing what can happen when your being lead by the Spirit and God say “buy”.

Then just last week Roberta told me about a big hurricane, named Patricia, that was about to hit Mexico that day. I Love Mexico and I care about the people very much, so I told my wife I wanted to check it out on the weather radar. There was this swirling red mass hitting the west coast of Mexico. I wanted to pray and so we did. I asked God for mercy and to spare his children and that He would turn their hearts to him. We both prayed powerful words over the nation, leaders and lives. Then I read more about this monster storm, I saw the God was already answering our prayer. The biggest and most powerful hurricane ever on this planet had grown practically overnight and was clocked at 200 miles per hour, but when it made landfall it had drop the 167, still that would be a category 6, because the charts only goes to 5, because they never had a storm this big. It was not possible to get any more information until the next couple days because of communication problems and safety, as to the damage, deaths and rainfall. But as information came online we were witnessing a an incredible miracle. There was no major damage to the infrastructure and the biggest miracle was NO loss of lives. The is just unheard of in a storm like this. The year before a hurricane hit near where I was staying in San Carlos, was a category 2 and 11 people died.

I;m sure there were others praying, but I know the God answers prayer even when ther is one son or daughter praying according to His will. We must not allow bad thing to happen, if we can do something about it, and prayer is still a very powerful tool given to us.

God's power and love is greater the any monster or hurricane. And we can fine His peace and safety is any storm of life.

September 2, 2015

The Zea;l of the Lord

Wow, this has been quit an awesome month. It basically started with the preparation for the Glory Meeting at Sheldon’s house on August 7th. But just the week before God had been speaking to me from a passage in the Bible (2Kings 19: 30-31) .

The surviving remnant of the house of Judah will again take root downward and will bear fruit upward. For out of Jerusalem will go forth a remnant, and out of Mount Zion survivors. The zeal of the Lord will preform this.” And then a couple verses later it says, “For I will defend this city to save it for my own sake and for My servant David sake.” This same prophecy is repeated again is Isaiah 37:31-35 which seems to speak of it importance.

The zeal of the Lord, does anyone really know what that means? Human words often fall short of trying to describe God. But lets look at the word zeal. Webster's dictionary says it means the eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something: Fervor syn see passion. The word passion and has numerous meanings, but the one that seems to fit this passage regarding zeal, implies energetic and unflagging pursuit of an aim or devotion to a cause.

This word zeal lead me to another passage in Isaiah 9:7 “There shall be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and rightness from then on and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this.” Again in Isaiah 16: 5 A throne will even be established in loving kindness, and a judge will sit on it in faithfulness it the tent (house) of David.”

In the beginning God spoke and time began and through the Living Word every one and everything came into existence and those words are still echoing throughout the universe. God also judged creations and all mankind and place the sins of everyone who has and will ever live upon the cross with Jesus. His vengeance and redemption was accomplished through that one glorious act of love. God's power can works through all dimensions, including time and space for all eternity. He created them and we enjoy the benefits of many, even if we can't see or understand them all.

From these passages we learn that it will be by the Zeal of the Lord that will bring about this complete restoration. It seems that through a remnant of faithful survivors the Heavenly Father is going to restore the Kingdom of God, through God inspirited words we we open and close doors that will help bring Heaven to earth as it was meant to be. His zeal is going to ignite our souls and minds, and through the power of the Holy Spirit and that zeal is going to come forth in numerous and powerful ways, so that the face and the heart and the power of the Father will be seen through all His sons and daughters, just as it was seen in Jesus when he was on earth. But then now everyone will recognize it. Our words and actions will be His expressions, and we rule and reign within His authority from that same House of David. For all who are in Christ, Jesus the son of David, stem from that same house. This House of David is one of authority and everything we need to accomplish our mission is found within that House. All we have to do is ask and receive it by faith. It is also why God chose for some reason to have some people changed their name to prophecy of that house and authority that comes from the Davidic Covenant. That covenant coupled to the Abrahamic Covenant and are the foundations for every believer by faith.

This restoration will happen, but not necessarily overnight or in a twinkling of an eye. For the promise made to Abraham extends to a thousand generations, so we are really in the early stages of seeing this restoration take place as God raise up more sons and daughters with his heart and passion. Exciting days are ahead for everyone who lives by faith and seeks His Face and does their part.

There is more power in our words then we could ever imagine when spoken in agreement with His will. Those who were in the Glory Meeting know what I mean. God wants to really restore all things and to remove all curses. Even the curses spoken by God in the Garden of Eden to Adam and Eve, after they sinned. For Jesus Christ bore upon the cross all the curses so that ever child of God could live in His complete love and freedom, including freedom from the curse of sickness, suffering and death, and even those place on the earth. This earth is also suffering and out of order too, not just mankind. We are the New Jerusalem coming down from Mount Zion. We are the trees of Life that will bare much fruit and bring healing to every aspect of this world, because we have tapped into the River of Life that flows from the thrown of God. And it will all happen because of the Zeal of the Lord. The whole earth is filled with His Glory and His alone. As His Bride, He will guide and defend us to see that all He has planned and puts into our hearts is accomplished and no one, or thing nor evil spirit will be able to stop what the Heavenly Father has planned. We too can open and close doors to the spiritual realm. And we share in his Glory also, because we are one with Him. This is truly amazing Grace.

I shared this passage from 2 Kings 19 to Sheldon the next morning after the Glory Meeting, because I believe it is what God is speaking to all His sons and daughters today. It also confirmed some of what God has been speaking to him about the House of David. Being a part of that House is more powerful and mindbogglingly than we could ever imagine.

Then I will set the key of the house of David on his shoulder, when he opens no one will shut, when he shuts no one will open. I will drive him like a tent peg in a firm place, and he will become a throne of glory to his father,s house.” (Isaiah 22:22-23)

On the “Home Front” things have been going very well with Roberta and I. It has also been wonderful to see God is using my wife to minister to the people around her at work, church and with our four grand kids. One day the kids even spent the night at our house and went fishing in the small lake in our backyard. We had a great time together.

We also had a major building task, where I formed and poured concrete in numerous areas around the house and an additional 21’x23’ slab to finish the last area in the basement. (plus a patio, 60’ of walkways, a porch and steps, carport slab and a retaining wall in the basement as well) It was hard work, and took two days and two trucks loads of concrete, for total of 15 and one half yards of cement. God proving all the help we needed, including a contractor who unfortunately bailed half way through the first phase, because he wanted more money to finish the second phase, and I wouldn’t go along with his demand. His name was Jonah. So then God provided Jak, our son-in-law, and a friend to help finish the job two weeks later. They appreciated the extra money too, and I was very grateful and physically drained. The friend is living in our front yard in a 28 ft. trailer with his family next to the art studio where they have water, power and sewer hook-up access. They have three small children and his wife is pregnant with another one. They trailer was pulled to our house by one of their friend’s vehicle, because they didn’t have one to pull it now and there other car died, neither does he have a job at this time. They are between a rock and a hard spot, and we along with others are helping them as they wait on Gods will and leading.

This has diffidently been different than ministering in Mexico, but to everything thing there is a season. And I am enjoying this one too and its challenges, as God uses us to help others in simple ways, through our love, our prayers and God's loving faithfulness to all generations.

June 1, 2015

Power in the Blood

Hi again, it' have been four months since I have left Mexico, plus not posted anything on my blog. But God is still good and faithful. Amen! I made the trip back to Vancouver in two and a half days, and the gas was half the price as when I when I left almost three years ago. I spent a couple days with Sheldon before meeting my wife again at his house for a "Glory Meeting." planned for the next day, Feb. 6th. She was still beautiful and had changed very little. However, I was a lot browner with a Mexican tan. We were both a little nerves, but after spending some time together she realized I was different, from the man I was when I left.

We drove back to Cle Elum to start building a new relationship based on Christ love. The first couple weeks was a little ruff emotionally for both of us, but time, prayer and lots of effort for each of us has helped healed some areas and we our still working on others, most importantly, communication, especially for me. It has been strange for me not ministering as I was in Mexico. But God has indicated that I have one main purpose for now and that is to show my wife how much I love her in ways that are important to her, and not just what I might want or desire. This has been a very challenging time for me and I sure it has been for Roberta. For example, for two and a half years we didn't have to consider another person preference. However, we do have many common interests, plus we do enjoy eating together and having someone to talk to and share our thoughts and feelings. But we also allow each other time to be alone too. Roberta still has an incredible love and compassion to minister to people, especially at her job and at church. The first Friday in March we also went back to Sheldon's of another Glory Meeting. We had a wonderful time also and God spoke through a number of people even me,

Roberta and I also attend to a church that we both enjoy and it has a wonder pastor who yields to the Holy Spirit by allowing others to share what God would have them say through scriptures, dreams, visions or prophecies. I really enjoy their worship time and the songs we sing. Roberta also invites me to go with her to events that she takes clients from work to and it gives me opportunity to minister to them and others at this events usually through prayer, sometimes I give a word of encouragement to individuals or lay hands on people and children to blessing them. But most of all I pray that God will soften hearts to receive His love and for this next generation of young people. I don't get to do this as often as I would like, but I believe that will change. In the meantime I stay busying working on the house and yard and fixing things, and planting lots of flowers. However, I also have to deal with lots of weeds and things that eat the flowers I plant, plus living in a fallen world. I'm try to learn how to apply the authority God has given us, but it seems to be a never ending battle.

One morning, last week, as I laid in bed I was feeling discouraged and made the statement or question to God, “Where's the power in the blood.” It was a very unusual statement for me to say. However, I didn't want to keep thinking negative and so I decided to put on some worship music. I had a disk that Sheldon had made for me many years ago entitled, Hymns in the CD player that was set to play random. The very first song that played that morning was The Blood, by Andrae Crouch. This anointed song had a divine appointment for me that day and I will never forget the gentle reminder from my Heavenly Father through this song: (these are the main lines that are repeated several times.)

The blood that Jesus shed for me, way back on Calvary it will never loose it's power.

Oh the blood that gives me strength from day to day it shall never loose its power.

Oh it reaches the highest mountain and it flows to the lowest valley.

The blood that quenches all my doubles and fears plus dries all my tears.

This song greatly lifted my spirit that day.

However, I was also reminded of a prophecy from Sheldon that the Lord spoke to us one night about the “Power of the Blood” that I would like to share again, because the words I believe apply to all God's sons and daughters.

"I am exalting you. I have loved you with an eternal love. I know how love works in the movies. I know how it works pretty much across the earth. In the United States it looks a little different than in some other nations. And those nations look different than other nations. But the love of God doesn't look like any of that.  

My Love is eternal. I loved you before you were born. I love you when you were happy and I love you when you were crappy. And I'll love til the end. My love is based on Abraham. A men I swore alliance to through Christ. The Man who became the fullness of all—became the Great Sacrifice.

My love for you is eternal. My love is joyful... I know there has been a lot of discomfort in your journey, but we will laugh again. We rejoice together. But there are a lot of men and women who have conquered, who have done the will of God. A lot has been achieved throughout the centuries, by targeted men and targeted women who have given their lives away for someone greater. 

You know I chose you, I chose you...because I loved you from the foundations of the earth. I loved you before you were born and I love you now, and I love you forever. It's this driving love, passion and zeal. But mostly His covenant—this blood, this blood, this blood, blood, blood, blood, blood, this blood is the bases of our love. Get it down, understand that, this blood is the bases of our love. The blood of Christ is the bases of our love. The foundation of our love is based on Christ's blood. It's not based on emotions, or some unconditional concept, but it is based on the blood of Jesus Christ. He became the atonement, He became satisfaction. The Father toward the Son toward you. He loved you, because of the blood of Jesus. He loves you, because of the blood of sacrifice, because of covenant. 

You have received blessings and favor from Yahweh... I have watch over you throughout your lives, from the day you were conceived to today. I have watched over you and loved you in the difficult times, in your struggles, and the struggles with sin. None of this have been able to separate us from the love of God. It only draws us deeper. Where you are weak that's where I'm strong. It's the power of covenant. Every time you need me I'm there, every time you don't need me I'm there. I'm simply there, watching over your lives. I watch over the Word. 

See when I say to a man that I am your shield and your exceedingly great reward, I'm your resurrection and life. I'm the rewarder of the diligent seeker—I am that I am. What did you expect to hear. Something you can write down it you blog entry, something you can detail in five minutes or less.

Abraham looked up to the stars. And if a man can count 50 billion, as Israel said earlier, lights in the sky. Then man hasn't even begun to count the stars. My vision goes forever—how about yours? My promises goes forever. Let me bless you forever. Let me pour out My love and promises to you forever—I am that I am. I am rewarding you—my diligent seekers.

(a portion of a prophecy by David on Feb. 25, 2011)

Note:  A message of the never ending love of God, based on the blood covenant and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. And the power of that blood is just as unmeasurable. 

January 13, 2015

Going Home

                           Roberta, isn't she beautiful.

When I married Roberta, she was the most beautiful and precious thing to me. Unfortunately, in a very short I failed to see her as the most important gift from God in my life. I “acted” and “loved” the way many other men did. I really didn't love and respect her from the beginning the way I should have. Over the years I made a lot of excuses. I even tried to love the right way, but it never lasted very long, because it was never the way our Heavenly Father wanted me To Love. I failed to lead and love my wife and see her through God's eyes as a beautiful, loving daughter of His, and she has become a woman of great faith. Sadly, over the early years of our marriage, I loved other things more, including myself and hurt her in the process. I knew God meant for us to be together and still do. But I have failed and disappointed her so many times over the years

From my late teens when I accepted Christ into my heart, I have always wanted to please God, but there again I failed many times too. However, He has always loved me and picked me up to try again. Restoration is at the heart of the Father, and I also know He wants to restore my marriage. But it will require more of me to go beyond anything I've done before, and that is to die to self-love and ambition. I need to quit trying to defend myself and accept the challenge Jesus did in the Garden; “not my will but yours be done.”

I have gotten to know the Father’s heart better over the past seven years. But was still lacking in some areas. However, this past year has been the greatest change in learning to understand His grace. This is sometimes difficult to put into words. Yet I have seen the change in me and a desire to love my wife through Christ's love; not only in words, but also in my actions. My pride and emotions still try to get in the way, but that will change as I put First Corinthians 13, and Sheldon's words into practice.

As most of you know, I left everything when I came to Mexico, including my wife. When I left our marriage was a mess, and that was not her fault, but mine. Unfortunately, in the process I hurt her even more including other family members, especially my daughter. No words can describe how badly I now feel or the emotional pain I must have caused all of them, plus the difficulties of Roberta having to live alone these past two and a half years that I have been gone. Even though I communicated regularly with her, it was not enough. I had past issues I was still dealing with that held me back. I admit it I have been a jerk many times, and hurt her far more than I will ever know.

Roberta is kind, generous and loving and she has honored me, and she deserved a better husband than me. However, I am very grateful that she has put up with me, my blunders and my poor behavior at times, even after I came back to the Lord. As I said, it will take a lot of time for me to earn her trust again.

I believe that this has been good for both of us too, despite the hardships at times. In this long season we both got to know the Father's heart better and learned to trust Him completely for all our needs. I'm not trying to “sugar-coat” my behavior, but God does works all these things for good, even our mistakes, into his divine plan. I have always felt in my heart God would restore our marriage, and I believe it will be better than we ever thought possible.

Josephs' brothers sold him into slavery and in the process he became the prince of Egypt. Their actions were evil, but God meant it for good, and there was restoration. My past intentions and actions were also often selfish, mean or overly zealous for God, and in the long run Roberta has become a Princess that I will now be pleased to serve. This is not another project that I will loose interest in when it get too difficult, but a lifetime commitment. This time I will finish what God started, and she will be proud of the man she married, as I am of her. However, I also know I will be facing the biggest challenge of my life, but not an impossible one. God promised is to restore and to make all things new. And I’m counting on working with Him, in order to make that dream and promise come true.

I enjoyed my time in Mexico, despite being alone much of the time. I have made many wonderful friends that I will really miss them. I also learn so much here, and I believed I helped plant some seeds for His Kingdom. I still believe God sent me here, but I could be wrong, and it would not be the first time. However, I'm trusting that, “all things work together for good for them who love God and are called according to His purpose.” Peter left his wife and followed Jesus, but then after His Ascension, Peter returned to love his wife the way Christ loved him. I've wondered how she must of felt about what he had done. God's ways are always different than mans. In this journey with God, I also learned that I wanted and needed a wife, MY WIFE, by my side, so together we can do even greater things wherever we are.

Restoring our marriage may take much longer than I would like. However, it would be totally impossible without His help. Hopefully, I will do a much better job, with fewer mistakes and a better attitude. God has been creating in me a new heart and husband that will love his wife as Christ loves her.

God always gives us the freedom to choose, and He knew all the choices I would make, including the one to return home to my beautiful wife and family. I will be leaving Mexico shortly as we both prepare our hearts for a new adventure together in Central Washington. Life with Abba Father, has many adventures and challenges. Hopefully, after this one, I will be an entirely new man, refined by the fire of God's awesome love and grace.

I enjoyed writing on this blog site, it was never meant to be focused on me or hurt anyone. I wrote for an audience of One, my Heavenly Father. I love talking about Him, working with Him, and sharing the changes in me. HE IS MY LIFE. Forgive me for any arrogance in my words now or in the past, I don't always convey things the best way I could or should, and I certainly don't know it all. Only God does. In the future, if He desires for me to write more on this blog, it will be from the perspective of a loving husband and “we.” I thank God, my wife and Sheldon, and other friends like you for your love, prayers and support. I will close with these words from God that helped me decide it was time to go back home: “Husbands love your wives just as Christ loved His church.”

Going home; sounds good to me!

P.S. Have a great winter, spring and year, learning more from our Heavenly Father. While I was down here in Mexico I read the book, Redeeming Love, by Frances River, many many times that I had brought with me. Sowing it message into my spirit. If you have never read it, I highly recommend reading it, or again if you have. It’s an awesome novel on God's love and marriage. Check back with me June or later and see if I have anything more that we would want to share on this Blog. Until then, God bless you and keep on loving.

January 6, 2015

Love and Marriage

There has been a big turn of events for me this past month, at least in my thought regarding marriage, mainly mine. I am not an authority on marriage by a long shot, and I'm not going to try and fool you. However, I do know someone who is, and that is our Heavenly Father.

We have all observed marriages, in many ways have used them to form our thoughts and opinions regarding marriage. Plus we have also heard many teachers, ministers preach on love and marriage. But for some reason we see very few happy and successful ones today, even in the church. Where the divorce rate is as high as non-believers. The reason for that is because of the Fall, where the first mistakes was made by the first couple, Adam and Eve. They chose to disregard God’s words, and Adam listened or yielded to his wife’s desires instead. This is not about blame, they both made mistakes and acted as one in flesh not in spirit with their Father.

Since that time those sinful actions have filtered down through time to where life and marriage is far from what it was meant to be, and mine was no exception. Adam was meant to love His wife the way their Father loved him and his wife. However, those instincts gave way to foolish desires, and we have been fumbling the ball ever since.

God gave us many example of how He brought two people together. When Adam saw his wife he loved her, so did Jacob and Isaac when they first met, even Ruth and Boaz. Some married others without a choice or say in the matter. (300 Benjamin's men stole their bride to be, to restore their tribe ) Every situation was different. There was no courtship, no falling in love, but a knowing that this was the one meant for them or part of God's plan. I believe that should still be our main objective or criteria when considering marriage. We should know God's heart on the matter of who and when and where and how it is to take place, and then decide. Yet as we study those marriages and many others in the Bible we see very few marriages that were always happy. Because, happiness is not the foundation of marriage, it is love. But what kind of love would it take to please God in this holy union He desire for us to have for our spouse. Solomon wrote a book on love, “Song of Songs” means the greatest of songs; portraying two lovers. It is also a prophetic picture of the marriage of Christ with His bride. Yet very few seem to capture the true message. So God sent His son, Jesus Christ to set the example. Then the apostles write briefly on the subject of marriage and how it was to be lived out within the Body of Christ. Here's one of them:

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body. ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ This is a profound mystery — but I am talking about Christ and the church.

However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. Wives, be submissive to you husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of his wife, as Christ is the heard of the church...But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.” (Eph. 5:22-32)

Wow, how many husbands and marriages do you see like that? Not very many I bet. The husband is suppose to be the head and set the example. Unfortunately, many have fallen into the same bad habit as Adam and I did. He blamed his wife, and it has continued ever since. Adam could have warned her, or refused to give-in to her weakness, setting an example for all mankind. But he failed to heed God's words, and ignored his first love, Abba Father.

We are to love our wives as Christ loves us, and with that same spirit of LOVE. To love and obey God first, and then love others as ourselves. If the husband has chosen to follow Christ, he should be lead by His Spirit and Word, spelled out in First Corinthians chapter 13. This is the Father's love. It is also the nature of Christ, and to be our nature as well as our creed:

Love is patient, love is kind and love is not jealous; love is not arrogant, does not act unbecoming; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoices in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth, bears all things , believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails...

I became a man, I did away with childish things. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is LOVE.”

Human love seems to fall short in all these areas and have made a lot of excuses, especially in letting go of wrongs suffered—endures all things--and love never fails. God's love and forgiveness is the foundation in any relationship that's meant to last.

As I said before, I plan to go back to my wife, in order to allow God to restore our marriage. I have hurt her many times throughout our marriage, and been a real jerk at times, and she deserved better than what she got. Yet I believe I can to a better job this time, because of a number of things I have just shared, plus from being here in Mexico.

My wife, Roberta, is a godly women and I'm a different man still maturing. However, it may take some time to restore her trust in me. But that's okay I deserved a kick in the pants. Restoration would be totally impossible without Christ’ love and rebukes. After all God disciplines every son, including me. But, I'm also encouraged by His promise too; “I will fix what is broken and restore and make all things new,” and God does not lie and I'm betting everything on that. Restoration from God is always better than what it was before.

I believe our new marriage can be an inspiration and a prophetic picture of His desire for all marriages, His church and for the Nation of Israel; to become One with Him. God is also using other sons to do the same thing. Then heaven can truly come to earth again through that Oneness we share in Him, and “restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers,” and His children toward the Heavenly Father. And we can all walk with Abba in the new Garden of Eden.

I would like to close with a portions of some things Sheldon sent me on God’s love:

“Beloved” in the New Testament is connected to the Greek word agape. This makes it a very special word, one that reveals the Heavenly Father’s special kind of love, a love that flows to people from Christ and flows through people when they are broken vessels who reveal his nature.

The most perfect meaning I can find for the word is: TO LOVE. Beloved means TO LOVE. It denotes both the object of love and the action of love. The Heavenly Father spoke from heaven, saying to Jesus, “You are my TO LOVE Son, the object of my active love.” Apostle Paul said to the Ephesians, “God has made you acceptable within my TO LOVE Son, and this means my focus and love actions are toward you.” And the Bride in Song of Songs said, “You are my TO LOVE man, and I am your TO LOVE woman.”

Again, beloved denotes both the object and the action of love.

It is evident you love God, and that is good...On a divine level, you love Christ and are dedicated to him. You have made God your object of love. And that is good. But... from the time you put a ring on your wife’s finger, you were meant to look only at her, pouring your human passions, dreams, hopes, secrets, gifts, joys, hurts, and overflow of your relationship with Christ into her.”

(I pray that all husband can take these words to the MAX, including me.)