April 27, 2012


Out of Order 

Don't you just hate it when you go to a vending machine to get something, or to a fax, or copy machine and there's a sign posted; "OUT OF ORDER" taped to it. You had your expectation ruined and time was also wasted. Now you have to find another machine. Aren't you glad God is not a machine. Yet, I wonder how many times the Lord has come to us or tried to get our attention, and found us "out of order." Is it really any surprise that so many marriages, families, businesses and many other things failing or struggling, because they are "Out of Order." Unless our relationships with Jesus Christ is fully restored and in working order, there can still be problems. And until the church is unified in Christ, everything else in the world will have little value and be out of order.


Here is some thought provoking questions. 
Do you find contentment is your walk with the Lord?
Have you heard what on His heart lately?
If, you are married, do you treat you spouse the same as Jesus?
Has your passion and intimacy for your spouse or the Lord changed from the time when you first got married or saved?
If so, why?
Are there areas of past hurts or differences that interfere with those relationships?
If so, why? 
Do you want to see them restored? 
Can you totally forgive?
Is there anything that you blame God for that may be hurting your relationship with Him?

God wants to restore all things However, the spiritual things in our lives are a priority with Him. He's done everything He can to make that possible. When we understand God's heart, we'll have everything we need and everything else will eventually come into its proper order.


The Lord says, "I AM the great physician, I'm restoring the hearts. I'm restoring the minds and I Am restoring the whole Body of Christ. I AM the great restorer. I'm also bringing my sons and daughters out of the caves and out of the forest and into the light, and into My House. I am restoring them and I am restoring all things. I hear your prayers, and I'm answering them."

April 20, 2012

Rite of Passage

Today I would like to share with you some things from the twenty-first chapter of John. There are a lot of interesting things that we could discussed, including the last verse. Which states, "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written." (John 21: 25) Wow! I mean wow. We have just one book, the Holy Bible, and it contains so much history of God working along with His children, the ministry of Jesus Christ, and some special letters. Yet, one would wonder just what all Jesus did during His life and the last 40 days after His resurrection. Whatever it was the disciples never doubted Jesus again, neither did they questioned Him about waiting in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit and the power that was to come upon them. They just knew something really big or exciting was about to happen.

However, there is another area I would like us to focus on. In the beginning of the chapter, Peter wants to go fishing and other disciples decided to go along with him. As you see, it was very easy for them to fall back into old habits, and how easy others were willing to follow when they didn't think Jesus was there. But there He was, waiting and watching from the shore; while they struggle to accomplish something they thought would benefit others. But they came up empty-handed just like we so often do.

Then Jesus tells the disciples to cast their nets on the right side of the boat, and suddenly their nets were filled to overflowing. What's interesting is that they did not realize it was Jesus until after they saw the miracle in their net. Then Peter gets dressed, forsakes the big catch and swims to shore to be the first to greet Jesus. Peter was always a little ran bumptious. (Notice that Jesus told them to cast their net on the right side of the boat. Maybe it was a play on words. However, they certainly were not doing what He had planned for them. Yet, Jesus was still gracious with these young recruits.)

After Peter swims to shore, Jesus tells him to bring some of the fish that were just arriving; so they could add them to the ones that He was already cooking over hot coals. (God often takes a little of what we have and adds it to what He has to offer. Also, I'm curious how Jesus got that fire started or where those fish and bread came from.) Then someone decides to count the impressive haul of large fish, and the grand total was 153 fish. That number is important, because it's the numerical number for the Hebrew word that means fish. (This is where the author of the Bible Code picked up some clues as to help him and us understand the Bible's real meaning a little better. It is also why God has certain numbers mentioned throughout the Bible to help others decipher hidden treasures.) 

Anyway after they had their breakfast and Peter's stomach was full, Jesus asks Simon Peter this question, "Do you love me? Well, if he had any food in his mouth he probably would have choked on it. As it was Peter's stomach was starting to churn and his mind was reeling back to that awful night when he denied knowing Jesus.

In Jesus life, there were two significant questions that He had asked, and they were both answered by Peter. First was—"Who do you say I am?" and the second was here on the shores of Galilee. "Simon, son of John, do you love Me? Oh how Peter struggle to form the right answer for Jesus. There was no bold declaration or bragging this time. A simple "yes" would probably have sufficed, but Peter was struggling with the word agape (love). Yet, Jesus still asked him two more times. Peter's final answer was, "Lord, you know all things. You know that I love you." Peter couldn't use the same word for love, but Jesus knew his heart. And after each response, Jesus counters with a simple request.

Wow! How would you feel or respond if you had failed or denied someone you loved, such as your spouse. And they asked you three times, if you really loved them? Would you start listing all the good things you've done or would do, to prove your love? We have all denied Jesus and failed Him many times also. Yet, Jesus was not looking for lavish words or promises from us. He knows how well we have done, just as He had seen Peter's accomplishments as a fisherman and as a disciple. Yet, it was not Jesus intention to shame Peter, in fact it was quite the contrary. Jesus always loved Peter. Jesus wanted to move Peter from the past to the future. He also wanted to share some things that were important and how he could prove his love. (John 14:15 and 1 John 2:6))

Peter had already spent three and a half years of intense training with the Lord. He had left everything to followed the Messiah. He ate, drank and slept near Jesus, plus he saw many miracles. He always wanted to be close to Jesus; to help or even defend his Master. Peter had tried so hard to please the Lord, but in the end, it was his pride that had to be dealt with if he was really going to be beneficial in helping others. That was accomplished and now he was ready, even though Peter hardly felt like it or worthy. Peter realized that he would always be dependent on the Lord, just as we should be.

God's grace often comes to us when we least expected it.

This is the area I would like to highlight: this was one of those times for Peter. This was his "Rite of Passage." A time for Peter to withdraw from his current status and prepare to move to another level. This was also God commissioning Peter, who had become a son, even though he did not realized it at the time. Peter had also been granted power and authority to carry out his mission. All of that was accomplished by this simple act of God's grace. Peter had done nothing special to earn or deserve it, except to say "yes" and then God stepped into Peter's life and heart. Now, it was just the two of them standing there on the beach looking at each other; face to face. Then Jesus asks him a simple question, three times, and that was all it took. Wow!

Peter was now a shepherd over God's sheep, he was to feed the lambs and lead His sheep (by example) and to care for their needs. But most important, Peter was to keep his eyes on Jesus and follow Him. Peter was not to concern himself with the future or his past, nor the future of other apostles, even though Jesus gave him some clues of his own future. Peter was to follow Jesus (Christ Spirit) and obey His simple requests, that all.

As followers and disciples of Jesus Christ, we have left our old ways and/or possession. But despite our efforts and mistakes, it is still by God's grace alone that we are offered the "Rite of Passage." In other words, you may hear Jesus say to you, "Do you love me?" And after that, "Follow Me." (Luke 9:23) Jesus Christ is not looking for special words, promises or performance, just a simple 'yes' and then submit to His will. This is also the beginning of Sonship.

Note: Peter still made some mistakes and that is why we too should demonstrate God's grace, especially toward spiritual leaders. We are either commissioned to be a shepherd and/or a witnesses. The heavenly Father has large flocks of sheep and many of them are still lost. They are of all ages, sizes, colors, cultures and spiritual levels of maturity, and they all need help, including you and me. But, most of all we need God's love and the world needs our love.

April 13, 2012


The Titanic epic has been in the news a lot lately, because of its 100th anniversary since the tragedy. Men still try to exploit the event in many ways. In 1997, there was the blockbuster film, Titanic, and now a remake in 3D. There were also some new underwater pictures of the vessel setting on the ocean floor. The Titanic was an impressive ship, and a picture of mans achievements. Now, all that glory lies at the bottom of the sea. Yet, just like so many other things that man has made, they are destined to fall. In the past, mankind has built large towers, impressive cities and vast empires and they too have met their demise. They were also a prophecy.

Knowing how the Titanic sank or why has been open for discussion for years, but the real reason for the tragedy was because of man's pride. Even the very actions of the captain leading up to and after the "accident" were marred with pride. Mankind has always sought to build something to elevate himself, starting with Nimrod, his family and friends. They said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth." (Gen. 11:4) They make foolish and arrogant statements such as that or, "Not even God can sink this ship." And God just shakes His head and says, "Just watch me and see what I can do." Pharaoh also saw what God could do and yet men still continues to challenge God. Everything man has built will sooner or later come to an end, just as the Tower of Babel and the Titanic. But, we know that there is only one sure thing, and that is Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

One night the Lord said, the Titanic sinking was a tragedy, but it was also a prophecy of an even greater event. In the Book of Revelation chapters 18 and 19, we read that God is going to bring down Mystery Babylon, the mother of Harlots, all the world systems, including man-made religions will come to an end. 

Such disasters are just warnings and prophesy that demonstrate what God allows to happen or initiates. Hopefully the next generation won't make the same mistakes. Many believe the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center on 9/11 was a warning or a wake-up call for America. It too was a prophecy and now man builds and even taller tower in their place. 

God will continue to deal with man's pride by shaken them, whether it by terrorist, wars, earthquakes, or economic collapse. He will humble mankind in order to try and save him. God's does not want to destroy us. He loves us and desire to bless the whole earth the way it was meant to be from the very beginning.

Note: The following article is an allegory I wrote several years ago based on the Titanic tragedy, and I've reedited it with some help from my wife.

The Good Ship Christianity

  There are many good men that have taken the helm of great ships but this one was the greatest one of them all. Many years of preparation, planning, designing, sweat and a lot of workers were involved in order to build this grand cruise ship named Miss Christianity, the pride of the fleet. The commander and staff of the corporation had declared and assured their supporters that this was the best. The passenger manifest showed all the experienced and well educated people that had been involved in creating this ship, as well as a long list of generous supporters. The ship featured many levels for their special guests; although everyone was assured that they were important. This ship was vaunted as the safest and the most comfortable of cruise ships in the world, one that not even the devil could sink. The designers and engineers had built in many safety features and escape plans, including their favorite "The Raptureus." Although it had never been tested; it had been hailed as the favorite by popular vote. Many books and movies had depicted it in theory, yet how it worked was anyone's guess; but everyone loved the idea anyway and it was considered foolproof.

Along with all of its safety features you could travel in the greatest of comfort, from small and simple berths to large and luxurious suites, while journeying to your next destination Heavenica, for the low price of only ten percent. Some thought that price was a bit high, but the promoters assured them that it would be well worth their money. After all, Heavenica was out of this world, its beauty was beyond description. A lot of promises were made on how this trip would change one's life. The only stipulations required for the trip were some do's and don'ts, taking an initiation pledge (and the plunge), and the promise to be "good" and to do "good" things. A few grumbled at first but eventually they gladly complied, because each passenger there was guaranteed that a mansion would be waiting for them upon arrival in Heavenica, and the guests would never have to work again. Plus, they were all assured before they got on board that this was the "trip of a lifetime," and nothing could stop them, not even the devil. So, with that understood, they proudly got in line, wearing their crosses and carrying all their old baggage on this maiden voyage to the promised land of Heavenica. Once on board, everyone settled in comfortably for the long voyage ahead of them.

As this grand ship left behind the "old life," everyone was excited about the cruise and the good things that would happen along the way. Some, mostly the older ones, couldn't wait to get to Heavenica with all its promises, a place where there were no more tears, sickness or sorrow. On board Miss Christianity, was found every form of entertainment you could think of, but mostly on Sundays.  There were programs and all sorts of classes, special guest speakers from around the world as well as entertainment for every age. Yet, most people were content to just sit and listen rather than get involved themselves. Religious and secular music of every style was played on a sound system 24/7 to the delight of everyone. But, as the voyage continued, some passengers began to get restless, edgy, cranky, and some were just bored; the trip was taking much longer than expected. Most of the guests, however; were in no real hurry to get to Heavenica because they were having so much fun with all the activities and the pleasures of eating on the cruise. And though they had encountered a few storms, they had come through each one with little inconvenience. The promoters would speak to them once or twice a week, giving advice, reassuring them that all was well and that everything was going according to plan. They encouraged the guests to be patient, after all, we are doing this for God, and it will be worth it, it's just a matter of time.

But something happened along the way—a night that no one would soon forget. It was a dark and starry night, with a full moon watching from an almost cloudless sky, when the unthinkable happened. Many passengers were sleeping, while others were dancing and drinking the night away on board Miss Christianity. The crew had become careless and overconfident as time passed. The watchmen were at their posts, drinking lattes and watching their favorite program, Right Behind, a mini-series without the cross. On his way to get a refill, one of the watchmen noticed an object protruding from the calm sea. He immediately called the Captain. What they saw horrified them. It looked like two giant hands jutting from the sea. The Captain issued orders to come about hard to starboard hoping to avoid a collision with the hand-like objects, but it was too late and they collided with the left hand causing it to slice into the port side of the good ship Miss Christianity. They had tried to avoid it but now their only hope lay in a quick prayer, hoping that the design they had put their trust in would be enough to save them. They had barely felt the impact, yet the frantic reports coming from down below, painted a much direr picture.

The hopes and dreams of these great men soon evaporated at the realization that they had miscalculated and the impossible had happened. The Captain was reluctant to admit it, but he had no choice than to warn the sleeping passengers and crew. At first most of the passengers were confused, even after the alarms had sounded. They thought perhaps it was a drill, for it couldn't possibly be happening (for the captain was known to a kidder at times, because he didn't take life all that seriously). He now had to tell them the truth that their unsinkable ship was indeed sinking. The guests started to complain that they had paid a lot of money for this cruise and what about all those promises and safety features? Yet reality was before them like a nightmare you can't awake from. They were going down and nothing could stop it. The promoters tried to encourage the worried crowd that there was still hope, reminding them to remain calm. But what he saw on many of their faces was bewilderment, disbelief and even anger. As the ship began to lean, the passenger's attitude quickly changed from complaining to panic! Survival instincts kicked in... And it was me first!

While they had embarked with a sense of unity and shared purpose they now were bent on saving themselves as they scrambled to get off the Miss Christianity any way they could. But to their horror, when they got to the main deck, they were informed that there were not enough life boats for everyone. Most of them would die. Who should be saved and how would they decide, was now the question. Some yelled, "I'm an important person," Others cried, "I'm too young to die" or "This can't be happening." Many just shouted in disbelief, "You promised, and I believed you." No response was given or heard from the Captain or crew as panic ensued.

Likened to the ship Titanic, the religion of Christianity is just another religious ship on the sea of life. And no man-made religious ship will ever survive the left hand of God's judgement no matter what anyone claims. Its demise is just a matter of time. There is only one ship any of us needs to be on and that is the one where Jesus alone is the helmsman, not man. It's important that we place our faith in Jesus' words and not on what other people say. We must keep our eyes on Him and not on the circumstances or problems of life. It is not our precepts, doctrines or traditions that will save us, but a personal and intimate relationship with the Captain of the Sea, Jesus Christ.

April 6, 2012

God's Masterpiece

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ was God's masterpiece. Before time ever began, this work had been planned.  More inspiring than the works of  Michelangelo, more dramatic than Moses parting the Red Sea. It was there on a cross, set on a hill, that God chose to display His masterpiece of love. Battered, torn, bruised and bloodied Jesus' body hung there naked before the world to take away your sins and mine. The very act defied man's conscience and challenged his reasoning. Angels struggled to comprehend it while man's finite minds could never have conceived of such. And no one other than Jesus, the Lamb of God, could complete His divine plan.

Jesus gave his all, down to his last drop of blood, to fulfill the covenant promises God made with Abraham, the very promises that became the Constitution for every believer. It was only through Jesus' pain and suffering we were healed, and it was His sacrifice alone that redeemed us from our sin, guilt and shame. This single act also declared our freedom as well as the doom of satan, the enemy of our souls, to hell. No one else could have done such a thing. No one other than Yahweh himself, the Christ, was willing to die for you and me.

As Jesus, our Passover Lamb, hung between heaven and earth he spoke the most powerful words ever spoken on this planet, "It is finished." With that final stroke of genius, the heavenly Father was once again united with his creation and all was restored. Those simple words still resonate through time and space. God's work was truly complete. Everything you and I will ever do or receive was accomplished that day, that very moment and never again will we see such a scene. It will always be remembered that Jesus was crucified, so that we could have life. Our faith, our future and our very existence is based on this awesome display. All those who acknowledge this work of art, realize they are indeed truly blessed. To God be all the glory forever and ever. Amen.

John 3:16, revealed the Father's heart and Jesus' life, death and resurrection as God's Masterpiece.

April 2, 2012

Identity Crises

A few weeks ago, I shared a prophecy of some things that the Lord had told me, mainly about my thumb sucking. But He also mentioned that I struggled with an identity crises. I've been thinking more about that statement, and I'm realizing it was still true, even though I knew certain facts. But I realize I'm not the only one, in fact most of the world struggles with an identity crises, including Christians and politicians. This is a huge problem, more than we realize. Let me try to explain the best I can.

When I was a young artist, I had so much confidence. I was good at it, even designing and building things too. Rarely was I afraid to try anything. Then I got married and had a daughter, and things got more complicated. I wanted to please my wife and daughter, to meet their expectations as a husband, lover and provider, as well as a father and as a "good" Christian role model. That didn't go as well as I had hoped, and I made a lot of mistakes.

Then Jesus stepped back into my life and things got even more complicated. How do I please God and my wife, daughter and family? This was even more challenging, and of course I had my own desires and expectations too. It wasn't working very well and I had more difficulty understanding who I really was.

Most men identify themselves by what they do, yet that's not who they really are—the same applies for women too. But, I no longer had an occupation or job, so who or what was I really? Then just over a year ago the Lord told me certain facts about my life, just as He had told Sheldon. However, knowing something and living it out on a daily bases was another thing, at least for me.

Watching Sheldon David has helped me a lot, especially these last few years. I saw more of what I want to become like. David has become so powerful and confident and in love with the Father, and that is what I want also. I just have not realized how badly I need Him. Having a revelation of the heavenly Father has really changed David's life, and I know it will also change mine.

The last few years, I have still wrestled with my flesh, along with certain doubts and fears. Those kinds of things have caused me to struggle with my true identity, even though I have also gotten to know the Father's heart a little better. My confidence would waver, and at times I still felt inadequate, but that was just the enemy messing with my brain.

One evening the Lord said, I was His friend and a few other facts as to who I was. Now, He wants to solidify them once and for all so I would not struggle my identity any more. We are heading for a new adventure—a road trip. A time where Father and son will really bond together.

I also love my earthly father, who is now in a rest home. He is kind, generous, and friendly and loves God. He also loved me, yet we really didn't have much of a real bonding even though he helped me many times. I don't blame him; he did the best he knew how; probably because that was the way he was raised. To me I thought this was normal, but I was wrong. However, I am very grateful for the role he had in my life.

A father should want to bond with his children; to share his feelings and teach them how to love and honor people as well as other spiritual principles that will sustain them for the rest of their lives. He needs to give them a vision for their future, of how he sees them. It's important that he blesses them and let know they are loved, as well as how proud he is of them. But most of all, to teach them the ways of God and how to have an intimate relationship with their heavenly Father. 

However, this rarely happens in families, and so the concept of a true fatherhood has been lost or distorted over the years. Yet, this is what it take to build true identity. Unfortunately, in many cases the father is no longer an influence or even in the picture. And so the world struggles with this father image and an identity crises. Most of us just live in ignorance not realizing how important this really is. If we really know our father, how will know who we are.

The same goes for our heavenly Father and how He sees us. Sure we can say I am His son or daughter, doctrinally. But, what does that all really mean or require of us? How do we live that out on a daily bases? This is where true faith and trust comes in. We're not just to talk to our heavenly Father, but we also need to hear and obey Him, and to know His plans for us. Then we know who we really are. 

Jesus knew who He was and His mission. He was bold and confident, yet kind and loving. Jesus also had no problems dealing with satan, people, religious guides or political leaders. Circumstances never bothered Him; whether it was a storm at sea or feeding a multitude of people. He just didn't worried about anything, because He knew His Father would supply all His needs. Jesus also spent time with his Father, learning the Father's heart and will each day, and then speaking and doing it. Jesus always knew His Father was pleased with Him, and where His power and authority came from. Jesus never had any doubt of who he was—the Son of God. There was no identity crises for Him. Jesus was also a prophet, priest and king, and guess what, so are we.

(to be continued)