January 3, 2012


The year 2012 is not going to be the end of the world, as some men have predicted, but it will be the beginning of a mighty move of God's incredible love, grace and power on earth. For over a year the Heavenly Father has been talking to us a lot about grace. Although His grace has always been here, yet it will come forth in a degree or level never seen before. The sons of God are going to demonstrate His love, power and authority that will change the way the world thinks, acts and becomes.

In the past we had the visitation of Jesus Christ the Son, Pentecost and the Holy Spirit movement and now we're going to see the visitation of the Heavenly Father. Something that has never been done before. The Lord said, that He would be going into the gay community, prostitution rings, the gang members, the drug culture, even the occults and people who have had multiple sex partners into the hundreds—looking for His lost sheep in the year 2012. Wow, I have been praying for this to happen for many years, and I'm excited to see that it's finally coming to pass.

There's a hurting world out there and the only way we can help them is if we embrace them with the arms of the Heavenly Father. We are all saved by the grace of God. No one sin is really worse than another in God's eyes. Only foolish people bound by religion and unforgiveness would think otherwise. We also need to pray for their deliverance too and declare freedom to a lost, hurting and deceived world.
Sin is sin. We all do it and more often than we realize. God knows our every thought (Ps. 139:2). And that the heart of man is desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9). Jesus even said, that if you looked upon a women with lust, you have committed adultery. Oops! Or if you hated someone, that it was the same as murder. Wow, I think were all guilty, right? Only a fool or self-righteous person would think their better than another person. Yet, the Heaven Father loves us all and is planning on demonstrate that love to a broken world. I'm working with The Father to help restore it. I believe that's your desire also. Amen!

God is raising up spiritual son and daughters to complete the visions of the Kingdom of God that He has given you, me and future generations. I know who I am and nothing can change or stop that, the same wholes true for you. We are to prophecy and write the future, because we are God's of sons, who hear His voice and know the Father's heart. All of this happens not because of anything we've done, but because of His amazing grace and love for us. All we have done is chosen to agree with Him and be lead by His Spirit. Right?

Have a great new year as God reveals more of Himself to you. 2012 will be the year of Resurrection. We will see things come back to life we once thought were dead (such as hopes, dreams, and a "lost generation"). There will continue to be overturn, and politics in the USA will never be the same, and the judicial system will be cleansed. The medical system will not be able to compete with the power of God. The physical and spiritually dead will rise up, and the Annais's and Sapphira's will fall, including the democratic party.

This will be the greatest decade the world has ever seen, with miracles, signs and wonders. We are entering an Era of Incredible Grace, with God doing things like nothing we've ever seen or read before, even in Biblical time. "God greatest miracles are yet to come," says the Lord. And its will all happen, because of the visitation of The Heavenly Father, on planet Earth.

May God bless you, and increase your visions and fulfill your dreams. Have a blessed and prosperous new year in Christ.