October 27, 2009

Halloween - Trick or Treat

The end of this week, millions of Americans will be celebrating Halloween, the 31 of October. It would seem that the commercial and product industries have built this one day event to compete with the Christmas season, with Thanksgiving sandwiched in between. Starting weeks ahead, stores are decorated, shelves filled with bags of assorted candy, costumes (everything imaginable) and merchandise all related to Halloween. You can even decorate your yard and house with lights, characters (creatures) and fixtures in the traditional colors; black and orange. However, Halloween and Christmas are not really arch rivals, they are in competition together, to get more of your mind and your dollars. They are about the deception of evil, and the ignorance of many people in society.

Traditions have always had a powerful influence on cultures around the world, both good and bad. Since the beginning of time, Satan and man have conspired to influence people to band together for "good," rather than submit to the ways of God. The first city and tower were built as a means of self protection, (rather than trusting in God's protection). To celebrate mans accomplishments or beliefs, he established special days to honor himself or his creations (his gods). These repeated honors became traditions, the inspiration of men by the influence of Satan, for the sole purpose of destroying God's plans and His creation. Satan starts first in the mind, by giving a person a thought or an idea. Then these thoughts are transformed into acts that seemed very innocent at first (a little bad or good) depending on your frame of mind. The subtlety of Satan's words to Eve," did God really say," (implying that you can do better) has lured all of us at times, down through the ages, to do things we should not do. The fallen nature of man tends to follow others rather than God, and so "the mass" of people, have been a powerful force ever since the beginning. Going against those traditions is unthinkable, for most people, including most Christians.

Halloween, was and still is an evening pagan festival, to celebrate the "high day" of Satan, ( Hallowed evening) with rituals of animal and even human sacrifices. It is also tied to death, demons, devils, ghost, curses, black magic, skeletons and witchcraft and their potion pots. The demonic realm is real and is always active (especially at night and on Halloween) even in casual parties, mischief activities, and satanic rituals. These evil spirits are seeking to steal the soul of men, to please their "god of darkness," Satan.

But over the century, though religious influences, Halloween has also become an elaborate festival geared mostly for young children. Adults have offered special events and activities using candy, games, haunted houses, horror stories and scary movies to feed on their innocent minds. It's become a unique way for children to play pranks, go to parties and extort candy from door to door. Many think it's cute, "trick-or-treat," and have gone along with it.

However, in the past decade or so, there are more adults getting involved. MSN Business Reports  2009, states that Americans will spend almost 5 billion dollars and over half of that will be spent by adults on high-quality costumes and accessories to go parties, night clubs, bars and restaurants as " their way of escape." More retail businesses and sales people are also getting into the act by decorating and dressing up at their place of businesses, after all, why should kids have all the fun. For some kids and adults, its an excuse to be bad one day a year, either by throwing eggs or pumpkins, or stealing and much worst. All of this done in a childish and colorful or ugly sort of way, wearing masks, pretending to be something they're not. Despite it's cuteness and fun, the spirits behind Halloween are not cute but, demonic "leaches and cling ons" that will destroy lives over the years. The inspiration and the originator, satan, still goes around 24/7, masquerading as a "angel of light." His agenda is "to steal, kill, and destroy." The saddest part of all this is that there are many Christians, who are naive and still do not fully understand all the dangers associated with Halloween.

Fifty some years ago, I remember trick or treating, and bringing home bags of candy. But when I got older my brother and I went to our church parties, that had "haunted rooms" in the basement. My mother played the role of a witch, (with mask) and her cauldron brewing pot for several years. Later on, religious books on witchcraft and satanism started to have a influence on churches celebrating Halloween and things changed for a while. Even the general public became concerned about Halloween, because of the increasing danger, from "sick minds," regarding the safety of their children, the candy, and other things children were given.

Traditions are hard to break and the pier pressure of the world was more than many church could handle. As churches tried to grow and accommodate their flocks, so there were many members who were still jealous of the world's traditions, but fearful of the dangers for their children. They wanted an alternative and so the ministers obliged, by having parties at the church the same night. Some also saw it's potential as an outreach ministry for reaching other families for Christ through their kids, this would be OK, if they follow through with sharing Jesus and hopefully telling the truth about Halloween. But other just use it as an alternative, (shame on them). To try to make their Halloween parties more "spiritual," many of them change the name to such things as Noah' Ark Party, where you can dress-up as animals, or Bible Party, or Harvest Festival, with biblical characters costumes, and even Candy Festival. ( Is it really a wonder, why more kids are sick in the winter, with all the sugar they eat.) Some have even tried to move it to the next day and you will even find it on some calendars, as All Saints Day. Religious minds are very creative, believing they are still pleasing God.

Nothing could be further from the truth. God warn the children of Israel repeatedly against making gods, serving other gods or the practises of other nations and the dangers. (Ex.23:24,32,33 and
Deut.12:30-32) Even in the New Testament we are warn, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbeliever. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness. (II Cor 6:14). King Saul was rebuked, when he tried to spare the sheep, to offer as a sacrifice to the Lord. (what do ministers think all these examples and scripture were given for). The practice of substitution for obedience (name changes are substitutions) was never acceptable to God; but it still continue to thrive in many churches and organized religion, because substitution (compromise) is the heart of organized religion. Everyday belongs to the Lord and we should love only Jesus and celebrate only his Holy days, not the worlds or their religious festivals or holidays.

Churches and individuals need to repent for their blindness, compromise and lust for the world and it's religious festivals. They need to honest and tell adults and their children the truth about Halloween and the need to honor and obey God. There is no reason to be jealous unless that is where our heart really is. Don't be deceived, those activities can not only poison our mind, body and spirit but our future children also. Many serious health issues have occurred in people because of touching or associating with demonic articles and activity. The Bible states that,"My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge."( Hosea 4:6). Our mind can become open doors, to the demonic spirits tied to these type of festivals, even by association if we are not careful and covered by the Blood of the Lamb. The Bible warns us not to even bring any of those kind of things (unclean) into your home, that are tied to pagan worship , festivals and holidays.
"You shall burn the carved images (my notes:this includes pictures, displays, costumes and decorations) of their gods with fire; nor shall covet the silver or the gold that is on them, nor take it for yourselves lest you be snared by it; for it is an abomination to the Lord. Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be doomed to destruction like it. You shall utterly detest it and utterly abhor it, for it is an accursed thing." (Deut. 7:25-26).
" Any object that is made for the use in Satan's service is cursed and cannot be cleansed. They must be destroyed. Examples of these are idols, statues of demons gods, and jewelry with occultic symbols. About half of all the souvenirs found in any shop around the world are cursed objects. Why? Because often they are articles pertaining to the local culture which usually involves demon worship." Unbroken Curses, by Rebecca Brown M.D. and Daniel Yoder
We must protect our mind and our children from demonic influences. Pray about it and ask God where you have yielded to demonic influence and what to do if invited to a Halloween party. If God says, "go" then proceed in his authority. But if He says, "don't go" then say, "no thank you." You can explain, if they want to know more. But don't be surprised, if they think you're being silly. (After all, most people think, it's just pretending.) You can also use it as an opportunity to tell them about Jesus and His Kingdom of love.
Jesus said to the pharisees," Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your traditions."( Math.15:3).

"And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is..." (Rom.12:2)