September 15, 2010

Another Beginning

God often takes us through new doors, levels or stages in our walk with Him. He also calls them "new beginning." And so it is for both Sheldon David and I. God is taking each of us to different levels. We have been friend for over 22 years and in that time we have done many things together and we have also learned so much from the Lord. Our spiritual callings are different, and yet they have complimented each other as well.

Since moving to Vancouver, Washington where Sheldon lives, we have gotten to do more together. Sheldon has continued to disciple me and edited my articles every Tuesday or Wednesdays for over a year. But God decided that the time has come for me to be less dependent on Sheldon's help, spiritual strength or his approval. We will still meet for Bible study on Thursday with other people and on Friday evenings, when just the to of us meet for prayer, worship and intercession. However, last week was the last time we met for editing my articles. Sheldon has been very patience with me. So, please bare with me and any grammar errors you might find as God continues to help me. I'm hoping my wife will help more often. She is very good at editing.

The Lord said to me,
"I separate to establish." So it has come time for me to move foreword without any crutches or applauds. I have often asked for Sheldon's opinion on certain things, even on my Blog articles, because he knows God much better that I do. But, God wanted to change that and it didn't really come me as a surprise. It was nice while it lasted and I learned a lot. I am very grateful for all the time Sheldon has help me. This will also give Sheldon more time to do what he needs to. He is a very blessed and awesome man of God and someday people will see and realize just how blessed.

I actually feel pretty good about this move, yet a little nervous. It also means I'm becoming more dependent on God, which is what I've always wanted, especially in ministry. Everyone needs to eventually learn to walk with the Lord on their own. Even Moses wanted help at first so God gave him Aaron until he got his confidence. We are to live by faith and do what God tells us, and not always looking to others for help, approval or even their OK; that includes friends, parents and even your wife.

Most people seek the approval of others. But, as followers of Jesus Christ, we're not to seek their approval. The other night God said to us,
"I told you, that you would share My reputation, good or bad, as it needs to be. Leave it in My hands and let it become what it needs to. For it doesn't matter what man thinks or says. The Father is the audience. He's the only audiences that matters. The audience of one is the only one that matters. There's not an American who thinks like that...Yet, you realized that Christ is the principle itself. That if you have God you have everything."

This has also been a problem for most people in the world, especially for leaders and people in ministry and that shouldn't be the situation. We are to listen and obey God regardless of what others think. Adam, Aaron and King Saul are just a few example of men who made very serious mistakes by listen to the voices of others. God's word and ways are foremost. Jesus said and did only what He saw the Father saying and doing (John 5:19), regardless of what others thought. If Jesus did it, shouldn't we?

Our fears often whole us back from fulfilling God's will for our lives as well as others. There is a time in which we need to be taught. Jesus also taught his disciples, but there also came a time for them to graduate. The Disciple were able to do far more than they had ever imagined , after Jesus' ascension. They learned to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and walk in Christ's strength and power, by spending more time waiting in the presence of the Heavenly Father.

A few weeks ago God said to us,
"This will be the best year in your life." I'm believing that and looking foreword to sharing it with you in the months and years ahead. Now, is the most important time for all of us to get closer to the Heavenly Father. So close that you can hear His heart beat. Each beat is telling us how much He loves us. We also need to listening to what He's saying and doing. Lately, He has been saying, "All that I am and all that I have is yours." Its time to return home and receive the inheritance of the Father. The most important and valuable thing is becoming one, "I am" with Him.