January 31, 2014

Christ-centered Life

Today I woke-up with God, talked with God, ate with God and walked with Him. Throughout the day we work together, laugh and play together. Sometimes we cry or sing together, but most of all we just love being together. He is my constant abiding friend to help, leading and guiding me each day. Jesus promised never leave me of forsake me. There is nothing that I want to do without Him. He is the center of my life, my Peace and Joy. Even when I make mistakes He is always there to help me through them. I wait on Him and He waits on me. Some days are harder, happier, or slower than others, but whatever the case may be; we will complete this adventure together as lovers and friends.

January 20, 2014

The Kingdom of Religions

Starting construction of the new sanctuary for the Community Church of San Carlos

This past month I have begun to experience more grace than ever before. It is also wonderful to walk in true freedom. I’m beginning to realize why the Gospel spread so quickly though out the gentile world in the early days of the church. It was because of God’s awesome grace and freedom, and being lead by the power of the Holy Spirit. Whereas, the church among the Jews was still struggling, because many still preferred or were more easily influenced to follow rules, regulations and traditions of religious leaders, rather than the law of Love and freedom that Jesus and the apostles taught and demonstrated. 
Jesus warned His disciples that after He left, “wolfs” would come in among the sheep, wearing sheep clothing, seeking to destroy what He had begun. The apostle Paul also warned the church of those who would present another gospel other than the One he preached. A false gospel of laws, compromise, principles and other things that would keep people bound and striving to live the “good” life through human efforts and means. However, those beliefs came from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, not Tree of Life.

Many religious leaders today are still deceived, not realizing they are also feeding their flocks from the same Tree of Knowledge. In the process, they are trying to control God and lives through man-made rules, regulations and traditions, including worshiping in man-made structure. This is the spirit of religious; not the spirit of Christ. Even though they would vehemently deny it; stating their actions are based on the Bible, laws and traditions that have been taught by “godly” men and in religious institutions for almost two thousand years; even though very little of it has scriptural foundations.

I have seen this happen many times in my life, and last when Sunday when I came back to the San Carlos Community Church, I saw it happening again. They had begun ground preparations for a larger sanctuary next to the old one. The new pastor has been there for less than three months and the church services have been full nearly every Sunday. The people like him and he is very entertaining with jokes, good humor, and video presentations that made people laugh. Yet they still had only one service on Sunday morning; otherwise the structure usually remains empty and unused the rest of the week. Yet during this past summer the attendance drops over 50% as many Americans went back to their homes in the United States to avoid the heat and humidity.
I wondered, why the expansion? I guess it’s because it’s what they really wanted, calling it “Our Vision.” After all if they have two homes why not two sanctuaries. They believe this will help them better to reach the lost in San Carlos.

The pastor’s message that morning came from Nehemiah 1:1-11. He talked about the efforts and sacrifice that Nehemiah and others made in order to rebuild the city’s walls and gates of Jerusalem that had been destroyed, because of their sins. The pastor also used a popular quote by Martin Luther, “Pray as if everything depends on God, then work as if everything depends on you.” Martin Luther was a great man, but not the one we are to follow.
Jesus told his disciples to, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.” He also said, ”Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…” (Matthew 28: 19-20)The command was to “Go.” Jesus didn’t say, “Build” a structure for Him, to confine His people. He wanted us to be free to move around with His Spirit and do His will. Peter was rebuked by God, when he even suggested building three tabernacles on the Mount of Transfiguration. This show how easy it is for man to fall back into carnal ways of thinking. Because, earlier Jesus had asked the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” And Peter said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you…because flesh and blood did not real this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. I also say… that upon this Rock I will build My Church; and the gates of Hates will not over-power it.”  (Matthew 16; 15-18)

That revelation is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is The Rock and Chief Cornerstone for man to build upon anything else is sinking sand. Jesus also told the people, the Kingdom of God was coming and it is already here.” Yes, the Kingdom was standing right there before them and they didn’t realize it or the truth of His Words. We, the Church and Body of Christ, are built on that revelation. We are alive, vibrant and filled with the power and faith of Christ’s Holy Spirit, not a structure made of dead works.

Anyway, at the end of the pastor’s message he asked the congregation to “consider what they would be willing commit to seeing the Kingdom of God built,” that was printed in a flyer inserted in the bulletin for taking “sermon notes,” that Sunday. It also stating that any generous gifts and donations were tax deductible, because they are partners with The Great Commission Foundation of Canada. That would be acting as their official representatives, and would keep all records and issue receipts. And I’m quoting again, “The Foundation does take a commission for this service, but this is advantages to both the individual giver when you get a tax rebate and to the church when we receive regular payments and can better plan the budget.” Wow! There were also listed several convenient and economical ways for them to make their payments for this building project, including automatic monthly money transfers from their bank accounts. Wow, don’t need faith when you can do it mans way. Men and ministers are still building their Kingdoms, some believing its God’s Kingdom. However, the Lord has sent me here to help the poor in Mexico. Maybe I can help some of these churches I’ve attended, and maybe not. We will soon find out.

Unfortunately, this pastor is not the only person or ministers; who has been deceived to do things another way, rather than The Way of The Creator. God intends to restore all things through true Sonship. It is also the only way to true freedom.

The Kingdom of God is Jesus Christ alone. It is not built with lumber, bricks and mortar or with human hands, neither on a budget plan. And the true church is built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets by Word’s of faith and power of the Holy Spirit; having only one purpose in mind—to God be the Glory.
“In that day man will have regard for his Maker, and his eyes will look to the Holy one of Israel. He will not have regard for the altars, the works of his hands, nor will he look to that which his fingers have made.”  (Isaiah 17: 7-8)

Our focused is on the Kingdom, Jesus Christ.

January 13, 2014

The Outcry

Stars defend the movie, The Wolf of Wall Street.

You may have already read this article on the Internet recently, however I have a few comments to add of my own at the end of the portions I have copied:

“In The Wolf of Wall Street, out-of-control stock broker Jordan Belfort is initially furious when a Forbes magazine profile turns out to be a hatchet job labeling him a "twisted Robin Hood who takes from the rich and gives to himself and his merry band of brokers"...

The reaction to Martin Scorsese's portrait of Wall Street excess has been comically similar. It's been judged by some critics and moviegoers as a glorification of unchecked greed.

But the movie's bad reputation as an orgy of drugs, sex and money (not to mention a reportedly record-setting 506 F-bombs) has also drawn eager crowds. In two weeks, the film has made $63.3 million at the box office in the US, and will likely become if not an outright hit, one of Scorsese's highest-grossing pictures…

Nearly every film critic and countless moviegoers have weighed in on the morality of The Wolf of Wall Street: whether the film enjoys Belfort's hedonistic high a little too much, or if tapping into the thrill of self-indulgence is actually the point…

"He does it because he can," Scorsese said. "If you can do anything because you can, what are we as people? Can we easily fall into it? I think so."

The largest missive came when LA Weekly published an open letter by Christina McDowell, the daughter of a lawyer Belfort worked with, in which she described the hard realities of those victimized by the shady penny stock dealings of Belfort.

"Your film is a reckless attempt at continuing to pretend that these sorts of schemes are entertaining, even as the country is reeling from yet another round of Wall Street scandals," wrote McDowell.

To the critics of The Wolf of Wall Street, the nearly three-hour film fails to sufficiently judge the actions of its characters or depict the victims of Belfort's recklessness. The Wall Street Journal's Joe Morgenstern called the film a "hollow spectacle". It should be noted, though, that the Journal's dismissal might be considered a badge of honor for any movie about Wall Street.

And since the movie is based on Belfort's memoir, the former broker (who was convicted of fraud and served 22 months in prison) has profited from the making of the film. He also makes a brief cameo.

The backlash, though, may be taking indignation for Belfort (who received a relatively soft sentence after giving evidence against his colleagues) and misplacing it on the movie. In an interview, Leonardo DiCaprio called the film "a biography of a scumbag"....

The ominous concluding image of the film (spoiler alert) is of a rapt audience soaking up Belfort's motivational speaking. More than anything, the film questions this innate allure of greed, leaving moviegoers to question their own culpability in a system that rewards Belfort's behavior.-AP

                            The Outcry

And the Lord said, “The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is indeed great, and their sin is exceedingly grave. I will go down now, and see if they have done entirely accordingly to its outcry, which has come to Me; and if not, I will know.“ (Genesis 18: 20)

Last week as I read this article for some reason, I was greatly grieved in my heart to see how far mankind has fallen, and asked God to forgive us. Even though the stars defend this movie, stating that it is staying true to the form based on his memoirs and the life style of the man’s character that he is depicting. But, why Hollywood feels it’s necessary to display all our dirty laundry to the world is appalling. Some critics think it should have been X-rated, because of it sex scenes and the ridiculous numbers of the F-word. (No mention of how many times God’s name is abused.)

Hollywood has propagated its filth in America and around the world for many decades, showing and influencing, and poisoning our minds with images, vulgarity, and blasphemy only shows how far we have fallen only to become worse than the past generation. They have reveled in every form of evil and sinful act and glorified it for the sole purpose of making more money. There must be an "outcry" for God help us! This is enough filth from this industry. believe this movie was rightly named. However, satan is the real “wolf,” and he continues to go about seeking whom he may hurt and devour. But his time is coming to an end and the Kingdom of God will and is being established.

We need to take back everything the enemy satan has stolen, mainly people souls; regardless of how long or difficult. As followers and Disciples of Christ, we are the salt of the earth, not Hollywood, nor the government, or Wall Street.

Our heavenly Father has give His children many abilities, gifts and talents, but to see them used and abused this way is a shame; not only on Hollywood, but also on America. It’s time for a change and change is coming. True there have been a number of anointed movies to grace the silver screen in recent years, such as The Passion, Saints and Soldiers, States of Grace, and Amazing Grace and a few others this past decade, but not enough. There have also been some faith based films. However, there needs to be some serious restoration to bring back true standards of righteous living along with true humility. Our hearts need softening to receive a word from the Lord, ears to hear, and minds that will act accordingly.

God is raising sons and daughters that will help restore the movie and entertainment industry. But, first there needs to be repentance which begins with the church, then with the hearts of people and those who are involved in the production of movies.

As sons of God our focus is on The King and His Kingdom, to see it establish on earth. Jesus Christ is the Kingdom of God. We are his temple and the portal in which the Holy Spirit will use to see that the Eternal Father’s will is done. “For all things were made for, by and through Him,” and that should included movies too. God has over the years put little nuggets of gold, in films that aren’t even considered religious; truths to ponder and inspire and even enjoy living in God’s awesome and wondrous grace.

God’s love, grace and mercy is what the world must see in us, and Jesus Christ is to be exalted, not satan nor the sins of fallen humanity. Many actors are only victims who have fallen prey to the enemy’s lies and deception; thus depicting a self-centerness ideology throughout the movie industry; and very other form of business, communication and entertainment. 

“But that is going to stop, Babylon has fallen, says the Lord, a new day and year has begun.” We must declare the truth so that people’s minds and heart will be filled with praise and thanksgiving, and millions saved from their evil and sinful ways, giving glory to God alone; not man or the works of his hands.”

Everything belongs to the Lord, everything that has breath, all the silver and gold, and even every atom and molecule that makes up the things we have or use, even what is seen or unseen throughout the whole universe. His Kingdom begins in our heart and then expanse to others and to the next generation and again and again, until the whole earth is full of His glory.