August 30, 2011

Birth Pangs and the Man Child

"In the 1960's there was a revolt. The church often called it a rebellion. There was a revolution that was rising up from the earth. A change was needed, prejudices were meant to be broken. The world needed change. That was the beginning of the birth pangs. That was the beginning of the birth pangs—the beginning. But the child that would be born in this age, a son, the multi-member man would be born. And what appeared as a revolt or a rebellion in the 1960's will be a powerful sword in the powerful hand in this decade. The child, the man child is being born. 

I spoke to you about a piercing of the heart that Christ's side was pierced and in Christ you were pierced and out of His side came water and blood. He poured out Himself for the Body and the Bride of Christ. All the contents of His heart, all the contents of His soul poured out into the earth for the revelation to come. Many men and women have died through wars. Oh man, oh man, meaningless battles and wars for the sake of deception. Blood being spilled so one nation can take advantage of another nation and have a move on this chaotic chessboard they call politics. And I never asked you, my believers and sons to play on the same table as they. I asked you to be in my presence, to hear my voice, to speak my will and word." 

(A portion of a prophecies spoken by Sheldon David.)

The Bible gives us a hint of this child in the book of Isaiah and Revelation:
Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. Who hath heard such a thing? Who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her sons. (Isaiah 66:7-8)
A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth... The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God. (Revelation 12:1-6)

As I have said before, everything in Jesus' life was a prophecy. From His birth until His death, even His resurrection and Ascension all prophesied of something greater to come; a 30, 60 and a hundred fold revelation. The prophesies of Jesus' birth also prophesied of the natural rebirth of Israel in 1948, and the spiritual birth of the sons of God; a man child, a multi or many member man who would one day rule the earth with a rod of iron, because they share the same heart and authority as Christ. A thousand years from now there could even be a greater birthing.

These sons (and daughters) have been prepared and hidden in Jesus Christ (God's secret weapons), and they will come forth with resurrection power and authority, to establish His Kingdom on earth. What the church has failed to understand is that it takes more than just being saved and believing you're a son or having some theological knowledge, but to have His life manifesting in and through us. Sonship comes by being in submission to the Father's will and having an intimate relationship with Him. We're not to be of this world, but live somewhere between heaven and earth knowing God's heart and ways. That is why I share so much with you, but we all need to know His voice as well.

I believe that those who have followed our blogs would agree that the church is not where it needs to be, and that God has been preparing you for such a time as this. You are sons and daughters of the Heavenly Father. There are many gifted people, but as you know that's not enough. It's the anointing that was on Jesus' life that the world wants and needs to see again. We have seen a glimpse of this in a few people's lives, but we will see it in more sons in 2012, and with greater power and authority. An overturn is coming, yet it's not going to be the end of the world, but the beginning of a new one; as God's grace and love move across planet earth.

This revelation of the man child was given to the apostle John about 2000 years ago, but he probably didn't understand everything he heard or saw. Today, God is giving greater understanding as to the purpose and meaning of this "man child" for this generation and decade. It is for true Sonship to be established on earth. These sons know who they are and their mandate, restoring the Kingdom of God. There will be signs, wonders and miracles that follow them, and they will break the powers of darkness and sets people free. Therefore, by faith we watch and wait and move; as the birth pangs increase and the earth shakes and trembles. Soon all will see the glory of the Lord, and our hope and joy will be made complete.

"All creation eagerly waits the revealing of the sons of God."

(Romans 8:19)

This prophecy is an older one of David's, but it is worth repeating:

"My children are beginning to know the birth pangs of a New Day. I am that Day, declares the Lord. The gods of this age are reeling, loudly and tenaciously reeling, because that DAY is close at hand. Night is falling!

A birthing is upon My people. The order about to be born will not be the same as before. Many who were leaders in past moves of God will be passed over in this great delivery. Many in the old order will attempt to keep people following the traditional way, yet I have aborted that way, declares the Lord.

The thrust upon My new people is to reform the Church; this will be done through a seemingly rebellious nature that tears and shreds false covenants and religious mindsets. Yet these people are not rebellious; they are holy. They will not TRY to convert everyone to their way, yet they do have a solidly stated and heartfelt passion to be faithful to their Lord. In this passion they will disregard the prized teachings of many prestigious elders, becoming a new path to follow. This order will appear to be the enemy of the Church, but will be My friend and ally whom I anoint to tear down worldliness in My House. Their mission will continue until Jesus Christ is seen as Priest and King within His Church."

August 23, 2011

Open Door

"I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, 'Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was not aware of it.' He was afraid and said, 'How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.'" (Genesis 28:15-17)

After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, "Come up here." (Revelation 4:1 underline mine) 

Jacob was the first man to see something few men have ever seen. Saint John, on the Isle of Patmos, was another man. What they saw was a doorway to heaven. There have been others throughout history that have been blessed to see beyond that open door, like John, and got to see heaven and the throne room of God.

Last Wednesday night, at the little church I attend, an interesting thing happened. The small group had been praying for about a half hour along with some worship music in the background. During the last song called Revelation, I was on my face before God. At the end of the song, the Lord showed Sheldon a vision, and then He confirmed (amen) it by having me read all of Revelation chapter 4. However, I didn't know the details of David's vision until the next day, when he shared it with me. His vision had to do with God wanting to give Sheldon greater access to heaven beyond what he had already experienced; by going through the big glass door or window he was seeing and then they were opened; end of vision. Then I began to read Revelation 4, which starts by saying, "After these things I looked, and behold a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me, said 'Come up here, and I will show you what things must take place. At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it..."

After I read the chapter, another man shared a dream that he had the night before, of seeing heaven through a window. Then the Lord had David read this scripture to us. "These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name." (Revelation 3:7-8) Sheldon David indicated that he had a vision of seeing something similar and then gave a prophecy, which basically stated that God wanted to extend the invitation to all those there, "to come" through that open door by taking a step of faith. I did and I will continue to take more steps.

I also want to extend that invitation to you, and to encourage you to do the same, even though this past season may have been a struggle or bumpy one for you, as it has been for me. Don't give up, press on. We must understand that we are in fight and a race. Satan would want nothing more than to distract or discourage in order to keep us from reaching our goal; the finish line—the threshold of a "New Age," the Kingdom of Love, and the Throne Room of heaven.

God has given us the key of David, His authority and power, to establish and overturn. But most of all, it is the key to His heart. God desires to reveal more of Himself and His future plans for each of us, as we wait in His presence. He may also want some to see the things the apostle Paul could not describe. 

God desires to bring us all back to "this land," as He did for Jacob. That land is the Promise Land, the spiritual Garden of Eden, where we walk with Him in the cool of the day 24/7, and where there is no more Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, just the Tree of Life. A lot is happening in the spirit realm now, and we need to be ready to bring it to earth.

Jesus is also the Garden, He is Heaven. He is our Mansion (dwelling place). When we really understand that this is available now, not just for us after we die. Then we can join the four living creatures by saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come." (Revelation 4:8)

Jesus Christ is the "open door," the portal to another dimension, the Kingdom of God; where there is no more night, sea or sun, but the eternal Light of Day. Neither, will there be any more curses, death or time, only an endless wedding supper, feasting on the Tree of Life and drinking from the River of Life. No one can ever shut that door.
Neither can anyone come to The Father or that wedding, except by wearing His robe and His righteousness. 

"For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all thing to Himself...whether things on earth or things in heaven." (Col.1:19-20)

No matter how old we are, there is a lot that God still wants and needs to accomplish through us. Take a step and then another. 

August 16, 2011

Broken Promises

Promises, promises every ones making promises, especially the politicians. But people across the planet are sick and tired of broken promises from greedy self-centered would be leaders, rules and dictators. The people want change and the only one who can make it happen is God, and part of it is happening through an unexpected way.

This past year we see the poor people rising up in mass; rebelling against the unjust systems and demanding change from their government. Places like China, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and many other nations, you can see and hear the people crying out for justice. God is also listening and He has sent forth His sword to do justice. How that happens is His doing, but it's an answer to prayers. However, I was surprised to see on the internet that there was a revolt in the Nation of Israel this last week. So I read up on it. From what I gathered, there is an imbalance of wealth there too, just as there is in many other countries, and the Jewish people are demanding justice. The gap between the rich people and the poor "tent people" is one of the highest in the Western Civilization. That was a surprise to me. Sadly, it seems that the wealthy in Israel have formed their own kind of monopoly to increase their wealth and at the same time make it difficult for others to compete or improve their standard of living.

For some reason, I though as much difficulty and suffering as Jewish people have had over the last century, surely they would lookout more for each other. It only goes to show that greed has no boundaries, not even in the Holy Land. They actually have a long history with that problem. I guess I was hoping that some things had changed, but apparently not. However I'm praying it does and that their heart are soften and their ears ready to hear the Truth.

The Bible tells us that Jesus had strong feelings about this problem and taught the people to do what was right, including the times He went to the Temple. On two separate occasions He confronted the moneychangers and overturned their tables. He even made a whip the last time and beat them with it. (This was all a prophesy of judgment and overturn that would eventually come to the world systems, and our own false mindsets.) The religious leaders and the wealthy were abusing the House of the Lord, and taking unfair advantage of the people that they where suppose to be helping. Another time Jesus made this statement:

"The axe of his judgment is poised over you, ready to sever your roots and cut you down. Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire. The crowd replied, "What do you want us to do? If you have two coats," he replied, "give one to the poor. If you have extra food, give it away to those who are hungry." (Luke 3:9-11)

Even back in the days of the Prophets, the wealthy Hebrews took advantage of their brothers and others, who were acquired as slaves, because of bad debts or for other reasons. However, a covenant had been established so that at the end of every seven years they were to free their Hebrew brothers. But they had failed to keep their oath and continued to keep them in bondage, until the Lord finally confronted them. Then they agreed to release their brothers. But, later they broke their promise, just as their forefathers had, even after swearing an oath to God, and to the prophet Jeremiah.

“Therefore this is what the LORD says: You have not obeyed me; you have not proclaimed freedom to your own people. So I now proclaim ‘freedom’ for you, declares the LORD—‘freedom’ to fall by the sword, plague and famine. I will make you abhorrent to all the kingdoms of the earth." (Jeremiah 34: 12-17) Wow! If this is how God would deal with His own people, would He be any less lenient today with other people or government leaders?

We could caulk it up to greed or selfish behavior. But it seems to me that the real issue has more to do with pride. Many people like to think of themselves as being better than others and worse yet, they like people to be indebted to them for whatever reason. Some even thrive on the power of control over others. Yet, they all seem to forget that it is the Lord who gives them power or the ability to gain wealth. (Deut. 8:17) For the rich and the poor have this in common; the Lord created them both (Proverbs 22:2). And everything belongs to the Lord—all the silver, all the gold and all the cattle are mine, says the Lord. The whole earth is the Lord’s. (1Corinthians 10:26)

God will deal with people and leaders who do not help their brothers in their time of need. There is no competition in the Kingdom of God. The Bible says, we should honor our brothers and sisters and esteem others as better than ourselves. (I Peter 2:17 and Romans 12:10) There is also the Golden Rule: "In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you would have them treat you." (Matthew 7:12)  Jesus also taught them to:

"Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself." (Mat.22:39)

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."(John 13:34)

These commands of Jesus are greatly lacking in the world today. Yet, Jesus told His disciples that the world would know them by their agape love, and to let it shine out for all the world to see. That is how real change will come about. A new Kingdom is coming and it will be established through the Sons of God.

We have all broken promises. Maybe that is why Jesus tells us not to make them. (Mt. 5:37) God should be the only one who makes them, because He will never breaks His promise.

August 9, 2011


"I'm not like these men, I'm not like them. Almost everything you see around you is defiled. You see so many people in church who love their natural family more than the spiritual family. You see ministers who would never invite people into their homes, because they have no concept of the church. And most are hirelings today—most of them are. Not the true minister, those without the titles. But, those who meet in churches are not true sons, not the true, true ministers. 

You've never judged yourself by yourself. It never worked for you. You always needed a true standard and I've shown you the true standard is Christ... You now know what it is like to be poor and be mistreated and experience pain..."

"There is a reason for the fight. You've become strong, you've become solid. You've become a friend of God. You learn to understand the infirmities of others...You now know what it's like to be in pain. You know what it's like to need a healer. You know what it’s like to be a slave. You know what it's like to be angry. You know what it's like to feel that God ignores you..."

"I'm not like other men. I'm not like the government that over taxes... or any others. I'm proud of you. I chose you. I could have chosen other men who had better resumes than yours. I could have. But I chose you, because I knew you would believe me and have the faith. There's that faith in you.”

(A portion of a prophecy from Sheldon David on 3-25-2011)

Note: God said most not every minister are hireling. It's because most of them would not be minister, if they didn't get paid to do it. The Lord said, "Ministers shouldn't expect to get paid from the people they serve." However, people should give to ministers and it’s not wrong for them to get paid, but one should never demand or require it as a means for their services. (God always supplied Jesus needs, including His disciples. Jesus never had to ask for an offer.) Unfortunately this practice of hiring minister has become the standard in most organized religions; along with many other false concepts and bad habits. However, I don't believe they will go to Hell, but some may. Most just don't know any better, yet they will need to eventually change. They need to hear God's voice and "come out of Babylon" and enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. 

God's pattern for the church was shown by Jesus Christ, and by His disciples in the book of Acts. He desires to see us return to their example, including the home church fellowship. Obviously, this will take some time, in the meantime there's a need for repentance on how we serve Him and His Body. We also need to pray and forgive one another. Just as we need to examine our own motives for the things we do. Calvary's Love is our example. 

 "The Sword of the Lord"

"Out of the depth of my being I cried out to the Lord come save me tonight and bring me your sword and I will cut of the resistance and I will set the prisoners free. It's not okay that tyrants rule as they do. This uprising comes from Me. Whether they know My name or not, whether they know the name of Yahweh or not. I always side with the poor."  
(Prophecy from 2-04-2011) 

August 2, 2011

Separation and Divorce

Divorce is the last thing that God would want to see happen to any marriage. In fact the Bible says God hates divorce. (Mal. 2:16) That it is a hateful thing; the breaking of covenant. Yet they still happen. Today in America, over 50% of all marriages end in divorce, even in Christian marriages, far more than any other country. It is also a picture of how far we have come from God. We are to be His Bride and yet many have left Him for some one or something else. How is it that so many people have such a disregard for God's heart and toward marriage. Those are very sad statistic and reveal a very serious problem in the world. It also and shows that the premise of most marriage is out of order. 

Marriage is to be based on covenant and the will of God, not on human emotions or ones preference. Yet people still get married and divorced despite God's intention. However, His grace is still there to help people get through them despite their actions. Some couples separate for a time before they make a drastic decision, supposedly to reevaluate their priorities, but do they ever really ask God what He thinks or what they should do. What happened to the vows people make, "for better or worse, tell death do us part?" Maybe that's one of the reasons why Jesus tell us not to make vows.

However, after years of effort and misery, no one should bind themselves to a law that says, "Thou shall not divorce." Something in the past I had always believed, but I've gotten to known the Fathers heart a little better. God still hates divorce, but God's grace can also bring healing to a damaged soul through separation or even divorce. However no one should use His grace as a license to sin. Others separated for a season in order to fulfill God's plan, just like the apostle Peter, but he didn't realize it at the time he left. Sometimes it's also necessary for the sake of peace. Some hah found His grace even in a remarriage. But the damage divorce or remarriage does to a family is unbelievable, especially if there are small children or even teenagers involved. 

The separation of parents through a divorce devastates children's lives, and it is one of the main reason for our fatherless society around the world. There's no more standard or plum line to go by when the father is out of the picture, thus we have young people looking for love in all the wrong ways, and an increase in homosexuality. Poor fathering is also responsible for some of this, even if it is out of ignorance.

However, there are also couples who have tried to make marriage work for the sake of children or religious principles, only to live a life of misery, regrets and pretense, and for children to see and experiences this kind of situation is also damaging. Many never get to experience proper nurturing, happiness or freedom that God intended for them at that time, but some eventually do with God's help.

Most of my life I didn't understand where God was leading me. Yet, I now realize that for the most part it was His will, including my marriage. In my life, I have made many mistake, but they were also part of His plan. (Hopefully we learn from our mistakes and see the love and grace of God in them.) Everything seems to happen for a reason in order to bring us to salvation and to fulfill His plans for our lives. The scripture says,"All things work together for good..." 

Even as Christians, we often go through life stumbling, not quite sure of how or what to do. But it shouldn't be that way. God wants to help us if we will let Him. Prayer is the key, and it's necessary in marriages. In the past, I have tried to please my wife and family and sometimes I failed, because of my pride, doubts and fears. But life isn't just about pleasing others, but obeying God. Christ was also leading me in a way that few understood, including myself at time, and that too can affect relationships. There were times I also had a bad attitude and that did some damage. Sure there were times I could have done things differently, but hindsight always better. We all made mistakes, and now it’s in God's hands. Everyone needs restoration and it will be done in His time and way. One night the Lord said, "Let Me take the blame for the mistakes." Wow! Now that's a God thing.

To carry the burden of self-hatred, guilt, shame or blame for a failed marriages will not help or benefit anyone to move forward in Christ. We are forgiven and we all need to learn to forgive each other, including our spouse or ex-spouse and ourselves, and one shouldn't bring those mistakes and sins up again. The later part of that statement is the real challenge, but it still needs be done. Then we can truly walk as God’s sons and daughter. Total forgiveness is not an option it's mandatory.

The apostle Paul warned that there would be issue for those who choose to marry. "Such will have troubles in this life, and I am trying to spare you." He goes on to say that there would be divided interests and concern for the things of this world. (I Corinthians 7:28-35) And in some marriages those conflicts cause more damage than good. However, nothing is impossible with God, even restoring a broken marriage. It often take lots of patience and effort on every ones part.

God wants us to be free, even in marriage, to love and serve Him and the Body of Christ. But, in many marriages there has been capitulation and compromise and the church has sanctioned it. We should understand the ways of God before we get married, and not make promises we're unable to keep later on. Many think they know better and that they're in love. But, because of ignorance, rebellion, doubts, fear and lust many marriages have suffered and then we make excuses. 

Can you imagine how this must grieve the Heavenly Father. The Bible says, "What God has join together let no man separate." Let no man separate, that includes woman. If there is a separation let it be by God not man. However, God's grace covers a multitude of sins, even the ones of divorce. Let agape love be your guide, it's described in 1Corinthians 13, and that's the foundation for the church, and for all marriages. Jesus Christ is love.

A divorce goes against the very fibers of God's heart. Yet, one should not make 'never to divorce' a law unto themselves, but to follow Christ regardless of the cost or the ramifications with family, including the logistics of it all. Christ wants us to be totally free to follow Him, and sometimes that may require a divorce. Yet, it is still possible to be totally free even in a marriage, but I've rarely seen it. 

Marriage requires a oneness of body, soul and spirit. There should be no competition or jealousy in a marriage, because there is none in the Kingdom of Heaven. In a marriage there should be the desire to see the advancement of the Kingdom of God, not the building of one’s own personal kingdom as we see so often today.

For any marriage to prosper it is vital for both husband and wife to be on the same page. But more importantly, it is absolutely imperative to be on the same page with God. This goes without saying, if you're going to fulfill the plan and the call on your life. There is a 30, 60, and 100 fold Christian or the acceptable, the good and perfect will of God. Yet not many marriages have been able to fulfill that ultimate goal of God. Most men and women have been content with less passion for God, and others have seen their marriage and ministry suffer, because of a greater passion to be on the same page with God. During those marriages, someone must have wanted more attention or desired a nicer home or something they thought was better, and the end result was either compromise or a divorce.

To follow Christ one must be willing to forsake everything, even a happy marriage. It was said that God asked, Kathryn Kuhlman to separate from her husband if she wanted a greater anointing of God's power in her life. She did and so have a few others men and women in history, but they are the exception to God's standard. And their will still be those who God chooses to be radical for Him. Just as there were those chosen to be a Nazirites like Samson or called to celibate like Jeremiah. 

Even anointed men such as Benny Hinn, Arthur Blessitt, or Todd Bentley never thought a divorce would happen to them when they first got married. Yet, being obedient to God's will there is often a great cost and sacrifice involved. Can you imagine what the prophet Ezekiel must have felt when one day God told him that He was going to take his wife, that he loved, in order to be a prophecy, and God did it that very evening. And Ezekiel was told not to weep or mourn outwardly, because of it. (Ezekiel 24 :15-24) Wow!

God's will is to supersede family, friends and even the church. That's hard for most Christians to really comprehend. None the less it's still true. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. If you truly want to walk in greater anointing and authority there will be greater sacrifices. The Jesus said, anyone who is not willing to leave houses, land and family and take up their own cross, or those who looks back; they are not worthy of the kingdom of Heaven. God required Abraham to "leave" and to "go" and Abraham obeyed God. The same applied for Jesus' disciples and it still applies to all His disciples today. Maybe that's why there are more followers and less disciples of Jesus. (Matthew 10:37-39 and Luke 16:33) Many are called, but few are chosen, yet we are all part of the same Body of Christ.

How do you tell someone, "to go away" or "I'm leaving" I think of Abraham having to send Ishmael away. For thirteen years Abraham believed that his son was the promised child, only to be told by God that He had another plan. Abraham made a mistake, but God still blessed Ishmael, because of His promise. Yet, how could his son believe this separations and the way it was done was God's will, but it was.

This is not to imply that some marriage or children are mistakes, it's just that some things don't turn out the way one would have hoped or expected. Some marriage and children are stolen by satan, but God is still in control. The cost of serving The Master come in many forms, but the reward is greater. He will repay and restore all things. There are many examples of this found throughout the Bible. Some marriages started off good and others were not so good and others changed along the way. Looking back at Ezekiel's marriage again, we need to understand that he loved his wife, yet God still took his wife, "the desire of his eye," just to prove a point; to be a sign, or make an example of her, for other people to see and understand the harsh consequences of their sin. This prophecy and judgment still applies today. God still uses various means of separations and divorce to prove a point also. There are no guarantees in life apart from Him and His love. Jesus is Lord, and we must abide and keep our eyes focused on Him.

Note: God's heart is still breaking over peoples actions, divorce and separation from His children. The Heavenly Father will do whatever is necessary to bring them back home where they can see and know how much He really loves and cares for them. He's the best Husband. and we can trust Christ even in our darkest hours. He is our Comforter and Restorer. Also, if more people really got to know His heart there would be fewer divorces. My prayer is to see marriages happen the way He planned and others restored, especially the one with Jesus as Lord.