March 26, 2012


I love actions and adventure movies, even when they add a little romance to them. I don't mind that, in fact I love it. They remind me of Jesus and how He came to save His bride from the evil forces of this world. I also love a good romance movie too. Sometimes they make me happy and other times they can cause me to get upset or very sad, because of the pain that usually comes with loving someone. It is very hard to watch or experience the lose of someone you love, or the things people will allow to hinder their love.

I'm curious how marriages survive that don't know Jesus Christ, and why some don't who do know Him. It's strange, but marriages don't always turnout the way we would like, hope or plan. You see it in the movies or read it in romance novels all the time. Life has many twists and turns that we can never anticipate. There are no guarantees regarding love or marriages, but God's love and grace will always be there for us. He also has His reasons for why things happen.
 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)
Sometimes when I see couples together or getting married or driving around in their "Just married" cars, I often wonder how long it will last. I know that sounds rather negative or morbid, but considering over fifty present of all marriages will fail; those are not very good odds. My desire for them is that their love will grow and that they will most of all, come to know Jesus Christ. I also wonder what they will be willing to do to make their marriage last or what will cause them to eventually fail. I'm trusting God and declaring that those percentages for marriages will improve in the years ahead. 

However, not every love story or marriage has a happy ending, even those written in the Bible. There is a famous quote: "Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?" I agree with that; everyone needs to love and be loved, despite the cost. I know Jesus felt the same way too.

Note: God's love never fails, and there is one marriage that will never fail. It also has a happy ending. You can find it in the Book of Revelation, chapter 19. In fact the whole Bible is really a love story, just like the books of Ruth and Esther. And of course there is the Song of Solomon, which is a prophetic a picture of Christ's love for His bride. If you are interested in reading more about His awesome love, there is a wonderful book called The Divine Romance, by Gene Edwards.

(Next week I will share some really exciting revelations of what this relationship with Christ entails.) 

March 19, 2012

They're Coming Down

Do you hear it? Do you hear the sound of marching? My army is marching around the walls. Those walls that divide my Kingdom and my people. I'm destroying the walls that separate you, my brothers...and my sisters. I'm also smashing those walls that intimidate, hinder and confine you. And I will even expose and crush the walls that come between you and me, says the Lord. 

So don't despair, I'm answering your spirit's cry... Your prayers are bringing down walls. So don't give up, the victory is near. The victory is yours — the victory is mine.

Are you ready? Are you ready to shout? My army is marching, and the walls are coming down. This is not madness, this is the power of my love, grace and mercy for you, my church, my bride— says the Lord.

The Lord wants us to be free, and He is going to do whatever it takes to make that possible. Whether its breaking chains off our lives or removing walls, He wants to see all His children free.
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery."  
(Galatians 5:1)

March 12, 2012

Thumb Sucking

On March 2sd, Sheldon David had a Friday evening meeting at his house. It was a time he felt God wanted others to get together for worship and be in God's presence. It started at 6:30 and there was worship music to sing along with if you wanted. This continued for about an hour. Then we prayed and talked about what was on our hearts. It was about 8:30 and David said, most people would be ready to go home now, but that would only be about 30 fold of what God had intended. So he asked if we wanted more, and we all did. So he put on more praise and worship music and things really began to change.

The room got hot with the presence of God, plus there were a few lit candles to set the mood. Those who had been raising their hands earlier were now dancing—some by themselves, others in groups and a few as married couples. It was awesome, and I even danced with my wife. People were laughing and praising God, some were laying flat on the floor and others were just holding each other. It was beautiful. I had not seen anything like this for almost 20 years; back when David first had meetings. This was a picture of true ecclesia, the church-life that meets in homes. Then we all sat down and God started to share His heart through David.

After David had prophesied to the others, he turned to me. I was not sure what God would have to say, because He had already said so many things over the years. But this past year has been most challenging for me and I was a little bit nerves to say the least. But God did have some things to say and I'll share them as best as I can remember. The Lord said, "I'm examining you, Israel. Like a doctor to a patient—I'm examining you. I can see some things that need fixing and you know they need fixing, and I will fix them."

This was no surprise to me. Then the Lord continued to say, "I already said you'll have a visitation and revelations of the Father, as you move forward one foot at a time. You're an incredible man of faith and your reward will be great... I have not forgotten my promises to all your grandchildren, especially Joshua. However, I need to fix you and I'll do it on the road." Sounds good to me, but then God said, "Stop sucking your thumb and whining that life is hard... I'm expecting a lot of faith from you and it will be rewarded. People will be freed through you and you also will be free. You spent years in identity crisis, now you'll find out who you are in Christ out there. Sheldon and Roberta know this is true, and you'll find it as you go forward. Where there are hardships know that I'm fixing these areas. I've given you so much and you must believe I will meet you in your faith, even in the difficult times." I knew this was true also, but that one phrase, "quit sucking your thumb," was a shocker.

The more I thought about that the more upset I got. This was a subtle rebuke, but a rebuke just the same, and I was not a happy camper. This only goes to show there are definitely some areas in my heart that need to be fixed. Yet, everyone there was a son or daughter of God and He said encouraging things to them. Plus, He revealed some of their future and exposed areas that also needed His help. There were things we all needed to do or not do, but mainly cast off all our fears.

We're a part of the same family, and the heavenly Father was there that night to help us, even discipline, if necessary. Yet in front of all these people, God told me to quit sucking my thumb. I'm almost 65 years old and I don't suck my thumb. So what was God really saying? I know the Lord wasn't trying to be mean. Then God spoke to David about his life and then some others prayed and thanked God for David's life and love for God and the Church. It was 10:45 and an awesome night. As we were getting ready to leave, some said they would like to do this again and others agreed, including me.

After we got home, my wife and I talked until almost 1:30am about the things God said to everyone. (She had taken some notes.) And then we went to bed. I was very tired, but satan wanted to create an offense between God and me, over this statement of "thumb sucking." Finally, I reminded myself that God loves me, and I commanded satan to back off. Then I thought more about the comparison God was making.

Why does a child suck their thumb? There are a number of reasons; insecurity, fears, and some suck their thumbs because it's comforting and calming. For a baby this is normal, but when they get older the practice can become a habit. Some children return to their thumb when tired, scared, bored, sick, or trying to adjust to new challenges or lull themselves back to sleep. This is fine for a young child. However, it's not normal for an adult. But sometimes we can be doing this figuratively, because we're not really trusting God in some area.

What I believe God was telling me is don't be afraid and quit complaining. He has given me everything I need and I don't need to worry about the circumstances now or even later, and I certainly don't need to get sympathy from others. For example, the other day I saw a picture of a beautiful house and it cause me to reflect on what I was leaving and other carnal things. That's was so foolish considering I'm heading for the greatest adventure of my live in a few months, and this is no time to feel sorry for myself. Satan's would want me to focus on comfort, the past or what I might miss. But the Lord say, "Do you believe that the plans I have for you are for your good and success." My answer is "yes Lord, I do believe." 

So from now on, I'll try harder not to suck my thumb. Sure I will be living it a van for a while, but it certainly beats riding a donkey and living on the street—that's for sure. God said, "You are blessed." And that's good enough for me.

Note: Often when God reveals something to me, I share it, because I don't believe I'm just the only one who may feel this way at times. We are sons and daughters of God and He has great things in store for all of us. You can count on that, so why should we feel sorry for ourselves. I'm still a work in progress, but I'm not going to let a little pride get in the way of this awesome journey.

March 5, 2012

The Mind of Christ

  And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.

 We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. No, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him," these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.

 The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them, because they are discerned only through the Spirit. The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, for,
   “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.
 I Corinthians 2:1-16

What the apostle Paul is saying here is no different today, and is no different than what I too desire, but the principle of it has been nearly lost due to the bad teachings of man's doctrine, theology and fleshly desires. However, for those of us who are not content to go along with the status quo, but have chosen to listen and seek the mind of Christ. We have learned the Truth and the Truth has set us free. 

To the sons of God the Lord says, "I am your shield, guide and every great reward. Not only will I protect and lead you to your destiny, I am your destiny."