September 8, 2024

Walking by Faith

God is always faithful. I left Thursday morning with Luciano who was driving me to the airport and helping me to get checked in. I had already paid for my flight over two months ago. However, when we went to the check=in counter we was told I also had to have a check out flight as to when I was leaving Bolivia, and here I am still in Paraguay.and that I had already paid to leave the country and that Bolivia has a 90 day tourist visa. However, I was shown in their tourist visa requirement that I had to have an exit trip booked within 30 days from now. This was crazy and they agreed, but it was Bolivian law requirement. The lady said she could book me a one way ticket for $300 to leave Bolivia. It told God I needed his help and we went looking for it downstairs at the immigration office. Then he sent us to the man next door who might help and spoke very good English and we explained the problem, so we went back up stairs to the check-in counter where my luggage was still waiting behind the counter. I was also told that my carry-on was too big for the small plane that seated 50 passengers and had to pay extra for all three to be sent to the capital in Bolivia where I would get on my next flight to La Paz, Bolivia. They all agreed it was a stupid law, so we went back down to his office. Has we walked I thought maybe he could book me to Lima Peru and I asked him when we got to his office he said he could to Lima, Peru. but flight, here was leaving in less than an hour now after all this wasted talking, However, he was fast and was able to get me a flight for $250 and I was able to pay in cash to save time, and then we all went back up to the check-in and I was able to leave and send my luggage to the plane, I thanked every one and blessed them all and said good-by to Luciano and gave him a big hug. I still had to get through immigrations where I was then told I had overstayed my tourist visa by one day and would have to pay $88 more, I told God it was His money and gave them a $100 bill and she gave me back a $10 bill, Then I continued to the screening and xrays.area. I had a large voltage converter with my laptop bag and was told I could not take it aboard the plane, that I could go back and ship it also, I walked back about 50 feet and said forget this, I only needed it for my shaver and I could buy a new one if necessary, and gave them and then started the xray screening when a young lady met me and asked as I was putting my belt back on, if I was Israel David. I said yes, and was told to follow her. We then boarded the plane and they closed the door behind me. I was the last one to get on and the plane was moving in just a few minutes. I thank God that that was all over, but that was just the beginning of my trip. We landed at the capital of Bolivia where I had a one and a half hour layover before I boarded the next larger plane to La Paz and had to go through all through the check-in and screening again. I was very tired with less than three hours of sleep the night before. I had a window seat again, but this was just a short flight, and before we landed all I saw out the window was bare mountains with no trees. We landed in La Paz which is almost 15,000 feet in altitude, at 3:55pm. I was seated at the front of the plane so I was able to get off quickly since I had no carry-on and I needed to find a restroom soon. I passed the luggage area and nothing had arrived yet so I went looking for a Bano. I passed people who were there waiting for friends or loved ones to arrive and wonder what it would like to have someone waiting for me.But, I had no one waiting that I knew, then I saw a man sitting on a wooded bench all by himself by the exit of the airport where taxi drivers stood waiting to take people to their next destination, accose from them was a bathroom, but when I went in there were only two stalls and the one that was available the man before did not bother to lift up the set and just sprayed every area he could. I wonder what he was thinking and why. So I cleaned it up and finished why I was there and then washed my hands and left. The middle age Bolivian man was still sitting there and I thought I should see if he could help me. I had a phone number of a taxi man who said he would be happy to help me when I arrived in La Paz, however he never responded to my last two emails, but I still had his phone number and thought I would try one more time. So I went over and sat down next to the man and asked if he spoke English, he said just a little. Anyway, he seemed very friendly so I showed him a piece of paper I had with me. And I asked him if he could call this taxi man, and he did but got no response.He even text the man, with the same result. On the piece of paper was also an address for an apartment for $200 a month and I asked him if he could take me there. He said he would for $10 and I still had that one I was given in my wallet so I gave it to him, and then he said he was a taxi driver. I didn't know what to think, but to just trust God that this taxi driver was waiting for me. We walked back to the luggage area and by this time there was no one left there and my three bags were stacked on a lone cart waiting for me, with a bright orange tag straped to one of them, that said PRIORITY in big white letters. This was beginning to look like a divine appointment. The man took the cart with my luggage and we walked out of the airport and passed all the taxis that were waiting there. I was also laughing to myself at what I was doing by faith. At the edge of the parking lot was his car and on the dashboard was small sign said TAXI. Then he told me his name was Oscar and wrote it on my little piece of paper. As we drove, he would point out certain sights like a tourist guide. However, what really caught my eye was, we had been on a plato over a thousand feet above the heart of the city of La Paz with all its high rise apartment and office buildings far below us. As he drives down the busy winding pothole road, he has his phone talking to someone. Then we stopped and picked up a young man named Daniel Baptista who could speak English. Wow!  He was 26 and Oscar was his uncle and he would be leaving Bolivia in just a couple more months. As we drove, I shared with him my purpose for being in La Paz, and some of my experiences in South America and my faith in Christ. When we got to the valley floor, they were taking me to another apartment and said it would be 1100, and I asked if that was american dollars or Bolivian. He thought it was Bolivian. However when we arrived I since there would be a problem, because it was a tall beautiful all blue glass highrise with a large supermarket on the next block. I told God I would like a nice place, but this was too good to be true. They took my luggage up the 16th floor just below the top penthouse and we walked into a beautiful furnished three bedroom apartment. Okay I said how much is this really and it was american dollars.  I said I can't do that and help poor people too. I offered $400 and a blessing, but he wanted the full amount or asked if I would be willing to share with someone else, I said no. So we loaded my luggage back into the car. It was now 7pm and we left the airport at about 5pm. They asked if I was hungry and I said no, but they were, However, Daniel had another idea, and offered to let me stay at his house for the same amount, and he would stay with a friend close by, and he could still help me if I needed it. When we got there, Daniel and his mother, Jeanieth, came over and helped move all his clothes and change the bedding and cleaned the bathroom.and then I gave him the four $100 in american currency. I also gave Oscar an extra $50 for all his time and help to split with his nephew Daniel Baptista, who just helped me to have a nice place to live for a month. Later that night I sent them each an email thanking them again for all there help. The next day I got a responce from both of them, offering to help me in any way or go any where. By trusting God and taking steps of faith , I saw God answer all my prayer in coming here. The house was a large one bedroom apartment, with all cream color tile floor and a 11 foot ceiling with white crown molding on the edge. There are very large glass window with drapes coverings. The walls were clean and painted in Spanish pink. The bedroom had a queen size bed and a tall beautiful wood cabnit closet with drawers and rods to hang my clothes. The bathroom was small and had no shower doors by design, and a working toilet. All the fixtures were blood red in color. The living area had only a 4'desk and a 5' table with a chair, but that was all I needed and the room was over thirty feet long by fifteen and then a large dining area to the side. The kitchen is about 7'X20'and had a new modern gas stove and oven. However, there is no microwave or refrigerator, if you want something to stay cool, I was told, you keep it outside with a door at the end, since it is cold here, but learned doesn't snow here, only rain. But other people and animales could get to your food, not to mention bugs. The temperature here for the next week is in the upper fifty during the day and about mid to low 30 in the morning. This was a typical winter time here. My eating habits was going to change again for the love of God and all His children here in Bolivia. Great thing are going to happen, because the Kingdom of God is coming to earth. P.S. The taxi man who bailed on me, I had sent him an email before I left Paraguay and said that I forgave him, and that God would provide someone else to help me because He is faithful. In the long run, God had chosen someone else much better,also who was waiting for me, and He wanted to bless all of us, especially Danial Baptista.and Oscar my taxi driver sent by God. The next day I learned, manager of the beautiful highrise apartment was Oscar's son.