February 13, 2016

Christianity Today

Eve to Adam, “After all this years, you still forget our anniversary, not to mention my birthday.”

Noah to God, “If I got a loan we could get this thing built much faster.”

Sarah to Abraham, “You know I want a child, and it’s been over twelve years since God's promise, maybe we should call the doctor and find out what’s wrong or we could adopt.”

Abraham to Sarah, “Do you remember where I put my little blue pills?”

Esau to Jacob, “Can I have seconds on the death by chocolate ice cream, please.”

Rebecca to Jacob, “Now remember, don’t forget to write me and send a Mother’s Day card each year.”

Rachel to Jacob, “I love the chocolates and red roses, now where are you taking me for our Valentine Dinner?”

Pastors to their flocks “Don’t forget to love others and tithe, you can use your credit card for convenience.”

Washington Post told their readers, “The three main religious Holidays in America—Christmas, Easter and Super bowl Sunday.”


This are some of my funny one liners, but unfortunately many Christians think this way today, not realizing that the world tries to take our eyes off Jesus and also empty our pockets of money to help the lost and poor. It seems they don’t know how to really separate their mind and habits from the Kosmos (worldliness and its systems). There are many ways to express our love to others. However, when we seek Yahweh with all our heart, soul, and mind; then His pure love will flow through us to meet the true needs of those in this world, including our spouse and family. Seeking praise and recognition from anyone other than God is not only foolish but vain. Remember to give thanks and praise in the midst of struggles and hardship for He will reward those in His time. The Lord is the Faithful One willing to help and lead us through every circumstance, and ALL HIS PROMISES will come to pass if we trust Him and not doubt.

Do you not know, friendship with the world is enmity (hostility) toward God? -James 4:4

Do not love the world nor the things of the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” -1 John 2:15

Thank God for his love and mercy. Also, on the more positive side, things are shifting and the scales of justice are changing. In order for the Kingdom of God to be established on earth things must change. And the is good new for the saints. People who hinder this progress will to be removed one way or another. Righteous judgment and order is a certainty, and it will be accomplished through the declarations of God's prophets, and the aid of angelic forces. The timing of all this, is always up to God. Remember, it took us a long time for mankind to get us into this mess, but hopefully, it will not take as long to get us out. Amen!