September 7, 2024

Lead by His Spirit

Last week I took two of Luciano's sons to get a double scoop of ice cream which they really enjoyed, however their dad has a health issue so he passed on the ice cream for now. I think he has a sugar intake problem, that he has to control his amount of sugar intake. However I know that God will heal him soon. With it being so hot, 92 degrees, the next day, I went and had a double scoop again with chocolate and one scoop of chocolate chip mint on a waffle cone. It was very good and refreshing and only cost about $1.50, incredibly cheap. Then that night at about 8pm I went for another walk and I started to go my usual way, but changed my mind, because I felt I should go back to where I had gone the night before where there is a large park, that I just found, a few blocks from where I'm living. It has a large fountain and lots of trees. And it's all lit up at night, for people to come and walk or sit and talk with friends or just relaxs and watch their children play on things. Plus, there are a few food venters selling their items at the edge of the park. So on my way there I passed a family with three young children and one was small boy was carrying a bucket and he was holding his father's hand with the other, as they walked. However, when I got close to them, he turned and looked at me with a longing in his eyes and made me wonder. So when I got to the end of the block, I stopped under a lamp post and waited for the family to get there. When they did they stopped for a moment and that is when a miracle took place. The young child, about 5 or 6 with the bucket, looked at me and dropped his bucket and then came to me with outstretched arms. I could tell he has a mental issue and his face, arms and legs where deformed, but he came to me with a big smile on his face and I knelt and embraced him in a big long hug and told him that God loved him very much and then I placed one hand on that crown of his head and blessed him and declared healing and restoration. Then I finally stood up and blessed the family, they were all taken aback by what had just seen take place with a total stranger, and they thanked me. However, the boy knew who I was and he wanted a hug from God, who lives in me, and he got one that he will always remember. As I left, God reminded me why I was there, to touch lives for the Kingdom of God and all His children.