March 28, 2011

A Revelation of Revelation

Many Bible scholars, theologians and ministers have debated for centuries on the interpretation of the book of Revelation. There have been hundreds of charts and diagrams made, thousands of books written and millions sold regarding end-time events. There have been dozens of movies depicting the end of the world. All to prove that man has a very creative imagination, and loves to speculate. These perceptions also add to the fears of people or make them dull to the possiblity of judgment, while others make millions of dollars.

The scriptures says that God does nothing without first reveling His secrets to His prophets. (Amos 3:7) Such was the case with prophets in the Old Testament. And in the New Testament you have mainly Jesus, the Prophet of prophets, and John the Revelator. Today there are many prophets, but not all speak for God and not all prophecy with 100% accuracy. Time will prove their legitimacy. God knows which ones are faithful to Him and those who are not. He also knows that they're human.

 William Branham was the probable the most accurate prophet in the 20th century, but still some of his prophecy didn't really express the heart of God. Especially in regards to an awful earthquake along
the California coast. True, a lot of sin has been promoted through Hollywood and has polluted much of the world with it's filth. As well as other issues in San Francisco.But God still loves the people and He doesn't want to see millions of them die. In fact there is going to be a great move of God in this nation and especially in the state of California where there will be nearly a dozen places that He calls "hot spots."

Kim Clement is probably the most popular prophet today and he is quite accurate, but not perfect. The things I really like when I've gone to Kim's meetings, is that he plants destiny into people's lives, especially children. And that the prophecies he give are positive. This is definitely the heart of the Father that the world needs to hear. He is very positive about a brighter future and that's good. His music is also something the young people can definitely relate to, and few old ones too. God has also raised up other prophets that will speak the heart of God along with incredible power and authority. 

We have seen a lot of disasters around the world recently, which have tempted many to believe that "The Rapture" is near and that "The Great Tribulation" will follow and then the Battle of Armageddon. However, it is foolish for men to make doctrines out of their beliefs and try to calculate the mind of God, unless they're told by Yahweh Himself. Here's what the Lord shared with us regarding the book of Revelation. 

"For thousands of years people have been looking at the Word of God. And for the most part people see it as a history book or as a prophetic book. A book about the past or a book about the future. Some people see it as the now book. But for the most part, it's a history book to people or a book about future events.

What people don't really realize is that the book of Revelations is just one book out of sixty-six books. And in the end of the book of Revelation things happen rapidly—the "Fall of Babylon," the merging the Kingdom of God. Those thing happen rapidly. How it works out in the natural world in some ways may not be rapidly. The "Cup of Wrath" being poured out on the earth—it may be happening one way today and in another kingdom tomorrow and in another kingdom a year from now, five years and ten years. And the  Kingdom of God coming down from heaven has been going on for thousands of years and it will continue to come down for many, many years.

Your part in it all (as prophets) is to proclaim, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done. I'm not talking about the words you just spoke. But to proclaim every aspect of the Kingdom that is reveled to you. Every aspect that our Father revels to you, every aspect, just proclaim it. See I made it east for you. Preachers like to talk and so just talk. Just say it, just proclaim it. If you saw it, it is done. You saw it and it was good. You saw it and it was good—that's pretty cool. If you see something, you simply proclaim it as accomplished—see it as good."
(Portion of a prophecy spoke by Sheldon David on December 24, 2010)

Comment: I noticed that I lost some of my readers after my article on Things are Changing. Hopefully just temporally. But, I'm not at all surprised. Many things Jesus said offended people and it's no different today or maybe I just need to give them a little more time to think it over.  I already told you God was shaking up my beliefs and theology too.

Someday, Lord willing, I would like to publish a book of my blog articles. Hopefully by then more people will be interested and ready. I hope that people who have followed our blog sites realize how fortunate and blessed we are to have gotten to know more of the Father's heart.  

The Father's love for us is unmeasurable.

March 25, 2011

An Audience of One

In my last article I mentioned that we have sometimes wondered what the readers on our blog site think. Here's a response from the Lord.

"You ask who's reading my stuff? Who really cares? I've asked you to stop thinking like an American thinks, and think like God thinks. That if God was your only audience would you sing, would you dance, would you write, would you paint, would you fight? If God was your only friend, your only audience. 

Tonight I'm suggesting—showing you that your audience is one. Christ is your audience. Those who are in Him or will be in Him—might have ears to hear and eyes to see. Because Christ is more than one man. He's a multi-member man. But your audience is one—Christ. And your life matters or I wouldn't have spent all these years with you—disciplining you, Fathering you, loving you, comforting you and provide a way for you to release all your guilt and shame or saved you. David, you realize you are speaking Kingdom things onto the earth you have a voice that carries... an ability to bring forth things to the earth."

"It is important to know who you are, but not necessary to tell everyone. Sometimes not even when people ask. But we should never be ashamed of how God see us or what He says we are. Humility is the true test of sonship. It's not necessary to go around and advertise who you are and there are some secrets that God shares that are meant to stay that way even from your spouse."

"Learning to be humble is not easy on the flesh. The flesh want to be recognized and be important. John the Baptist and Jesus both set good examples of true humility."

(A portions of a prophecy from David on August 27, 2010)

March 21, 2011

Things are Changing

"The earth is changing, an eminence amount of change, and the sons of God will simply rise up to what I made them to be. Simply living out the passion in their lives. If it were were not for the sons of God the earth would simply gravitate toward religion. For within the mouths of the sons of God are the keys for hope and a future. The prophets that prophesy through human history, even many who spoke in my name shall wear mud on their faces. It's the Face of Christ that is revealed in the coming decade. It will reveal the sons of God, the Body of Christ.

Every religion on the face of the earth, it doesn't matter which, seek to conform people, to their thoughts and minds, and make them more like it; to prove religious relevance, to prove such mindset relevant. The Catholic church will keep promoting it's celibacy bondage. Evangelicals will keep promoting "God hates fags." The Pentecostals will keep promoting "The Rapture."

The sons of God are not men and women with a cause. They have the Heart of Christ. They have the heart of the Father and that is all that they seek to promote—the heart of God."

(A portion of a prophecy from David on Feb. 4, 2011) 

Dear friends, you have noticed that I have been sharing some prophecies with you over this past year and more of them recently. That because the Lord has be saying more to us and I want to share some of them with you. You may have also noticed that they're a little bit different than other prophecies you may have heard. That's because they are. 

Sheldon and I get together on Friday evening to pray and worship. (These meetings usually start about 6:30 PM and last until well after midnight.) During this time God visits us and speaks through Sheldon, just like other prophets. The presence of God is very real and you can sense it. However, when God speaks it's different—it's what He calls "conversational prophecy," meaning God talks to us and sometimes answers questions we have been pondering—just like friends. It is fascinating to watch and hear. God also shares His heart about things dealing with the past, present and future of our lives, the Church and world events. He also talks to us about the Kingdom of God, the Bible and the prophetic meaning behind His word and the stories that are written in it, along with the lives of certain men and women, especially Abraham, David and Jesus. The Lord also share things that He is about to do and we are to declare them to the Body of Christ so they can be encourage. Lately He has been re-enforcing who we are and what we have in Christ. But every ministry starts with small beginnings, just as it did with Jesus, and God will bring the increase in His time.

During these times together we have also receive His blessings, rebukes, instructions, encouragements and most of all His incredible love. Some of that I have also shared with you. God's love is the same for everyone, regardless of their calling. In fact, God wants to speak to all His children, sons and daughters. We need to believe that!

Sheldon David is a very blessed man. He is also a very humble and busy man. David is also God's artist, as well as a prophet and lately he has been busy painting prophetic pictures, because that is what God wants him to do. (They are unique and awesome.) Therefore, David hasn't written much on his blog site lately. God also has plans for him to write more books that will change peoples lives for generations to come. As sons of God we are portals for the power of God to flow through in order to being His will to earth, just as it was and is for other prophets of God. Each one of us has a specific purpose and that includes you.

In the meantime David spend more time painting (which he really enjoys), and I write. I'm sharing more of God's heart, often using my personal life's experiences. I also share portions of these prophecies, which Sheldon records and give me CD copies. However, this is not the only time David prophecy. He does it at church, on the phone with other ministers and often when he is alone with God. The Lord also want others to know what on His heart and mind as well.

Sometimes we have wondered what our readers think. Some may think we're crazy or full of BS, and chose not to follow are articles and that's OK. It doesn't really matter what they think. More important is that we say and do what God wants. To are regular followers, we trust and pray that your lives are touched by God's heart. And hope you have been inspired to be a part of this wonderful, exciting and often challenging journey of following Jesus. That you too are seeing and experiencing the awesome love of the Father, and know that Christ is the pearl worth sacrificing everything for. There is an incredible future ahead for all those who are in Christ Jesus.

We have also wondered why God chose us, just as other men and women have wondered the same thing. We're really not better than anyone else, our past would prove that. However God said, It was His choice. Sure we have made sacrifices, but there are others who have made greater ones, which only goes to prove that it is God's choice rather than ours. We are all chosen vessel used by God to help complete the Body and Bride of Christ and to fulfill His will for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Note: God is raising up more prophets and ministers out of the most unlikely places. Characters and rebels who appearances are and will shock many, like Todd Bently. As Sheldon put it, "These people will really jerk the shorts on many religious people and ministers." Things are changing and God grace is going to be overwhelming in the years to come. The Lord will use whomever He wishes, and I say, amen to that.

March 17, 2011

Faith in the 21st Century

"Abraham didn't just have the title, the Father of Faith. Faith was his modem. It was the way his spiritual life worked and so it does with you. There are some things that are similar and some things that are different. We don't focus on the circumstances so much, because you live in the 21st century world. The dirt look the same, the trees look pretty much the same and the water looks the same, human look primarily the same, some differences. But faith has not changed.

The secret to faith is not trying to work it independently. It's simply tapping into the will of God. The already established will of the Father. And in the place then a person can operate in faith. I mean faith works when a person works in the already established faith. To receive healing some other way doesn't really work very well. You believe you've receive it, you claim it, you accept the finish work of Jesus. You eat properly, sleep OK, you get some sunshine and fresh air, and you should be healthy—common sense.

A person who seeks to be financially blessed. They need to sow and reap by faith. They need to sow and reap. They need to yield up their first fruit to the Lord. A person simply taps into the already established word of God. (Your are blessed) And so I explain the will of the Father for you, your lives and the Body of Christ. Operate your faith where I want you to, not at the level where you were.

Why people mess up in their health is, because they're doing the exact opposite of what I'm doing. They're going to doctors when that not what I'm saying. They're taking pills when I'm saying otherwise. And it's not working for them, because they are doing what they want to do. They're doing what they know to do, instead of doing what the word of God has shown them to do. The already established plan of the Father.

You read the Word of God and then you act on it and set others free. You pray the way the Word of God tells you. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are or what the devil says. People who do otherwise are following blind guides. I'm showing you who you are and where you're going. So you can operate in the faith that is connected to that, it doesn't matter what other people say. You will prosper if you simply do what the word of God says. Everything will work out sweet for your lives, when you follow what I have shown you."

(portion of a prophecy spoken on Jan. 28, 2011)

"Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness." (Matthew 9:35) And He hasn't changed since. We can count on Him every time. It is never God's will for any child of God to die of a sickness or disease. Never! It is only something man has come to expected and accepted. That mindset has been re-enforced by the lies of the enemy and unbelief.

It is very difficult for Christians to accept the truth, because of old habits that much of what the world is born into. I too was born in a hospital. My parents took my brother and I to doctors whenever we were sick. When I got married and had our daughter, we followed the practice of what had become common especially with the aid of health insurance. My wife and I were both raised in church and went to Bible colleges, the instructors and ministers talked about faith in God, but their practices or beliefs seem to be that you went to doctors first and if they couldn't help you then you turn to Jesus. Unless you didn't have the money or insurance to pay the medical system first. Those two things, money and insurance, have become a crutch to what most people call faith.

I eventually became bothered by these habits, especially when I heard stories of miraculous headings. I wanted to believe that God was the same today as He was in the Bible. Then I met Sheldon, a young man of God who believed what the Bible said and lived it. I decided to do the same. Sheldon gave me the book Healing the Sick, by T.L. Osborn. Then I also started to change what I ate. Then we learned to live debt free in a Christian seminar at the time when when we were about to lose our first house, because we had borrowed so much for so many things. We learn to live with less and to be thankful for what we had. 

In the long run we experienced miracles of God's blessings. Then in 1993 I read a book called Born in Zion, by Carol Balizet, that was the big turning point for me. The author was a former nurse and now she was involved in home birth ministry. She shared many personal stories and miracles that proved to me beyond a doubt that we can live without the medical system. Simply by trusting and obeying God's will.

Since then God has taken my faith to even greater levels, which is what He desires for all His children and sons and daughters—to trust Him more and more in every aspect of our lives. Even in those life threatening situation, which I had once. How else do you expect to personally experience and see miracles? We're not to live by sight or feelings, but by faith in God's word and what He tells us to do. 

Faith operates best when there are no back-up plans or alternatives.

Wouldn't you rather trust in Jesus than the false securities and systems of men? I've learn to avoid those forms of protections, because they took my faith and dependency away from God. Don't listen to what other people say, or their fears, or their personal experiences. Trust in God, just like the three Hebrew children did in the firery furnace experience. They believed in God no matter what it would cost them. That's the wonderful thing about the Abraham Covenant, God is obligated to keep His word to you. Beside He love us and wants us healed and free from all forms of bondage more than we do. That why the ropes were burned off the three men and yet there was no harm to them or their clothes. They were free and protected, even in the mist of the fire.

If you haven't made Christ your healer and protector, you can begin today. Just take simple steps of faith and place your trust in Him with all your heart. Don't lean on your own understanding, but in all you ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) You may be a little nerves or fearful at first, however, just be honest and tell God. But you're still going to trust Him, right? And you'll be glad you did. We should also to learn to walk in divine health, because there is no sickness in Christ. Neither is there any sickness or disease in the Kingdom of God. Satan may try to attack your health, but you resist and cast it off by faith.

Remember, God wants to build your faith in Him, so don't hesitate. The enemy, friends and even family will try to convince you that you are acting foolish. I've heard all the excuses before too. So ignore them. And if you fail along the way just admit it and try again. God understands your fears and He still loves you, and He will help you overcome those fears. Just keep your eyes on Jesus and trust in His words regardless of your past experiences or failings. Many ministers have set poor examples in this areas, but Christ is our example and He healed them all.  

Note: Peter would of never known that he could walk on water, if he had not gotten out of the boat when the Lord said, "Come." Today the Lord is still saying to His disciples, come unto me and I will heal thee (your spirit, soul and body), completely. Trust in Me, alone!

March 15, 2011

Taking Down Goliath

Most of us are familiar with the story of David and Goliath from either reading about it or hearing it as a child. As you remember the Philistine's army had gathered against the Israelites who were waiting on the opposite mountain. The Philistine's sent their champion, Goliath, out into the valley between them, and from there he taunted the army of Israel for forty days. Now Goliath was a giant of a man, bigger than life, and he was heavily armed and protected with body armor and shield. Every morning and evening he challenged Israel to sent out a man to fight him, and whoever lost their people would become the servants of the other man's country. But no soldier was willing to accept the challenge, because the King and his army were afraid and shaking in their sandals.

That is until a young boy named David showed up. He was only seventeen and he had brought food for his three older brothers, who had been drafted into Saul's army. But when David heard Goliath's challenge, he was incensed that someone would taunt the army of God. David told his brothers that he would go out and fight the giant, but they only laughed and mocked him. But some other soldiers heard David and brought him to the king. Then he explained his qualifications to King Saul and why he would fight the big mouth bully. Yet no one really believed the boy could win, but what choice did they have. All they could do is hope and pray that David would win, as they watched him go down to meet the giant. Now, their fate lied in the hands of a brave young boy and their God.

Several months earlier, David had been anointed by the prophet Samuel. The old prophet told David that he was God's choice to be the next King of Israel. Therefore, David already knew his future and that he wouldn't die that day. It was a well kept secret, that even his own family thought it was absurd. So David went out and faced the giant with just his slingshot and no armor. Goliath was insulted by the young man's appearance and laughed in disdain and cursed him. However, David responded to the giant threats and curses, by declaring that He come in the name of the Lord, and that he would feed the big wind-bag to the birds. And you know the rest of the story. 

These are the words David said to Goliath, "You come to me with a sword, a spear and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts' the God of the army of Israel, whom you have taunted. This day the Lord will deliver you up into my hands, and I will strike you down and remove your head from you. And I will give the dead bodies of the army of the Philistines this day to the birds of the sky and the wild beast of earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel." (1Samuel 17:45-46) Wow. David was not only a man after God's own heart, he was also a man of great faith with a prophetic spirit on him.

Today there are still giants roaming our land and around the world boasting threats and curses. However, they are more subtle and often invisible to the natural eye. But they are real just the same, at least in the minds of though who believe in them, and those who serve them and give heed or credence to their powers. You just mention their name and people turn pale and filled with fear, especially when they have unknowing opened doors to their domain. 

Yet, mankind has been very creative in trying to fight these giants. They too have a large arsenal of weapons. And it's usually very expensive to have someone else fight your battle for you, they're known as mercenaries. The church has had some success in winning a few battles and skirmishes, but in most part they have demonstrated very little power against these giants. And so the war still goes on. But thank God, He is raising up Davids to go out and fight the enemy and destroy these giants of sickness and disease that are decimating and wounding people worldwide and the Body of Christ.

These sickness and diseases are recognized by the medical system and have been elevated to giants in their minds and to most of the world. The doctor's prognosis usually brings terror and fear into people minds, when they are given a report of either aids, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, mental disorders or some other dreaded illness or life threatening situation. Some are declared incurable or unfixable. Others will be very costly and/or painful to try and destroy those giants, and repair the damage they have done. 

There are also other giants that have been crushing peoples hopes and dreams, such as poverty, pride, injustice, prejudice and ignorance, depression and fears. However, it is not impossible to kill them, for what is impossible for man is possible with God. He is the God of possibilities. And defeating these menaces can be done with just a word, or a flick of His finger, or the fist of God if necessary. 

Last Wednesday we received a call from our prayer chain about one of our sisters in Christ, who was told that she had cancer spreading throughout her body and that she had little time left, without a miracle. I could sense fear and murmurs in the camp, so I decided enough is enough. The Lord had given me a sword and I was ready to do battle. So that night I took my swords, my Bible and a real two handed sword with a razor-sharp edge and went to the Wednesday night prayer meeting to do battle in our little church. 

That evening, I shared the story you just read and then I asked Sheldon David to join hands with me in holding up the sword as we declared by faith that we were killing Goliath. Then I asked Sheldon to pray and together with the others standing behind us in unity, we were taking back what the enemy had stolen. And then brought down the sword and hacked off the heads of these Goliaths. 

As you know this was all prophets and symbolic, but still very real. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against dark spiritual forces. Their threats and attacks can only hurt you if you don't know the authority you have been given or that you're not walking in obedience to God's will. The Lord wants to see us all healed and set free even more than we do. To often people and even many ministers focus on the problems instead of the answer. That night after our prayer, the pastor then took a couple pages of prayer request and crunched them into a ball and tossed it aside and said, "Well I guess that takes care of that." It was an awesome night and we had won a great victory with God's help.

When we pray in agreement with the will of God, angelic force are sent into action. The world would scoff at this, but Elijah spoke and it didn't rain, until he spoke for it to come again. God is willing to listen and answer even the smallest child's prayer of faith to see that none of His promises fall to the ground or return void. 

Our prayers of saints extends beyond time and space. The power of prophet's words today, are also just as powerful as they were in Bible time. They also effect the lives beyond them self, their family, other people and for many generations to come. Two nights later the Lord confirmed, that what we did Wednesday's night was exactly what He wanted us to do—to set people free.

Now is the time to stand up and fight and to retrieve that which has been stolen. As sons of God you have been given power to bring restoration to yourself, your household and beyond. When you pray whatever you desire, believe that you have received and you shall have it. (Mark 11:23) Don't give up, no matter how long it takes. Just believe it has been accomplished. Abraham waited for twenty-five years to see the fulfillment of God's promise. That's why he is called the Father of our Faith. Wait upon the Lord and He will fulfill all your needs and will bless you beyond your wildest dreams. God desires to see more of His sons and daughters become giant slayer.

March 14, 2011

A Determinded Father

The Heavenly Father loves is children so much that sometimes He has to bust down the door, or punch a hole in a wall to reach in and help them, whether it is a person or a nation. When you see tragedies like we have seen in the news, know this for certain that God this is doing exactly that. He trying to help them, to get their attention and that He really does cares. 

In order to rescue them the Father often resorts to what seem like desperate or drastic measures, or even catastrophic measures to break peoples mindset. God's willing to do that not because he hates them, but because He loves them. No matter what the cost is to see that His people are free and come to know Him. He hates to discipline, just as any parent should, but He also knows that it often necessary for their own good and for the generations to come. Often, order to restore something you have to start all over again. But this time it will be better than before. God always left a remnant in order to help accomplish that. We must not hold any bitterness toward God, but be grateful for His mercy. In very situation I've see it could of been far worse. We are all prodigal sons that need to return home to the Heavenly Father.

God's bring down the walls that stands between Him and His children. Whether it their pride, greed or their idols. The Fathers does this through the words of His prophets in order to bring restoration to the world and the Body of Christ. No matter what the cost, whether it is sacrificing His own Son Jesus, or the lives of a thousands of people. (Jesus prophesied His own death.) God will do whatever is necessary, because He sees the bigger picture, where man tends to focus only on the suffering and loss. The Father wants to see that person or nation fully restored for future generations. God is reaching out to them too even though we may not understand this now. 

Things may look like an impossible mess or hopeless situation, but it's not. In the long run peoples lives and their nation will be better off than they could have ever imagined. Beauty will come out of these devastation and God will be glorified.

God is shaking the heavens and the earth. So that everyone knows everything belongs to Him. Man can not count on anything, but the love, grace and mercy of God. Any other security man has can be quickly taken away in just minutes. People need to know Him and that He is a loving Father. There will be a time of weeping, but joy will come in the morning. That will take time, but it will be worth it all. 

Note: Jesus is interceding for all His children, sons and daughters, even the one that are hurting, and suffering or feel forsaken. His Father is watching, listening and He is acting. And in His own time and way, He will restore all things.

March 11, 2011

Freedom to Love

God has given us more freedom than I've ever known. He's been telling us to be the man or women He created us to be. The Lord said, "Just be who you are and stop pretending to be something your not in order to please others or even Me." God doesn't want us to strive. Jesus never strived to please God, nor did He bow to the circumstances around Him. He just did what came natural to Him, because God's love was already inside of Him, just as He is with us, even if we haven't realized it yet. 

God never ceases to amaze me on how much He loves us. He is the Wonder of wonders. His love and grace is the foundation in His Kingdom, and our freedom was won on a cross long ago, by the shed blood of Jesus. And that's worth singing about.

The Lord also said that He wants to see people set free, even if they don't walk with Him. He just wants them free from their pain and sufferings. Hopefully in time they will realize where they need to go. 
This is what God's love is all about—freedom. And He wants everyone to experience that true freedom. Freedom from every form of bondage. Whether it be in the area of health, financial, social, religious, satanic or any other area that restricts us from experiencing the fullest of life. "I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly." (John 10:10) He want us free to love and to be loved by Him.

The same night the Lord said, "He's not anything like what men perceive Him to be. He doesn't hate anyone and He's not anger with the Body of Christ. I don't have a problem with them, except for the way many treat others. I have the answer for them. The love of God is the answer. Judgment will come and is already on the earth in diverse ways. But wrath and damnation are not the next move coming to the earth as some men are saying. Grace, mercy and the love of the Father are coming to the earth." 

God wants everyone to be free whether rich or poor, black or white,  male or female, short or tall, fat or skinny, straight or gay. It doesn't matter if they are cross dressers, or had sex changes—God still loves them as much as He love us and we should love then too. Even if they are dirty smelling drunks and homeless, drug addict, prostitutes, gang lords, or covered in tattoos so that they look like a lizard, or have studs and rings handing all over their body, or if they have killed someone, even their own children. Is that really any different than an abortion? Or hating someone? Sin is sin and we are all guilty, even our prejudices toward others. They and we have all been victims of a broken Adamic world and we all need God's grace and to be loved. Free to chose the way we would desire to live—at least free in our body, soul and spirit. 

However, with that freedom comes responsibility. There are also consequences for bad choices. But, hopefully people will find that true freedom can only be found in the love and ways of the Heavenly Father.

"It is for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore do not be subject again to the yoke of slavery." 
(Galatians 5:1)

A final word for today: The gods of this world are shaking and falling, for the Lord Yahweh is about to appear. Only in His arms you will find true peace, shelter, and freedom. For the Heavenly Father has not forsaken His children. God's love does not changed, it is eternal. Out of chaos and ashes you will see My glory. Come to me, all you who are weary and I will give you My rest; for your redemption draws near. My glory is coming, My glory is coming upon you, says the Lord.

My heart and prayers go out to those who are suffering around the world. Look to the Light and not the darkness. God is restoring all things, in the meantime take refuge in His unquestionable love for you. He knows all your pains, losses and sufferings, and He will dry every tear. He will stay with you in you greatest hour of need and even when you don't—you can trust Him. Lean on Him and He will guide you.

March 7, 2011

Remember the Poor

   Then someone came to Jesus and said, "Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?" And Jesus said to him, "Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments." He said to him, "Which ones?" And Jesus said, "You shall not murder; You shall not commit adultery; You shall not steal; You shall not bear false witness; Honor your father and mother; also, You shall love your neighbor as yourself." The young man said to him, "I have kept all these; what do I still lack?" Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me." (Matthew 19:16-21)
When the Apostle Paul was getting ready to start his ministry to the Gentiles, he asked for any final advice from the apostles Peter, James and John, who were known as pillars in the church. They told him to "remember the poor." He responded by stating it was something that he was always glad to do. (Gal. 2:10) 

Jesus set the example for his all disciples to follow, by having compassion for the poor, the needy and the sick. He was always willing to help, heal, and feed them. Jesus served people in their area of needs, He also gave them a message of hope and salvation which they needed too. But most of humanity and the church today have lost sight of Jesus' example and the heart of the Father. But that's about to change. Here's something that the Lord shared with us.
"I always side with the poor and I listen to their cries. It's important to give them hope, and you do what you can to alleviate the pressure and the pain in other peoples lives. It's the right thing to do. 
There has been so much vanity in the body of Christ that taught the prosperity as if it were a success seminar. And tell you that they give abundantly to the work of the "Gospel." But, they live in their big 5,000 square foot home and drive their big cars and van and buy their big screen televisions. Do you think that pleases me? 
The Gospel is to cost people something. Jesus paid the ultimate price. What price are people paying with Him? If I were to leave these true funds to the Body of Christ, how much of it would really go into the work of God on earth to feed the poor, to house the homeless? Or would it go to plant new lawns, new gardens and build a larger building? Perhaps another Crystal Cathedral to honor their god of prosperity. 
Oh, I will release great funds to the Body of Christ. Fair I say that some will act foolishly, but not you. You won't act foolishly. Those who are lead by the Spirit are my sons, and they will act for me. 
Mother Teressa lived within the confines of the Gospel. She truly believes that I was found in the face of the poor, the homeless, the hurting, the sick and in prison. Her reward is great, because she saw that there was a cost to be Christ on earth—to serve the Master. I will always do and bless and give abundantly in context to respect to the call on your lives. Always prove my love, generosity, and kindness to people.
The poor are screaming out to me upon the earth. And you hear about it in a couple of nations. But, you'll here it all over the world. You will even hear it in the United States. The poor are going to scream and shout, their voice will be heard. And I am amplifying their voices, says the Lord. Because I live among the hurting and the poor. I always have." 
(Portion of a prophecy by Sheldon David in our Friday meeting on February 4, 2011.)

Note: This prophecy is a little over a month old and we are already seeing this happening in the Middle East, China, Mexico and other places and there will be more. Overturn is happening, kingdoms are falling and "brothers are fighting against brothers" to a greater degree, because people want to be free.

March 4, 2011

Next to Greatness

There are many people who have achieved greatness throughout history. Some are recognized in the secular world and others in the religious world. But, only a few are recognized in the spiritual world, before they were ever recognized in the natural realms. Some of these individual were considered odd initially because they defied the norm. They walked to the beat of a different drum. Because they stayed true to themselves and their maker. A call was placed on them that they could not deny, despite of what others thought of them.

Sometimes greatness is confused with popularity. One has more to do with emotions or fade, while the other add to the quality of life, only few change the heart. Certain technology has had a great influence on society, such as the electricity, automobile, airplanes and the computer. Yet, people have lived for thousand of years without them and we still could, but it's sure nice to have them. However, God wanted to alleviate some of the harshness of life and simplify some things as the worlds population grew, so He inspired men to invent certain things to help us. God also helped them discovered the elements they needed to make them possible, so we could enjoy life a little easier. But sometimes we have allowed many of those things to control our life and time instead.

Every segment of society also has their icons or idols that have  accomplished great things, from sports, music, the arts, medicine, education, business, and political and even some world and religious leaders. Columbus, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, William Wilberforce, Churchill, Einstein and Michel Angelo are just a few of these great men. There have also been a number of great spiritual men and women throughout history that paved the way for others to follow. Such as William Branham, Mother Teresa, Charles Finny, Madame Jeanne Guyon, St. John of the Cross and Joan of Arch. These people had a great passion for God that helped change the hearts of mankind. Another thing that these spiritual people had in common was that there was always few close friends who were greatly affected by their lives.

Even in Bible history there where great men. Foremost there was Abraham then there was Jacob, Moses, David, Elijah, John the Baptist and some of the Apostles just to list a few. But most of all, there was Jesus. (Without Jesus Christ the rest of the great men and women in the world would be irrelevant.) Yet, next to all these great men there were friends, family and wives who usually didn't realize how great they would become or the influence they would have on the rest of the world, when they first met or raised them.

Today the Lord is still raising up great men and women who will change the world. Yet, to the rest of the world they my look like the average kid on the block, except for the fact that they seem to be a little bit different from the rest. Maybe some were shy and/or others were very gifted at an early age. We are seeing this today in art and music and even in IQ's. But there are still others that have a anointing on them that was placed on them before they were born. Only God knows their greatness until He is ready to exalt them, Just like He did with Joseph in the land of Egypt. For many years Joseph was a slave and in prison and the next moment he was in the palace of Pharaoh, ruling Egypt. The results of that saved a kingdom and a nation.

Joan of Arch unified the nation of France and it cost her dearly. Many questioned her calling and her ability. Others laughed, mocked and called her names. Yet she accomplished the Lord will. 

The Lord has told us one evening that He has special plans for Sarah Palin and that He has placed a host of angels around her and her family, and that we should pray for her. Yet, just think that her husband and her family never realized just how  special she really is, including Sarah herself. God also has plans for other men and women that will be accomplished in  just the right time and way, despite people's foolishness thought or accusations.

The apostle Peter once stood before Jesus stating, "We have left everything and followed you; what then will there be for us?" (Matthew 19:27) In regards to the statement, the Lord said one evening, that Peter was wondering what's in it for us? What reward will we get? 

This is often a typical response from most people. We usually need some motivation before we're willing do something and God doesn't fault us for that. He know our heart better than we do. And He knows how to get us from one place to another. Even as He did with Abraham. It seem because of our flesh nature, we often don't usually do something just because it's the right thing to do. Or see a higher value beyond ourselves.

Such seem to be the case for Peter at that time. He was becoming discontent, just like King David did when he first spotted Bathsheba. Now Peter was standing in front of the greatest man on earthJesus Christ,  the "King of kings and Lord of lords," the "pearl of great price" and he still wanted more. Jesus ignored Peter's weakness and instead spoke destiny to them. That one day they would sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Something that was eternal and not just temporal. (Matthew 19:28) The thing Peter didn't realize at the time is that Jesus alone should have been enough. We should seek Christ not for the gifts or the rewards, but for who He is. God's heart is that we become one with Him, not whether we are prosperous 0r gifted.

Yet, Jesus still promises those who leave family and/or possessions for the sake of the kingdom of God would receive many times greater in this age and in the age to come, eternal  life. (Luke 18:30) But most of the twelve apostles didn't see many of the material things in the first part of that promise, yet they did get to see Jesus face to face and all His examples and miracles, that in itself was worth a bundle. 

Since then there have been many Christians who have been greatly blessed with material and spiritual things, because of their sacrifices. Yet, the eternal rewards will far out weigh the material ones. However, we will see greater blessings poured out in the near future, because more people are learning the true meaning of sacrifice. But mostly, because of the awesome love and grace of the Father.

We too are placed in the same position as Peter. What are we looking for or at, and will it be enough? Will we become discontent and want more or something we think is greater? Are we willing to forsake everything and embrace the Heavenly Father as our only inheritance? Once we begin to see and understand that you just might hear Him say. "All that I am and all that I have, and all that I reveal Myself to be I will give you."

Note: Some people have had the privilege being in the shadow of some "chosen vessel" that God is using to change the world. As a friend to them, some of God's glory and anointing that is on that person, will be transferred to others because of covenant. ("I will bless those who bless you.") In the process you may even find that you may have been chosen also. As their close friend, you have also seen and learned some important things that will benefit you and others as well. Be thankful and use that knowledge and wisdom to your advantage and for the Kingdom of God.

Remember, You could be standing next to greatness today and not even realize it. But, if your standing next to Jesus, hopefully you will.