August 31, 2010

The Insurance Alternitive

In a number of articles I have mentioned God's faithfulness and protection over health, finances and possessions. Since 1988, my wife and I have paid cash for our cars, homes, and furniture. However, a while back, I purchased my Mac Book computer (that I write my blogs on) with a Best Buy credit card when they had a special offer of 18 months no interest with purchase. We also had Bank CD's in savings to cover the cost of the computer which is now paid for, thanks to God's faithfulness and grace. I also believed it was what God wanted me to do. People shouldn't make a law about using credit cards, but follow the Holy Spirit leading.

God is faithful and helps pay all our bills—even though we don't make a lot of money at this time. Things may have been tight at times, but all our needs have been met. God was and is faithful, and we never lacked for food and we're still able to help others. I am a blessed and healthy man; God also considers me a wealthy man according to the promises to Abraham and the Covenant in which I share. I agree with the words God has spoken to me regarding my calling, my family and my future. By faith, I believe I have already received all his promises.

Let me share with you a brief testimony that happened a couple months ago. I was over at Sheldon's house for our usual
Friday evening prayer and worship time. The street in front of his house is narrow, and so it is posted "No Parking" on one side. It was still light outside when I pulled into Sheldon's short driveway and I had noticed someone was visiting the neighbor's house across the street and they had parked their car in the restricted area. So I told myself that I would have to careful when I backed out later that night so I wouldn't hit it.

After an awesome evening with the Lord in our meeting where God said that He enjoyed stopping by "the house of David" on Friday evenings, where two men pray. I left about midnight and it was dark. I forgot to look and see if the dark blue car was still parked behind me. I got into my Chevy Astro van and backed out just as I usually do, which is almost to the other curb in order to make my turn to leave. Then I remembered the other car and hit my brakes and looked back through the driver's side mirror, the car was still there, but I did not hit it. I thought, boy that was close. I thanked God, then put the van into drive, made my turn and headed for home. But as I drove home I was puzzled by what had just happened.

The next time I went back to Sheldon's, I wanted to confirm my suspicions. I reconstructed what I had done the last time. The car was gone now, but the way I had backed out there was no way I could have missed hitting it. God's angels somehow moved things into another dimension, even though I still saw the car behind me in the mirror that night.

There have been other times that I have seen the Lord's protection over my life, and I'm sure you have too. God wants us to live in the spiritual and supernatural world, just as Jesus did. We are spiritual beings as well and as sons of God; we are not to be limited by the laws of the natural world. There are also other times we don't realize His help or appreciate it the way we should. For example, all those close calls in traffic we just take for granted. However, God wants us to operate in this realm more often by completely placing our trust in Him. When we do that, the supernatural will become a more common experience, along with healing the sick and raising the dead.

A few weeks after that incident, the Lord shared these words with us:
"Why would I limit a man, because of natural laws of gravity, natural laws at all. When the spiritual law is the higher law. Jesus was not; limitations bowed and yielded to Him. Just as you've noticed He's done for you. When you backed up and did not hit that car, that dark blue car. Grace is a greater law, than space and time and gravity. And mankind's natural limitations, and even his fears of giving up the dirt. You have already experienced things beyond your old limitations and certainly beyond many others comfort zone, but you'll experience them. In due time you will experience them a lot."
I know this for sure, the Lord takes extra precaution over his anointed ones. Remember what the Lord told Pharaoh, regarding Abraham's deception about his wife Sarah, this also applies to both Laban's and Esau's issues with Jacob: "Do no harm to my prophets or anointed ones." God is looking out for you too, as you see in this incredible chapter where God spells out the terms of his insurance policy for you who believe. All you have to do is sign your name at the bottom of the terms by faith. And you have entered a contract for life.

Psalm 91

You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,

Say to the LORD, "My refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust.

God will rescue you fro
m the fowler's snare, from the destroying plague,

Will shelter you with pinions, spread wings that you may take refuge;

God's faithfulness is a protecting shield

You shall not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day,

Nor the pestilence that roams in darkness, nor the plague that ravages at noon.

Though a thousand fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, near you it shall not come.

You need simply watch; the punishment of the wicked you will see.

You have the LORD for your refuge; you have made the Most High your stronghold.

No evil shall befall you, no affliction come near your tent.

For God commands the angels to guard you in all your ways.

With their hands they shall support you, lest you strike your foot against a stone.

You shall tread upon the asp and the viper, trample the lion and the dragon.

Whoever clings to me I will deliver; whoever knows my name I will set on high.

All who call upon me I will answer; I will be with them in distress; I will deliver them and give them honor.

With length of days I will satisfy them and show them my saving power.
Wow, what a wonderful and powerful promise from God. These words were inspired by God and written by someone who really knew God. That's why it is so important to take the time to know Him. Or, have we become like so many people today who question God's ability to protect in all areas of life? Have we missed something? Are we really doing what God expects of us? Or, do we really believe satan's words more than God's Word? Just as Eve did, when satan said, "Did God really say?" I hope that's not the case.

We should not focus (dwell) on other people's problems or on our own, or listen to another voice. Instead, we should look to Jesus, for He's the answer. He is also our shield and mighty fortress in whom we find shelter. No insurance company or policy can offer that kind of protection, along with all His other benefits. Most of all, it doesn't cost us any monthly premiums (another word for money), money that could be used to help others, including ourselves. Jesus is "The Rock" and you're in "safe hands" with Him. All those insurance jingles can't compare to the praise and power of Almighty God!

When we put our trust in God, we can avoid many of the unnecessary wrecks in life.

August 24, 2010

Tortured for Christ

Many years ago when I first started following Jesus, I read the book Fox's Book of Martyrs. This is a book I believe every Christian should read at least once, maybe more if you often find yourself feeling abused or are complaining. There are written accounts of saints who paid a horrific price for their faith in Jesus and His teachings. They had an incredible passion for God, His Word and His people, that would put many people today to shame who call themselves Christians. If we had their kind of passion, this modern world would look much different than it currently does.

Yet, there is still hope for us, for things are about to change. God is about to unloose a whole new breed of saints who will not cower in the presence of the enemy. This new breed will come with anointing never seen before. They will stand up for truth, just as millions of other Christian men, women and children are doing in 0ther parts of the world who are being persecuted, tortured and killed daily. Yet, such atrocities are seldom heard about in the USA media.

I recently started a book called,
Tortured for Christ, and also a special issue of The Voice of the Martyrs. As I read them, I had mixed feelings; how happy and blessed we are to live in the United States, where there is still freedom to worship and to own a Bible. But, I also wept, because so many of us have taken so much for granted regarding our faith in God. We can, for the most part, freely witness and carry a Bible in public, even though there have been some restrictions in recent years. Yet many Christians, especially in the US, are more interested in things they want or possess, than what other parts of the world don't even have, including our freedom. People need to place a higher value on things that are eternal.

We also need to let go of many of the temporal things and ideas, so we can help the poor and our brothers and sisters who are suffering. For Christ's sake, we need to wake up. Because "when one member suffers we all suffer." (1 Cor. 12:26). Do we seriously ask God how we can help Him and others? I pray that this is our desire and for it we will be blessed.

astly, we should pray for their enemies and our enemies (torturers, persecutors, etc.), that their minds and hearts be open to the truth. There is so much hatred in the world today because of religious beliefs. I pray and believe for God to raise up, within those countries with much persecution and oppression, spiritual men and women with supernatural power and authority that will stay the hand of the enemy. I also pray that they take back what satan has stolen, and that God release healing and restoration to their lands.

I also pray that God will raise up more saints within our country who will be willing to lay down their lives. Salvation doesn't come cheaply, and neither does restoration. A sacrifice is always required and it only comes from the blood and prayers of faithful saints who stay the course until their mission is complete. Jesus set the example for all of us to follow. He did not shrink back, but boldly and freely gave up His life, yielding to the will of His Father.

Christians, young and old in those oppressed countries, know the true cost of living out one's faith. No other group around the world are being singled out and persecuted as they are. Yet, true followers of Jesus only want to love God, help the needy, and share God's love to other people. They do not force anyone to accept Christ; salvation is a free gift. They are brave and fearless in the face of the enemy because their strength comes from the Lord. The "underground" Church is alive and well and it's about to come out in full power.

Note: The purpose of the sufferings of Christ is to produce growth in our spirit (maturity) and it helps prepare us for a harvest of souls (to bear fruit), and brings the Body of Christ together in unity, just like the Early Church did. Revival or spiritual outpourings come from God through intercession and oppression (physical and/or spiritual). In the United States, suffering is mostly spiritual because governmental laws protect us and the grace of God. We are still blessed more than we deserve in the USA. Yet, by the grace of the Heavenly Father, we are about to see a mighty move of Heavenly Father's love and power here and around the world.

The King is coming with power and authority, and He is coming back through a multi-membered man as to bring true freedom to all who want to be free—freedom from physical bonds and freedom from the spiritual bonds of sin. He's also coming to establish the Kingdom of God within the hearts and minds of people for all eternity. Amen!
Click on above picture (or here) to purchase book, "Foxe's Book of Martyrs."

August 17, 2010

Ready to Rumble?

Jesus is a rebel, and He's ready to rumble. He has been speaking to people lately about restoration. Yet, in order for Him to do that, we need to come into agreement with Him. We are His hands, His feet and His voice. But, He can't do anything unless we are connected to Him, and that means we need to have the same heart. A heart with the same passion, vision and tenacity. God also chose nobodies and makes them into superheros. Here are several examples from the Old Testament:

The first superhero was Abraham, who became the father of our faith. He was willing to leave everything and follow God. He was a great warrior and an intercessor. Despite his circumstances he never gave up hope. And because of his faith and obedience, God gave him a son and a promise of his descendants as the stars in heaven. God also made a covenant with him that stands for a thousand generations. Abraham was also willing to sacrifice his greatest possession because he trusted in the faithfulness of God. He also became the first patriarch, and his greatness is still unfolding.

Next, we see baby Moses, set adrift on Egypt's river of life, plucked from the water as to be raised in the king's palace. Yet, he chose to abandon palace comforts to live in the mud pits and the wilderness; only to return with a rod in his hand. Moses was now the voice of God, and ready to do rumble with Pharaoh and the gods of the Egyptians, and set His people free. After the awesome display of God's power, including destroying the entire Egyptian army, Moses spent the next forty years in the presence of God. Then Joshua, his lieutenant, was given command and crossed through the Jordan River to rumble through the Promised Land.

Another superhero was Samson; he was the only son of a poor dirt farmer. Samson was also set apart by God from his birth, but he didn't really know God as the true source of his strength until the last part of his life. God wreaked havoc with the enemies of Israel through Samson's spiritual blindness. Yet, because of his foolishness and pride, Samson eventually became physically blind in order for him to truly see. The results was a man with a broken and contrite heart and a steadfast spirit. Then they (Samson and God) were ready for their grand finale. Samson was God's hands and feet as he stood between two support column in the temple, that represented paganistic glory and false gods. It was then that Samson brought down the house in one final act of faith (Judges 13-16). This story was also an awesome example of God's grace on a man's life.

Then there was young David, a man who killed a giant and many other enemies of Israel. He eventually became the King, one chosen by God, because he followed God with his whole heart. He was best known as a man after God's own heart. More is spoken of David's life than any other man in the Old Testament. And a covenant was given him also, that one of his sons would always rule. The Davidic Covenant still stands today along with the Abrahamic Covenant.

Then we see Elijah—a shy man who wasn't even a Jew—in a high noon face-off confrontation with the prophets of Baal. Elijah was not only God's hands and feet, but His voice as well. He challenged them with a test before the King and the people of Israel, as to see who was the one true God of Israel. The question was then to be answered by fire from heaven. With a bolt of lightning, the hearts of the people were changed, and the fear of the Lord was restored again. The deceivers were then destroyed, along with their false gods. Then Elijah ran like the wind before the storm, because he knew the grace and power of God. (1 Kings 18:17-40)

Lastly, in the story of Esther, we see God's desire for restoration. This time it was a simple young girl who was used by God to bring restoration to the nation. After the King extended the golden scepter to Esther, because of her faith and act of bravery, she was given power. And with that power, Esther and her uncle Mordecai, helped rewrite history, giving God's people power over their enemies to destroy them. There was a rumble that could be heard throughout the Persian Empire.

This was a prophetic picture being played out by Esther (a type of the Bride of Christ) willing to sacrifice her life. She receives power from the king (God) as to write the future for her people (the Church), including complete restoration, bonds broken and freedom for all God's people. The Heavenly Father's plans will be carried out to the very letter; not one Word shall become void.

Note: Throughout history we see God's grace bringing restoration to His people through simple people doing extraordinary things. They were chosen by God, and they knew Him intimately. The same can still happen today. We must be one with Him as to complete the mission that awaits us. Our mission is to bring restoration to the world, as God intends. The world is meant to be overtaken by the Kingdom of God. It first started in the Garden of Eden, but got derailed by The Fall of Man, But, through God's grace, Jesus came on the scene just in time as God's greatest superhero, as to destroy the works of satan and evil people once for all. With Jesus' sacrifice and declaration, "It is finished!" everything changed. Then Jesus turned the reins over to His disciples to complete what He had finished. Jesus commissioned them and gave them power to rumble throughout the world and make disciples of all nations.

In these last days, Jesus Christ is still crying out to His disciples to complete the mission through a multi-membered man. The Sons of God, who have been given the Key of David to rule and reign with Him throughout eternity. Are you willing to be a hero? Are you ready to rumble?

"For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline." (I Tim. 2:7)

August 10, 2010

Back On Track

Have you ever ridden a train or a subway? I haven't, but I know that many people do. It's a simple and inexpensive way to travel. Plus, it's nice just to be able to sit down and leave the cares and hassles of commuting to the skills of an engineer. No traffic jam to sit and wait in, just enjoy the scenery, read the newspaper, do some laptop work or maybe catch a nap. And mostly, you don't have to make any of those mundane decisions to get you to where you need to be.

It's also nice when you can leave your cares for a longer period of time and take a plane trip to a distant land, or maybe some restful or romantic spot. Perhaps charter a vacation on a sea cruise and forget about the problems back home. Having to make decisions on a daily basis can be a pain, and many of us would just prefer to go with the flow and let someone else do the thinking for us. Making decisions comes naturally for many people, and allowing them to do it can be very satisfying to the flesh (mind ,will and emotions). When it comes to simple, comfortable and easier, just accept what other people say or do and go along with the crowd.

As wonderful as that may sound, there can still be problems, especially when it comes to crowds. You can find yourself on the wrong train or going the wrong way. It happens all the time and it will continue to happen, both physically and spiritually. The Bible warns us of the dangers of the broad road. (Mt.7:13&14)) Many people in society and in churches have become content to leave decisions and directions in the care of their political leaders, bosses and ministers. This can also happen in family relationships. People will often forgo their responsibilities at work, at home and even with their personal walk with the Lord, by just yielding to the flesh.

We should be listening to the Holy Spirit, pray and read the Bible more often in order to get through life. If we don't, our relationship with the Heavenly Father suffers and we may find ourselves on the wrong track going further away and not realizing it. Sure, you may still attend church every Sunday or more, but that's not enough. Even doing good things is not enough. Remember Martha and Mary in the Bible? One sister was busy while the other one chose to sit at Jesus' feet and just listen. Sometimes we may think we can make it up some other time or way. But, you can never make up lost time with God. Yet, thankfully for God's wonderful grace, love and mercy, He is very understanding of human weakness.

Yesterday, I was thinking certain things about my relationship with God, and how frustrated I had been lately. Then I asked God a simple and honest question. "Why is it that my flesh seems to resist You, knowing all the wonderful things you've done for me? I find myself sometimes trying to avoid you and that shouldn't be." God didn't hesitate to give me an answer:"You've been feeding your flesh more!" That was short and direct, and I knew it was true. God wasn't talking about food, but the way I had been spending more of my time lately. I had been yielding to the fleshly things and neglecting spiritual things. Furthermore, the flesh will always resist God. (Duh, that should be a no-brainer.)

When we physically and/or spiritually allow ourselves to sit back and take things easier or leave our responsibilities to someone else, it's easy to get off track and miss God's plans. And if we're really foolish, we can completely miss our final destination in Him. I immediately repented and made some changes and got back on track.

Note: To keep on track, the Apostle Paul spoke about keeping our flesh under subjection to the Spirit (1 Cor. 9:27), also saying that we are to "die daily."(1 Cor. 15:31). We are also to be like an athlete in training (Phil. 3:12-14). When running the race of life we must keep our eyes on the finish line, the goal and the prize—Jesus Christ.

August 2, 2010

Simple Choices

"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
(Psalm 118:24)
Everyday is a day that the Lord has established long before time began. A day in which He knows and has ordained every event regarding His creation, from the weather, to earthquakes to man's actions. He also knows the thoughts and hearts of each and every person alive—both good and bad. Everything is working toward God's good for all His children and the fulfillment of His Kingdom on the earth. If you're not one of His children, it won't be so good. However, I made a simple choice and so can you, a choice to accept His plan of salvation. To accept each day with gratefulness and to love, honor and serve the Lord our God. To be grateful for His love, grace and mercy that He showers on His sons and daughters each day.

I also made a choice to be thankful for whatever today may bring, whether I understand it or not, even the bad things. God is able to work everything out for my good and for the good of His Church of which I'm a part. I'm thankful for freedom to speak and worship.

I made a simple choice to be glad each day for all the simple and profound things, for being able to see all the wondrous things He has created, including incredible sunrises and sunsets and star-filled nights. For being able to move freely and to smell the fragrances of beautiful flowers, also to taste the foods we eat. To enjoy the warmth of the sun on my face or put my feet into the ocean sand. To be able to hear and talk to Him and communicate his love to others. To reach out and touch people and bless them in some way. To hear the laughter of children or hear a newborn baby cry. To make someone laugh or smile. I'm glad for being alive and able to praise and worship Him.

I also choose to rejoice, because He is my Peace and Joy and Comforter. But most of all, I rejoice because my Heavenly Father loves me and promises to never leave me or forsake me. And if for that reason alone, it is a very good day. Not to mention, all the wonderful blessings and promises he gives to those of us who walk according to His purposes. I've made a simple choice for today—it is a day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. How about you?