October 29, 2010

The Wonder of God

"I will come to you and fulfill my gracious promise to bring you back to this place. For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jer. 29:10-11).

Wow! What an incredible 'promise and hope' for all God's children. Our Heavenly Father knows our every thought, our every need and our every longing. He also knows all of the mistake we've ever made and are going to make. God is not angry with us, he still loves us. He has already made plans for us even before we said,"yes". We can't even grasp it, how much He wants that intimate relationship with us. He never gives up seeking to draw us closer to Himself. In the next verse the Lord shares His heart's desire and the conditions he asks of us.

"Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord,"and I will bring you back from captivity." (Jer. 29: 12-14).

What God is telling us here is that no matter what our situation is, He wants to draw us closer, to see our remorse, to hear how sorry we are and to show Him how much we love Him. He doesn't want a 'quickie.' He wants us to wait upon Him and to really know Him and His ways, which means He wants intimate time with us, honest words from us and a heart felt relationship of total trust and obedience to him. He love us with an incredible passion, calling us back home where He is waiting for us to return to His side. He has forgiven us of all of our sins and promised to restore us to our rightful position in His Kingdom.

The Lord Almighty has and is breaking the bonds and chains off our hearts and minds, that have kept us enslaved and apart from Him. Whether our situation is financial, emotional, physical, spiritual, or addictions of any kind; nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible with God. It's never too late and we're never too old and the past is not our future. There are so many examples of His love in the Bible, where God took the nobodies like Abraham (from childless to father of many nations), David (a forgotten son becomes a king), the prophets (many from farmer to oracle), Simon Peter (fisherman to fisher of men), Rahab (harlot to lineage of Christ) and countless others who were transformed into great men and women of God. All those who seek God with their whole heart, are called to be Kings and Priests of the Lord. So let us not despair or give up, no matter how bad things may look for the moment. Just keep seeking, trusting and waiting on God, He wants us to let go of our past and grab hold of our future in Christ.
"I'm somewhere in the future and I look much better than I do right now." 
Kim Clement

October 22, 2010

The Greatest Communicator

There have been a number of people throughout history, who were known as great communicators. There may even be a few today, but are people really listening? Some people call that ability a gift or talent. These people are able to gather information, thoughts or feelings, and present them in a such a way for large groups of people to understand them. Some of these people have been politicians, lawyers, religious leaders or teachers. 

Many have their own unique style or way of communicating. They can also be very persuasive, dramatic or intimidating, by their choice of words, tone of voice, body language, and even their looks. Others can be fascinating, eloquent or entertaining and people enjoy listen to them or maybe because they're good looking. But, if the information they give is incorrect, not useful, boring, or offensive what good is it, even if others may listen to it. It's just a waste of your time and maybe your money. 

However, it doesn't matter how well one communicated, if people don't want to listen or read it. The speaker might as well be talking to a dummy or a blank wall. The value of any information they give is only as good has its source, and if its beneficial and fulfills its intended purpose. When the information is faulty or doesn't help anyone. First hand knowledge is always better and the best place for knowledge and wisdom comes from the Bible. 

People should know the Bible for themselves and not depend on others "expertise." People should be very familiar with the "red letters edition" of the Bible, because they were the words of Jesus. He was and is the Greatest Communicator and the example for everyone to follow. His words have the power to change people's lives and His life has influenced millions of others. 

Jesus message was simple yet profound and sometimes even complex. He drew examples from life and nature so that any one could understand the mysteries and wonders of God. He fascinated the young and the educated. However I believed the best thing anyone could learn was from a statement He made to Martha, "Mary has chosen the best position." (Luke 10:42) She chosen to set at Jesus' feet and listen. A position we should all take, if we want to learn anything at all.

Jesus said and did what He saw His Father saying and doing." (John 5:19/ Mt. 12:50) No one ever spoke like Jesus. His words were spoken with power and authority and yet He was also kind and gentle. He always drew upon His Father for His source of information, by communicating with Him in prayer regularly. Therefore, we should do likewise. Then we will become better communicators, by allowing His Spirit to speak through us. 

Jesus often spoke in parables, it was easy for people to remember. Yet, even with Jesus' ability to communicate, there were still those who didn't understand Him, because their hearts weren't right. He said, "while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand." Which was exactly what the prophet Isaiah prophesied:

"You will keep on hearing, but not understand; you will keep on seeing, but not perceive; for the heart of this people has become dull, and with their ears they scarcely hear..." (Mt.13:13-15)

As you see, Jesus ability to communicate didn't always get the results he wanted, but it wasn't His fault. He explained this problem in the parable of the Seed Sower also. Where some seeds fell on the road, rocky soil or among thorns and produced nothing. Yet other seeds landed in fertile soil producing 30, 60, and 100 fold. (Mt. 13:1-23) The seed is the Word of God. As you see people have to be willing to receptive His words and apply them to their life, if they want to bear fruit. But it can only be accomplished, by being leading of His Holy Spirit.   

Jesus is the Truth, the Life and The Way. His words are seeds that produce Life, and they will produce everlasting life in everyone who receives all His words (now and forever).  This is the foundation of the Great Communicator. There is no one else who can make these claims or has the power to accomplish what He says. 

Jesus and His Father always communicated with each other and Jesus sometimes shared it with the people, especially His disciples. Sometimes to no avail it seemed, but eventually they would all understand (just like us). However, sometimes Jesus actions spoke louder than His words. Like when He washed the disciple's feet, or stood silent before His accusers, or hung on a cross for our sins.

Jesus often told his disciples secrets (Mt. 6:31-34) He also said that He would send the Holy Spirit to teach them after He was gone (John 14:16,26) and that His Spirit would guide them into all truth (John 16:13). God desires to speak to all His disciples, sons and daughters and share with them His heart and plans for them. His voice and the Bible are still communicating to those who believe.

The scripture also says. "That God does nothing without first revealing it to His prophets." (Amos 3:7) God is still in the communicating business. And lately He has been talking to us about restoration, dreams, new beginnings, Kingdom authority, the power of words, the supernatural, miracle and abiding in Him.  

The Father wants to help anyone who is willing to listen. The Scripture says, if any man lacks wisdom let him ask of God who give generously, when done in faith (James 1:5-6). God doesn't usually help, if we don't ask, believe and surrender to His will. Jesus said: 

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and does them, they may be compared to a wise man who build his house upon a rock..." (Mt.7:24) Jesus Christ is that Rock and the Greatest Communicator. Amen!

October 14, 2010

The Greatest Show on Earth

The greatest event in history is about to begin, and the Ringmaster will be the Heavenly Father himself. He will be center stage and orchestrating mind boggling events and powers that the world has never seen before. And the good news, it's FREE! It won't cost you anything. However, you'll have to be at the right place and at the right time, if you want to see it. Sometimes there may be some advance notice and other times you may just hear about it. Some of the action will be captured by news media or video cameras to be seen live, or later on national TV networks, or the Internet.

God is not dead nor has He been hiding. His supernatural power have been seen before, especially in ancient history and various other times throughout history, and on every continent. There has also been some powerful movements of God, in the past hundred years. However, nothing will compare to what He is about to do this time. Things are rapidly changing. 

Are you ready, waiting and expecting? You have a choice as to whether you want to be a spectator, setting in the bleachers, or a participator, allowing God's power and authority to work through you. Don't be content with the status quo, just to sit and watch. Let God know that you want to be "in" on the action. Then surrender to His love with all your heart, that's the only price you'll have to pay for now. Yet, it will cost you more later,  but it's worth it.

The Heavenly Father is going to pour out His Spirit and blessings for all to see. Millions of lives will be changed and people set free instantly; as their hearts turn toward God. They will find the peace and joy they never knew before. There will also be an overturn in governments and businesses that were never expected. We will also see people who have missing limbs restored before our very eyes. And hundreds of people raised from the dead. There will be thousands and then millions of people healed of their sickness and diseases in the USA and much more worldwide. As God move across this planet and through His sons and daughters in the years to come.

Marriages and families will be also restored that once looked hopeless or impossible. There will be changes in worship, prosperity and technology for helping mankind and there will be signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth, all testifying of the amazing power of God. We are heading into an incredible and unbelievable time, "a new age" called, the Kingdom of God. And we will see the greatest display of His love, grace and mercy; that the world has ever known.

For years prophets, ministers and people have been talking about a mighty move of God coming. Nothing likes anything we've seen or heard of before. I have felt this way for a number of years, thinking maybe this would be the year, but it wasn't. However, God has been speaking to us of "new beginnings" for months and recently "this would be the best year of our lives." Now He's saying, "This is the year, of the supernatural." It all starts with small beginnings and it will continue to grow and multiply until it becomes the Greatest Show on Earth. 

"The time of the Kingdom of God is at hand. The time of reigning is at hand. Overturn is before your people. Overturn is coming, say the Lord. It will not be as religious has declared. It will not be as man declares. Prophets will shut their mouths in the presence of the Lord. The Lord Himself is coming to judge, and all things will be made right, because of His righteousness. And all the people will bow, because of His Glory. 
No more will men raise their heads above another, for the Lord Jesus himself will be God's head and only mankind His shoulders. The Love of God will be the administration and gifts will show their appreciation. For Christ is coming to judge the the world. The Shofar is beginning to blast His return and it will not be as man thought. The Holy Spirit, like a dove, is coming upon the righteous ones and they will be set apart to finish their lot.
My sons, my people are moving into a new Kingdom Age, and the birth pains are severe on the young and the aged. For the Lord is coming to set up His thrown—to visit His people—to create a new home. The righteous rule beneath their Lord, and angels will bow and throw down their swords. For this mess of a world, has been in war and chaos, wars and chaos. It's transitioning now and overturning. You will see the Lords returning. The vision is coming clearer and clearer, because you have commanded the Light to enter. You have commanded the Light to enter. I told you both, some days ago, "Don't despise the days of small beginnings." (A portion of a prophecy spoken by Sheldon David on 9-17-2010)

October 8, 2010

Mask of Humility

Many years ago there was a TV program called, The Lone Ranger, that I watch when I was a child. I know that dates me, but many others have enjoy seeing it as well in reruns. Today, there are other superheros capturing of the hearts and minds of children and adults. Yet, the Lone Ranger was the first masked TV hero. The ranger's life had once been saved by an Indian, and now he felt an obligations to help others in return. Yet, he always wanted to remain anonymous even after risking his life to help someone else. Near the end of each program, the recipient would say, "Who was that masked man?"—as he rode away on his white horse. Then someone would say, "I don't know." And another person would reply, "That was the Lone Ranger."

In the movie, Superman, we have a similar situation. One night after saving Lois Lane's life, Superman gives her a breathtaking trip over the city and beyond—via his superpower. When they touch ground again, she asked Superman this question, "Who are you?" He replied, with a smile and said, "I'm a friend," and then he flies away. Nearly every superhero has sought to keep their true identity a secret for as long as possible, including Jesus.
In the New Testament, we read about many wonderful and incredible miracles of Jesus. On one occasion after feeding a multitude of people with just a few loaves of bread and some fishes, Jesus asked his disciples this question, "Who do the people says I am?" They answered Him by saying, that some people thought He was John the Baptist, or Elijah; but others thought He was a prophet raised from the dead. And Jesus said to them, "But, who do you say that I am." Peter quickly replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Then Jesus told His disciples, that this revelation came from His Father in heaven. However, He strictly warned them that they were not to tell anyone, that He was the Christ, until after His death.
This account and question is recorded in the first three Gospels. Yet, what's interesting to note is that in Luke's account, Jesus presented this question to his disciple after spending some time alone in prayer (Luke 9:18). It's obvious, the significance of this question, for it is one we all have to answer and give an accounting for in the way we live and think. But, it also showed Jesus true humility. We should also take time in prayer, to consider how we want people to perceive us.
Jesus also told His disciples on another occasion, that they would do greater works than Him, if they believed. Near the end of Jesus ministry, the disciples were disputing among themselves again, which one of them would be the greatest. Jesus told them and showed them by example, that only when they humbled themselves and became as child or a servant to others, would they be recognized and be blessed by God. (Luke 22:24; John 13:14-17)
Today, there are many people wearing masks and disciple disguises that make themselves look different from who they really are. Yet the scripture, tells us that true disciples of Jesus would be known by their love (John 13:35). We are not to do anythings with selfish motives or seek the attention of others. Jesus warned the pharisees of this and their hypocrisy (Mt. 23:13-36). These are things that we should also avoid doing.
As God pours out His Spirit upon all flesh in these last days, it is important for us to remember who we are. We are to be the Light that shines out to all men, so that they may see our good works and give glory to God. (Mt. 5:16) Only those who wear the mask of humility are the true disciples of Jesus and have His authority. So the next time you look in the mirror—ask yourself, "Who am I... someone who seeks attention or someone who serves?"

October 6, 2010

sex, Sex and More SEX

In the beginning there was God, and He created man, and then He made women. Then God said to both of  them, "Go— have sex and multiply," then He said to mankind, " Do it again, and again and again; until the earth is filled with all your lustful and selfish desires. And when you're all through and have devastated and wasted your lives, then come unto Me and I will restore your ravaged souls and heal your broken hearts." No, that's not what God said, but it seems to be pretty much what they have done, except the last part. However, God is still waiting for them. 

This world for the most part is spiritually ignorant, and has become obsessed with "sex" and "money." One or both of them are at the forefront of most people's minds. Those two words have also become an easy way to get peoples attention. Case and point, sex sells merchandise. But, what does it take for God to get our attention or for people to buy what He's offering.

There's so many voices calling out today, that the voice of truth is almost lost in the competition for people's hearts and minds. It seems to take a "catchy phrase" or "buzz word" get people to stop, look and listen. And when they do stop, many will say, "Oh, I've heard that," or "I've read that stuff before," even when they read a Blog article. Then there are some ministers or TV evangelists, who have distorted the gospel to make it more appealing. Now, even some people are getting tired of hearing that stuff too, as they struggle through life, still feeling empty and poor.

Jesus Christ was and is not just another voice, nor was John the Baptist. Yet, even while Jesus was on earth and did many miracles. Most of the people quit listening, because they no longer cared for what He had to say, or understood Him or His intentions. Maybe they thought He was just too extreme. However, their feelings dramatically changed toward Him, after the day of Pentecost. And for a next 300 hundred years the message of Jesus Christ and His Father swept the world. But, things gradually changed after that, with religion taking over. Now, things are pretty much back to square one, with most people still obsessed with sex and self-indulgence. But that is about to change again.

The sons of God are not just another voice either. Our prayers, are that God will prepares the hearts and mind of people so they will be able to hear His voice. That the Holy Spirit will move upon peoples lives in such a way as to bring Light into their lives; either now, tomorrow or sometime in the future. God is answering those prayers. 

The truth we have written and share comes from God's heart. God's anointing on His sons words are intended to pierce the minds and soften harden hearts. So that people will be restored and turn back to their Heavenly Father.

Our prayers are also to see people set free from worldly and religious thinking and come to know the desires of God's heart. To have an intimate relationship with the Creator Himself. God is looking for such people, who are disparate, hungry and lonely. Who have had enough of this world and its empty promises. If, you truly want something satisfying and long lasting, to fill the void inside, only God can do that. Jesus Christ is the ultimate ecstasy.

People want change, they're tired and angry of what government, society and religion is trying to sell them. They want to see real power and real love, like the God and the Jesus of the Bible. They don't want to hear just talk. 

God is coming soon and things are going to change. Yet, maybe not quite the way or as quickly as some wanted or expected Him, yet welcomed just the same. Then they will be inspired to change also, and together we will all declare, with the angels of heaven.
 "Holy, Holy, Holy the whole earth is filled with His glory."
 (Isaiah 6:3)